! ? ! < > SOCIAL Of INTE < ;; PHONES 10-R 1 1 I ( WILSON-HORD WEDDING A wedding of Interest to a wide circle of frlencU was that of Miss Nancy Hord of this city to John Phil Wilson of Shelby, solemnized Thursday night ut 8:30 o'clock, at the lionie of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hord on Mountain street. The large ceremony room wag banked with pines, ferns, and magnolias with all floor baskets filled with tinted Hue and pink Queen Anne's lace In delicate shades. Seven-branched candelabra holding cathedral tapers com pitted the lovely scene. Rev. A. O. Sergeant, pastor of the First Hapth>: church and pastor of the bride, | far.Wrtigdu n' I'msm ceremony. ' The flower girls were Hit 1?* Misses Phyllis Ware, niece of the bride, end Merlan Allen, of Cherryville. cousin of the bride. They were gowned In floor length pink dresses with pin tncked skirts with satin bows of blue ribbons, their hats were bonnet shaped and made of blue net. They ^iirridd minlatiirp hncbctu ffllori with rose petals. Master Bud Ware, son of Mr. and Mrs. ('. D. Ware, carried the. ring In a callaHly. He wore a white mannish linen suit. The Wedding music r.- ide'-ed by Miss Kate Whitworrh of Waco'as pianist and Mrs. Howard Hcttser of CherryvIUe as "soloist. Mrs Honser wore hlne lace and carried an old fashion ncsegny. M'vs Wh't wocth'* dress was of dustv ninl; taf\ ;?. h< v ? . - r flowers were a shou! tej; e*irs:<*re " of white gardenias. J. D. Hord.- brother of the hrtde, v?8 usher and lighted the candles. The, hrlde and groom entered togeth er During the ceremony Miss Whitworth played "To a Wild Rose" ecftly. The bride was strikingly gowned In a creation of foiget-iae-not blue taffeta wltb gathered blouse and wide circular skirt. Her hat was a large picture hat of pink straw with rosebuds. She carried an arm bouquet of pink gladioli and delpbinlum t od with pink satin ribbon. Mrs. Wilson is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hord of this city. A young woman of charm and Intel^ bctnal ability, she is' a graduate of Kings Mountain High School and Woman's College of the University, of N'orth Carolina. She is a member of CherryvIUe school faculty. Mr. Wilson is the son of Mr. and Mis. Max Wilson of Shelby. He Is s. graduate of Shelby .High School and Sheman-Oah College at Dayton, Va. He holdB a position with SterohtBros store in Shelby. Snuwediately following the ceremony the guests were entertained at an informal reception. Bridal Ices end cake were served' by # Misses I>aura Mae Wilson, Boiling Springs. Carolyn and Jannle Allen. CherryVille, and Jean Jlord, Kings Mountain. Miss Mary Frances Hord preslned In tha gift room. Ml?s Ruby Pvrrage served refreshing punch In the front hall. The young couple left for a wedd:ng trip and upon their return will be at home In Cherryvllle. Cash At Once For YOUR OLD GOLD Rings, Watches, Pins t Teeth and Trinkets GEM JEWELRY CO. 103 Main St. GA8TONIA, N. C. TRY THAT DELICIOUS Sunrisi ICE G All Flavors?j Store Next Door ?? ' / V " ' ' .? _ * ' ir AND PERSONAL HAPPEN REST to 1 k\in QQ UDO A II i^v oo i?iiu> ti> r.i 171 HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Miss Helen Hay most delightfully entertained oti last Thursday afternoon ut four tables of bridge as .a pretty coihpltnent to Miss Virginia ('arsons, whose marriage will be an important event of late June. Colorful flowers were arranged throughout the rooms, j MUs- Parsons received prize for | h.gh score and was also presented a i gift by the hostess. 1 After the game a tempting frozen fi nit salad with accessories was j Served with the bridal tnotif cleverly i emphasized In the favors. Those playing ' included Misses yy.i.'