' UY . AT w HOME F - ______ VOL. 29 NO. 29. State And N j i. VUUUCU5CII II 8titc News Chapel Hill. June t>?The third hunkers conference -r- sponsored by (be North Caroline Hankers AseocUtH-a. the state hanking commission and the University of North Carolina ? will be held at the University July lo-H Botwres IN and IN hankers are ' 1 mmm wnfaB g? JB " which sessions will he held morning fteraoca and evening for the study of banking problems. Hartsv'lie, g. C. June ?A. man roHee Chief V. C. Elmore said wan hooked as Scots Skinner, 34 year old Lee County man. was held today on 0 charge of fatally shooting Bob Gilbert. K. 1 Gilbert wna shot-at htn tlUlhg sta* * ' fioo -hare yesterdsy. *''Chief 'Elmore acid Gilbert and Skinner engnged tn g brief argument while the Utter *- * buying gasoline. Raleigh. June 6.?North Carolina Piste College will graduate the largen*, clase In Its history at tarllght exercises tonight. Degrees will he conferred on 32S students. Thylorsvllte, JUne 8.?Tesrle Vtam suffered a leg fracture and lea ter^ Injuries yesterday when his air pfeaao crashed attempting a take off blu the Taylorsvllle landing field. Raleigh. June 6.?The third annual Older Youth Conference, attended by farm boys-and girls from all parts of the 8tate will open at N. C. State ColMffe here tomorrow. *Flke theme of the meeting will be "Ihastd a More Abundant Country i Life." Topics to be discussed Include pc raaaal Improvement, Increasing | the farm Income, snd vocations of Irterese to rural youths. Midland. June 6.?M*s. ttuth Klker ??. was Instantly killed today at a ?v .V- ? ? wut iiuiih, wiicii nit- ujir in WUICU she was riding with her husband. Jon Klker. and two children. Jane and.Barber Klker. left the road at PHly Long's Crossroads in Ooose f Creek township. Barber Klker suffered slight Injuries snd .was taken to Monroe hospital. The KlkerS lived near Midland. Aberdeen June 8.?Ralph Williams White, shot and killed Ransome Prance. negro, this morning about 11 o'clock at NatHM Turner's roadbouse In the Cabbage H1U section near Aberdeen. Wllllamston N. C., June 6.? Pour year old John Peel. Jr.. waa killed today when he was ryn over by an -wntMnoblle in a street near his home Us c?r, Sheriff C. B. Roebuck wife, Was driven by Norfleet Whitfield of Robersonvllle. The officer do it the accident was unavoidable. Beauty Pageant At Dixie Theatre Friday Night A Beauty Pageant will be present ed at the Dixie Theatre Priday night at 8:^o P. M. "Miss Kings Mountain 1939" ind "Little Mlsa Kings Mountain 1939" will be selected. A Talent Contest < >Iia > > ?i-? ^ W??. ? ?w vu program In the State Contest. The program la under the direction of Mlsa Roberta Allows?. ' . Laughing Arou With IRVIl $E2rs .? . - " * * v-. .?'* : !?& p i ii r v j. i- -1 t K . . : Consolation for tt RStfc 1 By IRVIN TN A California town is an old far wit. He wax in atten.1;.: . at t will call Mrs. A a of a > ("Tv? ffTo*"N aJMb /ks " tho affair was prsgr easing as wall i Bat th? husband was In a di friends erideaTsrad rainly to calm h M nQelnliir the sick room. At fiaqnc nsatlaa ooor and from those within sofic wall. Tat tho answers, while 1 , his agitation. What tho jntdwifs tt I Mas with dHhslmaihi sounds. . Finalljr ha called through tho 1 person ally with th? officiating pro '"Doctor," exclaimed the snffari I for hears now. I sat stand this ts for my earn sake, oleosa tall ma w! -Wan, son" sAithe doctor. "I 1 MattwMjwhta the world for f A .. Kings ..*% ' V j ? lational New; 9 Brief Forn ?National New*? Cumberland. Md. June Doi^th tiny Stalling#, 13, who uld an vagi ~wocped down and attacked iur.