SOCIAL Of INTE O . ? t ? | j. PHONES IO-R / MISS MARY McSWAIN WEDS WILLIAM OVMALD HOOPER la R aim pie but very Impressive , ceremony taking place Saturuay afternoon at five o'clock at Dallas Bap I at church. Mis# Mary Mc-8-wala and lu marriage The bride's pastor. Rev. j 1'ubert Hoggins. performed the ring' ceremony. An art ill tic arrangement of paluui formed a background for tall basket# of white rosea. The floral decoration* of the chancel were flanked on either side and In the center by seven branched canledahra set with cathed n.l fufuira Prict to and during the exchange of vows a 'program of uupiln! musicwas rendered by Mrs. Franklin ' Harry Jr., of Urover, N. C. Mrs. Harry was gowned in a navy blue dress with touches oi chart rcusse. She wore a shoulder bouquet ol talisman lores. Mrs. Harry played Viennese Refrain, by Felton and Traumerei, by 8humami. Mrs. Elizabeth Souther gave as vct-al. numbers, Tbou Art Like Unto A Flower, by Kubenstein, and Bond's. I Uve.Vou Truly. Mrs. Souther was dressed in blue with touches <Jf pink and ber flowers were pink rosebuds. The ushers Were Mr. Howard Coffey of Rasicula. and Mr. Roy Beach of Lenoir. The bride's mother wore a nevy blue dress with white trim. Her shoulder bouquet *v;:s of pink rosebitda. ^frs. J. TV McDanii-1. the maternal y 1* .. i . , , i. IIKFUOWV f I ^^^RuTTrNT^^m / m m I I B/6 NEW 1939 D0D6E W / M / f'LUXURY UNER'SELLS U 1 i FOR MANY DOLLARS 11 / LLESS ^snd^e , V I inHr : Gets your Dodge Dealer ami imgmc Jydra-iar Yyriilf What Car l^the Year's Mo. 1 Yokel < TUStToBH wlisl JIUO get W\en* 1 J money than last year! Bye-filling new beauty ... longer wheelbase ... 4-inch wider windshield ... 2-inch wider front seat ... a concealed luggag' ompartment that's 27* larger IndividualAction front wheel springing! All these features and many more... plus the great Dodge "Scotch Dynamite" Engine, famous for its sensational savings on gas and oil! See your Dodge dealer today! i ' TAKIA LOOK! New Dodge luggage compartment, 27% larger) It's invisible ?completely concealed beneath vdndetreamed rear ensemble! Three bell Bvjm nnaw 10 carry all tha luggaga thia naw compartment will hold! j DODGE i ' \-*C '' " < 'v * WARE & FALLS MOTOR I COMPANY I I nil ii i i TH 1 ' ' - ? AND PERSONAL HAPPEN! REST to \ IND 88 MRS- A- H. PATT1 >< ? ?? * brruuiiioiner <A the bride, was gowned in u black sheer dl?-?? * uu luai- b cbriig accessories. she a ore a cur?3ke ol v* bite rosebuds. Toe gimVi ki .toolbar, Mr*. H. A. Hooper, wore a blm rcdincole mult '"'.'Ifi r *' 11 1 ""Tf I be biide and grCoin entered the ei ciiUlch to tbe alia 111* of Tbe Bridal til Cboru*, Iroin Lohengrin. Toboni's .hurts and FliAsers, waa played dur iug tbe ceremony, aud MeudelHsobu's Wtddiug March was played a* a re- | ceaslonal. The bride waa very lonely in a ; '' tailored costume of navy alpaca i (| ilh leu'n'u yellow shade trim. She J vi re a large lemon yellow telt hat :u:d accessories that matched her '''' nil. Her shoulder bouquet was of y. lii/w roses and lilies of the valley. H Immediately following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Hooper left for " i trip to northern states, after which ihey will be at home after Juae the ; urn in Mount Airy. , ^ !M?"?. Hooper is a daughter of Mr. . lint' Mrs. M. L. McSwaln of Dallas. m1 N. C., fortnerly of Kings Mouutaln.. r' She is a graduate of Hillsborough High School. Tampa. Kla., and Appa- ! larhiau Stale Teachers College. H< Bocne, N. C.