, Ml " UY AT HOMK v . ; *- \ ' 'VOL, 29 NO. 19 - f . State And N flnnrlpneprl fi vwmwwMVWM Al ?State News? Rockingham,. April 17.?Virginia McCain, negress. w$b lodged In the Rlrfuiiond t'ouuty jail vary yesterday morning <11 a charge of murder following the fatal stabbing of Katie Robinson, middle-aged negress. at a local negro cafe. . ' The cutting affray occurred about 1 o'clock In the nichiing, following on argument between the two women. both wives of workers at- the leal CCC camp. The heart of the Ihob 1 in on woman was almost cut In two by a knife atid she died before reach lug the Hamlet hospital. I 1 Chester, S. C., April 17.?Mrs. Mag tgic Hudson bcmmouK.* 66, widowed mother of ge.VQn children, was . shot an.i killed eiirlv last nhrhl hv un "'m UUim1 IB'TA4 KaUjV' Wr 1*2 year old daughter, Susl I^envons. Chroner Z. Smith liarhy said that he did not deem an inquest needssiity. " Spartanburg. S. C., April 17.?Sher ifi Run M. Henry' said today he was he Iding DugAn Chapman. Enoree te* tile worker, on a technical charge let) questioning in connection with <th<-. death last week of his daughter, C< idle Mae Chapman, aged nine. Tte officer said the investigation "had reached the point where it was necessary to place Chapman in Jail. He said three young men who had bvea held since last Sunday had hem released. The girl's rock-covered bfcdy was found last Sunday In a stream about tv.-o miles from the Chapman home in :he Rlverdale Mill village. Monroe, April 17.?(Damage caused by yesterday's early morning fire that for several hours threatened the city's 'entire business district, was estimated' today at about flOO.OOO. Thirty firemen, 210 Negro CCC beys and five fire trucks, including t n< from Charlotte, were used before the flames were finally subdued. The fire broke oufrabo.nt 1:30 o'clock la the roar of the btock-Ionff Urtwer Sanders Mule Co. By the time firemen arrived, the entire frame building was a mass of flames Fifty horses and mues, forty wagons ma 03ns of feedstufTs were lost here. NEW RUNNING SCHEDULE BEGINNING AT OIXIE THEATRE NEXT WEEK Beginning next week, the Dixie Theatre will start a new running schedule. There will be three changes In pro reams each week. One picture wilt be shown on Monday and Tkiesday, vTth bargain day# being Wednesday and Thursday, when a double feature program will be shown for 10c nttd 15c. There will also be a double feature program shown on Friday and Saturday LOCAL BOY RECEIVES PROMOTION Philip Rlam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kichard F. El am of Kings Mountain has recently been promoted fcom assistant to Oounty Agent of Madieon County end % stationed at Marshall, the County seat. Mr. Rlam succeeds Mr. George Mullen who has taken up other,wortc. Laughing Arou With IRVl , . - - - Probably the By IRVDS ""THE Scene is in Boston and the approaching midnight at one o all about are happy groups celebr about to pass out, to say nothing o Confetti is flying, spiral strean ' blasts from horns and rattles of sp? attempt to drown oat the music el and fool's caps adorn the many het Seated at one semi-detached 1 chusetts, four in all, including a ' nosed father and two little priggi exemplification of the popular but Bostonian family. They have left the fireside an jaunt into the realms of revelry, 1 gaiety of their present surrounding) in a reserved and secretly horrified All at ones the clamor rises to i the fact that midnight has come, coma to enter into the spirit of t daughter Gwendoline she says, "ay threw a roll at your father." (tairtai Mewi *. ' 4* Kings I 4i -V ? ' * J [atinnal N?