\h:< he aealp #crutclte? and the ph*|A t' lay to prove It. Her acreama frlu tied off the bird, which aettled In field near her mountain home an Chatham. Va., Jane .?An effoi to take Sam 8 wan ton. negro. ? fused of slay lug I'auniy ? William Coward, over a week ai ftom the Pittsylvania Ccuntjr Jal *a* prevented last night ti' -ourageoua action of Jailer E. J Edward*. who stocd off a crowd < angry marked men. moat of the< armed, and reasoned with them unt Sheriff Archer Overhy and sever citizens could reach the scene. Washington. June C.?K. W. Erlcl urn. an ag"ent~t&r a House Inveatlgi ting committee, teaWfled^today- th WPA In New York City had pal to persons Ineligible for r lief who were placed cn work relit Jobs by the International Ladles Gi thent Workers Union. Portsmouth, England, June .Plans for the entire British horn fleet to visit the northeast coast c Scotland were sharply revised whe departure time arrived today. Mist of the vessels kept to this base. Experts said they regarded thi point as the best base of operation In event of an emergency. San Pedro. Calif.. June 6.?Eight ships and 400 airplanes of the Unl ed States fleet put out to sea frot Snn Pedro and San Diego today fo ?l?elr first taftlcnl exercises sine * " 11 munini iivm an AllBQU cn>|H In May The exercises will be held In th 8?n Clomente Island area, where th shins will he busy until .fune 20. Th fleet then begins a cruise to the Pi let Sound-Columbia River district. 1 Swalnsboro, Oa.. June 0.?James I Hicks. 28, of Oranltovllle. 8. C. wa killed In an automobile accident flv miles northeast of here yesterday. The autotnoble he was driving oi erturhed on a curve cn an unpave country road. 'Washington June 6..?Mrs. Nanc i Mi-Arthur McI>iwhorn of Ayden, h C . died at a hospital here yeeterda from Injuries suffered In a fall. Mrs. Mcl-ewborn was the wldir of J. Z. McLawhorn and was wel known In Eastern Carolina. She wa visiting a daughter, Mrs. Paul O. Ds vis. here. New York. June 6.?Police scoute around today for epicurean but ei terprising thieves who stole t3,00 worth of Rumanian wines and brat dy from the World's Pair grounds. Myers* Installs Large Fan Myers' Department Store has it stalled tbia week a large clover-lea t>vpe electric fan that keeps the et tire store cool and comfortable. Mi Myers Invites his customers to sto In his store and cool off from ol Snl'M htomlnv mm nd the World I n s. cobs , le Imperilled One S. COBB nily physician with rather n caustic ;he confinement of a lady whom we "ear. There were no implications; f Few rt&r, \ im might reasonably be expected, itreesful state. While sympathetic im he walked the floor of the room at intervals he beat open the coopleaded for assurance that all was i consoling, did not avail to soothe >ld him only smnil to harass hint the trained nurse were received by keyhole that he must hare a word ctltioner. The old gentleman came ng jroong man, Tee been waiting irrible suspense any longer. Doctor, let the prospects ere!" can only say tide to yon: Pre been uttf sau yean atm and rue never .. V p * " -? ' ' * " I > Mou KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. 5 J. W. Milam Heads Local I I _ r?i 'r " ' Lions HUD ijr .1 W Mtlaui. papular nianagi la Home Stvie*. wan elected it '<-nt of the Lions Club, succe i toward Jackson, at the rat t- ' t'lti last Thursday evening li Mountain View House, id ""Other < ffUer? elected ware i "v Mrr' V'tt T'rrni,w tf Pillion; Hecond Vice President, rt , "it Crawford; Third Vice I*res 0- Jacob Cooper: ftermttnr. 3 1- I Hhyne; Treasurer. W. K. Maune ? Tail Twlatcr. Ocorge Mnuney; I, J Tamer. laither Cansler; and ] " I '<?ra* W. n. Thomson. Charles 1 L is?.