? THIS 'N THAT By Alio* Burton Patterson Grove Section Kelativee of Mr. and Mrs. M. L Ttaoruburg atifprlaed them with a birthday dinner given at their home Sunday. The event was In honor of Mrs. Thorn burg's birthday Krleade of Mra. Ralph Allen, who has bfM wrlowly Ul la a Charlotte j kupiUI, will be rU4 to hear that he la ltti*covt?R. Mrs. Alton was to ? "?** mw wfwnwwwo HERALD CLASSIFIED AOS 2c word for first inssrtion; half p'rioe for subsequent Inssr. tkorts. Minimum charge 26c. Do not ask for information regarding "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. If error is made, The Herald is responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer is responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needWant add are always cash In advanoe except to business men Or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR 8ACE ? 5 asrss land. one-half ?. cleared crte-fouFh re need, containing 6 room brick veneered house1 iwlth four out-bulldlngs, well water . and electric power, situated on U. S. Highway No. 29. 1 1-2 miles south of Kings Mountain. Ideal loration for tourist home, ' poultry t'-.rm or both. ' FRANK C. ROBERTS. June 15p FOR RENT ? during the summer months, a furnished apartment. Close to business section. Apply this office for information 2tc FOR RENT ? House, interior newly paintod. Apply 402 (lold st. < dip FOR SALE ? Spencer Sweet Peas. Mixed colors Paysour's Tourist Camp. t2 FOR RENT ? Honee on Gold street. A V. Dedinon, phono 78. Shelby. FOR RENT ? Two 3-room .apartmortfa close In. ronneltfng bath, hoi wator furnished. 5h0 West Gold at. See W. F. Iygan. , REMEMBER ? On Saturday vouget one of our delicious Banana Spltts for only tftc. Kinga Mountain Drug Company." ' ; KEV8 MAOE, LOCKS, VACUUM Cleaners, Small Klectflcal Appll anoen. and Spoo'lntr.etera repaired C. L. Ramsey.'Phone 128-M. Sept 2Ctfc (Continued Next Week) n? *"i 1 I TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "George, do yon think .that it'a a good Idea for young pooplo rtartlna out in the wnrM b> ...... w - M]fliro that somewhere there'* a good opening for them?" George: 'If they do In the end they'll find themselves In the HOLE." We find one of the beet ways to keep out of the hole Is to follow the Golden Rule, as frienda < made In that manner are the most lasting. That's our unvollabl* motto; I). F. Hord Furniture Co. j Buy It For Leae At Hord's THE CLANC wvt. MtMAH MM TIC bNputftscmMco m OCT ST+t* ? MW A TWdCC TCMpTCC H< MHcir won 0oc4 MtjmtMEMrsi ' / * v 11 " . \ :2i ..n.wiijuiiyijwww. '? i | fore naarr1a?e Mist Thelma Selena. Mr. Marion Urttou U a patient In a Charlotte hoapltal where he under went an operation thla week Mr. and Mr*. La Bon Thorn bur* und eon. iDanny, of Shelby were rialtore of Relatlvee here Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Jack Huffman of Cberryvllle were vlsltora In thla tectlon Sunday afteruoou. I MIm Vera Thornburg of Charlotte spent the vtek-ead at her home here LfcTWBKN THK KXCLAMATION I'OINTB:? It's cotton chopping time and in almost every field folks can be seen at work. ?Thai* hao been some com kifjuiiai imtmttmmlmmmmmmm Lui we haven't heard anydne report a lack of graaa!