Iiiui ft caiuci j|ici NEW POCKET BOOKS ] K. , * ; Just arrived to match your Hot Weather Outfit. White and Colors.? \ ' 1 1 97c each gVMMEft HATS All the new straws in a large variety of styles. Hiree Price ranges to select I[97c, $1.45, $1.94 SUMMER DRESSES Glenbury Shadow Sheer in a beautiful array of styles and colors, All fast colors? ! ' .. $1.94 each STRING BROOM ar % :' w 1 10c each ! Limit 1 to a customer HUITDlO _ CDI _ SAT AMI V IA AAUAMJ* - A-AW* "" kJXm K Villi! ||| Summer Shoe MEN'S WORK SANDALS Ideal for hot weather Ventilated, with leather soles $1.45 pair Sh ' * /-. . MEN'S SPORT OXFORDS We have the most complete stock of Oxfords in this price group in the history of our store. Leather and crepe soles, all colors and combination I q>Z.yb pair I TENNIS SHOES . I For M>en And Boys Good Quality and well made Brown and Blue I 49c pair IKEETER VALUE FOR VALUE NEVER UND1 I C * V". "T ^^3-'' -^-t" : '* V* |B?SHfi^ ;/< ?* ,*' ' "*:' ' ' :'/ >y?zi. 1 ....,...,, ^ ' Tj^. ^jjf T/f ? ^B- Hfl^BB^ ''? [ H * pBv flUB aub mm 4H ey Savers For Evi ialc fni* Wnm.n I ^IUtU AVI WW VIIAV11 JUST ARRIVED New Hot Weather Dresses in Laces, Chiffon, and Bamberg Sheers. Two Big Groups to Choose from? $3.95 & $4.85 \ , SLACKS, SHORTS, AND Assortment of colors?they are il the fl 48c and 97c I Misses' and Ladies' I BATHING surrs I .^arge selection in all colors, including I those made from the new Elastic ma- I terial? $1.00 to $2.95 I a rn thacc dure I A I.i? S A UniJIj 1\UUJ I Pretty New Patterns Sizes 9 x 12 ?Extra Special? $3.88 each | Savings " I LADIES' SANDALS I r " r>^H AD colors including white and black I patent. Low and medium heels? 97c pair I ' LADIES' DRESS SHOES I Including Japonicas, Gaberdines All the newest styles and colors. Some I - H * A. A. , . t ? - - * wetter snoes included in these groups. $1.94 and $2.95 I LADIES' WHITE SHOES We bought heavy in the whites for I summer, so you will find any style I here in your Hot Weather Footwear? 1 97c to $4.95 J 'S DEPA 1RSOLD ATHERS ery Member Of I Summer Speci MEN'S HOT WEATHER HATS Made by Brigham-Hopkins. All styles, { extra fine Quality. Special Summer Purchase Only? 97c and $1.45 men's And boys' BATHING SUITS Wool and Elastic Material Men's sizes . 97c op Boys, sizes . 48c up Enjoy a swim in one of our Suits MEN'S WASH PANTS Sanforized and Vat Dyed Four large groups to select from and each one a leader in its price? K 97c $1.49 $1.94 $2.95 FELT BASE RUGS Size 18 x 36 Indies Assortment of patterns and colors 8c each TWO FOR 15c Limit 4 to a customer Piece Goods B RV' . ? Big Table, Prints, Sheers, Broadcloth ?% and Romper Cloth in pretty patterns and solid colors?All fast colors? lOc yd. CURTAIN GOODS SHANTUNG Large Selection. Buy your supply now 5c yd. pw I?B???M??i ft;-' / COTTON CRASHES and SUITINGS K < Special Group, values to 29c yard. Hot Weather Special? 15c yd. All colon RTMENT - iri ' gjgfr, ..r.-., .^ -v.....,^^...w^ -fiiruriHifirtr* irfcuALii I ni r* *i the Family 9 als for Men I j Men's and Boys' J POLO SHIRTS ? 1 Big Table To Select From I s j Values up to $1.00, but a special purchase enables us to sell them at only? 48c each 1| j MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS I In the new cool thin summer cloths. B Q/liSu Dl?. T tf ? ??< Ajiuvy via wiif * * All 1 97c each I j OTHERS FROM 48c to $1.94 I MEN'S HOT WEATHER I UNDERWEAR I Stock up now, and Save Shirts 121-2c I J Shorts . . 10c I OTHERS FROM19c to 48c EXTRA SPECIAL I GALVANIZED TUB With Handle I ^ 10c each I With $1.00 Purchase I THURS. - FR1. SAT. ONLY I argains I Biff Group SPUN RAYON and SILKS in all the newest patterns and colors. I Extra good quality? 39c yd. I VOILES - DIMITIES I BATISTE Pretty Sheers that will keep you cool I with our Hot Weather Prices. All colors. Two biff groups to select from ? 15c & 25c yd. | FITTINGS, BUTTONS, ETC. I 1 mr everything to complete your I . I Hot-Weather Dress. Large assort- I ment to select from at? -'I -'.I I