<-a. J. L, Woodward and V >f j l.? can. The newly elected of 11 j will be Installed next Thursday it tnc at Toadies Nlpht. si Rev. K. W. Fox made an-lot In,? talk on 'the Conserve Hon' rf I.lfe. with particular emphasis It- "l.irds". . J' Truck leaded With e. Wine Overturns it ir A blp truck loaded with all rt bottled wine overturned on rew Oast on la Hlphway lust jit city limit sign about 6 A. M. Tui e morning. The driver of the was not Injured but tho bottles n broken and wine ran down the t way Into a nearby ditch. A 1 hiker came by' and aaslated-In | 8 up the unbroken bottlca and. H -riven aeveral bottles for his el 'mmedlately he hepan to sampl Mfferont brands, and shortly v "(imp very sleepy, so be took a j. tended nap that laated at n brurs. He was awakened by P r man Hanea. and carried before p rr J. B. Thomaason. who let hi >vl?h the understanding that he tc keep hiking. NY A To Continue Mai Clothing for Needy Sch l" Children. At the repular meeting of the Kt lor Woman's Club Monday nigh I | CTub voted to continue apona e the NYA sewing room. It was < < <1 to make 4 supply of scho< r' children's clothing during the ? mer months In order that no will have to miss the first wee] two Of school. The club will be y ' to get any odd buttons, thread, f mines of any kind, quilt scraps y old clothing that can be made eprnients. Perhaps you have a w of material that you bought I. winter and failed to make. 1 n that have any of the above nam k. tides are urged to call Mrs. 1 Page, who will arrange for de] to the sewing room. * Lions Club Ladies Nigfc >o Next Thursday /^The second snnual Ladles' / of the Lions Club will be held f Thursday In the Woman's ClOb L Ing. A most Interesting and < \ talnlng program has been aTra 'end the wives and sweethearts looking forward to the gala. ? ** The complete program for the Jojsble occas'on will he annoi I- I? ,k. ...i I..... Tka Uknl Ill IUC IltAl laout V4 * MV a *v. v.| rt 5 First Out-Door Men's Supper Next Thursday * Evening The fivst of the\>ut-door su of the Men's Club' with their and sweethearts an Invited g wilt he held next Thursday ev n< Plsgah A. R. P. Church at I'. M. Members remembers the sah supper as one of the best t whole season. Secretary B. S*. asks that all who are planning; be present to notify him by Tu so he will be able to have the nilttee prepare for the right nu E. W. Hord Attends Ril For Brother Mr. ana Mr*. E. w. Hord and lly attended the funeral last f day of hla brother, J. O. Hord Cherryville Methodlat Church.ntent followed at Mountain cemetery here. Mr. Hord wag 61 years of ag surviving are hla wife, big onl; B. J. Hord of Shelby, a brothei W. Hord. and a elater, Mra. Carpenter of 8helby. MRS. RATTBRRKB BREAKS The many frlenda of Mra. Ratterree will regret to learn abe allpped and fell at ber Wedneeday morning and broke leg. Mra. Ratterree wag earrie the City Hoapltal in Oaatonla ' aba la getting along aa well aa be 09*<!ta4. < n ini i i iniMi . , . ** . ' '*" >? , , \ ? .-/. tilo in Pi mailt u THURSDAY. JUNE ?. 1939 Kings Mountain Celebrates Flag Week >r of g)ns? MuuaUia t.U-c? u> nr.- invltprcsl u iii M?)ir J. I;. Tiibuinsiou to ; tiding .-' n i>> t!? - celebration of National *etinc >mk Week b> displaying the Atneri the' ''* fiat; at their places of busineas .id residences. Thi? week baa been a fo|- 'i a-l<j.- throughout the entire Unit*. , WU- "i'n?ir!Tfo!itoinin?u!irr?BirtSor Idem, patriotism. rtvron .d? Itr ThomaMCD has along with ijr, Jr. I he mayors of tow ns and cities lasu1 Jnn I il Ibc follovltlf nrrrlnA*oHA?* Dtrec> fin? tills seek aside for the observrhotn a nee of- the flu*: r. p. ne4n A PROCLAMATION eTe_. r?- *' ? Citizens of Kings Mountain? 1 Greetings: erjset*' ^TKR^8. In these days of world W"d! 