I- . The QUIRKY QUILL 1 hove uover beou a Out ou the isnut at patriotism, and thing we once referred to au One Hundred Per l cut Americanism baa frequently inude me a Utile ashamed ot the inclination at the average American ;o naow-otf his love ot country In _!>i?blu. and talk sometimes a little too load'iy alrnut his red-bloodeduess and his oreci.Mia freedom. Yot, reeling as I do, I Have seldom teen moved a.v 1 wm on Wetiuc-fda,*night when that remarkable high tu'liool baud from Kings Mountain, joae to its feet as a man and broke l.uo the "Star Spangled Banner." .itennehww it had been a long time nince I bad board The Star Xp-iiighu fanner, and 1 think I can truthfully ? ') that 1 hahvc never hoard It play < 1 with so iitucii enthusiasm,**' so much feeling, as It wai by. those hoys and girls from Kiugx Mountain.' Suddenly, for no apparent reason. 1 was moved almost to tear* by the sight of some eighty young Atnerl cans standing erect in resplendent uniform*, playing our National Attr ?: * attiMfit that It was easy to see they meant every note of It. It was a marvelous sight and a marvelous experience. Kor there an t?w places left oo ?.prth in which boy* slid girls mar aland op and play a tune that breathes freedom and equal opportunity, Very to" Indeed. For ta many lands today the rulItg po<wers arc drafting for military uua-lce the y wn peopk *<11 un the able bc-IW mw. Hoys and girls of the same age as those Kings Mountain musicians are drilling In military camps, In work camps, train IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 134 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House TODAY ? THURSDAY Double. Feature Program Lucille Ball in tfBeauty For The Asking' Tom Keene in "GLORY TRAIL," Jackie Cocper In "Scouti To The Rescue No. S" ?Only 10c? * i. i r FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Double Feature Program Fred Scott In "OLD MONTANA" Lee Tracy in "FIXER DUGAN" Comedy ? Cartoon Red Barry No. 12 lllr and 1 Sr MONDAY AND TUESDAY Janet Gajroor t-Tedrlc March "A STAR IS BORN" Alt in QorgtAit Technicolor Comedy ? NeWa 10e and 18c Dixie ' " -J . , - ?. f Thursday . "LADY } Margaret Lockwo L:> Satui "BLACKWE] John Garfield"PALS OF T The Tb CASK t i * Monday an "THE LADIES' FT Georore Raft. Ellen 1 Wednesday?Bi :i ' "SUDDE Charles RugglesMLONE WOL Warren Willia Near Serial?"FLI James Craip|( P' >' b /5^|TOVP mif' .,. Tl mg (or service la the field, la the air, oa the sea, In hospitals aad caa?.en? .... preparing thenraelvee. un i.'et cotupulMioa from above, for acIve service In the war which all the vor|d hopes and prays will never ome. yet which may be an actuality ?lth the Mmlni nf ?nv rlawn ? ? I felt somehow as 1 listened to the Star Spauglcd Banner that we should play' it and sing It more often. We should hear tt frequently and s nder its sweeping. Its almost fortlble significance. Kor its radates the essence of the spirit of democracy. It was born' of democracy, and It is a- part, a vital purt of American I fe. . - . ? ? I thought of those boys aud girls I laying in the baud, and 1 thought II f the people who were listening. All {citizens of a free country, the least as lmnortnnt in the evea of our itav CrAment, as the grentest. All cn? people, filled with the spirit of equal itj .u^^iil>^rty,. And when I thought of boys and ' girls and grown-ups In other lands !.... many of them living in deuill' fear of every tomorrow; many of them suffering economic' and even physical tortue because of greed and concentration of power and disregard for the value and the feeling of "tin 1IUIIIUU tiling uysvmwwtfcs**?i? i s a As 1 have said,1 hace never been t fanatic In the matter of patriotism. 