. ' * ??. ? *'. ? ?.?' . ' * - - 1 4 '!?* 'tl .J? ? ?W *' . *. . ~ v T-(P' | Kings Mounta Schools Honor I Fifth Six-Weeks Period 1 Central Elementary K-imt grade: Joe Saundera, Ralph V/het?tine*. Ratty Jean Weaver* i Ttella Jo Whitley*. Billy Alleu, Ken- j reihCoojior, Harold Kngland. ~ Joe IXmonil Harris, Joyce Morrow,1 (irmly Tatt, Donald Propat. Second grade: Richard White, i ^'-^Ky Joyce Jack son *. Klla Mae j 1 .nek ridge, Charles Wanton, Dan j PrewttVey. William Prince*. Jan Rey | nolih. Third grade: Sue-Hnmm*. Colleen! Foil*. Fohrth grade: Cruticca Williams. Jx.nlee Hamm Harry Connor, Donald . lilHoa*. Rebpcca Karly. Fitth grade: Katie Conner*. Alene Ttid&lx, Jean. Dcese*. Jacqueline Italia*. Jean Hord, Doloreae Walker. I^pal rruut* Sl*th grade: Kverette Weaver. ,J. T. MoG inula. Henry Neisler. Mary Ann Crouae. Haxeleon Abernathy*. FMty Knox Davla*. Helen < Barp*. Sylvia J*an Randall*. Houaton Black. Clanjn KMley. Seventh grade: Glee Hrtdgea*. Ben jLTiarc* riff tenon. Homer Pheagla. Jr. Hl#? tah?< * IMPEM^ * THEATRE PHONe 1S4 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House TOO AY AND FRIDAY i John Barrymore In 'THE GREAT MAN VOTES" One expecting one of the Best Pic 1 Hires you've ever seen. Also Cartoon in Technicolor, News. ! 10c and 15c 1 . 1 SATURDAY Tlie Pest Double Feature Program we have had. George O'Brien in "TROUBLE IN SUNDOWN" also Tailspln Tommy In "MYSTERY PLANE'' Cartoon, Red Barry No. Four 10c and 15c ' COMING MONDAY The Little Tough Guys in CODE OF THE STREETS C?meoy, New?, Color Cartoon * i ? \ 10c and 15c ?Ccmninn finnn ? ? ? 1 "Three Smart Qirla Grow Up" 8tpp? Coach" , :v;' ' v .. . 1 wHHIHI Last Times Todi "ARTISTS and M Jac Mr. Motto in, "IX Peter BILLY FINKLE, Will appear on our Staj 10c and 15c; Balcony, II Friday and Satur "HOME ON 1 Get "WHISPERi; Jack Main Floor lQc and 21 Monday ?RRnAnw i v ^ m. tt ? . t. Jeanette MacD< Ladles, don't forget to < i to get your next piece c j Main Floor 10c and 2 | . Wednesday and Tl ? "BLONDIE ME * Pennj "wrfmN Paul KellyMain Floor 10c and i 'I':/. - '?. "M- 1 1 THE in City 1 Roll I 8-A: George Dattinrore*. A. O. Sergeant, Jr., Jamoo Hironeburg*. . ^ 8-C: Margie GibaonS Dorothy .* I.ynn*. Margaret C. Ware*. f.D. Martha McOlaltt*. Janelte Mabry, Klolse' liandall*. y-A: Kachaei Met"lain*. Juanita McSwaln*. JJorls White*. s-n: Krnesi maiuiey, Miles maun t\>, Roy Smith*. : limy Thronebnrg. . * 1?A; Orach Mall. Alice Petty '* Mauney, Mary Julia Pollock*. 10-C: Carolyn Prince*. 11-A: ' Juaulta Frederick ll-B: Bobby Allrun. Has Olive. We>t School First grade: Loui*e Rice*. Doris of Sanders*. Doris Morrison.'-, MildTed at Muritn. Patsy Jean Harmon*. Blllic i? Pulls. Rufus Huffstlckler Si Second grade: Dettiauih Rlanton*. Mary l^on Black*. Myrtle iloule*. ? Pat*) Jelly*, Lou Ann Logan. Lou ? lae Moss. Barbara- Jean Matthews. ^ Barbara Jean Ware. Third grade: Ktnogene Bridges. Melba Hicks. Bernlce Harrison. Son By M<-Daniel*. Arthur Saunders*. v* Ruth Ijtnlet^, Myrtle Murray*. Beu- " tab Rhea*. . * Peggy BlarftweMer. Johnny ptenk. ol Norman McQlll*. Bobby Ledbetter, Arthur Anderson. H Fifth grade-: Margaret Cole*. Mary w Helen Hord*. Pauline Murray. Avis Vj Male WarUcfc*. r< ask School r< First grade: Rlllle Jean Book out, s, Junior Tate. Imogens Goins. Doris >( Owens, Julius Burton. Donald F51H- s, son. Glenn Delltager. Easter Fresh- o( our. Betty Jce Lynn. Shirley Mofflt, a I.oulse Fletcher. v Second grade*: Evelyn Pearson. 