pp. 1 I \ * Church school ?:45 A.' M. 8upt., C. F. Thomaaeon. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Sermon: "WHO 18 THIS " Evening Service 7:30 P. M. Sermon: 'Life's Main Purpose." senior sou rioneer vespers 8:45. Mid-Week Church Service, Margrace Club House, Wednesday 7:45 X*. M. Boy Scout Troop 1, Monday 7:00 P. M. Carl Davids ou. Scout master; Jiewra Harry Page and Bill Thornaor., Aaat. Scoutmasters BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH W. M. Boyce. Pastor Bible School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship at 11:00. Tht'l pastor will apeak on. "OUR EVBR- < Evening Service at 1:00 o'clock. The evening message U on: "Grows Cash At Once Fpr YOUR OLD GOLD . Rings, Watp-es, Pins ^ _J -W i J i ccin ino i nnKen GEM JEWELRY CO. t 193 Main St. i GASTON I A, N; C. U- ^ ?^ > b?*?T,oJ mfmtz, Zu&*+* J 0 m Unwi t choice of oration may mean failure and despair. To help you choose wisely, here are "previewi** of fifteen fields with brighS futures?written by experts in each field. Mark and mail the coupon. MKRHMiaau ttainrtHNCf tcaoau m? aaa u ? ?- - m Ma M?"?i aa?wVM| rw? * ?'? , i ? v Wmi mmt m ?t mm m> a at MM, "WM VtMttoa SMII I CMmf* Mm in . aa^m ^ m j 1 FINAL 1 I CAD Al TI/-I/ * VdUIV/IV Early Si ' . *- , -*.V y . VALUE FOB yNjj Votoa iMftt , at 2:|O7T - "IV. "? .* :v.'. \ Intermcdtatee meet at T o'clock, t. P. C. U. ta ?t 7:00. (ltd-week Service each Wednesday Evenln* el 7-aft LUTHERAN CHURCH .1* Boyd Himra. Pastor Bible school 10:00, s. Arnold KIsor, General Superintendent. Services for the Sunday after the Ascension. Morning 11:04', sermon: The New ? Mission. Evening 5:00, Woman's Missionary Society. I brotherhood, Luther leagues and the Children of the! I Church. Boy Scouts. Troop 2, Monday even tng 7:00. SAINT LUKES Bible school 10: Oo. James Ijickcy,; Superintendent. i I I CENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH 'Rev. E W Fog. Pastor 0:46 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler.'; > Supt. 11:00 Morning worship and sermon by the pastor. 8:00 The son service by the young people will feature this service sntj i the pastor will preach, wn Tuesday. M*y 2:ifd, the Gas-j t'jnia District Conference will meet p< Palm Tree Church on the Bellwood circuit. The pastor and slxl laymen from Jhls, church are expeot-. oil to attend. First Bapiist Church Angus G. Safgeant. Pastor Sunday morning worship It:00. Sermon subject: ''The Building Of Men." Sunday School, 3:40 o'clock. C. G. White. Superintendent. Junior Service 11:00 o'clock. AU ! children between the ages of four j and 12 will flud a hearty welcome to to this service. All boys and girls, who plan to attend the Vacation Bible School are invited to Join in the fUn of being In a parade. Friday afternoon, at 4:00 o'clock. Teachers meeting Wednesday night at 7:45. 8ECONO BAPTIST CHURCH , Rev. C C Parker. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday] Preaching 11 a. tr end 7:30 p. m eacn Sunda Museillni's rift with Htler Ls seen In Italy's efforts to get Yugoslavia to to help block Germany. lEDUCTH CLEARANCE ?ing Dr( 1 Group $; 1 Group $! i f 1 vu uup .p, 1 Group $4 1 Group $[ 1 Group $1 1 Group $! Come Early! NEW SHIP V , j . ~ f ? Happy Hoipe Every imaginable color Hje^l for Summer Wear$1.00 i Guaranteed Fast KEETER / ; iVER UNDERSOLD PHB KtNQ? MOUNTAIN HBUUD, THIS M THAT my Alte* Burtota Patterson Grove Section Once upon a time (as moat atorte begin) I wrote that 1 was aurprla* to hear that a certain young ma ;( this section bad fallen for a girt You see, we thought he was the Irim that dldnBt care for girls. Their rd mance was referred to in this col nmn aga'h but no names were men Moued. Now the story has reachei the climax?"And so they were tnai ried"? We hope it /ill have th? perfect ending of ? '"And lived hap pily ever after." I can't keep yoi gueaalng any longer so- read a littli further and you'll find their uames: