' THIS'N THAT . ' Br Alice Burton . Patterson Grove Section j One of the most enjoyable event* cf (the past week wait the birthday ^ dinner given at the home of Mr aid Mix. fV.ce Harmon, Easter Sunday in lienor of Mrs. llanuui's and Mrs. f I?ill Solle.V . b,rthday. j<jL large number of relatives and frlenda were present. The dinner, tvas served pic- f n'c stye in the Harmon's front yard. Mrs Harmon and Mrs. Sellars are 1 I ^ IWIHO. , (MfcSsoa Marv France* and Lucille i Wave entertained a number of i friends-ivlth nn egg boiling given at! their home Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. W R. Neeley and \ daughter of Fort M1H, 8. C. were Quick . .Result*?Low Cast? I HEKALD I Classified Ads ' v 2a a vkord for first insertion; half price for subsequent insertion* Minimum charge 24c. Do not aak for information qegarding "keyed" ads. as thsy are atrlotly confidential. la responsible for only ana In correct inionwn. Iiw customer Is responsible for subsequent Insertion*. The sdvsrtirer should * notify Immediately of any corrections needed. 1 Want ads are always . cash In advanoa except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. i LOST or STRAYED*~l k~ Berkshire 1 p<g. Please nctlfy: I). V. Randall, 41-? 8. Canslcr St., Kings Mountain, N. C. REMEMBER ? On. Saturday you get one of. pur delicious Ha nana Split.! for ouly 10c. ICtuga Mountain Drug Company. , , FREE! If exce?i acid iiiuhcs you pains of Stomach Dicers. Indigestion. Heartburn, Retailing, Bloating, -Knupco, (Ins Pallia. c?'t free Simple, Udga. ?t Kings Mountain tlrug Ci>. 5-4-p. FOR RENT ?. Ht isp to n couple. ( Inquire, at 402 Gold street, KEY S M ADE, LO CKS^ VACUUM Cleaners, ijuial! Klcclrioal Apple an cos, - and Speejome'crs repaired C. t- Ham spy. Phone 126-M Sept. It^ifc LOST _ BUNCH OP KEYS. He T ward for return to Herald Ofllce YOUR $sA IF * w,LL^fcvou GO^jrftEAD ' FAR ^THE APS ???? t 1 ? i (Continued Next Week) f1* v a ^\\ l l i rv U V * S ? -1 i^BI. "' t TOM AND GEORGE George: "A Httle boy's grandmoth 4 ei died and he wrote ? little letter , addressed to the angelsT" Tom: "'.Vhat did he write? George:. 'We have sent you grandma, pleaae give her a hirp to play on for she Is short wmded and can't blow a trumpet.' We are just reminding you that we wnrtt WAh +rv lelsal# A| > >.4... ..v ... /VM w Kiim v? W'?n y?U | think of furnishing* for tho homo. I D. F. Hord Furniture Co. I Buy It For Loss At Hord't I "the clanc -'now hold itnu pictopc is coinc on i co l/cr of thc honcvdau VyCSTATej SPRING CAFAti ( / " TH Isltofa in Uvia aectlca fkiaday. Mr. and Mr*. Oradjr Sofcm and amlly w< re the Sunday gueete of Irv and Mr.-. Mcar) Sciam. .Mr. and Mm Foeeat "Wearer of i'.nga Mountain halted friend* In his comfnuuttjr Sunday afterncon. Mi'ssee Lucille Edward* and Reba Vrlgtu were hostesses at an esc ><>ll!ng given at the home of the itter last week. A number of ritncta were present. Messrs \V. B. and Odell Burtcn of he Cora Mill Village )1?Ued lelatlvs of this, section Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. -VV. Green and fain I ly of Psenlx Mills were guests of lire. Greene's parents Sunday. Amcng those who visited Mr. and lirs.. C P. Ware and family Sunday vtre: Mr. <nid Mrs. C. |D Ware and luldren, Mr. and Mrs. James Ware, nd Mr. and Mrs Giesham Thornurg. all of Ki'ngs Mountain. Mm. j facie Got lbs and children of Asher-lile, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baber and si iHnddona. and Mrs. OharMe Or* nund of Gastonta. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Burton of Char rtte visited relatives here Sunday. | Friends of Mr. Marlon Brown will >e sorry to hear that he has been . cry sick tor sever* 1 days. t MSfea Helen Nary of Kings Mormaln spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Gantt. Mr*. OwtU ha* x>en very Mck for several day#. The M. L? Thornburg's had aa heir dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Chanpkn and ana. Miss : i era Thornburg at Charlotte^ and , Mr. and Mrs. La Con Thornburg and Kt?, Danny, of Shelby. DIXON NEWS * " ? ' * (By Charles B. Stewart) The Dixon ball team lost their irgt game of the searm last Saturlay to the Old Mill team. The score i'i> 4-1. Mrs. J. \V.