'v,{le turmoil, with subversive forces Influences striving to dlaeredit n\d destroy the Ideals and Institutions symbolized by our Country's t lag. all toyal Americana should answer thle challenge ky'displaying add * t a.vlng t rlbute to that Flag as the em bletii cf our rights and liberties. hu?i. I kinds WHEREAS. With this end In view, the the legislature of North Carolina at , the iu last session, adopted a resolution esday Itidcrslnc the* plan of The United ' truck States Flag Association, headed by were the President of the United States ae ' high- Honorary President General, for the hitch- designation as Flag Week of the pe-1 piling i-od June Rth to Hth. during which patriotic exercises and other appro-! (forts, t.r'atc functions^ are te -be held In j i e the towns and cities throughout the 1 he- state. n e* , -reral NOW. THEREFORE, as Mayor of Oltce Kings Mountain. I do proclaim June ' Mnv. fth to 14th as FLAG WEEK and dins off t??lft that during this period the Flag was of the United States be dlsplaved on | a'l municipal buildings and vehicles, i < Furtbermore. 1 do invite the people t .jnp. '-f Klnas Mountain "to display the ( I Stars and Stripes at their homes, ; lOOl nlsces of husinese and ether suitable locations as well as on their cara; <-nd to hold . patriotic exerciser, plan Jun- Elag parades and do other suitable :, the' things as a public expression of our Artwg love of onr Country, onr alteghmcc to iecld l?s Glorious Banner and our belief In ( ol-age 'he Instituting cf American Democsum racy. child IN wttKESS WHEREOF 1 Have I * or hereunto set my haud aud caused ' the seal of the Town of Kings Moun I tain to be affixed this 7th day of t ani* June In the year cf our Lord Nine- I ,nto teen Hundred and Thirty-Nine. P1"? - J. B. THOMASSON, I ,aa^| Mas or of the Town of Kln^s rbw,c Mountain. * , i ed ar j \VJrr Father Of Local Man Dies i it Funeral services tor F. O. Proctor | Hi. resldeut of Earl community were | held at Bcas Chapel in Lincoln coun- i Night Monday afternoon at 3 p. m. next Mr Pr?ct<>r> one o* the oldest res- , Build identa of the Earl community, died ?nter- s,,n(1ay afternoon at his home after , ngp(1 mift bring a heart attack. Death came are" at 1:30 p. m. i ^r. Proctor had made his home ' e?*. lit the Earl community for the past lnrpfl tight years where he operated a gen eral merchandise store. Formerly he ' lived in the Belwood section for a ' number of years. Survivors are his widow, five sons, . including Sam Proctor of Kings ^ Mountain. Interment was in the chapel, ceme- , w^ves cU--' 'n L'nooln county. ttests I enlng . 7:00 . I Wm Rogers' ' . Humorous Story 1 esday j - com- , mf>pr. WILL ROGERS TT SEEMS that this here fend teg business is kinda dyin' out, Tlma was whan a* back-woodsman would V^Mrvr nm?I r son. tj,!, bads ap to a atory I heard r. B- about am old -way-back-ln-thaK C mountofau-of- V irpiaiaa." Ha bmiht kla boy lata a llttla eouatiy acboolhouao, , Lla "Tw 'aro boy la artor larnfa'," LEO bo mniwinil, "What'a yat bill of S C. -Wan." ropUod tha toolbar, -wo tbat baro Ooopraphy^ ^Arith matte, Hlod mwp?3Sjaa% '^Looj^bin wKb lerald ' ! * * \\ 1 I Town Council - ? ? ? Session Mond /<>od Sales Here Return S186.966 In Hidden Taxes I'1' tn Families iu Kins* Mount* u pav '* r miniated fl&Ottd in bidden tax- 1 ' ? annually through their pure-buy* f food, a National Consumer a Tax r'nmnl . 