Of., interest tc th-ir many friends li the announcement of the marrlagt o| Miss Ituthie I.ec Patterson ntid .1 0. Carroll. which took place Ma net 1S?. m?. at Gaffney. S. C. . . Mrs. William Patterson and the lati Mr. Patterson of the Rethlehetn sec Men Mr. Carroll is thu son of Mr t.ud Mrs. 1. W. Carrcit of this ' com uiunfty. Tlie couple are making fhalr hotnt v ith Mrs. Carroll's mother. Mr. and Mrs. W R N'eelev. Mist Pearl Xeeley and Mr. and Mrs Oeo fteelev of \CII1 ? <- ? M \ UIII tier giu-sts of the K M. Burton's Sun "lay. ' ' William Kitcene. I* tlje name Mr and Mrs. Oeitys St-lstn selet-ted foi MICKEY AND HIS MA f\* OFHUOHJt KvN Nft <S I SOf\fc ^.WtLU 5V00HS SlV-Vfefi. PORfAoDW.? iNVTlfV ^5) J ind b>vt 5ns *. esses JQ|- PEGGIE PALM !!?} SPORT FROCK 5.95 Sport I {.95 Silk Di 1.85 Silk Di >.95 Silk Di '.95 Silk Dr 1.95 Silk Di Buy Several * 'MENT HOUS Frocks ,;u and design? They are I _ colore? ach $1 i Colore Gu -S DEPA THPRaPAT MAT II, 1W> < their baby boy. Him' ICUeu Foster Mr*. Sciam's ?later, baa been spend log several day* with therm Mlae Frances Thorn burg ape.it Uit week-end visiting relatives in Charlotte. * Friends of Mlaa Magdalene Greene * will be sorry to hear that ahe has been very sick with tneasle*. . n ' NOTICE OF SALE L'tider and by virtue^ of the power of sal* contained in a mortgage deed given by Minnie Prultt to the under|* signed cn the 9th <luv of October, | la:.7 and registered in the Register *i ?f IVeds O ce for Cleveland County ' I fn Book ,148 at page 535. to secure " j the indebtedness therein mentioned, 1 j and default having been made In * rhe lilent c f same. 1 will sell for [cd'h at 'he Court house door In Shel I '.y <-t eland County. North Carol!' itr ' Monday. May 1959. at ton j o'clock. A M. or within legal, hours. 1 the following described rea" estate: ' j'Mottn' tin. North Carolina. and be. I -'re-tie jtr a roi k. corner of Haye's 'let-.on tldSkuit Street and runs thence ' ,Ka<t chains and 3% links to * a r*? k on Parker's line; thence a. lotig Parker Unp North l.-f?9 chains to - a rrk: thence West 3 ' '% chains to t r<" k: thofice South 1 03 chains to tt>? beginning cht'n'nlnT one-fourth . 11-4 > of sit acre. mcr? or le?s. Tit., sale will- he mad-y subject to - prior encumbrances. " TV* the 3tnh tiny >' \prii. 1959. f'h .rlf" Carpenter M irtgagee. tij. R: Davis, Atty. ?atlv-^-mnv .is L GrEHVlWlNE. RiN'f NOfH\M'~ HER ^ "Pop GAVE fAN PVJH SfBa t$ ^w/ jjg A S6Z:- ? thers oVe it to their families. Ir friends and themselves to rei their Charm, youthful appeare and good health. Drinking Suni Milk will help. There's health a beauty treatment in every tie. - - 1 /TiyOur^K ammm (fts0* \ TS rtAVOQ J PKJH \vinsfavcm/ T7 ; Vr 1 IEK \T s . . No Dresses . No * j??. - .. 3?-^ ' t - ? 'esses . No esses No J IT V: jsr-'-Jr. ' ' " " * A ' ' 'esses . No esses . No 'esses . No \t These Close E DRESSES SNBURY SHADOW Frocks reautiful, cool and sheer. AH .94 each aranteed Fast Colors it RTMENT 'a ' '" ' . -..? *'"*** " >r f - . "i";' ." ' <? vs i ^?v; < - 1 . , 11'? 1. !_! ' joWVaJ - . - - . k s. ?^cWm^\it?T:'Vr.?^A'TuW*r c" WkWM^*^ ' ^ Round Trip To t.. jwv M- 1 NEW YORK M?.UU \:vfc gy CENTER SERVICE MMHHRHattSMaMHMfljjliE^BBll^HlH^flMSEH^Hfllkl^EEKjjll ; j| ' . ... 11 i Modem RfffrigaraHnw The New ECONOM?ICER - . ; , We have the 50 lb. and 100 lb. sizes in stock, j See Us Before Vou Buy Any Refrigerator 3M I | Use Ice - It PaySi KINGS MOUNTAIN ICE& COAL CO, I Phone 124 Kings Mountain, N. C. IV I Br . ^ I I . I I __ I I I I k I .?; . i ^ ^ # ?w $1.98 iw $2.98 j^^iC 4 w $1.98 J. * *2-43 1 'W $2?98 BIG TABLE w $3.98 Ladies' Hats All styles. Vralues to $2.95. A AO To Close ?ut"~ w $4.98 Q7 -Out Prices C<lt CHILDREN'S ^ I Sheer Dresses I , Sizes 1 to 14. Guaranteed Fast Colors. Beautiful pat- I 58c each rB" I Another lovely group, in all \ fl J\ J colors? xS: Jr/ I 97c e<Vih 1 II, ' II STORE J

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