.TT II T^4<?, 4II(U4VU .*WI17 Jil?r nnret R.n' h. France* Hord. Sara Kate Oimand, Domthv Pat??-r?on. Pauline Neisier, Sara Allison; Men-, dames Harold Hunnlcutt, Hugh Ormand Harry Page. Paul Neisier. Ijty car. Stow.e, all of Kings Mountain; Mri. Bill HIip of Hemp. Misses t.ouise Morris and Virginia Campbrl] of Charlotte. , Tps jrues's included Misses Mary .and Ruth HuWer of Charlotte. Mrs. S. A. l,owery Mrs. H T>. Patrick and . M ss Barbara Sutnuiltt. . . t BRIDE HONORED AT 3RIDGE PARTY Among the parties sh ort as a ccur ( trsy to Miss .Virginia Parsons since,, the announcement of her encage- i went and Approaching marriage was I ;> |rve?v bridge party given by Sirs. Paul Neisier a' her home sten I -i'cot on Inst Friday afternoon. The rooms of the handsome home j were arranged with howls and vases : of cut flowers. The bride-eject was presented an j attractive gift. . > .. Hieh score prize was presented Mrs. George l>sttlmore and low score prize. Mrs. E. A. Harrill. A salad course with accessories followed by delicious home-made Ice cream and cake was served. Guests Included Misses Virginia Parson. Sara -Hambright, Dorothy Patterson. Pauline Nelsler, Frances Hord. Sara Kate Ormand. Mildred Mess, Heles Rldenhour. Helen Hay, Elizabeth Ware; Mesdames. E. A. Harrlll, Ed Smith, Hayne Blackmpr;"" W. K. Mauney. George Lrfittimiore, Charles Dill In e. Harry Page. Logan Stcwe, and N. F. McGill, all of Icings Mountain. Out-of-town guests included Mls^>. es Virginia Campbell. l.oulse Morris, Ruth Hunter. Mary Hunter and Mrs. Charles Hunter of Charlotte. PER AN CLASS ENJOY SOCIAL MEETING The members of the Berean Bible Class of Boyce Memorial Church were entertained at the rome of Mrs. I.ona McOlU. Monday evening witr Mt-sdames MeOill. 1. L. Echols. Orr Weir and W. F. Rhodes as bostesses. After the business session Mrs. \\V K. Crook and Mrs. Jesse Stewart took charge of the evening's .entertainment. Tempting refreshments were served. Mrs. M.lnnle McFadden is the efficient teacher of the Berean Clcss. ATTEND PROGRAM OF RHELBY DANCING ACADEMY Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mauney. Mrs.. K. C cooner. Mrs. k. l?. Mauney ana Mrs. C. K. Neisler went to Shelbv Friday evening to attend "The Shelby Junior Follies." a program presented by pupils of the Shelby DancIr.g Academy. Medals and awards were presented itiplls doing outstanding work and T ittle Shirley Ann House*, 'daughter rf Mr. and Mrs. George Hpuser and eranddanghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Mauney, received a medal for hav(np made most improvement, in the baby class. 1 e Dairy REAM \ny Amount 1 Dixie Theatre I Tttt IDCAl J ' THMST / V ouiNCHn 7 I l-s' imiiirtiii - THE KING9 MOUNTAIN HERALD IINGS ij WOMEN | ERSON. Editor i ,,,'j PARTY FOR CHARLOTTE BRIDE-ELECT Mrs. Jacob Cooper was hostess at :i bridge and Chinese Checker party a? her home In the Cooper A.part lienta on Wednesday afternoon. The party was given complimentary to Miss Marian Klrkpali'lck of Charlotte, June bride-elect. The rooms were arranged with ei'inmer !l?wera. Mrs. Glenn Brown of Charlotte, re reived high score price In bridge alio Mrs. Paul Whisnaut of Shelby prise for blah score In t'binede rhecker*. I aSwwswMiwdaawe'siiiiaaw pi i mntui| ^ iiitreellaneous shower. I A delicious naiad ami ?-?'Ai iiiurat was served. \ Invited guests included Miaa Mat'.nn Ktrkpartlck. Mesdame3 H. D. Kir'.putrU-k. Robert Kirk pa trio, Roy K.ikpnlrlck, Thomas Matthews, fund lioyre. Baxter Hunter, Bob Horn f'.li-nn Brown" Arthur Werta; Misaea Tirtay TliOtn son and Havlland Smith lit) rf charlotte: Mesdames L. , F. ?sl. .Tim Smith. E. C. Cooper. W. >1 Misses Elizabeth Ware, Margaret Cooj?