- For the past several ye^rs she has been a member of the j th Kanlo School faculty In Gastonia. ; t.i Mr. Hooper is a son of Mrs. R. A. Pi Hooper and ibe late Mr. Hooper of r.i Mr bane, C. He was prepared for | . !!<-ge In the Kuffin High School, it Muffin. N C? and received hia B. S. it. Degree at Appalachian State Teach- ;e< is'-'College, Boone, N. C. He is now fie i.ninected with the -Soil Conserva- pi i 11 Service at Mount Airy. S Among the out of town guests Ml were Mrs. J. T. McDanfel, Misses Milia and Bessie McDaniel of Kings by Mountain. ! JL'ntert ains ol< Miss Kathleen Owen entertained thi he Amenta Class of the First Bap- ,pc ist Church at her home On Gold At tlreet. An Interesting program pro- T-a v dt-d entertainment, M' Light refreshments were served. Ta ourth grade entertained "j hi Mrs. Chns. Williams, grade mother j Ms [or 4-A Central School, entertained j ?t a lovely lawn party at lier home j F( rn Tuesday. About 35 little guests ' mjoyed Mrs. Williams hospitality. | ^ j Miss Margaret Williams assisted j ,j. her mother in serving Ice cream I tnd rakes. ' . 1 rb bo :lub hostess Mrs. Hunter Nelsler was hostess tc members of her bridge club en- bl tertolning at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Bowls of lovelv roues and a ollter flowers were arranged In the 116 ++ < + + +-> * + 4^ : GIFTS FOR THE GRADl That will be appreciated ai years. We have a large ass and Girls, and you are Sir tion before you buy. We are also co-operating v Week and National Cottoi your First Aid supplies dii ! Kings Mount) The Rexal X We Fill Any Docto % Phones 41?81 +++ ! ( +*+++ + ++++++++++++++ SPECIAL FOl Vera's Bea t ' \ ' '' . ' V . ?* Shampoo And Finger Wa Arrh an<l ? wm wmuwM t'laauvUIC Alitor $1.01 HV Miss Virginia Stepp, ex peri connected with our Shoppe. ? r Phone 61 E KINO8 MOUNTAIN HERALD. - " INGS VOMRN I . _ , 2RSON, Editor j .-M|t kuui wL?i? ;wo Utlilt* Of ridge were iti put;. A i?ui|iiiii|t i?iiilk'ivb kud Kit. tours ?M itntd Tke p(.i > lug htdhlddd M? sdames i i ! B.'JI . i 1,11' 1 ii .ulli.u*, Jot; ,\<|iltr, Arnold KfsM. S Blackmar, George Lattlore and itit FETING OF BOOK CLUB Mi8. E. A. HarriH wkt bbiim UJ embers of her bocV club and Invld guests entertaining at her homo i Ki?u King street on last Thursiv evening. The rooms were arranged with inntltles of lovely snrinz flowers. On arrival the guests were served tempting menu in two courses. After a short business session, rs. O. E. Nosier, program chairman 1 nlshed a delightful evening's enrtuinment with moving pictures, eturing a showing of scenes in rookgreen Gardens, Cypress Garns. McSwain's Tulip Gardens and V-r- g :v?t n? ci i',?-i,?-st. as well as ( miliar hom?- scenes, etc. ... i ? ( OSTESS TO ADELPHIAN CLUB Mrs. \V. K.M* :?ey was hostess to e Adelphihii luo and invited sts entert;.'n!r,g at her home on' ' edmont Avesrie cn last Thursday 1 lernoon. Si xtables fcT rock we're arranged the lhinv f<T>n. den and sun om which wer? '.'.*1 actively dccqra1 With-bowls nd ases of loVely iwers. .Mrs, I.add 'lamrick was esented pri;-?- for Mgh score. Mrs. R. Sube'r prize r low set're and rs. George La 'more, floating prize A tempting salad course, follotwed ice cream end c.ike was served. Those present .'?