Length Of Cotton Staple Increased Cotton farmers of North Carolina hay* made substantial pr? gresa in improving the staple length of their product since 1928, but little or no improvement was made In the grade it is revealed by studies recently completed by the North Carolina Ag rlcultural Expedlment Station of State College, In cooperation -with thu U. 8. Bureau of Agricultural {Bcouomlcs. In 1.928 the average ataple length of cotton grown In the State was 14 69 sixteenths inch; in 1936 it was j i?.V7 Bixteentb inches. Approximate- ! ly 80 percent of. the cotton grown i In North Carolina 10 years hgo had a i staple of leas than 16-18 Inch, where | ss in 1930 only 13 percent of the cotton was this short. On the other i hand, in 1928 only 19 percent of the i ? . i QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS ?? - Eg nioA; i half pries for subsequent ins'er- . | tions. - I Minimum charge 20c. D? not ask for information regarding "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. If error Is made. The Herald is responsible for only one Incorrect insertion. The customer is respon- 1 aible for subsequent Insertions. 1 The advertiser should notifv im mediately of any corrections need- 1 Want ads are always cash In advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. FOR SALE ? 1931 Crevrolet Coach Good condition. Mrs. T. G. Pollock, 210 King st. 6-29tfc FOR SALE ? Wellsmore player piano. >50 cash. Paul Ware, 728 Piedmont Ave. 8-29-p WILL PAY Highest market prices for Wheat, Corn, and Oats, or will exchange Flour, Feed, Meal for them. Phone 2-8185. Interstate Milling Co., Charlotte, N. C. ?July 27c. FOR RENT ? Two 3-room .apartments close In. connelting baih, hoi water furnished. 500 West Gold at See W. F. Uogan. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you got one of .our delicious Banana Split.* for only lOo. Kings Mountain Drug Company. KEY8 MADE, ~LOCKS. VACUUM Cleaners, Small Electrical Applt acres, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey, Phone 126-M Sept. 22tfc (Continued Next Week) b ? n J ft *J L aj Ei a TOM AND GEORGE Toms "Our colored church wu making a drive fdr funds, and Unols Raetua refuted saying he owed everybody in town; the solicitor asked him If he didn't owe anything to the Lord, and what do you think he said? George: "I. Imagine he sdTd he did, but the Lord watnt pushing him like the other or edit ore." We and pushing our Wicker Furniture and Perch Chairs right now. Look 'em over. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. a.... i4 r?? A., A* u--jt. bu; I*> rwi ni nwru v | | THE CLAN* i rv r \ / // v/. *. /; , .. ' . ; ' , -.* crop ?'u 1V16 to 1 MS inches it*> plto, but in 1939 a total of li per rant was of the looker staple. Tbe studies were conducted by llienn K. Smith and Ralph H. Raper of the N. C. Experiment Station, and \V. B. Lanhain of the B. A. E. rtc detailed report of their inveetls< 'r.ons is Included in Experiment Stmlon Bulletin No 323, "Quality of N( rth Carolina Cotton ? 1928-1936" winch is available for tree distribution to Interested cltlsens of North Carolina upon application to the Agricultural Editor of State College, Raleigh. In summarizing tbe results of the it utiles, tbe research meu pointed qui tbat tbe longer staples make stronger yarns, and for certain fine parns. tbe longer staples are required. They also stated tbat tbe grade }f cotton is important in obtaining premium prices, and in tbls respect Norte Carolina is lagging. Tbey strongly endorsed tbe one-variety cotton communities being organised throughout tbe State by tbe North Carolina Agricultural Extension Ser rice to improve tbe grade of cotton. i . We've eeen lots of folks who were amall and didn't like the faot meutuned. Such people, according to a well known jole.Dtlpi srij .llM'' t-u develop n Napolenic complex. walk heavily, and do other tbinga to make inemseivea reel Dig. But not no with our M. E. .that, my uninitiated friends, means Managing Editor 1. He capitalise^ on his sise. The ct :e. night Mr. Charlie Thomasacn took H. E. L. to t'le Lions banquet for halt .a bucK instead of a buck. In other words. Ha.vwr- f- them are doing the circuit these 'ays than ever before. There was he one about the men in the hotel, he guy who sold the mule, and sum srous others, but the best we've teard In many a day comes from a ittle book we happened upon and iGunds something like this: A conrict escapes into the woods and is ;oiie a half hour before the warden Inds out. The con travels, three niles per hour, lite warden, travelng four miles per, and the bloodicurds, traveling twelve mph. start ifter him one half hour after he itarts out. The dogs catch the man, tin hack to the warden, run back to u me uutu, tuiu kc?