THE POC of KNOW i .i..^ .. " ' IIT 1* MTIMATIO THAT ROVWHMIH1 mt% COUNTW WN.L TAN AT TUa R OR M|L<M A MlMUT* ANO SPt AT n3Touw? l| """* ?" " *>Z TnM Kernn? iS/rSSfeoyKmy omumw ? MmoOHty now <m IMDNIOUM* AHO SIOSOUW. THAT ft I Calves Gain Rapidly With Creep Feeding Along with emphasis on mofp and hotter pastures. Vqr'h. f-i n! : :> t.-rlaers and livestock grc;ers are learn lug the value of the proper use of .-i glaring. yavs Prof Karl. II. Hosteller of the State- College animal husbandly department. . Crass milk and cottonseed cake,' or mdcal ? combined through creep feeding ? result in rapid gains ol calves on relatively small amounts of feed. Creep feeding saves time in the pasture and helps to maintain the cow herd iu hotter condition FOSTER'S SHOE SERVICE Quality?Service Phone 154 That Tele] : 11 . ' ' , / Herald P -?-pi-- ' .. j * ' - . t_ KETBOOK11 LEPCE.*, gg BUgmi. JSytffc. ?carmvMAMM ewwum ...?o-nvne o&srs %r4^ JWbtO IN CQW6ARNS tHOM Wf Hits NOTOHLV otsuK? rut i'omt aut tr uq TAt?n rmM aoutomy ^ amp *?wr TMtV ItAVt /IK\ jssjsstv WSfi&zSS ? MKT MTD IMS r/?* >* T*?A?u?* K* WNMfTKM. \ I*i of. Hosletler said. Creep K< tilers ate enclosures, usuimllv about 1?> feet square, built In Ihf' twar watering places, In the shade. # and at other places -it- herd gathers. Openings, a | bout 10 inches wide and 48 inches high, ere tirade to .permit tiie' calvefi to enter while excluding cows. The animal husbandman '-reccm mend? ihat creep feeding be started with calves when they are two to | three months old. He suggests three methods of inducing the calves to 1 oat cottonseed cake, meal, or grain 1 meal in'troughs or self feeders: (1) By covering the concentrate vth hay for a short time; (2) by confining calves in the creep for several hours each day; or (3) by ncrmit'-trg cows to enter the creeip for a ferw days until calves start eating. Grains and cottonseed meal or cake are commonly used in creep fe.eding in the South. Where grains are available, and a rapid finish for Cho market is desired, a good mixture consists of 3 to 6 parts of any f the grains and one part cottonseed meal or cake. As the supply of mother's milt decreases, the ratio cf meal or cake is Increased to one part for each 2 to 4 parts of grain. Prot. HosteUer advised. n i t )B * *' ^. iriMr mmi ., ;; .'V ; * - - '* ''' -' 1 Pleases . t 4 shone i 57 ub. House THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD ? Church News . Presbyterian Church K?.v. P D. Pairld:. ''aViui i>:4i Sunday Scbcol, C. F. Thomas.-uu, SU|>t. ;i;?v a. M. Mornibg Worship. Sub ..oil "Spiritual ViBiou.'-. .. 1 o f. .<i. Young Peoples Vespers b: ?><) F. M. Service iu Music by . \ irgin.u I'arsous. M-nda> ?:00 P. M Woman's Aux| tlivry. Boyce Memorial Church W M. I io> ee. fast or 1 Bible School at 10:00- J. L. Mc Jill, Geseral Supt. Morning Worship at 11 o'clock. Ji'nlor Christian Union meets at 2:3Q. -r intermediates and Young People (|f) Evening Worship at 8 o'clock. The pastor will be present tor both services. .. ' Mid-Week Service Wednesday at :30 P. M. Lutheran Church Hii.ii.ij ri.rm Bible school 10:00, L. Arnold Riser, General Superintendent. Services for the 3rd Sunday after Trinity. Morning 11:00, sermon: The Re< e ptlon of Sinners. Evening 7:30, sermon: The Plea ef a Prodigal. Luther Leagues give special program at Dallas Sunday Evening 8:30 Children of the Church meet Sunday Evening 6:30. ' Boy Scouts, Troop 2, Monday Evening 