*?y Mary Frances I lord and Leone Patterson, all of K'ngs Momttn'ti;. Mf sdantes PauT Whitman!. J-f?< - * ? White. Bill Webb nnd Riley M'fn.d of Shelby: Misses Borenti Falls. f,< o Williams. Raclibl Phencer f ?. : Mr? T. Y. Todd f CanIt nia. .... " .. ' . x MEETING Lt Li. A. R. / Miss Cat !>.. i was iibxtos./ to memtjeia oi tit. Colonel Frederick Hombright Cbt?j> r. U. A. It., ynd invited .guests cn: crtainiug it: Vjje A'cjhwn'K ci.ib Wednesday' after.ic<<n. The cl;;b tooth was attractively :.i tanged with cut flowers. Mrs. A. L. Hill, regent, presided. Mrs. M. L. Harmon, flag chairman Itad charge oi a timely program on tht subject. A tempting salad course with accessories and a sweet course was served. ++OVTE6S TO CLUB MEMBERS ANO GUESTS Mrs. E. A. Harrill entertained members of the Social Club and a number of invited guests at her home on last Thursday afternoon. The living room, dining room and sun porch were thrown together and Brrangea witn lovely cut flowers any pot plants. r Mrs. Donald Blanton was presented prise for high score In rook anu Mrs. A. H. Patterson, prize for lows B( ore. A delicious salad and swoet course was served. MEETING OF BUSINES8 WOMEN'S CIRCLE The Business Women's Circle of .he Pirn Baptist Church met at the In me of Mrs. Jl>. M. Bridges on Monday evening.Mrs. Bryan Hord, circle leader, presided and Miss Helen Logan had charge of an interesting program. Lfge refreshments were served. About eighteen members were present. bRIDE-ELECT HONORED Miss Bessie Simonton and Mrs. E. A. Hnrrlll were hostesses at a lovely bridge dinner at their home on last Thursday evening, honoring Miss Virginia Parson, June bride-elect. On arrival the guests were seated at small tables arranged in the living room and dining room. A tempting menu consisting of frozen fruit salad with accessories and a sweet course was served. Bridge was played with Miss Pauline Nefsler receiving high score prize aud Miss Virginia Campbell lew score prize. Miss Parson. the honoree. was presented a pretty piece of pottery. Onests included Misses Virginia Parson. Pauline Netsler. Helen Hay, Marian Patterson, Elizabeth Ware, Margaret Smith; Mesdames . Harry Page. Harold Hunnlcutt. Bill ThornUrn. Hfirrv Wo rrcn W f .. ... ., r. Tacob Cooper and Logan Stowe, all of Klne* Mountain; Misses Louise Moriia. Virginia Campbell, Mary and Ruth Hunter. of Charlotte. MRS. WILLIAMS CIRCLE HOSTESS Mrs. Smyre Williams -was boeteaa lo membprs of circle number three of Central Methodist church on Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. O. Plonk had charge of an Interesting Bible Study and Mrs. Chas. Oofor'h. the leader, conducted Ihe business session. During the social hour refreshments were served. BIRTH WMNOUNCEMENT Mr. and llrs. W. W. McDanlel announce the birth of a son. Larry Ken neth on June fttb. : , - V ^ ' 1 W,WtR'o .''flflMW THURSDAY. JUNK lo. 1939 VISITORS HONORED AT DANCE Jtmmy Ntcklea and Miss Nancy Mckles entertained at | dance at the Woman's Club Tuesday evening, honoring Miaa Hetty King of Conc'Tfl, L. Wr. Peiletler. Jr.. of 8tella. N: C-. J. B. Dllllng, Jr. of W'oet End V ?