111 Pauline Cody. ,Dorothy Carpenter. 01 Peggy Bnnkhead. lete Meredith. Bob tile Jean Spencer. Norman Bolin, 1:1 (H-ne Ford. Ruth Goins. Alfred Price. . ; . w Third grade: Chiee Lynn. Albert 8< Putnam,, Mary M.edlin, Geraidine Cobb. Betty Campbell. George Leigh. ? Harold Green. Genell Hawkins. Mar- j* Me Parrlsh. Lois Sanders. Horace H Cook, Charles Hampton, Richard Ross. . Fourth Grade;' Bet'ty Carpenter, ! Bcrls Cook. Mary Frances Payne, . Nndlne Spencer. *. ' Sixth grade; .Hoy'.e Lee White- (| sides, Eugene Gla'dden*. % Seventh grade: Billy Kennedy, Harvey Laughter. Jamea Lybrand, 1 Mack Murry, A. C. Freshour, WUma' a Pobbltt. ? . *i DECLAMATION AND READING CONTEST NEXT TUESDAY A j1 '# The NelSler Declamation Contest 1 end the Dr. Baker Reading Ocntest " will he held next Tuesday evening at 8:00 P. M. In the Central 8chool Auditorium. The tyo medals will be n awarded to the winners from grant- !' mar schools of Kings Mountain, according ?o Supt. B. N. Barnes. The ( ptibllc Is invited to attend the contens. y rsrvjspiHM ? PJI /V f IPV ?7 / / 'q /1 f DYSENTERY! t Don't let It sap your energy! Get i regular With Ante-Fermen ? an oldi t piescriptlou used for minor stomach dinorders tor over fifty yeaas. BBiBS8S5BSS6ih!1 ay?Double Feature ODELS ABROAD" ] k Benny < fcNGER ISLAND" 1 Lorre ] also "Thiinlin'a nnuhlo'* < fe in Person. Main Floor \ Dc to all.. 1 day?Double Feature WE PRAIRIE'* le Autry NG ENEMIES" ' : Holt 5c; Balcony 10c and 15c and Tuesday !Y SERENADE" Dnal-Lew Ayres ' come on one of these days 4 Sweetheart Beautyware i 5c; Balcony 10c and 15c (ursday?Double Feature < IETS THE BOSS" i r Singleton TOE LAW" -Lynn Carver j 15c; Balcony 10c to all w~'. ; -t ; Wr'."- -.'- ... 1 Wr i 'C . : p : - KIKOS MOUNT AIM HUULD.TH1 ' REV. H. </V. HAWKINS, Penr Grove, N. J., who will conic,t a series of meetings at the Wes /an Methodist Church beginning inday, April 30th. . evival Meeting At Lesley an Church The Wealeynn M'*thodlst chuivh. town ae "the lH'.le hr'ck cfcurrh on aco Ttond." will brain a revival eetinc Siyidav. April 30th. It will t of Interest to many people throrI1IT nil m we RW. M. W. MSWKin* f Peim* Ornvr. V. J., for this meetin. which tot three full weeke. Rer bWklns vat the founder cf the local fasleran Methodist church more isn forty years aero. Hundreds of -?pie who knew him then have pass 1 on. but brother Hawkins remains rang and active. Let nothing keep in away from thla meeting. The nglng will be dene by the people r Kincv Mountain. That meana you re invited to belp tn the singing. U expect to use the old scngs that leant so much to the great revivals t many years ago. Beginning with te Wednesday night prayer meef ig. there will be a prayer band meet ig In the church each evening this cek at 7:00 o'clock. If you want to te a revival meet with us. fountaineers Thrash ted Devils The Mountaineers hit their stride u<i came out of their slump to de^ .