pniippnMPiiMppiiSRW^^^ ' ' 11 1 1 1 1 Southern IMda Options Venerable Gold Mute * Tbc Venerable custom built gold mill, located at Smyrna, 8. C.. to undtrgcfag over hauling by tho tioutUern Golds, Ltd.. who have tor the past two years been mining the old Terry mine in that section. Tlie Southern Geld Mining Co. at the Terry mine ha* hem the rhlei producer of ore tor the Cap pa . Hill mine tor the past year. In which milt they are part owner, but aa an auxiliary, were not affected by the C a type mine recelrtrshj^ u The venerable' recovery plant warn built by a Mr. Venerable, a coal miner of Maraiitoa. W. Va. In the early thirties as a fifty ton custom mill.. Hut after operating a few mctaths It was found to need some supple, snentary machinery to eliminate copper and arotnlc found In the ores -will add aay needed proeesslnr-ment to rscorer or eliminate minern's thst characterise their ores. But It to not learned of they expect to do custom work. CAR LOAD Off OOLO ORE HIPPED FROM FERGUSON Other raining enterprise* In the Carolina state-line gold belt section. Is that the old Ferguson mine. In the Battleground section, has been denatured and a car load of Its gold ere shipped from Kings .Mountain, N. C.. bv a new Canadian group, - not In anyway connected witb the Cappe mine and Southern Golds. The. ora from the Ferguson mine has always been fairly high grade and the mine has enjoyed a good record with a very promising future. A number of other properties are reported under option In the Kings Mountain and Smyrna section. Including the old Kings Mountain, or Catawba mine near here, by New Jersey and New York interest, also Tennessee capital. Influenza On Increase Raleigh, May 22.?Last month's influenza toll in North Carolina was 119, 88 compared with 48 In April, 1938, according to a report compiled v) m. i\. i. ounipsuii, director 01 tbe State Beard of Health's Bureau of Vital Statistics. Homicides also were up. with forty-one as compared .with 23 the ecrrespending pi-riou .last year. There was an increase of. eight in the total number of deaths in the State, while the birth-rate jumped from 22.2 to 22.7, indicating an Increase of 206 in the number of babies born last month over April, 1988. ^ The Infant mortality rate for the rat-nth, including babies under on* year of age, dropped from 56.2 to 62.2, while the maternal death rate fell from 5.7 to 5.5 for tbe month.. Diarrhea and enteritis claimed only 13 children under two years of age nut month, as compared with 36 a tear ago. the report of Dr. Stlmpspo shows. There were ten deaths from measles, compared- with 46 last April Preventable accidents claimed 96 vlcttlms, yigalnst 91 a year ago. Including, n 1939: automobile fatalities, 65; apathe from "automobile sad railroad cmlltslons, 6; other railrrad ai-cldents,\|7; burns, 19; drowning, 6 traumatism by firearms, four. There were no sharp differences in deatbs* from the above causes for tbe two years. Pulmonary tnberllloels deaths crop ped from 165 to 139, vfhile pneumon la aeams aroppea.rrom zza w> zvi. . Dr. Bene* sees totalitarian nav tton? having reached height of power aud started on decline. * HAD ANY HEADACHES |9 LATELY ? , J Q^TfNO, THANKS H HBT ftfj TO YOU ANOJ I \HFM rnkfn I ^AMmTetltM that rite I t*. 1 ? J ' *'" . . - _ a! Nmnu uum irntj u-c n i " headaches. Nothing stopped them until friend recommended OR MILKS NERVINE. She nyi Nervine elope heedeche# before they fet e good (hit Three generetione have found DR MILES NERVINE effective for rttaMtty, Noruoea !v i luoei jkwii. Oet DR MOLES NERVINE at your drug store. LIQUID MBRV1NE Lores ML ?L* Small ML U* f 1. ... m ^ * I s h?4 ? iMKHSMMMIiMmaism. Large Pig Crop Seen In i? by Hooietkr Indication* for spring and fall pig Licpa (a 1639 amounting to 10,004,ooO bead or mora sbour* tho aaad or caieftil selection of rations to re duca coat* In feeding and thoreby Increase the chance tor a margin of priHlt, says Karl H. Hostetler, professor of animal husbandry at State >J>W? IV^C, Feeders also should bear in mlud :hat the rtrm'. medium type hogs that are well (Wished will briny a I ki'iennWiuj over thclse that are either unfinished or excessively tat, be added. Through research hy State College agencies. plus practical experience. Vi.rt hrarotlna boa raisers are able t< day. to feed more efficiently and economically then in the past. Prof. enicient Teeamg. but Is I I Ucklng tfn moat farms except on those that have skim milk or butter milk available. However, this Important food element can be supplied economically by using cottonseed meal In