7:00. SAINT MIKES: ? The Service 9:99 A. M. Bible school 10:00, James Lackey, Superintendent. Second Baptist Church K?v, C C Barker. Patter Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday | Preaching il >. rr and 7:30 o m I each Sunda , Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epwortb League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastoi Sunday School 9:45* ? at. ' B. T. U. 5:46 p. m. Evenln: Worship 7:00 p. ;:oo p M. try Preaching 11:00 A M. and 7PM ' 1 Another Fish Story Rome, Italy, June 19.?(IPS).?An.nther pvMpiipp nf tha doetlnA Art Kv. inn standards in states which yvnd on economic planning appeased In this country recently when womeu's shoes made of fish skin Were placed on exhibit. The exhibition narked the first step in a campaign o encourage the use of inferior l.oee, and conserve this country's inadequate supply of leather. ' The odd marine footwear was displayed as a feature of a Fishery Fair he Id at Ancona on the east coast ol 'taly. . . . " - A HARVESTING AT NIGHT NOW I A REALITY HERE Tfie old western story about harvesting at night has nothing on the Carolines any longer since the ' Invention of the combine. A pa seer-by of a three acre lot (-wned by Mrs. Gillie Hambright reported that the harveetlng was comnleted after #100 p. m. and before daylight. RUPTURE \ - SHIELD EXPERT HERE AGAIN E. j. Melnhardl, widely known Expert of Chicago, will personally be in Charlotte, N. C.. at the Charlotte , Hotel, Saturday and Sunday, June 24th and 24th, from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. daily. Please note dates and hours carefully. Mr, mIRINHARDJ savs: The new ?bteld, which he recently Invented, 'is a tremendous improvement, usual!v -affecting tmmedlate results. It strenethens the of the Opening ? retaining the Rup ture in 10 days on the average caae, regardless of the sice or location ond no matter how hard you "work or strain. It' is waterproof, quickly re movable and has no leg straps or rnmbecsonffc arrangements. (Post tively no surgery or caustic burnfna Injection treatments used.) Me. Meln hardi has been coming hers for Id yeans. Rupture (Hernia) can cause back ache, constipation, nervousness, aeaknews. stomach pains ?? some times resulting in serious conditions Men ha ring largo Roptaree wMcs have returned after surgical oper ions are a loo Invited. When nil oth era fall ? see MCINHARDI. He 1)111 be pleased to demonstrate to rout privately without charge. . war* of Imitators. (Only, boon tnvlt H*d.) White only, . THURSDAY. JUNE St. IMS ?m WHAT TO SEE IN NEW YORK CITY NEW YORK?The metropolis will offer 4o the visitor many inspiring and thrilling sights to supplement the New York World's Fair. Some oi trie outstanding ones are: I American museum 01 natural History. Aquarium. Uroadway at Times Square at Night. Bronx Zoo. Central Park. City Hall. Empire. State Building. Fifth Avenue shops. Financial District at noon. Grant's Tomb. Greenwich Village. George Washington and East Biver bridges. Hayden Planetarium. Metropolitan ivimenm of Art Radio City. ' Statue oi Liberty. Weot Side elevated highway. Holland and Lincoln tunnels. Yankee Stadium. Polo Grounds and Kbbetts Piold. SOAP COMPANY CELEBRATE 133RO ANNIVERSARY ?