\ and Ben W'llleford, Jr.. of Charlotte. mii arrival the guests were present j d to the receiving line composed of-1 in* above named, also Miss Mary ! Miller Huffman of Knoxvllle, Tenn., : ind Miss Margaret Jones of North ! j W'lkeitborb. I Games and dancing provided ea i lertainment. J Refreshing punch and cookies was .. served throughout the evening. J The club rooms were arranged throughout with summer flowers J end greenery, forming a beautiful setting for the gathering of eighty or j. on:re young people from Kings j J Mountain. Gastonla. Hickory and < ^'sewhere. J cfi.ebrates thiro birthday m Anniversary sjj Utile Susan Moss eelebrattd her < t'.M.I birthday hv en.erf.tntn., g j nutuber of her young friends at, the i ! nine of her paternal grandmother. '. Mrs H. N.Mon. * Gatiies were played after which j i the voung people were iuvited into the dinning rocrn where Ice cream, enke and punch was served. A lovely birthday, cake, with pink icing ana I hearing three eandles arnreil the center of the table dud the p'nk pud white color note was observed in re , frrshments and favors. (.wests included Jane Ormand. Ann'e MobTey Pilling. TV>lores Davidson. Phyllis and Ruddv Ware. Una and Martha Ann Bilker. Ixwsle Lynch." (.on Ann Hertidon. Dickey and Jo i A >ne Woodward. Niekv Moks and Mm ; in Jane !/>velY'of Charlotte. , I V'ir l'TOf? '-"O'-'ORED AT >>Tv..4 L ^FA' s* ' M. 1) K l(ord enteVtained at an In'.'oriua) or bpoor'nu ber giiest. Mis .1 O FcUbrivht of Cornelius. . C< orc a wife of a former pastor of th first Potnist church, at Kings Moontuin The eiie^ts included thirty frrtner friends of the honoree. Ice cream, cake and punch was served. The ladies of the Baptist church nrcfcnted Mr. Fullbright. a lovely bedspread. Personal* Mrs. Claude Tedder of Oakboro. is spending the week with relatives in Kings Mountain. ?o? , Mrs. CbarleB Hardin of Spartantoarg. S. C* is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Btverly Patterson. Mrs. Claude Rhyne left Tuesday for a visit to friends in Norfolk and back Bay, Va. > v ^ Mrs. Caflyle Isley of Burlington is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Plonk. Mrs. Herbert James of Cbarlo whs a guest of Mrs. Clgude Rhyne form the world if It can survive (Cont'd on bapk page) ^ ^^ <^++,h+++ + >++ + rV I f ffW I ' ? t Kayser's Mir-O-Kleer X f (Jotham Gold Stripe t SILK IIOSE 7 A -1 5 .rtcivenisinK I'rice | 3 Days Only + X Regular $1.00 Values |[ 87c pr. 2 PAIRS $1.69 Myers 1 * ^ I > ?i YOUR HOME MERCHANTS I ASK YOU TO "BUY AT HOME" L J : > v %- ; v v . ; > v v > > > * < -J* * *s* > <- -r++ ++ ^ * ? CHARLES DICKENS SAID: ? '' ? "There is no substitute for thorough-going. ar- ;; > dent and sincere EARNESTNESS." It is a quali- ;; I ly that invariable commands respect an dperhaps 1 I assumes its greatest value in our consideration \\ f and estimation of the men and women engaged i in the medical and allied professions. ! | . No matter how much importance you may place r upon "sincere earnestness''. Kings Mountain ; ? Drug Co. will more than satisfy your requiret ments. [ Kinorc Mniinfrain Flriiflr Pn * J M V/V? T M TK<> Pm,w r*" t K5 Phones 41?81 King* Mountain. N. C. > ? ?+ >+ >?** . ?++?++??-vv?+..J fi*" " ? UN**' * * 1 3 IF you want to save money, take a S^||( _ u>|W look at what Dodge gives you this tVK yearl New gearshift at the steering Wf)B, ?" 7. Sil wheel! New concealed luggage com- IMCC partment,^7%larger! New headlights . for safer night driving! And the great M|? ??, .-i. tJlftB*' Dodge "Scotch Dynamite" Engine! YEARS V*' ^'* All these at a price even lower than m?. tost year) See us today! Ware & Falls Motor Co. J 24 N. Railroad Ave. | **?KT IN D*'? *H? 0?c Ms Display ?f awy AND Nor "WORLD'S FAIR SPECIAL" IISCD CARS! ^ "w^TawniMrotMa/unVJ* etpjtwcSaLTusS'c^.Tiy^v^m'' . The 90'sin 1 j VsU KAY- IT YTEES f I IWEWClf ^*\\ IF 3'i'i 1 Gay. romantic "Kay-Nytees" !> \ \|L?r \ ?quaintly reminiscent of the I, 90's. Kaystr's primed ba- <[ f?\\ tiste gowns and pajamas come "Ul '1 .** A *? 5tvIcS as 8race" fol as a waltz! W '* ^f\l&dfflvfab Sheer> refreshing > | r ') loveliness for ? 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