combine Men with tankage or flab meal. An efficient protein supplement for dry lot feeding-consists of forty pounds of ctfftonseed meal, forty pounds of : nnlftce or fish meal. Id oounda of* I eround legume hay of good quality, three pounds of bono meal. and one prHmd of aalt. If mineral, la opt included In the supplement, a mixture of two parts of steamed bone meal, two parts of finely ground limestone, and one part salt is an excellent mix ti re to keep available at times. Tn conclusion. Prork directly or Indirectly In the K'ngdom of Cotton. * KEETEI COTTOl Prints ^ 1 V* A A *\ ' rreiiy 1 resigns and Guaranteed Fas Mfc y COTTTO Batiste-Voile < Lovely Sheer P Ideal for cool, Sum 15c y COTTO* Extra Good Qi ' Newest Pat Voiles-Batiste All Colors To Cho 25c y I ? Cotton D/ New Printed Frocks at '. *. Prices. Sizes 11 to 52. colors. Guaranteed Wat I 59i I Keel VALUE FOR VALUE 1 .?_a^ . THE KINO8 MOUNTAIN HCIAU urst 30 Families" Smiths Lm< Seoial Security UlU With 413.000 And the Jehneene Are Second. . - '. Smith ? the name that appear* so many time* In telephone directories -? also !e the No. 1 name of the Social Security Bocrd. A survey of the Boards 44,000000 old tie Insurance accounts revested to 00 the Browns with 254.750, the WitI'amscs with 250.312, the Millers with 240.180, and the Joneses wtth 235.540. Bailey. Raker; Bell; Bennett; Black. MICKEY AND HIS MA - \ gfgv?? bW1 d. ! f lality ^ ?*?" tni mm Dimties frosfer ose From d. L_^ ??? COTTO Size 81x9 ^ years of vice? Special Thrift 79c AH styles and ?? Men': (bible. WAS1 Large i Special? 1 9 ter's D J J fflEVER UNDERSOLD - mi, % THURSDAY. MAT M. 1M? Brooks, Burke. Butler, Cohen. Deris " Kdwarda Kills; Brans; Fisher; Foet- u< or; Ore en; Hell. Haarrts, Jackson, ul Junes, Jenkins, Johnston; Jordan, Kins- Lewis Martin, Moore; Nelson ca Phillips, Roberts, Robinson Rogers; w Taylor; Thomas; Turner; Walker, ?> White and Wilson. "The first names were found prln | clpally iu Tennessee, Mississippi, nl ; Alabama. South Carolina, Georgia 'and Vlcrlda.' the Hoard continued. J1 ' The Burkes. Cohens and Ellllota " come principally from the state or . * Nt .The Adh hh. Bailey; Jen* ) " i ins and N?*Ucn families are most1 1 numerous In Ohio. Kentucky, and Michigan. while Pennsylvania, Dele-'. ware and New, Jersey have * majorHy of only one of these groups, the Moo res. The General picture Is fairly enWffuarSjaarTievet^nousandsof per sons among Ihe oOu.oeo for whom L UN 1 H**< \tf WtlX,T HtN fH1 ' NEXT J ^ 0THaU?tj ClEOfCififfih len your . "Little Indians" oomo ooping in from play with hunger their hoarte, be ready for them ih a tall glaae 4 cold Sunrise Milk rved with broad and butter, It's ( ideal energy food for little *buay Hee." /^yOof\ \ ts avop / \*"N$ fAvOfi / ? :ADY FOl R ft SBflr HBP^ H vl ?\ iTTOM SAMS MKT Rimini HhHy ?y Hw m CwhwI tf AniHn, wU Hw Cmw-TwHIt N SHEETS - COTTON TC 9. MHe for A? , : Home Ser- Ml 8es a d Big Stock? each 10c -1 ' s Cotton Men's Cot 1 FAINTS SillltlS & SI assortment. Good Quality? (7/? 18c ea 6 FOR |1 tepartm ? rr ' ? ' ' '* * ' ' ' ' '-V ' ; ';-y- ? " < ?????? i I ?t?I I . ?? ?m a c iiurouu Ua* sot up aocounts have >t only the mm family bum, but so the same first name, the absote necessity of accurate tndentiflt'lon wll be realised. Tbts s why ich applicant la asked to ^Ive his ;act name. axe. and other identifyig iufcruiatiou. and why each U ten assigned an individual account j jmber. Take the Thompsons as an exam- ( le. -mere are only 110.000 of them i the Bureau's files; hut of these. 000 are named John; 3.000 George', d 2.TOO. C.harle*; while 34 hare as alven name Wood row Wilson. Aong the 43.000 Bennetts, there are 100 Johns, and aim cat equal numtr 4named William or one of Its irUats. AlltNUTdTi ?SLASHING U. S. Tires 4.50x21 4.75 6.60 7.: Cash Ca 13 Plate Batteries New Entrance Throu Plonk M * t . . c y. Shantung f I PRINTE Very prett) 25< I " m Curtain Go Buy During N 5c . VI ^ Cottc Three big^Tables t wV| newest Patterns a 12 ***** 1 19t )WELS I??? . quality. (Jradua L8c FOR BOl 1 That They Will ton SORTS LET US HELI ich 8EI .00 .i tent SI J I <*uor Cave Man Had No Newspaper To Advertise In.. But You Have!! <9 im JnLL G PRICES? As Low As >xl9 6.00x16 20 11.15 sh Cash $4.75 And your old Battery gh Cherokee Street lotor Co. OTTON - Broadcloth D and SOLIDS ' and good quality : yd. | OTTON I ods & Sheeting II ational Cotton Week yd. I .n Prints I o select from. All the II nd Colors. c ' 15c I : yd. | . * tion Uitts I rs AND GIRLS I Appreciate And Enjoy ' 8 B 1 ? YOU MAKE YOUR I >ECTION I ^n Kings Mountain, N. C. I H