-at Newton here last Friday, 7 to in a seven inning tilt. The locals >ch advantage of on error on Harrt o. a walk, and two well-placed hit# ? roll up fohr tallies In the first, nA three consecutive hits, the* lask heme run by Ballard. In the fourtn ?r their other three. Ooforth was an the mound for the inters, with Moose beginning Cor be Red Deivlls. The latter retired in avor of Fowier In the fourth. Plook nd Clark were the other half of the latteries. , The losers scored their lone marie r In the final Inning when Oofortk llowed them two of their hits. He ater retired the side by fanning two if the hltteTs and catching a pop ly for the other. High hitters were Plonk and Gor.rth for Kings Mountain, with twt crfour each, and Stgmon and Olite rt for Newton, with cne tor three ach. Tuesday's game with Forest CKJ van postponed because of unfavora ?lo weather. This FMday the Moun aineers invade Marion. * ' 4 ' C. M. T. C. Applications Wanted * The procurement campaign for en rollment of trainees for attendance it the Citizens Military Trairvtag ""amp to be held at -Fort Bragg. N. C 'rem June 15th to July 14. 1939, |i irogresslng very satisfactorily so fat is the total quota is concerned, but t Is the desire of the Government to open this training to youths ot he smaller communities as well ai the larger ones. The following young aien of Cleveland County have ?1 ready qualified for attendance a this years camp: Emory Floyd Whe hunt, Lewndale. N. C. Howard H51 lerd Costner, Fallston, N. C. ?here are still 14 vacancies it Cleveland county to be filled. It 1 urged that young men between thi ages of seventeen and 29 desiring attendance at this years camp sen< In their applications without delay Dr. A. Pttt Beam. Shelby, N. C., trt* Is County Chairman for this count] wMl render all assistance neceadar to expedite appltcatlona and wll furnish the names of the pbystciaai who hare volunteered to examine ai jlieaots free of obargo. Spartanburg. 8. C? April 25 ?Th< [rand Jury Indicted five person* es sbcrgee of murder an accessory %* fore and after the fact yesterday 11 the death of nine year old OoldP Me* Chapfcan of Baoree. Ittoae Indicted were Mre Bdpj Nelson; bey husband, OdlsN Nelson; tier sister, Mrs. lCmmls Thorns*; Hp father, Monroe Pace, and her brdtJ wr-ini-lath, Caaa Tbomaa QoMie Mae'* body was tow April ?, under a Ml* of *oek* in i it ream flWo mUee from her bodh A coroner"# Jury Mat week found tb ftrl bad boen smothered to death. . " "* ^ k 'Jt gMPAT. AFML IT. IM? * Court Of Honor Last Thursday Night Although nio?i of t;*e Scouts of Kings Mountain vrrre v*r> t'rev after their ujp to Greenebor? with the hand, there was a very good atteurance at the Court of Honor Thursday night, which was held In the Town Hall at 7:30 p. m. The meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Reeves of Orovr, fol Kwed .with the repeating of the Scout Oath. The following boys were advanced lit Scouting. Tenderfott Rank: James Dunne, 1 Sinyre Williams. 