< ! ded Mesdames E. Anthony. IT. S. Blackraer, Harj Crawford. Troy Carpenter, Axur Hay, L.. Boyd Hamm, C.. W. Har r. Ladd Hamrick. O. O. Jackson. nold Kfser. Byron K?eter, George ttimore. Carl Mauney. Aubrey >:n?v. R. L. Mauney, O. W. My ere inly Morehead. B. S, Nell), A. H< tteraon. W. A. Ridenbohr, Pride tterree. S. R. Suber, and Misa try Grace Baldwin of Anaonvllle. RST GRADE HAS P*RTY Mrs. Hunter Neisler. grade mother r First Grade Central school, gave ? children a delightful party oh the hool grounds Monday. Lemonade, kes and suckers were served. Aut forty ch.ldren were present. RTH ANNOUNCEMENT Born to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mode, son. Ronal Eugene. Thursday, May th. JATES | I nd enjoyed for many + (ortment for both Boys | ifited to see our select- t nth National First Aid + 1 Week. Stock up on f ring this week. | . ? ain Drug Co. | 1 Store | rs' Prescrintion t Kings Mountain, N. C./ + + I TUESDAY ni luty Shop ienccd operator, now PR 1 I1 ^H * B ^.y^jr.-. 1111 ? : ; " : V-;\ I ' THUR8DAY. MAY IS. 1?3? Society News Mtaa Mary Orace Baldwin, of An Mmviiie, has been a guest of Mr. an< Mrs. K. L. Mauney. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McOtll were m'esis of Miss Kufb McGill at Mt A:fj during the week-end. Mia. Kdrt'.f Smith motored tt Greensboro with Mr. Siuith on bua .lte>? trip. ' ? O M Mr Charles Tlioniaaaon wua a via .tor in Savaunah the first of tb< * < ek. . re'atliea here. ?O- Mra. E C. Cooper of Raleigh, baa been on a visit to relatives In Kings Mountain. Miss Jeanette Falls la spending a lew da>s in New York attending the World's Fair. Mr. O. A. Rhea U out on crutches nlier having been confined to bia 'tune several weeks as a result of a broken leg. cause by a fall. Mrs. T. P. McGill and Miss Martha Frances MeOtll were guests of < ..itIves M?. Holly <;r several" .1 - uiys ini i wee*. * Miss Nina Jackson underwent an operation for appendicitis Tuesday morning at the City Hospital, Gasonla. Mrs Patrick Curley apd baby of Washington, D. C., will arrive Saturlay for a visit at the home of Mrs.' Curley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins. Miss Margaret Smith and Miss (Cont'd on back page) Myers Cr With 1 for Natit First quality Cannon I -and Pepperell Cotton SHEETS 81x99 97c ASvQQ 87c First quality Cannon " and Dundee TOWELS 5c to 19c COTTON DRESSES ; Lovely sheers, prints and stub broadcloth. 48c - 79c 88c - 1.94 - * Chic Dress Prints and Sheer Cotton DRESSES 25c -48c 97c km > ifiy cr? ur FOR ROYS ?Belts ?Ties ?Shirts ?Pajamas AND] Myers* 1 ' ' ' ' ' . ' ill I I,in. - l v ';'y' ' ' ' : ' "-;" . >V :V ' . ' "1 - ? ' , , ? ; | COTTON | 1 ^f"f; Xav NV+<*acI '!t Kayser's own exclusive cotton W WYtHHw printed batiste Niicht (;owns !! \i !?M. 1W W an<?. ^aj>mas' cleverly design- I! ' f$ iVkJf'llA 1 ' * in Kiy? graceful styles. A t \ \ Pe,fect Kraduation *ift. i Q7 p ! | yviL | ' ,'kv' *.- .. . ' .. . . .' ; *\i ' ' ' ?r * ' E '3 __L__^ ' ?' ' , ' , -I nwnc TaHaii ifmsrc v ff iav VViiVU JLmlllgU fhese Suggestions mal CottonWeek Slacks, Shorts and Far- Boys one and two piece merctts for girls? COTTON SUITS 48c-97c 48c - 97c COTION PIECE 1-45 & 1.94 GOODS Young Men's "Sun SUGGESTIONS KlSt C^^"ySiack j Lovely Sheers in Dimi- - An /) n An ties and Batiste 1.98 2. 98 15c & I Mien's and Boys' Cot- I ton sanforized summer 19c yd. mer ? 48r - Q7r SnlM and f'nlnr^ "WU V f V I PRINTS ft 1.94 I slub weave broadcloth 'Unbleached 1 A 1 BROADCLOTH IJJC yd. Good quality ^ 5c yd. COOTON PRINTS / Good quality in De- ?nd Men R Po'? J signs and solid colors. COTTON SHIRTS afi . 25c - 48c 10c yd. & 97c flrlnntinri vrn?. UU{$^C5UUnS r FOR GIRLS ' * ; , ;{\ lis; _Kayser Hose j -?Kayser Pajamas ' Slips ?Kayser Undies MANY OTHER USEFUL GIFTS {f department Store Yoor Friendly Merchant _

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