*w< ? V If ? a Brief Form ?National News? ! Windsor, ting., _ April 17.?Jame ! Roosevelt; eldest sun of the Amer ! can President, enjoyed the pomp an tkpentior of the changing of the guar ! :it Windsor Castle today after hat iiig u dinner with King George an Qnc-est. Elizabeth last night wliic cost Mm'an unexpected {320. '1 Richmond. Va., April 17.?The hif gett and Myers Tobacco Co.. mandfa tttro of Shesterfleld cigarettes, cloi ii\ Its plant here today as about 90 (n.plpyoes answered a strike call b; tlie Tobacco Workers Internationa ; Union. Forty regular pickets bearing pla I raids gathered ui lie. plant t-e .i J this mc rnlug, 1 Kbain<d.-ln, lb., Auril 17.?VnmC'.i mmmwmmmmmmmmmrnmrnammrmm 2d public schools In f.VnnsyHania' :?1.thrarilo ppt?lf m with ti#u r-?tl r. op?- on hand except tjio Jan J *< to op?>n the schools. , i Unpaid for months and vswing nc I to work until their overdue salar j checks came through^ at least 19' . imtructors stayed away from class* Washington. April 17i?A quick de monstratlon of Pan American sollda it.\ behind President Roes ere t'i pence proposals heartened Admlnis t rat Ion officials today in the face o i indicat'ens |hat Germany and ftal; (wculd reject or evade any anlt-wa r pledge. Jngt as the Western world sup j ported Mr. Roosevelt in his nppea to Adrif Hitler during the Muuici crisis last Fall, sixteen tat In Amor ; lean republics and C'anade expresse* ( commendation during the week-end . of his new plea, against European ag gression. - * ' Locals Win Two of Four Places In Forensic Contest Kings Mountain captured two o the four contests in the Forensh Day finals held here Monday nVgh for the Weateru Conference. King Mountain and Newton High School won out in the preUknlnsries, am each school had a speaker In eaol cf the final events. ^The Western Conference is th< i vny HNNuutmuu mai iutf rwin^a moui | tain High. School belong to Id cod j iit ft ion with athetlcs and Coronate at 'ivities. according to Supt. B. N Barnes. The winners of the Contests wen as follows: Reading; Miss Mary Evelyn Gc forth, of Kings Mountain. Poem: Miss Martha Jean- Setzer of New ton. Declamation: Mr. William Le Warlick. of Newton. Oration: Miss Betty Lee Neialer of Kings Mountain. This is the flourth year of the Con tests, and the second tihne King! Mountain has been host school fo the Forensic Day. Judges Dor the Preliminaries Mon day afternoon were: For Readings and Poems: Mlsset Ozelle Kiser, Marian Patterson ant Marian Murnhey. For ^Declamations and Orations ' Mrs. A.' H. Patterson, Rev. L. Boy< H?mm and Mrs. P. O Ratterree Judges for the Finals last nigh' Were: Miss Sara Roland1. Miss Eliza betb Mason, Mr. L. R. Medltn, all o Gaston ia. ----- - -- -- - -- ? n ii as ii-,. md the World | N S. COBB | Parker House I S. COBB occasion is New Year's Eve. It is f the better hotel dining rooms and ating the fact that the old year is f the guests. lers are being hurled with abandon, cial other inanimate noise producers the orchestra, and variegated hata ' ^ ids. table is a family of F. F. Mastavery straight laced mother, a blue sh daughters. They are really an erroneous idea of a truly Puritanic i library to mingle in their annual rat they do not seem to match the i. Until this moment they have sat silence. i higher pitch than ever; announcing The mother feels that the time has he occasion. Turning to her elder dear, it is. twelve o'clock. You may I totals* las) III II Ml ||.4I ;?l ... \ %M i Moun .' ~ ;-?3ppBpa ,.1^"~~ 7 - " _ ninvo mwwniMin, in. Tmur 1'ulton's Win Men's J Club Prizes J ^fcsHi's T'?in ut.d Sago Kulton prOV m d. at the Melt's C'l'iii 'supper. lust Ivttk 1 hat they kltew the given nam. eg .of more members than n:ty oi tlie resj. present. a no as it ronnlt . vvvre "awarded prizes tf a packet ? 3 knife oachh. 