1%.. iilllllliil IWlMMwai m ii i | |.i, 'Nearly eight per cent of -the total .?o?I bill represents shifted taxes |,u iMirled in the price cf every purv base," the report stated "These un- ' 1 - en levies, for exauiply. take II per t',| t ent of butter costs. I 1-2 per cent J r bread costs, 10 1-2 per cent of all- "" ireo baecn and 14 1-2 per cent of the "" rest of coffee. The report was made public thru ' Mrs: William T. Hannah, of Waynes- ' villa, state director. who leads ' NOTC study grcups In about 110 **, North Carolina communities in the durational eru??de arutnst "unnar. essary consumer-penalizing taxes." ' tbe-'report added: ^ "Chief offenders, and these that th< fall most bearlly on lower Income nl' families, arc hidden taxes. These are T< levied originally against the produc- e:< sr. manufacturer, shipper and dtjitrl |?1< buttr. Unable to absorb thd '^wsd, Pdch must pass on a share of Its wit taxes and the consumer ultimately r'c nays them, usually without knowing ae< It." V . _ : '. v . t:?i i P H1 The commission, in these non-par- jU(1 lisan crusade groups In 4.600 com- ( uunities have: launched tax studr on uoKi-ams. ?ald the hidden tax figure |1f!| Joes not Include the many other hid j {ll) Inn nnH H\ roef lavna fomlHoa ' .. ~ . atr lave to pay. ,(1 The food tax estimate was com;mwd from NCTC averages based ivs" t? last available U. S. Bureau of j '"ol ho Census figures which placed I s'11 ihtped 1935 food 9ales In Kings j \Tountain at $2,397,000. Ki pni 1 fiv? Little Resigns ;; As Local Coach " vr Crowell Liiule, former star quarter lack at the University of North < ^ molina, and Last vear coach at the i , . I tul 1. cal High School, bus been appoint-1 d tresliman coach at Davidson Col- ; ^ cgtv it was announced Tuesday. Lit-1 )()a jo. who came to Kings Mouutain j ^ esh from Carolina, turned out one [ v',r i the leading Western Conference j (1 r cams last Fall, using four lettermen )Up roni a team which had lost consist- of utly for twc years. His record here a as five victories as compared with ,nf hree losses. shl During three years of varsity foot- n)f bnll at the University, little had a cj,, rilliant career as a clever quarter- t kick. fine passer and kicker, and ^ ne of the fastest runners in the ,j.t. '.'onference. * ^ Little succeeds Flake (Red) Laird, s{rl rt iiu una I rgi^uru m uuvriii a liailu* y\81 ,nr position with the Virginia Polyiccbnlc Institute.- Norman Shepherd. . Irector of athletics ait Davldsln. annr.unced that J-lttle would coach freshman football and basketball tnd would be assigned various other w' luties as a member of the coaching t'1' ilafT. B. N. Barnes, Superintendent of ve schools, here, could not be redched by the "Herald" fcr a statement rel olive to the resignation of Little. i It is believed, however, that A.' K. ' 'Red" Smart, who assisted Little last fall, and coached girls' basket- ' ball, will take over the coaching du- * lies. Auto License Examiner f0 Here Each Tuesday Mr. J P. Hollls. with the examining department of the automobile bu (ft reau of the State iDopartment of po Revenue, .who has recently been "ci transferred to 8helby, will be In tbi kings Mountain each Tuesday after- ' noon at the City Hall from 1 tto 4 a P. M. to Issue driver's licenses. Mr. in Hows is very anxious tor ail m tne en Kings Mountain area to avail thorn- r!c selves of this service. All forms of Sp driving licenses will be Issued. In* Co eluding chauffer and taxi drivers. b? th< sides those who have lost their ort- cat g'nal or those who have become of driving age. co Ot, EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN WJ ?? ch An Evangelistic Campaign will be- m, gin today in a large tent, comer of ta Pulton and Alexander streets near *n the Pauline Mill. Services daily at f? T M P. M. and Sikday at 8 P. M of Preaching will be by Evangelist mi Otto A. Harrison of Greenville, 8. C., and eon service conducted by Par- d? rell B. Ruayaa. The public fa oord- W laity lavRed. _v , ' V ' \m'. . READ THe . HERAI O FIVE CENTS PER COPY H?? Rncv ay Night M*'uiln?