3; Bobby Clcnlger, .7 . * ' Second Class rank: Max Rollins, 1 _ First Class Rank: John Henry _ r.tldwell 7. Merit Badges-Book Binding: Luth| or Godfrey. 7; Arthur Lee Jackson 7 I Joe Hawkins, 7; John Henry Cald. well 7. Carpentry: James Waters, 1. Farm Home: Coolidsfe Finley 3.. ' i Flrenvanshlp: Charles Wilson 5; llPugia* Hullender.,'5. | First Aid: Chaa Moss. Jr., 1. Leal herein ft: James Ohaney, 2. ' Personal Health: ( has. Moss, Jr. 1 Pigeon Raising: Glee Bridges, C. Pioneering: Vernon Thorn pec n S. Poultry Keeping: Glee Bridges, PubMc Health. Ch*s Moee Jr., 1 Star Scout Rank: Coolldge Filler. 3 . 111! '1IBJ jr..' I Following the Court cf Honor for WhRe Scouts the Court tor the Ne:ro Bccuts wss held tad the follow*-r.? Negro Scouts were advanced In tank: Second Clams Rank: Metrln Jack* son. 10; Benjamin Brown. 10. Bookbinding: Richard Thompson, t to. , Public Health: Lucio Wilson. 10. Wood-Word: Uucio Wilscn. 10; Theodore Byers. 10. After a few announcements the meeting closed with the repeating of the Scout Benedictfon. Oyster-catcher birds actually do forcer open oyater shell with their hills. I IF THERE EVER Comes a time in your life When you really want To "Get Away Fast" You'll be the luckiest man alive To have a tank full of E&SQ Gas ttt Think it 1 CITY SERVICE jfl STATION I Otis Falls ^ Phone'208 : " . Sale orra ' ; The situation in Japan h price of raw silk. This complete* line before the i supply your needs now. g ? V? I Myer's i ? . ? "?'" : ii fimW ' ; J - <SA, - taifc-dSy -v. . ._ .- , v ? ' . (? ^ I r WMRm I I vLyrd^vl lllli llffcy GREYHOUND mh V Hsrt'i 1>!( ntv. a'out big savings! Gieyhourd lares W any nta-hy towns aro now lowor thsn avar Mm. 1 tmmmlm Rmducad Ond-Wmy ftras CENTER Charlotte ..... 50c Qreenvillo $1.0$ SERVICE "PHONE 62 Atlanta .... ,12.90 Rock Hill .... 99c a V SOLVE YOUR MILK PROBLEMS WITH *? * * ' ' Golden I ;- ; . ' ' _; '... . ,- .. 1 . Guernsey. . 1" " r.m iw^^WDNCFV* II -The Flavor Is jDelicious I ?It's Rich in Butterfat ?It's Fresh as the Morning Dew Order Yours Today I IH Margrace Dairy Phone 18 Kings Mountain, N. C. Golden Guernsey was featured at the Herald Cooking School last week. K( i ?? i kmmSXrnm | Silk Hose as brought about a tremendous increase in the means an ad vance in Hosiery prices. We bought a advance so take advantage of our Hosiery Sale to First quality, Three thread, forty two Sfcfo gauge ringless, Crepe twist, very servicej?8 able? , Colors: \?\ / Paree |V] J Azalea P-O *2i Goldendawn KXp V\W* W Sunfair t/Ut IJI y 4 Tansah * * N ___ ^ % -1 First nualitv. HirM tki?aH f?rtv fiv? mi. vr ???w? vj * ?*? fi??? ge, ringless, Crepe twist? k Colors: Chatmont CQ/I Ml* Animation DOi# III Suntone MT Genuine Crepe Ringlees, Three thread, forty five guage, ran atop, very sheer ? ^ Colors: 4 Burnt Tan mmi Goldendawn / jL ji Wl.BJi . Animation A j Brisk 9 W r* ' i J II v , j t . ? :TJ!SJ'" * / ' Department Store I < . ,Viiniartmitii.-,.

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