1 have probably been even a little lax at times In my own patriotic duty. But I realise that, we need patriotism In America now as wa never needed U before. A quiet, determined kind of patriotism, however, without . natch ?.f the grandstand ghow that In I used In time of national emergency. ? It waa the day after I had heard the Kings Mountain band that my telephone rAng and a young woman gave me this mesaage: "I happened to. notice", ahe said "that during the parade /yesterday not a single man near, me bothered to take off his hat when the flag went by. "I am net", she went on. voicing tny own feeling exactly, "a fanatic on the subject of patriotism. But I feel that we should try to revive that respect for the colors we once fell,"or at least showed, when the I occasion warranted! It. "I was a little surprised when I been to not're that none of the men were taking off their hats, ai l-ot'?rh the-colors came by an several different, occasions. I wish y.ots would say something about It In the miner. I believe It Is Worthy of at*, tentlon.*' V. I agreed, most heartily. It la very Important that we reraemher ana | dtlgently practice anch things as re- . spirt for the flag and for our govern J mental leaders. v We ahonld be onlck to dctf our ''tita w'vn the flag Is passing by. Ami we should thank God that we " e privileged to look on marching tilgh school bands rather than on marching trocp* In helmets of steel. ?B. E. A.. Gastonla Gazette. I ?*PFCIAL PROGRAM AT ( rtON CHURCH "L'foa Highway" will be presented it the 7'ep Colored Methodist Churel TtTureday night A singing program will proceed the special feat"re. A charge of 10c will be the admission price. i n^rp were hod pnsuuri? m Vor?h Carolina county Jail* on April 1 1939, rheatre and Friday DANISHES" od?Michael Redgrove day i LL'S ISLAND" l| -Rosemary Lane VI HE SADDLE" I ree Mesquiteers I VTirp I HAil^ d Tuesday tOM KENTUCKY" Drew, Hugh Herbert urgain Day?16c IN MONEY" ?Mar jorie Rambeau F SPY HUNT" ma?Ida Lupino nNG (G-MEN) ?Lorna Gray IK KI1IG8 MOUNTAIN HERALD, TI ? FUN FO n DHH *59^1 :';^H BH -. *|?8H t^H .'. pJB 'HH -9 9 .9 KKW YORK?-The Si PWW I UKIV?int 9J9~8CT section of a driwin* by Artist livtly to thrills ana rib U?kli chanted it* est, "old New York Society News (Cout'd from fiiKietjr page| Keuirow of Mooresbcro; Mr<i Car yt? iaio> ui Uutlhigtoa; Mi*s Aliouiu ueutu. Mrs. Howard Houser, .uid Mi a. J. K. Allen, all of Cherrywile; MU* Kale Whuworth ol Waco Mis. James Ivor Mviutluw oc C'uaiictte. Au attractive, aiid delicious salad and sweet course was served wlui iue' liriual uioiU observed. Personals . Miss Peggy Marie Moore, of Salisbury. Is a visitor in Kings Mountain. Miss Let tie Uuingardner Is spending the summer in Erwin, Tenn. Miss Alleen White has returned treni a trip to New York City \>bere she visited the World's Fair. Mr. W. L. Plonk returned last eek from a visit to the New York World's Fair. ^ f ~.Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gault. Jr., and Miss Neilinc Gault left Sunday for a ion days stay In New York City, w ?o? 9 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kiser of Charlotte spent the week end with relatives In Kings Mountain. Is jr Mr. and Mr*. Hal Plonk ot Con| cord spent tftc week-end with relaItlvea In Klpgs Mountain. Mrs. Robert Morrison of Hickory hue been a guest of relatives In Kings ^fountain. Dr. R. E. Kox ot Raleigh has been Malting bia parents, Rev. and Mrs, R. W. Fox. J Mr. and Mrs. Paul Neialer, Paul, I Jr.. and Miss Puuliue Nelsler dre I In New York City this week. "^Mra. Garland Still and children of Winston-Salem are guests of th? (oi'mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs R a Mauney. Mrs. A. J. McGIU and guests, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGIll, of Dallas, Texas, spent last Friday with relatives In Columbia., S. C. