nr- " i . ytiuiutiM HOUM # Many People Visit Aigy Btaokwsll'g ' Houm But Mystery Unsolved. Fageland?"1 never have been aftnM of ghosts, but 1 certainly wish J could find'Out whul's causing the /uyBtorlouH knocks at ray doors and vmluwg over^' night," says Hugh R. fhowlsa. Page land liquor dealer, is sound just like some one'kuocktog on the door. It I open it. there's ( *io one there. Usually in about three Ho nvt> minutes Mils sound again ocraurs. Sometimes It start* at tho front door aaid maybe tho next time ft is nJ. the wlridow. This 'continues ( until about 10 o'clock every' night *Ugh/ und then atops, to be heard no mm; until tho next nlgiu about 7:00 i o clock." 'Jills b> the description of the rays terioirs happenings at the . Bowles twMtmw cm tho outskirts of PageQuick Results?Low Cost? HEkALD Classified Ads > a?rd for first Insertion; half price for subsequent InteruMftb k ; ... Minimum charge 28c. Os stt ask far information ?? T hrrer is mads, The Hsrald la waponstblo far only ana In ? mil mHnitn. iw cutiomtr to raaponslbla far eubeequent lib Hrtiww, Tit* i4virtlMr ihwM Mtlfy immediately of My OOfwMmw needed. Want ado are always eaiti In aduanro except to bueinese men ar oanceme having acceunte eita tf\la newspaper. FOR SALE: Boy's bicycle, iu good' condition. Guy Webb. I, , FOR SALE: Stout well rooted.toma- j f.i> plant*. Leading varieties, 1 Pay- 1 root's Tourist Camp '. ^ FOR RENT ? Two 3-room .apart- ' moots close in. connelting bath, hot 1 waleT- furnished. 500 West Gold 1 td. Stst- "W. F. Ucgan. ; i EOST or STRAYED PI k Berkshire ,< pig. Please notify: D. V: Randall. 41s S. Oaosler St.. Kings Mountain.' < C. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get f erne of our delicious Banana Splits for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug l Company. t FREE! If oxcevwi acid causes you | Mains of Stomach Ulcers, Indiges- . fdon, Heartburn. Belching, Bloatfnfe. Nausea, Gas Pains, get free Sample, Udga, at Kings Mountain Dru* Co- 5-4-p. __________ I KEYS WADE. LOCKS. VACUUM t Cleaner#. Small Electrical Appli ' swiren, and Speedometers repaired 1 'd. L. Ramsey. Phone 126-M. t Sept. 22tfc i (Continued Next Week) r ||f I a7 4 1 TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "George lad told me yee- n terday that he had killed flv? fllea, n two mates and three females; how o?uld he know males from females?' ^ George: "The only way way I can I1 figure it out the two males were pro- <r fwfaty on th? table and the three females were on the looking glass." Speaking of tables we have a stock that you will observe that both qualIty and style predominate. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. i? Buy It For Less At' Hord's fc THE CLAN* i K ?: i LITTU DIDTIMMI U)OOtO TAK? TH6 C TH? V?RVDAV H I ?v. ?-* ' ' > ' * Lv-; ' . '" I, n ????? III I I I I I II Mad on the Jefferson hlffhway. This le script ton. which Is verified by all who hare visited the ro aid sacs. Is ;he town's main topic of conversation ?ud will be the town pas alp until the mystery is solved. This house, a concrete structure, was built by J. B. A rant several years ago. Mr. Arant and sife lived there until Mr. Arant's death in Cam den some ydars later. The hoit?? was next occupied "by I- I. Adams and family who lived there until shout two years ai;o. W1I liam Robert". Mr. Adam's sen, reports that no unusual noises were . heard while ibcy lived there. M. A. Mangum. who next occupied the house, says that he didn't hear anything of this nature while he wasresiding there. Mr. Dowips, wlto Just moved into the house two weeks ago. says "1 stayed there atone for the first three flights. tis my wife was in the hospital in Charlotfe. t heard these myg. t? rious knocks each night, but - didnot report them to anyone. > "After my wife casne home, she noticed the noises the very, first night and naturally she was fright ened. I tried to comfort her by tell inp her it was the wind rattling the doors and windows. "In a night or two Rev. L. T. Gill. Presbyterian minister, came to visit my sick wife. He heard1 a knock at the door aftd told tne to see who It was. I went to thedoor, but nn one waa^there^A^^ Uter^ Jhe^ the door. I came back and told Mr. Gill I didn't see any one and that I'd been hearing strange noises every night sfnc I moved.". Rev. Mr. Gill when questioned said "I took my wife down to listen the next night. We stationed several men around the house.-hoping to find out what was causing the no'se. The a a_ . ?? -i & la_ ? > . 1 m I KDui'xt ?