'Pom Knl en tnrr.-c.ly rj nave the first and middle names ot 1' ^ J4 out of the entire club lis' tf 56 d. end S Re Kulton Identified 22 out ? ?'* (I the 56. The program com tn lit tee was (.<mpo3?d of President \rnoM II k 1 Riser, B. S. NHII. and Glee Prldgee. B II. S. Hlackinen severely criticized f 5_ an; editorial that was published in, ,. 'I tie i im-hld. II. K. Lynch stated that ' to ' In was expressing Ills own opinl' T , n end would do It again. t y I .vrr. Aubrey Mauney reported for jj ' .'! Public Affairs ('?inmittee that ' ' 1 ft i advertising folder. sponsored ! '' 1 Jo n?ly by the Uon's Club And the V j \> u 01 Kings McuniaiiL 'Avxs corn >1 led and ready for distribution. n Mr Maumy also reported that the s en imd on the (Jitter Road bad been ? rintailed. 1 Sr Harold Hmmicutt mad* the report .h for the committee who bad be. u ap ot! 1 pointed to investigate the ponslbiliY lit* of locating an airport n^ar Kings \f, ' .Jcuntaln. I.add HainrSck niudo a re M( 1 ort for tlio- Ladies Night committee, fm .Mr. Hamrlck stated that plana cnre i-'Ieing made-fcr n gala tline on April gh r ;7. Which has beeu set aside for the ho s 'tttiiial event. Ill > M; Y Three Candidates bo From Three Wards ? th< ' Three more candidates filed with 1 ( ity Registrar, Chiairles Dllling, for r| '* Couiicilnien in the election to be <m 1 held May 2nd. Guy Webb filed from Ward 1. J. B. Tihomasson from Ward Sn '* 2. and W. F. Logan from Ward 5. an With the three new candidates this ? xvrek the total sivells to 9 fcr the 6 I places to be decided by the voter*. L t With the announcement of Mr. J. | f:. Thomasscn from Ward 2 every. , f Ward now has at least one candl- f 5 1 date. I 1 j The School Board Is not doing so * roc a as to candidates. Only two . , hove ?tnnounced for the five piaoee Ytl t to be filled. H' A1I voters must register to be ell W glide to vote, and! the registration t l>or!<s close Saturday, April 22nd. Candidates must file five days h< _ pricr to the election, whicn makes Uc . the d'l'dline ne?tt Wednesdnv, April t'ei j 2f)th. 01 BU( 8 Candidates who have fded are. For Councilmen: Ward 1. W. K. h Manney and Guy Wclib; Ward. 2. J. thj n. Thomaason; Wrrd 3. i>add Hamrick; Ward A, C. E. Neisler. Jr.. Charles Williams: Ward 5, Tom Ful i ^ 8 ton. R. C. Geld and W. F. !x>ga:n. , For School Board, Ward 3. Glenn . White, Ward 5. Glee Bridges T * China Relief Plans J r . ' am The .Minister's Association is ! suggesting that all churches unite In the China Relief Offering on the pp 1 last Sunday of April. This worthy Sn * work has grown to such proportions that no single denomination feels ' competent to cope with the situation * The Ftredgn Mission Boards of the J0* several denominations have joined <-? 1 In a great united effort to rare tor * the homeless and the hopeless in bt f this suffering land. After sober con- 1 si deration the Ministers' Assodia- ?* " tion commends the cause to every tQ1 Christian.-- Ours Is the opportunity :x* not merely to feed starving bodies hut <10 furnish meat to hungering" 1IM hearts. China la looking to Cbristl- lt'"anity to steer her out of these tragic tr times. Christianity has no human help aside from the Christians of the world. Make your plana to have a part in the free will offering on Sunday April 30th. Rev. L. Bory Hamm. Chairman. Rev. W. M. Boyce, Secretary. KUE8TER WILL ADDRESS BATTLEGROUND EVENT C. O. Kuester of Charlotte, chair- r man of the 1930 Kings Mountain bat tie anniversary celebration, reported v ho accepted an invitation bo deliver j a brief ed dress at the battleground April 26, when the South Carolina rtnneral Anoenihlv's numheni will visit this national military park in a body. Gov. Meybahk of South Carolina will be the principal speaker at the exercises to take place at the battleground nnder auspices of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution j Chapter at Ytofk. 