-1, I " D.strict Representative Ssys 140.00 Stores Participating. Fr*m April.through June. Colgate Palmolve-Peet are celebrating thet I 1 i3rd anniversary. their promotion I vinir in with the Parade of Pro igiesg. iii tliis issue of The Herald thej .uve u paKf cooperative advertise 1 ii' iil, in - IHrh are the names of ma : uy of the local dealers of the prod | it m handled by this company.' The Colgate-Palmolve-Peet . Com ' is k company brought abou I the merger of three large com i panics. Colgate and^Co., starting'- ii business in 1806; The Pulmolve Co. .. hlch started in .business in 186 nd Peei Bros., which organic tleir business in 1872. The Peet. Bros, and the Palmolv Company merged in 1927 and th .e\v company, Palmolive-Peet Co merged with Colgate Company i: 1 i-2 S and these combined companle were named Colgate-Palmolive- Pee Company. At the time of each merger, th companies merged were in th? cor iro) of the family that originate :he company. Mr, E. H. Little, a former Chai lotte resident Is president. Mr. Lli th started ift Charlotte 23 yeara a? oiling so?tp with a horse and but gy. Mr. Little was also a recent vis tor in Charlotte. ' *1 1 : iSS . : ; 7 ; ' . " m . Jfl ' ,j '^1 1 fl ^Lp- 1 ^B- w ^B' ^H''w b 1^ V H. '' M , A ^b k . V %v ijjifaB Fir,t 1 ")) -Old. and 1 rf/4 rTX^^// ?r,t ,n * yrf all-rounc: ! car*,n 1 f that out MwUmkIwIn Um field?X???w?yKt NIW AOatTUUt I iMfWHOtrj liTlMI I 'NI-MIAI QCV Phone 49 / .... # , : V > r? * " ' : ' y J >' Lack Of Farm Labor Credited TV> Relief Raleigh, N. C.. June (IP8).? A shortage of form labor in Nortn Carolina nab been blamed officially on Federal relief policies. After a study of the problem of getting "aleyuate' farm help, the , I State-Fetleral Crop Reporting 8er-j 1 vice reported that the shortage was > due to the reluctance of workers o 11 take farm Jobs when they could re- i ? out ?ly t III MICKEY AND HIS 1 II e p ,MT? V??' ^ for . tht r i 11 " ;i ^^pk^HK^|Ti Elf* lu V"? fflkSJuH LyMfTJ ^ ? l'^y| V ^CJ VI Is 'Vj^M kV A^^^MBMSI KZ^Ir : v. ' '. . t for 1*39 U Ihr /irii cor o/ the landI in aalee by a wide margin?650,MO already ^.fl - - a a _ . _a _ ^ ei< ^ ? me irnning lncrcinnR. rirsi in styling, cceleratlon, first In hill-climbing, first In I performance with economy, among all ts pries rang*! >ur Chcrrolst dsalsr today and buy tbs car -r?Ur because It out-values all others In -Buy m new 1999 Chevrolett ' land Kiel Cm "cir hSHBSTVE ? . r - 1r' - * 4 * . ' - -1 i I Mt? relief wagee. Muy tarinere have reported crops rriUng in fields bnuuae farm hands ;ould not be found. - , . ?rssrwar* iraswa. ohms DYSENTERY. Dint let it wip your energy! QBT ii t.s/iitt 4 n \ir:>u a..*,. " iiriuuunii >vuu ziuiKtenueii ? VI pld preKi'it'titioii us#<l (or minor stout acli disorders (or over (Kty tears. net it i " 1 rJT HOTEL I r^k/vZ |M? ^ TIES! Wilt All CMIMIENI 19 All IKSIIT iciifiiiu \ ^ \ JJ OTHIR OIltfIT J\ hotuiin si aim VIA i NOt.MKKLt l BtCHoSl OoH Lt^var* r m?*T u>r.n iodhv wns HBoot RrttHB? r PtOPlf. UN' -1HE?R. , J CHILDREN'S <v sez:-' w that teeeone art ever and tha nmar vacation ia hare, I'm e?lnO order an extra quart of tUNRIU IRY MILK every day. Cold milk a. paiai?-pi?a>ing inirn-quintiMr the children and it'a a* good for m at it taatca. SI S) \ OWhCMfg 7 ' . a *i? o B a ^K. m-K B,L . 55* ? * GtNIRAl MOTORS VALUR II //? [Wtv.ry 40 IHIIlO of tvtry doy, I B fomifccdy btryt mwCh?vro)?tl I |rt IN SALES III IN VALUE ,;^V ;v;s Hem - - P9 y ?\ vwnmtm raofwrM tL i# I ^u^JMfeAdl 1 ?ftwilf<??^iiHnl MT<wmii ZSSSZJtZ'"^ > .'. - .W.1 II. 1 ' *0|i ?0 Kinsrs Mountain, N. C.

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