* Farris spent the weeknd with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Childrs and family of Smyrna, S. C. Mr. Jim McCarter spent Sundays j i'th Mr. Quinn -Wells and family of bis community. Mr. end Mrs. Frank Owens and" biklren wevo visitors of Mr. and Irs. J.' A. Stewart Sunday. Mr. nna Mrs. Jim Sellers and sfn, i;d Mr. and Mrs. D. Eubanks and lilk'ven cf Kliiiga Mountain were 'sitors of Mr. and Mis. Sellers Sdnay. IM'.s. P.udc- Sellers was a visitor f Mr. 'and Mrs. Dclbert Jackson cf |ie" Park Yarn Saturday a(tern6on. I Meow1!? <3eo. Stewart-aid ^B. Jhck-yj " It were visitors In: Shelhv So?n*aio?? i Miliars Wells. Robert . , Ham-,, right. RotPite Hnffstctler, Home* J "bei*. Jack Hughes George Sellers i| mbrose Sellers. Ray Stewart Char r* Stewart and Carlson Stewari; Iked to the Pinnacle Easter and pent the day. Mr. anC' Mrs. P'll Farrls and childrh spent Sunday with relatives ear Smvrnoi S. C. Mrs. Annie Jacksm has been sick .r the post few days. Vessr Jack Hughes and Homer j 'nrber attended m welner roast at i Uilloch church Saturday afternoon. Mrs. 1 W. Pnrrlah of Mt. Holly j ius a visiter cf Mr. and. Mrs. Con- j il Hughes Thursday. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby offer thyself as n candi13to for Alderman In Ward Five. Ill < city election lo- bo held In Kings fnnntnln May 2nd. If elected- I prom- < to give my best service to the Miiluet of the elty affairs. Vour In-; ir.enee and vote will be greatly apreefated: R C. Gold, udv?apr 27p ~ . i Cash At Once For YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watohss, Pins 1 Teeth and Trinkets * I GEM JEWELRY CO. 1f3 Main St. , GA8TONIA, N. C. ;y kids gajhjjw| ^ % * V +* > - ? ?% .' KlHGB MOUNTAIN RflRALD, 1 NOTIC1 OF ?AUK ^ VzC)r and by virtu* oC the power ->f aale contained la a dead of trait given by W. It HuHeader and wife,' Prcotbfa Hullend?r, to the under- | signed ns trustee for Mra. Zella I'lanche UanU, cn the 5th doy of Apr'l, 1938, and registered In the Register' of Peeds Office for ' Cleve- ; lard County Ih Book 288 at page 128, i to stecure the indebtedness therein imV toned and default having been nude In the payment of same and at : the request of the holder of the note ! ?.:c,tired by said deed of trust, I will tM'll for cash at the Courthouse door 'n Shelby. Cleveland County, North Carolina, cn Monday May 15. 1939. i" ten otclcck, A. M. or within legal hours, the following described real rrt.'te: . Ecginntr.g on* center of bridge and rum with road 11.6 W. 2.74 chains to an Iron pin In center of road; thrncr 8. \S5 1-4 W. 8.20 chalna to stake In gully In old line; thence with old ''no 8. 20 E. 4.10 chalna to Stake; thence S. 47 1-2 \V. 8.70 t cKMna to atone pile In Harmon's and N. M. Ware's corner; thence with' ISirnton's line 8. 88 E. 2.68 chains j to r#ake lb branch; then<-e with hianch 13.50 chains to the beginning containing three acres, more or lea*, end being the aeme lot eonreyed by Mrs. Zella Blanche Gantt and husband to IV. R. Hnltendn- by deed, da'cd Apr*l 4.. 1938. as will appear on rtccrd In the Register . of- Deeds j Ti ! This the 11th day of April. 1939 J. R. Ddtrli, Tnidw. T idT-Mty 8 ^ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator cf the estate Mrs. Mary B. Klser, deceased. M*e of Cleveland County.' North Carolina, this ts to notify alt pernors having claims against ss'n estate to exhibit the same to ms. the undersigned1 Administrator on rr before the 6th day cf April. IMft. or this notice will pleaded-in bar of any recovery "thereon. All persons Indebted! to said estate arc hereby notified' to make Immediate pavment to me. This the 5th day of April, 1939. A. ST- K'ser. Administrator, -adv?may 11, 193#. u: Duri LIST (TROVER > ;. ?N0.3TC Davidson's Service Stati Jimmy Blanton's Service , Wells Lorwery Service SI Patterson Springs Earl (Southern Depot) At home remainder of nc Forrest T All Real Estate and and 50 are required Farm. Dogs Must b< * rr-'- ' " ^ i*' l"--' . 1 ? I |r ''1 ! . ' 1 Some Team. . ^iy 5W * ! ?. HURSDAT, APRIL. IS. UW NOT1CK or RALS < Under Mid by virtue of the power of utl? contained In an order made t bv K. A. Houeor, Clerk of the 8u c ivrior Court for Cleveland County. I ii the epeclal proceedings entitled. : "Albert Morris, Administrator for i Ire Ketate of W. A. Morris, Decees- 1 rd. .vs. Minnie Hord, et al", 1 will t ,,.11 ,n. h ?v_ i - - I sv ii IVI tu?u VII lull 1I1VU1IIVV VI lOd | l:iiid hereinafter described at public 11 auettou on Saturday, April 29, 1939 i ut ten o'clock, A. M.