8INQINQ CONVENTION SUNDAY The Singing Convention vrifl be n held Sunday, April 3Snf, at the 8eo- ' end Baptist church. The public is c cordially invited. y 11JI1 1 ' 11 1 1 , tain H SLAY, APRIL 20, 1?3? ESHH uwai kjvuvM Prize In Mi HAN LOSES U HYSTERICUS F After the smoke had ih.artsl frcui i Tin r curly Sunday munlUK lire which Urn destroyed the B". A. Smith ami .. the chutrod re-muftis yt i III II. Iflentcit' wct?> founj hy I"ire- 1 flic ?ti .t M. Mctii'uuU. Firemen wore , ) IN 1 to tli" file j L ill four A. M "it u 'h" huildiitK fulling in .?? ' Sh? ci linn-, rh?. fliuhts l'?(l iiiiiii' 'I . "j ih li'nini)v, At daybreak. tlx- body . , i'.covered. which was hofntil i.-j, house which was directly hi h huh c ic and owned hy It. A Smith* u ., wan iiDoui ii percent Ioks vitIt i* sid? iicarcat tin- mere being rue j completely otf Tin' owner of the grccery business ^ f. D. A. Smith. Jr.. krft Kings ; Mitittiln Saturday irglit with his nlly for Charleston. ' Mr. Wanton went to the picture ' w late Saturday night, retuurned me and talked with his brother un ,nul about 2 A. M. when he left and ; S is not seen again until his charred 1 met dy was found. | reft It .'i 1 pcllce "Officers making fheir i y>; urda' Saturday night stopped at t?hv j store about 3 A. M. but nothing ;. itsnce was noticed. j tlx Two fire investigators were in a:.d ngs Mountain yesterday making' I.lb exhaustive Investigation. -1 cf ( The build.ng. owned by n. A. !'o > it.'tlt. Sr.. was insured for $1,000 i tt. d the hcuse in the rear for $800. ! Mai ierald Cooking Ipens This Moi ed Cross Honored t rith Certificate Mr. I^add Ilamrlck, Chairman cf ' ,s Ft. local chapter of the American 1 J rju' d Cross is In receipt of an honor ' rtlfleate from National Headquar s In Washington. J). C., for the *1' ccess of the last roll call. Rev. L. *'e yd Hsmm and Oee A. Bridges re co-chairmen of the roll call j ' it went over the top in such a man | a I trw warrant lim rftpfvtmtllrwn I ?i rbe certificate reada: ' ipPe is Hon:r Certificate la Awarded w,u Ho The Kings Mountain Chapter the v Distinguished Achievement In t|U>< ho Annual Roll Call for Nineteen i,a<j Thirty-Nine. ,1,^ It bears the facstmllea of both R anklln D. Roosevelt, President, . ' d Norman H. Da-vis, Chairman. 0( ' _______ WOT IE8IDENT-ELECT OF HAMPTON ,r DNEY COLLEGE TO PREACH ,* I'Otl cacl [lev. B. G. Gommcu, til? newly eited President of Hampton-Sidney M liege will preach at the First Preg "<>r tertan Church on Sunday evening 7:30 o'clock. nnd Dr. Gammon lias been the pastor thri Myers Park Presbyterian Church" ? fi a good many years and Is much i rra> loved by that congregation. | p<' It is a priviloge to have Dr. Gam- ! ecri >n preach In our church before he 1 a|td rves for his new position. We j ge all who can to avail themselves ! titU this opportunity. c"rl ' . wr j ? frlli ^ reel Will Rogers' Zc. Humorous Story "t ' Invl ' slot Br WILL ROGERS u , rTTEY till hare grass on the ,ut? lawn* in some parts of ths forltL AW So a tramp came to the door and ooked awful downcast. u. "Lady, I'm hungry," he says. llny lifejg, | ????????????? i Sta "Gee, that's terrible,'* says the con rllv housewife. "Ch "Well," says the innocent tramp, I'd like to cut your grass. Just |_IT or a meal. You aint got no idea Mr ow hungry I am." "Go to it," says the hard-boiled ndy of the nouse. "But if you're T i? hungry as yon say. and want rrro he grass for a meal, you can Clu hew it off and save time. 7.3, (American Ntwi latrnt hi.1 ,j,c ['//* - tr-"* V . ^si^B?ilMMiiiiMB^iiifcaam! nisir 111 erald \ ' ' " > V ' ... . s. i\ R*nrl U isic And 1 FE IN IRE sank of cwncd by l;. ,\ itb, .l!".,. was insured -for $1,250 i file fixtures insured for $1,250. '.reinvn were at the scene cf the fer rbont four hours. They' stayuntil Sheriff flavnioud CI 111e and aner U:s;oe l.utz arrived from lh> 1.7 utm an investigation ?! nf;fit"iMo?r of Mr. Mlan'on was hy -I truckle firm a Marine i. b.i? jo hket knife and kevg to a ihftuber of- tile Marbles i'ituI r? Iff: f>'i Mr. Riant rn e- hel-l Mondayat 3 p.'