-ame ai regular intervals, although the men outside saw nothing. As townspeople began hearing about these queer goings-on. many went to listen and try to solve the, n ystery. Mayor Jack Horton investigated and after hearing the noise was as baffled; as all the others, had been. B. T. Sanders, editor of the Pageland Journal, called 'at the Bowles mine and reported hearing the knocking, first at the front door mid hen at the windows. When he went Mitside to investigate he found no inc. John Blakeney. linotype operator >n the Pagelaud Journal, and Van Derrick Ogburn, pressman of the lournul. are among the many peritna who have heard the rapping. Bach person who goes to the Bowes house believes he can find a solu ! ion but. instead, loaves more com ' p'.ttely puzzled than ever. Various heories have been advanced ? spirts. spooks, and ghosts, but others idicule these Ideas and say it is icmethiog else. The fact that the > /n! O /? (a l?/".n M.l f Ix/Vt a* Ik. J ? ? ? -* .v.ov .!? uvi iu in at ai me uuor ana ten later at. the window dispels the >ellef held by some that It is the efctrlc wires blowing against tti?e louse. Since It .happens even when nen are stationed around the house, nost persons are convinced that K ! s not a prankster's work. Auother | epson for the noise advanced by ' ome is that of the expansion and ontraction of the concrete blocks j if which the house la constructed. J Dr. O. A. Blackwell. drug clerk of ifcnroe. and owner of the house, ?me here last, night to investigate he rumors of mysterious noises at he Bowles home. He spent . some Ime at the house and heard the nme noises others had reported, but 'nally admitted that he didn't know lie answer He stated, however, that e intends to find the cause of these r.lses before he stops his lnvestigalon. Mr Powles says he believes the ounds will ceaise about the time the noon changes, amateur detectives nd doubting Thomases should make neir investigations promptly. Mr. nd Mrs. Brwles axe holding open ouse from 7 to 19 o'clock each even's. At the er>rt of 19158 there were iore than 7.000.000 range cattle in exas The death-rate from tuberculosis five times higher for negroes than u* whites 3Y KIDS Oh?Ta e THINK THATTHe TCACHCR CASS OUT TO STUOY 0O77\NVO U NTONTH HOOK"0 V iCopy w J^Ej ii VYM 1 " yiA " Vt 4 'y * * ' ., ^ |.: .- . . -? j., .-Jt. I ll hlM^ I see by the ptperi that a famous humorist Is scheduled to apeak in Charlotte boon on "How To Be Happy Though Educated." I think I should like to hear that talk, because I can't for the life of me, see how a person can be completely both. I'm sure that I could not be. It's on^ of the reasons why I'm afraid .to become too well educated. The more education I get (and I still have very, very little) the more unhappy 1 get. I'll never forget how I felt when I took my first course in science. It was a general course, and touched on everything. I almost -went crazy trying to tig i are out the size of the' untlverse. Be- j j tore 1 tcok the course. I had never I thought of it. Then I began to worry about the focd I ate when I studied chemistry. I would try to figure out how many pounds the beans I . ate w< uld make me gain. Me worrying ] about my size! 1 was afraid I might I get fat! When I was completely igI ?w Xnnt T /I (rl n't oil'o It a thAilbht iivmiu, i umii * (??*? ? " vu^>>? Since learning how to ude English. I can't .even apeak without becoming . relf-consclous. i 1 certainly would like to hear that* talk. The man must be a genius if he knows how to be happy and edu| cated both at once. ment of Police Fire and Sanitation of New York City. ANNOUNCEMENT 1 hereby announce mvaelf as a candidate for City Council In Ward 0. in the CMy Election May 2nd. V-our support and vote w*U be appreciated. J. A, Dunagan. ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby announce my candidacy lot the School Board frtom Ward 4 In the Town Election May 2. If elected I promise to serve the people of Rings Mountain to the best of my ability.. Your support and vote will | he appreciated. B. Hudson Bridges , ANNOUNCEMENT I hereby offer myself as a candidate for Alderman in Ward five, in i I ti e city election to'be held in Kings , Mountain May 2nd. If elected I prom- , '.se to give my best service to the conduct or tne city arrairs. Your In- , fluency and vote will be greatly apI veciated. , : r I R. C. Gold. , ?udv?apr 27p i TOR CITY COUNCIL WARD FIVE , 1 1 hereby announce myself *s candidate for city council In Wart five? subject to the election May 2. If elected I promise my beet efforts to the people for a better city government. 1 am under no obligation to any group or faction. What I own la here and my time will be spent here where 1 enn help look after our town's Interest. Your vote and tnflueace will be greatly appreciated. H. Tom Fulton. ANNOUNCEMENT ; hereby announce my candidacy foi Town Councilman from Ward 1. If elected I will represent my district to the host of my ability. Guy Webb. ANNOUNCEMENT I announce myself for town cxmnc?l In Ward Five, and if elected I v'lll give my time and best judgment nnd ability, for the betterment of our town. Your vote will be appreciated. , , ; W. F. Logan. 