|rn 01 tW 'I*.Mil ( oiirtt'il in > ir h'duliir thevtit-.g Aloud. > n uftt tnsai-led ipwral Important mat- , ( r* of business All inrmbfri were ficnl. with. Mayor J. B. Thomasn. pr.-xiil iiK 0?? mi Hon of W. K Mauuey.. and loud of t\ K. N>t*U*r. Jr.. th<- ix-J !"W WoTsP^oRnuSTTcP^PTinrvvaa*" urd April 3rd. was declared null d void The ordinance passed rll 3rd relative to selling lea earn on. the street* cf Kings Moun In was declared null and void on ilon of If. Tom Fulton and seeded by W. K. Mauney. The license and privilege las ached >a wer# adopted on motion of K. >m Full on and second of C. R. Isler. Jr. The Hat will be publishlater. s?* the law. requires the 'icdule to remain open two week* fore final passing. t?n motion of W. K. Mauney and cud of H. Tr m Fulton all Town , rielals and en&loyees are to pay ? same rate for water and light as other customers served by the *n. Heretofore lower rates were* Joyed by Town officials and eoaof the Town. W. K. Mauney made the motton. ifoh w?b seconded by L. W. HamIt that all unpaid water and light, founts which have^ been dlscontlail-be collected by legal procedure, d If necessary to reduce them to Igment. On motion of C. E Nelsler and sec tied bv II. Tom Fulton an ordfnoe was passed making It unlawfor anv person or firm to oper . or maintain gasoline pumps on eels cr. sidewalks within the' limof Ktnrs Mountain. A fine of >10 II be Imposed, and each day shall itstitute a separate offense. It *11 also be unlawful to serve any r that is parked on the streets of ngs Mountain gas or oil from a ' ' mp. A similar fine will be Imposed , violation. The slot machine question which worrying most city and county 1 trials throughout North Carolina ? discussed bjr the beard raeiurs and the following ordinance, nn motion of H. Tcm Fulton and onded by C. E. Netsler. Jr.. was tpd: "!t shall bo unlawful for any r?on rr firm to operate or mainn In any place of business any chine or device for thp playing of meg or amusement which any iver may make varying score. A cf *10.00 will be Imposed for the dntion of this ordinance, and each y the machine Is allowed to oper- , > will be a new cffense. The Chief Police or his deputies shall seise y destroy said machines. Provld: that nothing In this ordinance >11 apply to machnes that vend rchandise. music, or stencil maInes. The ordinance shall become potlve from Its passing." It is understood that several of ? machines that have been I n tigs Maintain have disappeared cp Monday nlghtr when the ordl[ice was passed. JVES TO MARION Mr. M. O Wlngate. who has been (h the Fulton Mortuary for some ie. ha? accepted wrrk in Marion, r! is moving bis family there this ek. tift&dunqton xW^napshcU by James Prestow 'pinions Expressed in This Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) A week ago. It was caned beef -om the Argentine) that had the litlcoa talking. This weeks It la untied talk" (from Washington) it hag them "beefing." The canned talk in this Instance la new series of radio programs Juat .ugurated by the National Bmergc> Council. It works this way: V? >us government official raskd eeches Into radio transcription rerdtng machines. The records are en sent to radio stations for broad ttlng. ? Purpose of the canned series, aerding to the official NEC pronunimento, is to giro small stations itch do not hare chain hookups ? ance1 to broadcast the ptonnuclsr entos of the Administration dlgntriee. The series, ssld the NBC inouncement, would be confined be dust discussion of the operations each department, of the govern* snt. First to take the ahr was the Preset, and In his "canned flraaldsT 'ashlngton observers say the appe^ (Cont'd on Bdttorlal page) > J ' * ' ii.-. . . -J&V.- -vt i ^ v > '"'iir.

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