.m at the id' *n-o -w it h the R??.v. P. I). Pat* t. pastor cif the First Presbyterian r'e'i. iu charge ami Interment wa* Moumnin K?st cemetery. He atib d the Men's Itlble class 6f the vbjier'im church regularly and held in high esteem in the coin' aity. reviving are his wid"w. the for M>\? Margaret Moss; two child. Steve. and Hetty Frances, -f r oldV*his mother ."'Mrs. T. M Mur ; Ills' grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. I.. llu?f.:"ef|er: tli'e following bro* . and half-sisters: Quit. Cleve Will nianten of Shelby: Mrs. o Whim, Mrs. Georgiana White i?triii? Mrs. Mint N"t?l of Chate Mrs. Mar Unrid of K".vl. Mt? A. Sin'th., Jr.. Clyde. Ruby and rtha Sue Murphy, at heme. School - '--i rning he opening s"S*;c.i of The Herald kin?; Schorl, with. Miss Elizabeth pry, at The jVxio Theatre begins morning at 10:00 A. M. the.r classes will be hold tomorat the same time, dmissi'cn is free to all The Hers women readers and the>ir mis. No tickets are required, it to arrive early to ensure your ing choice seats. t each session of the school, a j tted folder containing all the reci to be prepared by Miss Kinci.. be presented to every person in audience. A complete set "of te miniature cookbooks can be by all cur readers just by attend the cocking school, very woman is given an opportuto participate In the distribution he many valuable gifts to be a* ded dally. t addition to the foods prepared. r of well-known groceries and sehold supplies will be awarded 1 day. Iss Emery noted' I>eeturer and ne Economist of the Spry R?rch Kitchens. will demonstrate explain novel, time-saving, and Ifty methods of cookery. Here is olden opportunity fpr "our women ders to learn new Ideas and test recipes for me.'n dishes and dests that are wholesome, delicious economical, rooking With Confidence' is the t M.'ss* Emery has taken for her rent scries. She claims that any , nan can duplicate her results by Dwing the methods and tested pes which she uses, he attractive O. E. range and oth ippllances which Miss Emery will have been furnished through *he rtesy of D. F. Herd Furniture Co. he Herald extends a most cordial tation to you to attend every sesi of the school. It Is entertaining, s definitely instructive, t is ab?>ly free. ARDED LOVING CUP -s. Aubrey Mauney returned Tuea night from Raleigh where ahc it to attend Junior Day of the eratton of Women's Clubs, In see i there, and for the presentation the loving cup she had won. for best Instrumental com position, aig members of Junior cluuhe tn a te-wlde conteet. Mrs. Mauney's (position was ein organ number rlstmas Maetjueadera." TLE THEATRE ETINO POSTPONED he meeting of the Little Theatre up will be held at the Woman's b on next Monday evening at 0 Instead of Thursday evening regular date. . >' . . - , I ?% mi THE HERAI D FIVE CENTS PER COPY /ins First Marching k:.:*8 Mouii.Hill's prize winning, high stepping luiuil |> >,v? j. anil march <i their ivtii1 to ilii> victory if victim s by winning first piaee In both jJM'sii anil mut'chiiig ur tlic Statu iiuHing in ( rceivsborn yust'erduy."\\ :tli a ti?