- The wheat is lev ginning lo change its color so it wont be long neat 'til the reapers will be at work.?The birds must enjoy this season. They're In the cherry trees fro mdawn 'til night. 8ome pay fcV their fruit with a song but the saucy old blue Jay is always cross aud scolding.?That hill aide I covered with white and yellow daisies wwonW be a lovely spot to make pictures If you had a color-camera.? The creek, hank and fence covered wltb honey suckle and pink rambler rosea would be even better! I hear a car going down the (Waco) road ?rattling like a milk wagon. But no wonder! There's Disc I est in that road that?to use ray own > words ? resembles a wash board! Now I'm not trying to "throw off* on a wash board ? Its supposed to be one bump after another but a toad Isn't. Still folks grumble and b'ame their cars because they make so "inch nnlse. Listen folks. If you w< re shaken till all your Joints were V?>ee (that's what happens to your carl I'll bet you would shriek and groan too! Ho-jHum ? I'm getting as tired of this as you are?80 Good By! NEWS* AROUNlTNORTH PIEDMONT AVENUE Lois Beattte ?-M"b+++++-fr+++++++*-8>*?<.-{.-M?a Airs. J. J. Patterson had as her quests for the week-end Mrs. J. \V. . Fatris and grandchildren. Miss Ge'n ' '!e Farris and Master Bobby' Dean ! Gere of the Battleground section. I Miss Gussle Huffstetler had as j her. guests fCr the past week, Mrs. flay Smith and daughter. Rebecca, of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Weedon had a.* their guests Friday night. Mr. Rill Weedon and Mr. Ray Keever of High Point. Mrs. J. J. Patterson had as het guest Sunday Miss Elizabeth Davit of Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Bridges and s'n, Richard, spent Saturday In the mountains. Notice of Summons by Publication CLEVELAND COUNTY. NORTH CAROLINA. Mrs Sara Little Hayes, Plaintiff Petitioner, vs. Maurice Little, Tr? a minor. Defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that an acticn, entitled as above, has been institued in the d a wo sums*. i] jjjwj H wap CRQtt. vSvU? i 'swi i fxcn -- i 0?f? ' . >. ' . ''>* ft . v - rwisbfe- *>v .v "'v%j HE KINGS MOUNTAIN HBKAKJD, v. 1 ><.1.1 tw iBUlk U1 WMtliOl to write u column about Is lots o( tron til afineiiuius wiien you havent any bote* ic wbich you cau refer. That's ju.il tlie predicament' 1 found myself in wueu 1 tried to think of some* ining for this week's chatter. 1 cuUtu bu.c raised a res about SouKiyr "Our Hub" fOh yeah!) HeyutuU. but not being much of a pollI ?. a a? >? 1~' lA?i?J i.viau. uua ikiu( very au<7ri on inula, i dtcidid uguutsi it. Several other icing* suggested themselves, bat uoae ui>p(.ti inactive, make the pcppiea. It's a worthwhile.. project, lively person in' town * Saturday til'AtId buy one. Girls will be selling them on the street. Those men who tiihde them deserve a helping hand, c.nd It's every American's duty to p*tend one to them. These men aye the one's who who get no com pea aa Con from the government. They have no other means of earning spending mcYiey; In tact, they are ;hyalcallv unable to earn It other v ise. They receive a certain amount oi money for each Poppy they make If the Prtpples are sold. 80. they must be sold, and you must buy. Messrs Johnny ICcOlU and Done Id Blanton, down at the K. M. Drug, take this week's prise for the moat *rtrar?lve window In town. That's not just h boast becuuse yours truly '.3 In uu the matter. It's the plain ttuth. If yoM haven't noticed the handsome (or otherwise) faces ot the Senior class this year, yop're behind the times. The 65 young faces which adcYn the window, mounted . < n the enormous K. M. H. S., will soon be the leading cltltena of this town and state. It's woVth the time required to look. Inns FOR YOUR F 'A PT0THE ^ MEW YORK 4^ HIABII1IC ; fair it will be wise precaution before you leave home, to i change the cash you had planned to carry with you into protected, spendable AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES These Cheques are known and accepted everywhere ~-and it lost or stolen a prompt retond is made. Jmsslis* ftpnit Travslars Ibaeaa* it. at Hilt baak la lis, |?0, SSb SIM dmaminaH*i.i at Its pu i'OO parckasad. FIRST I NATIONAL BANK Your Friendly, Helpful Bank ?. , v s Deposits Insured Up To $5,000 in F. D. I. C. " '. - >;'\" r ' " '* ULI | HI | I 1 MtfhMpMi'' Vscmxret- sit. - who, mme r mca* mu os , was muttfc* V4XVCTX Of TM CHCMY. THIS uwtaiwc9 hit caa*actc*urr 9 TH*oi*HOOT tv mcaclv ?or Htx TOW <06. V COAL Of VfCTOnY WAX r UtWCO OW HfH. w?????? ? in, i J_i ... * *\ ; " T ' ' ' ' \ " / - _ ' '.^Vj THURSDAY. MAY ?, t?S? NOTtCK or MMll Under ud by virtue of tbe power of ?ule contained lu an order made by & A- Houaer. Clerk of the Surer* lor Court for Cleveland County, itf the apecial proceeding* entitled "Albert Morrie. adminieuaur for tm estate frf W A. Morrt*. d<*eoue."'d. ve. Minnie Hord. et al'V I will rewll for cm ah on tbe premleee of the lead noreiuut tcr described at public sudden on Saturday May 27. 1*3*. at too o'clock. A. M.. or wlthis less I hours, the following described real e-tate. FIRST TRACT: A one-third undivided Interest In the following Iota: Ten lots Now. 31. 33. 33. 34. 3S. M; -i: 3k; 30 and so of the Parker 1 njuu hihwiu.'jm n w nw m i are 35 feet treat and 110 feet . deep. I .-\c? pt lot No. 30. which la a V shape I lot. and said lots are ettuated on the West aid" of a new street or alley running north and south, and. said lots will wppeiir on a map or plat of the Parker Grove Property In Rook o' Plats No 1 at page .... In the Register of Deed* Office for Clevel-ind County, reference to which Is >-sde for s fuller description. The Ridding wilt begin at $32.00. SKCOND TRACT: 8ltuated on the West side of Piedmont Avenue In the Town of Kings Mountain and being l/vts Nob. 3. f and 5. according to S ptat of the Parker Orove Property made by K. I*. Campbell, surveyor. an wtll appear on record. The Home Store to situated cm one of ttieae lot*. The bidding will begin on Lot No 3 at fl.ASA.Oh: on U* No. 4 at 9220.* OA: and Lot No. S at tllA.M THIRD TRACT: Situated in the Town ot King* Mountain. N. C.. ana beginning at a atone on the North a'de of KH'er Street fVn-v T*ulton Street). SrldaeV ?omer; thence North 251 feet to a atuhe; theneP 1 ' /ik "THE BOSS TIPI __ "ft* TOtO Ml ' Ml Important Jo bualnosa, and ha I for K. oxoapt tha ha aa up-to-data INTCRNATK Without co?t or obll Why," and full part *riiiwi na SfS-j-HT- ?? i QTSj CM AmmMMI 1 !W C. r. Aamalul Q At *? * ? C*? p. 313 S. Vance St. a? iiii" ' i i j. 1 ' inr War # YMOH STlU?