500 W. Gold St. Cash At Once For YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watches, Pins Teeth and Trinkets GEM JEWELRY CO. 193 Main St. GASTONI A, N. C. ke Us Back to Those Balm: H , . ' . , . > imiiiiffifalir"iil1 Nortea or iali Under *a4 by rlrtus of the power rf sale oontalnad la a deed of truat given by W. R. Hu Header and wife. cf PTentMa Hullender, to the under- ce signed aa trustee for Mrs. Zelte ['lanch* Qantt. on the 5th doy of April, 1938,.and registered In the M Register ot Deeds Office for Cleve- 1,1 iond County In Book 323 at page 122, be to secure the indebtedness therein tb mentioned and default harlng been re luude in the payment of same and at the request of the holder, of the note tecured by said deed of trust, I will sell for cash ?c the Courthouse door In Shelby. Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday May 15. 1939. at ten'o'clock, A. M. .or within legal hours. the following described real _ frtate: _ Beginning on center of bridge and runs with road 11.5 W. 2.74 chains j to an Iron pin in center of road; I thence S. 85 1*4 W. 8.20 chains to stake in gully in old line; thence with old line. S. 29 E. 4.10 chains to stake; thence S. 47 1-2 W. 8.70 chains to stone pile In Harmon's and Nt M. Ware's corner; thence ' with Harmon's line S. 86 E. 2.66' , chains to stake In branch; thence * with bianch 13.50 chains to the beginning containing three acres, more or less, end being the same lot conveyed by Mrs. Zella Blanche GenU and husband to W. R. Hullender by deed, dated AprU 4. 1938. as will appear on record In the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County. 1 "IW ffW'lFUl Uf * AMI. im.1 1 J. R. Davis. Trustee. - adv?May 8 IN THE DISTRICT COURT Of _ THE UNITED STATES FOR THE WESTERN DISTRICT OR NORTH CAROLINA IN BANKRUPTCY NO. 12SS In the Matter of ROBERT. A. HOG1N Shelby. N. C. Bankrupt. Notice of Fir*t Meeting of Creditors NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN to nil creditor* and other parties. In Interest that the above named party v.-as .adjudicated a bankrupt on the 19th day of April. 1939. and that the first meeting Of the creditors will be held In the law office of the undersigned Referee at 200 Law Building, f'liarlotte. N. C.. on Monday, the first day of May. 1939, at 11:00 o'clock A. M. at which time and place creditors may attend prove their claims. . elect a trustee, examine the k bank- J rupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Thds meeting may be continued from time to time without further lotice. All claims should be made upon regular proff-of-claim forms, properly verified and sworn to, and* filed with the undersigned Referee . This the 20th day of April, 1939. R. MARION ROS8, Referee In Bankruptcy, Charlotte, N. C"DAD... PLEASE BRING HOME A CARTON OF COCA-COLA" ft ?? h ' r f. 'v Refreshment at home is a fami! carton of Coca-Cola is the easy i a carton at your favorite dealer's Castonia Coca-Cola y Days Again. = V S K < ;l 5aL_*., '9 rJ^J^^4||K^J^f \H . -k . ^^..< >..i-.? Amint,.. _ :. .-Tti.. M.**.'. I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOT ICS Having QuaUltoS ae Administrator the estate Mrs Mary ? Klaer, teased, hut* or Cleveland County, jrth Carolina, ttila |e to notify all Tsooe having: claims against aala tate to exhibit the aarae to me. e undersigned Administrator on or fore the 6th day of April. 1940. or is notice will pleaded in bar of any covery thereon. All persons Indebted1 to said e?* to are hereby notified to make luifrildittx navwnnt- >A WiSi' u 1 u I 1J u.l till III l-o FTTT-r This the 5th- day of April, 1939, A. 8. K'seiV Administrator, adv?may 11, 1939. Do you "fly all to pieces" wl when the vegetables burn, or ' Some mothers, are Just natural! cross and impatient because th< If you are a natural crank, do much for you. If you are i are overtaxed, DR. MILES NK Do you suffer from Sleeple Irritability, Nervous Headache, you worry over trifles, start a< nerves will cause all these troul INE will help you to relax thos Why don't you give it a trial tion or your money back? Tou DR. MILES NERVINE. He has started clerking in a drug stor k two forms?Liquid and Effer Liquid Nervtas. Largs B?tt Effemmat Tablets. Large Vac 0% ly affair. And a six-bottle IbMS ray to provide it. Pick up II ? on your way home today. By F / .f'S * e? Jf lM ? \ 6- 1?<so? '5 ' ,y f J' p rof?fiton Aod#fli b Ulifl Ml at kMM im joar ipart tbtl - a?d to* Wlui UUv I vWH l?lir>m???l {irnm?<l?ti litmli Box 889, Scranton, Pa. Local Representative P. L. PIERCY, 313 8. Vance Sf Qantonia, N. C. ESMYTACE! 1 i MY MONEY! | BMMMMMVMMn H .|ft? ien the children are noisy, or when the jelly won't "jell?** y cranky. Some mothers are ?y are nervous. DR. MILES NERVINE won't rritable because your nerves RVINE will do a lot for you. ssness, Restlessness, Nervous or Nervous Indigestion? Do t sudden noises? Overtaxed tries, and DR MILES NERVe overtaxed nerves. on our guarantee of satisfac- ^ r druggist am tell you about been selling it ever since he j e. Dr. Miles Nervine comes i - vMccnt Tablets. ' a-? In lUf ^ ' Si I ^, > * .'. * z. ^ipwwHBpy?'^ ' i <4 ! l: ^ *f % t-W

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