-lil of. 1.1 cf tli" bist bands I ;'n North Carolina competing in the ' ii,i.sic contest Kings MoUuntain was i?! '?! litst placi' Ik the judges. Ai-! in . the- marching mutest j v.'i Ii Y 1' Mowed v.ftli tb.iU'W com;j.i-iiiiif .In4 K'tics .Mountain l>ov& nnd ' ! ; Is j; .-rij. it ill. ir iy to highest i i.i .'.i <?'| Moiilitii.il man mi. v !<? >? ?l the u?' at said thai "t'l !'' ?. s-'t n u.oh superior that- it was very jo ; ii J ( s t .|. . ill.- the. fv inner n. I I".1 in"...'..! l,i ,.!J'i-AUtUWUJ 1 11 >: t'.iV nslioiai Kings Mountain Hand jii v a r.-tyi w l) ;li?- beat bands i iin Marvland to Florida. Tie Kings Mountain Hand under ' "v direction of Haul Hendricks has t?|:io"d 'I hb Best Town in the Slate n he musical map of the country. It.iV it r Hendricks entered seven i> his musicians In the solo content* and. every one of the seven won efI t wr MiVt, second, or third plac. In j :h ". words everyone entered won ; ii award. He did not have any losers Winners In the solo contests were . ! Tunt'. one: Bobby Mc'Danlel 3, Olax but.- Faye Mn^s 3: Trumpet. Jackie "t.-iuei" . I p ill". Mtl'. s Vattlte;, ; I l'i s> ? ! . r.r \;t Mauttey 3; Alto jc't't il l) i Hurl. Jr.. 1: Tuba. J* |e."S ,Vl?)ft-' . ' Th ibieft l'.i.v h'concert at Oak t tf" M"!i*vry Academy Tuesday I wlvre Charles Thomasson il M:)t 'nvU. two former members It' the band are students. Both the s'tidrt:: s ain.d hand members thorost'hle enjoyed the concert. Charles Thoinnsson who called l.t tM Himrlck from Greensboro last night said they, would leave there ' ' about 9 P .M. Right while Mr. Thorni aeron wis calling he said the Maunoy Twins were entertaining about I 20it lit the O'Henry Hotel with a piano concert. Snpt. B. N. Harnes in a long dtetanoe call from Greensboro last night about 10 P. M. to The Herald said: "The band did the best It has ever dene here today. The whole city is talking about the Kings Mountain Hand Mr I.vnrh thov wem annorti it! fact they Just oud-dld their com* pctitors." Beth-Ware Seniors Present Play The Seniors of Bethware High school, presents "The Black Derby" a three act mystery comedy Saturday evening 8:00 p. m. The public is < < rdtally invited. There will be ft small admission fee, 10 and 15c. W. W. SOUTHER IMPROVED W. W. (Bill) Souther who sufferid a severe heart attack last Friday night and another Sunday Is much better according to a report from hl? bedside yesterday. Mr. Souther was considered critically 111 for two days and lis n-hny friends will be glad to learn of his improvement. ^yV'^^MES^ESTON Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaoer.l The moral Of this story Is an old one: never sign on the dotted Una until you have read what you are signing. Apparently, though, It Is a moral lesson that about half the United States Senators have forgotten, or are just learning. And a first hand experience with the moral is causing these Snators some embarrassing momepta right now. Center of the embarrassment is Car-reacMng tax bill, with a sugarcoated title saying it would "take the profits out of war," which recently appeared In the Senate bill hopper. It bore the names of 50 Senators as sponsors. Offhand, the bill appeared one like ly to be favored by the public. After nil. nobody likes /war. But careful reading of thin bill with the, "take tie profits out of war" title, has revealled the title to be a misnomer. In reality, the bill goes far beyond the soralled 'profits of war* and reaches, right down ho the bottom of everybody's pocket. So broqd is the Mil, that low Income groups who t now escape paying Income taxes (but of oourse still pay heavily thru indirect taxes) would have ho give up (Cont'd on Editorial page) . . , .in -1 .1*'- i .riSfdi '.itS

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