TKTntvST7 By Alice Burtos . 4 Patterson Grove Section . The calendar stated that summei bo(4n last week, but if we hareatl teeq baring summer for* a month 01 ?c> B don't. know what It was. f dom mine ox can gei roue a uotier: It's the beat or eomehLng, anyhow I've been short of ideas for this col miui lately. I Invited a couple of pee sons to write a column for me last week but?no sale. Usually folks have a reason foi doing things, but we can't think of > QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COST ^ HERALC _ CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for first Insertion; half prloa for subsequent Insertions. Do not ask for information repontine "keyed" sds, aa they are strictly confidential* If error is mads, responslbls for only ono Incorrect Insertion. Jhf custonier is responslbls far/ pMbaaqusnt \ insertions. ra ?gmn?r nnnj . immediately of wtyj.'wi'WtMoni nfaedWant'aetia afif'alwaya / eaah lit' advance ^except to businesa ften or conoerAo^Having account# With thla nrwopapdy. ? POR SALE ? 1031 Crevrotet Ccoeh Good condition. Mrs. T. O. Pollock, 210 King at. ; 6-29tfc 1.08T ? Female Fox Hound, brown and whiter wearing Pried and Rbyne Collar. Reward, notify Vet ernarlan Hospital. Gastonia.i phone 429. 7-6c t ' 1 * 11 FOR SALE ? WelUmore player, piano. $r.O cash. Paul4 Ware. 728 piedmont Ave. 6^23 p v/ill PAY Highest market prices for Wheat, Com. and Oats, or Will exchange Flour, Feed. Meal for ?- them. Phone.- 2.2165. Interstate Milling Co.. Charlotle, N. C. ?July 27c. POR RENT ?--Two 3-room lapartments close in. connelttng bath, hot water furnished. 500 West Gold at. Boo W. F. Logan REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one of our dellclpus Banana Splits for orfly 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. . . KEYS MADE, " LOCKS. VACUUM Cleaners, Small Electrical Appll a noes, and Speedometers repaired C. L. Ramsey. Phone 124-M.V Bept 22lfc (Continued Next Week) r* / i* k Hv fl ^^BBOEmmmJaMmSSBSL^ TOM AND GEORGE , Oeorge: "Tom; wtly do you suppo| that Eve ata the ppple b? the Garden of Eden?" Tom: ' "Well I ctosM know unless It was because th4re wasnt a 'hdt dog' stand anywhere around.' Well, if our f rat parents fall for an apple. tHehr des'endante, or a lot of them have been fall ing for 'apple sauoe" ever since. Wi are not spreading apple sau e when we tell you that any merchandise ll no better than the dealer you buy il from?and furniture is no exception to the rule. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy It For Leae At Hord'a THE CLAN r - * . : . 111Tl ^yrXX" I\* 1 \ I %WI . amsle wnitbti mm wtjr MOM mo and bora will work out la the corcbloc aua . without a ahirt oa and oook themeelree an Lnd ui ret (Maybe they call it tan.) U It help gd their appearance , we could tafc< that tor a reaaou?you know anytii UK tor beauty'a aake ? I can't h? IIeve IU -ume cqmtor table or healthy -*At any rate I am not going to try (Coking mveelt like tha uo find out And It they*, "grant to go that way lt? their- business, so why should I wor ryt . , Every once In a while some one writes & lot of nonsense aoout the vomen being partly responsible tot the cotton suurplus because we don a ear enough cotton. Ye gods! Isn'i it bad enough with the ads trying <o make it appear as if nobody but girls ever had diugy teeth, bad breath, B O. and son on, ' without trying t< blame the nation's No. 1' problem or u*t i say, Mr.': Man,. (its usually i .man that points out our faults) whj "fol Take" a' lllUo'"'lh'ventory wa amuug your own sex.'How many men do yoi know that wear all cotton*- Bet you could count them on your fingers! If we've got to wear cotton, why not the men? ; . LV \ - " If It's true that getting stung b> bees will cure rheumatism. ' O. W nime in the paper) should nevei have it, 'cause he got, stung plent) while robb'.ne some bees the otha day. I haven't any faith In such "cures" but if 1 had rheumatism think I'd rather risk it as bee stings. Misses Leler and Osteite Ware of Oak Grove spent the weenk enc visiting <n this' section. Mf. and Mrs. S. C. Carorl), Mist gaggle Lee Carroll. Messrs 8am, Bd gar and Henry Lawrence Caiirol and Flay Payne visited Mr. and Mrs S'.dney Mason of Ware Streets, 8. C. Sunday."