- or within legal I hours the following described, real I estate: a ' First Tract: A one-third undlvld- I " I interest in the followlug lota: Ten a lets Nos.. 21, 22, 23. 24, 25; 26; 27; | 5 23; 20; and 30 of the Parker drove t property; and all of said lota are 25 '> it front and HQ feet deep, except i lot No. 30, which is a V shape lot, | ;.il said lots are situated on the , West side of a new street or alley ? running north end south; and said lets will epprnr on a mop or plat rf the Porker drove Property In j Cook of plats No. 1 at page .... in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland' County, reference to vblch Is made for a fuller description. j;. Second Tract: Situated on the west side of Piedmont Avenue In the Town of Kings Mountain and being I Lots Nos. 3. 4, and 3 according to a plst of the Parker drove Property ' trode by K U Campbell, surveyor. * lja_wll appear on record. The Home : stare n i I'.tv, i Third Trs-*: Situated Ip the Town i of Kings ilmuulf,' N. C. and BeginI .-inn at a it?OR on tha North aide of Keller Street. (now Fulton street > nilfoea' comer; thence North 25> feet to a stake; thettce West 100 feet to a stake. Hullender'a corner; (formerly Slyer"* corner); thence- along | lhillender'a line South 253 feet to j0?dft""8treet (now Fulton atreet), , Itlunro alone said atreet 190 feet to the beginning, containing 25.100 square feet, more or leas. \ Fourth Tract: Situated on hoth . shies of Lackey Street In the Town pi Kings Mountain and beings lot* ::os. 1?60. inclusive, as wll appear on a plat or map made by E. L. Campbell, surveyor, as will appear n ner Moi OOKS POSITIVELY WILL ] IN YOUR T( ?NO. 4 TO April 7,14, 21 and 28 Iv-^wW; -V " * '- . iv I ' IWNSHIP? in Afternoon, April 3 i Station afternoon Apr 4 ation, afternoon, April 5 April 6 and 7 April 10 and 11 lonth. Hirncr, Lister I Property Owners are require to list Poll Tax. Yon are rei s Listed. iiiiiii^iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHfli \ jbk^ v ?"v*j^ I I .. ? . n*t # Will jarn vci a racori, Fifth Tract: BhuM on tk? souta !de of Waco RoM wd w both sMcs ? >i Canaler Street la Uw Ton ot < tinge Mountain and beta# lots' Noa. j ?51, Inclusive, as will appear on i map or pun. maue oy B. b. wmy it'll, surveyor, as will appear on reo- i >rd. i , I Sixth Tract: Beginning at a stake u AVest edge of Kings Mountain and fork road and runs with Carson's i I no N. SS 1-4 W. 4.02 chains, to an ou stake on bank of gully; thence i new line with gully" N. 65 1-2 K. > 00 chains to a stake on west edge >f said road; thence with road 8outh 1.00 chains to the beginning, consntng one-fourtl. (1-4) of an acre. There are some splendid dwelling louses located on some of the above <>ts and there are some splendid vaent lots, which are suitable for resdcnceSi This the 29th day of March, 1939. Albert Morris, Commissioner. 1. R. (Davis, At\y ?adv?apr 22. r -i . IT PAYS TO LliTKN r-, Read Tba Ads ???' J ' \' ?iiH *"'>1 KSBH mi ith of i BE CLOSED APRIL 30TH IWNSHIP PLE WNSHEP? KINCS MOUNTAIN, Cit; E. L. Can ?NO. 5 TOW Thompson Wright's Stoi Goforth-'s Store Raker's Store Waco At home remainder of n M. P. Harreta ed to List. Male persons betv * * ? quired 10 make f arm Report y'i- \ ' I >, -.;y ;v-:i s By I l'W?' m f*?K A tOVIN J \ Id KARAT Cuff fe-'-r i , *7^1 J I- ' *' ' V* 11 ' il ?mrnpmS** .? rOM CITY COUNCIL WAftO flV* I ktrtbr mbouhw ?mtf mm ohdldate for cky council la Ward firm. p.Meet to Uto election. May t. it elected I prom lee my best efforts to he people tor s better city gorersinfnt. I em under no obUffitdoo tto any group or tectlon. What I own to here end my time will be spent here where 1 can help look after our town'e Interest. Your rote and latinf.ice will be greatly appreciated. If. Tom Fulton. __ ... F?riendly Service O?nly The Best S?mttsfaction Guaranteed T?elephone Number 154 E?excellent Workmanship. R?easonable Prices SHOE SERVICE ?"?'. P . qftfrgpr- r; ^ w. " nmmi | mVI " K 1; " ' f" w '.:'-. j m aim I ^ K: I I J I I I H ' I " April I :ase y Hall, A11 Other Days ipbell Lister 'NSHIP? I e April 6 April 7 April 10 I April 11 tenth. >n, Lister' reen the ages of 21 also if you live on a >ERCY L. CROSBY hi .? ** uimm'Bt?u*m ? ? ! f6t?!lHCVO?THO(/6Hrrp|| ^'l J THACA?IM?j w 1 ** ' ^ / ' .

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