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smathers and Miss Fairy Grace Patterson of Charlotte were visitors In Kings Mountain Sunday. ^ 1O. W. Myers returned Monday n'gbt from Knoxville. Tenn.. where he went on a combined business and pleasure trtp. Chief of Police Jimmy Burns and family will leave toif'-ht for Norfolk where they will spend their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Fred fltallworth returned from their honeymoon Tuesday night and are now at home la the Cooper Apartments. Mr. and Mm. Joe Netsler aad Mlse Betty Lee Netsler hare been tt New York City for several days where they are rtsltlnc the Woril Fair. Rev. VS. W. Pies, pastor of Central Methodist Church wm carried to * Charlotte ItaptUl yesterday for treatment. The exact nature of iCr. 81,209 MALARIA Cease rapirted m the U. I. la 1MM DON'T DELAY! ^^11 TART TOOAV with wUV Mf Cheeks Malaria la. seven Says. \ \ * "M; 1URSDAY, JUNK St. 1>3? . R THE VISITOr ' nf. There will be a jungletand, eni" village, a Penguin Island with live Fox's Illness was not known. Mesdamee C. W. Harper. O. O. , Jackson. M. H. Btaer. BUI Howard ' nr. Mm. Jnse Klser of Charlotte,' aiw?nt several <ln>? In Asheville thla i : Ert Smith of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla.J i'?a been on a visit to his relatives] in kins* Mountain and his father.' North Smith who la a patient In the , < terans' Hospital In Columbia, S C. Rev. and Mrs. E. W; Fcx. and :tiest. Dr. R. E. Fox of Raleigh, tvent to Siler City Sunday %ternooo to attend funeral services for a kinsman. Messrs Harold Hunnlcutt and Joe Irfre Wocdward returned Wednesday iiflU t'rom a two. day' fishing trip at Bridge-water. where they were 'he Ktifjsta of a Charlotte Mill Supply firm. Mr and Mrs. Howard McGlll and rh'ldren left today for their home In pallta, Texae. after a vielt to relb Week - E J SPECLd r- Ik F Just Arrived?New S Ruffled Cut 2 1-6 yard lengths. Ext priced at only? 39c i OTHERS FROM 46 Large Assortment of t PRINTS ! Just received in a beauti colors and patterns? ) 15c y Spun Ray Beautiful Quality ? R value?Specially priced a 39c y 3 YARDS FOR | * Belk'sDept The Hone of Better * TO NEW YOI 11 . 111 I penguins, a Wild WaaC show and otl I os%4M*4atsiMtaSil isrltl Boa a MfntMO^AAlIn I Holm Onset), Olympic "irnd itafM I 10.000-esat Mario* Ampitheater. uilve* here. They were accompanied by MIm Oladys RussHl of Sal'sbury who will ylalt friend* and (entires In Dallas. k J Mr. and Mrs. Byron ICeeter and\ rt wo daughters left Sunday for a two II weeks trip to New York City. Whlleji there they Will rlalt the WorldfP Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Hamrick and family are In New York City where they went especially to attend Norih, Carolina Day at the World's Fair, tadd Hamrlck, Jr., was a reprrseiilatlve to the fctlr. iti New York the Mauney "took In" the World's Fair, and they had the Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Mauney ana two children. Peggie and Gene, have returned from a trip thru Mte New England States and Canada. While pleasure of aeelng the King and Queen In Quebec, Canada. N. C. State Institutions were carinr for 7476 mental patients In April, 1989. ? ? nd Va JLS D ? ? Ssia: lain? you' *pr ?New Airj ra specially ?Bemburg 1 0 ?Featherw ?Sport Cr? ir ^ I ?Spun Ray c to $1.98 . A 0 ?Juniors JO Square / -Misses > DRESSY . rul range of ical prices? d. 1.9t ? v . . '?' j ' Att on GANT] e*uUr ^ Lastic and t only? of styles and rd, l.9i ^ BEL Store J Vahw '* " " T:'. III.- I ? RK FAIR , I 1 4 9 m i WW . .*vjH f?, m - - . . m Hp " I--"' H . OB . v* Hk; i." Ar' -v P> H:, ; iH?i 9I 9fSf)n I VVlTiUfll ^p cation If new vacation dresses p ? smartest styles that loud to wear anywhere. 1 P.U, .. ' ' ' voiions Sheers eight Crepes ons Sizes 12 to 46? ~ IODELS FOR . -?Women ?Half Sizes i and SPORT STYLES 1 al at these most economI to 5.95 ' -* ' . < ractive Selection NER SWIM SUITS .. ? Wool materials. Variety 1 colon. Price rang from 5 to 5.00 PS LADIES 1HOPPE -Ton always Save At $

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