#?U..Pvr Mhf!? A HCAW OOMtMKOeieNrON . WOO* Of 0CC.6TH.THIS* ffcrvse^ TO LfAve Ntr ON His COM*A0 * WTH6ATC0 *CAA fN TNC HPST Of TXC OecOOATCP WITH Y*e o? W AturD 6A2A*. One cxruA star no* < HHHHHHI W*M f* i??t t? s'Ato. r?hm4' tr ? corner; tfcrtu?rt> Myer't con- i ert; tbeiteo i Ion* HiiUNtrr'i (iM fcilk >M (n( U> K?U?r Street (mw Full~a Street); itwac* iloni ml4 trrrt 10.) feet to tW fceftaatag. coafnln'ng U.ltO equare feet, more M i bidding trill begin at HTt.N roi'KTH TRACT: ThU property la located on Uck?r Street la the Tcwa o4 Kin pa Mountain and kalu laMa Noe t and t. II. 12. U. M and !(. an ?rlll appear oa a map or plat made by K. I. Campbell, eunroyor foe i he W A. Morr!? entate. dated "Kth March. IMI.* u will appear op record.:- The blddlnp will bepia oa '.ota No. ? and 3 at 130.00: on lad vp .it 9ftO.RO: on Lot No M at 9214.10; ami l?ta Noa.. 14 and S3 at 933.00. FIFTH TRACT: The fotlewln* k tf are located on Waco Road and I Canaler Street 1n the Town cf.Klngal Mruntaln: t^ota Noa. I. 2. 3. 0. 10, 111 ^I I .__.y |\^" ^D| Ifl ..^H ya ED ME OFF" I ,. tlppMl nw of I Gorr?pander for mo?and Bet your I No that In tho noar future ^ ^ |t> (s would opon up In our , kn#w..^^n i thought I was tho man t my training might not Here's a tip fo at It should ho. Tho boss 4 themselves. H INAL CORRESPONDING BOX ,889, SCRANTON, PBNNA. gatlon, please send me a copy of vour book! Iculars about the subject ft/ore which I hav TSCNNIOAL AMD IHSgtTSlAL OOUSSCS m* m?w r?u g rtMbUa tuw rue. Iiiartii BwUae VH.O 25*32. Highway ic**M?riN BUSINBSS TOAIMMS OSURStS WSllll ? O SwrW. awtw ?Unn...H. KkiUfO g lint Tw CMlta* SOlM _ OMUTIO MIIM08 tMMH UST* 3 tttftSL Ml Cml*mU Mu ? Age .Addvrst....^......... Slut* I. Prtttni PotU L. PIERCY, Local Represent; - - "~^bhb mmmammmmmmmmmmmm P . . .' . , _ . .' . ' V : Ml s-bvftwc ( TH AFTER HwSS&SU IfeS! HKfc U: 12; 14; U ao4 1? aa will iffitf m a U| or plat mad* by U. I* " ri?|>?ll surveyor tor the W. A. Morris estate, dated March 2S. 1>3>. ? wiu.aggaer oo record. The Bidding on Lot No. 1 will begin at 8413.80; en Lot No. I et 41 J.5.1; I4)t No. 3 at *887.26: .Lots Noe. 0. Id. 11 *ad IS at lldl.Sd; and Lote Noe 13. 14. IS and IS at ?58.0d. SIXTH TRACT: Bectanlnc at a* etake la Went odge of King* Moan tela aad York Road end nine with Carson's line N |t 1-2 W. 4 OS chataa to an lroo stake 00 beak ot gaily; thence e now Mae with gully N. 88 1-3 R. S O# chain* to a stake 00 waot odge ot sold, road; theace with road South 3 on chain* to the beginning. "iw ? ? acre. The bidding on tkle lot will begin at 8110.00 This the 10th day of ISur. l?3t. Albert Morrte. Commissioner. J. R. Deris, Atty. ?adr. as; 18. SETTER SIMHs) ST ME LESS J ^ : PipLr '. IF >? H^r * \> -' ' ' ' . - hp who kn?M hla stuff. H* F to what an International >oa Sohoola Courso could da I I took hla tip. Got the joh? I did I An I.C.S. Course la . ping mom to 1 bottor Job mmtrmet from a tmdwl'i Ulltr. r mon who want to Improvo loll thla coupon today I E SCHOOLS < ot, "Who Win and o marked X: : alfcsraa*.**." * ri flrailo , L - > hI ita n iiuuVZT H y ritgaio^T FmO> m4 Oookarr i??ti. OiUrhg s f .*a.'...n....?.v ? . / V ative Gastonia, N. C. i I II I -| . y*FEKCY CROSBY If ' W f 0 ... *? ?? - .#* '? <> fev \V HAmfrncsieac or ICR WAS THRICC m?,90TSTUCK TD Htr (