|i up hub procelure until they have led the warden .1 the atlll fleelnjt convict How ar do the doge run? That one especially for Mr, Wm. 'urtls Falls over at the sub static. Our friend' Martin Harmon. who l!d a swell job on the Dally Tar Heel he last five weeks of school, is dona a nice Job at present on the Flowing Rocket, summer resort pa>er at Blowing Rock. Harmon and George W. Laycock are In charge ?f the paper for the summer, as edtors and business managers. It's hardly lo realize that the sudleti calm which has struck Kings Wuntain (s because all tbe klde are ?t Asbeville. The band will be back Jaturday, after taking in three days | THE HOME ( - ' Phone 58 Blalock Ca ;v KIDS . I ! ..- /.. ' . " / f . .7'.- v V.;;. ,-: .$ >' "" r?>. <8rK,T t^lMlMJlJ. 4i Htf r ' ..?_< THE KINGS MOUNTAIN HBKA "T ?f" . In-Freedom's N*m* wt:'^ ? * ,, f. \ :: the tcuIpU^^^ommcnT^of the Hi niTiih Wnii'i fir wgii w t four statues dedicated to "The Four Vreedome" ? Speech. Religion. Press end Assembly They are the creation of Leo Fried lander This figure, "Freedom "of the Press," ia 3? feet high and, with the others, stands at the intersec: tion of Constitution Mall and Rainbow Avenue c>f the Khodo* !.(!'on Festival, Facts relative to the dedication of the Uuat Sinul' -j'ouniiiin National I'ttik by president Roosevelt are i (scare ar?>und here'. but someone .-ays it- i. rattled off. Who ? following described property: Lying In' the City ot Shelby, Cleveland County, N. C? and BEGINNING at an trcn stake on the West edge of South LaFayette Street at the potnt of the Intersection of said street with the North edge of West Graham Street, .and runs thence with the West edge of South LaFayette Street In a Northerly direction 48 feet to a stake, corner of Carolina Theatre property; thence a new line West 200 feet to a stake on the East edge of Trade Street; thence South with the East edge of Trade Street 44 feet to a stake on the North edge of West Graham Street at the point of Intersection of Trade Street with West Oraham Street; thence In an Easterly direction with the North edge of Graham Street 200 feet to the beginning. The aforeeaid property will be acid subject to any and all prior enThis the 20th day of June. 18.10. Ray Lutt. Commissioner r?. Z. Newton, Atty ?7-13-DZll?ndv * : z tt**3 OS ; BPeBi MESm HHchB I#J ' "I lAoc F * , ' f ; v * " * g;. . _ ? . . ^ .. all aftom i A LOT of folk* hav? opened wide by a Ford V-8. They Ju, how much more i many improvemen this car the last fev Today'* advanc product of progre - lag. fine materia Istv . . ' v'"j J BASy T0 BE K . Smm Yomr VO PLONK IV lcisreN/TiMMt?, we CAN r I HA^e A D068 LIKC THAT \_0H THCT6AH ^?-r ' ? 1 ? -V ' m % ^ 1 J_ : < . , ^B fl V B ^HflL i ^^ajBar Kt rj^B^Bry At tli* lowsst fares la Nlstaryl You con have the time of your life on your vocation with tbo money you aovo going ty Greyhound Supoi-Coocht New York $14.60 S?n Fran'co $77.50 Charlotte W>c Win.-Salem $300 Atlanta $6.26. . Greensboro $3.19 CENTER 8ERVICe JOB PRINTING - PHONE 167 1 ' - ' | SAVE1MYFACE! 1 . jj^ . . ight I knetr " I Hp-- ? - i < I* t automobiles 199 ijfl K.' t had their eye* construction. It is backed by ride in a 1939 an experience of building far it didn't realize more ears than anybody else in mine and how the world. its we're put in One ride in today's Ford ? i years. with its smooth 8-cyllnder engine, ed Ford is' a stabilized chassis, hydraulic ssive engineer* brakes ?will prove it's tke - | Is and honest modern car in the low-price field. WORD va 1 TV EASY TERMS 1 RB Bsaler far fieasrsas Trmde-im J| n 3n^BnBUH IOTOR COMPANY :r j | . ? 1 . - ^ by PERCY L CROSS/ ,.,.,1,-1 . t. rw utefn ???i m? 7 i iv?e com,! hc owns. 1 j i stwfc 8 at 7 j