- , Mr. J. K. Goforth went to Boettc N. C.. Sunday where he expects to spend several days visiting relative*. Urge Government Stick To "Umpiring.'* Chicago, til. .Tune 20 ?/TPSV? Government should act as an umpire erly, and not as a player on either team. Malcolm B'ngay. editor, declared here recently, ipolnting out that business regimentation todav represented a "dangerous threat to Americanism. "Uncle Sam" "he ssrfd. "should be an umpire lti the ball game, and not a player on either team. He now wonts to pitch for cne side and bat for the other, as snlts his fancy, and to field any hall that comes ' near Mm. whether he la on base o?/ oil the bench. That. 1r ?pt Ameriepnfsm. "Americanism." Mr. Rtng'sy pssert ted. "Is the rl?rht to live your -Hfd a* you' will so Ion* as It rtcas not Interfere with the lire* of others ai.d the- existing i.lawa." \ < / SHIRT COSTS L?Sft HERE v To earn enough to buy a slvn with attached collar, a Swedish work er must work three ttmen as Irne as an American: a Frenchman five and a half times as long: a German n!n? end a half times as ling and an Italian 17 times as long. JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 ^ (aim AIR 00 g CONDITIONING! * iatney. Yea eaa tieiai aa {< 2 V Cavraataadaaca Sefcaala ara V 5 Basf'&rssrsJs 2 SI r.'.yvr, ^0 Ml^MATIOIMl COMCSHMOCNCE SCHOOL* BOX IM, SOUNTON, FinSA. Mmm Mad In'orattWa oa nurwi r-intrt Raii conditioning aviation RCMMMftATION l * -? " 1 ii/'IN Local Representative \ P. L. PIERCY, 409 Emtnon Ave. Gastonie, N. C. _____ ICY KIDS \ 1U0HAJ, CAN \ \ I \oo cm mc \ t I T*CfCHMIHE) 9 * i. . '*? ' ^ L ; THB KINGS MOUNTAIN HBRAU 1 ' ' ' j. 1 1. [CAfULLONTOWEI il mil ' ! BttMs .? HHI^ 1 19 i9 l^jH .*"? - mjjr'* fl ' , >j& : - ?> - ,? *>.' -it m I $ _jfl NEW YORK.?The musk of mi air at the New York World's Fair three tall towers shown in this pho of the Belgium Pavilion which hoi The striking tower at the right, pavilion, contains the world's lsrj bells, weighs 39 tons and is operate . by outstanding visiting musicians. ' ! 110 feet high and its belfry has 39 c Kritical M oments i and i, Howlarious Scoops ? (By The Tattlers) |J With everybody .either gone tr'|! vjoitig someplace, news is rather I scarce thiB week. It seems tha, I those who aren't at either the Fair; or have Just returned from it are at i a church conference or somethiti I j Well, at least Jimmy Darracott and ? Alice Betty, and Heaven knows who!1' i else, are at Mcntreat. Rut. maybe we j I1 I van struggle through.. '. " {" [ .That crack that Phyl shut Paul i Siewart up with las' Sunday tick'.'-"! t i lots of people. Including Carl Finger!* I and Yours truly. j We Wish to apolcgize for a crack j < we made last week, and wish to as-11 sure our elder readers that it was a I Joke and that nobody was drunk. .Helen Oiurlaon ? ?? Wa*l> 1 It.gton. So no wender Fred -has been i tn Ktiig* Mountain e*ety night this < wtefc, looking blink' *" I 'notice from skvf.rai, corn- t ERS: We hranta dance. Can't some ( typSsy /_ w. ' X sRSImw \ Tlmmte Knew The Ansi CZARCS* I , ? \ ' \ OH'TMttMJSB.' / ( rCZAfiCSS ' r-/ t? t x rWfi A - o ! />& . r.? *r J| i / > ; '? ? I ' I ), T.HUR8DAY. JTNK **. 11^ ' RS AT THE FAIR! I ' K SS I HK i K - *ny bells will constantly AH the grounds and win MM from the to At left is the 155-foot tower ids a earilton of thirty-six bells, rising above Florida's beautiful lest ^carillon. It has 75 tubular d electrically and wiU be played Ine Netherlands tower, centre, is hlines which will sound the hour. >edy, asks several gals, throw a ance? Well, they asked us to ask nmebody to do so. and here it Is. Note to Dot: Which one Is leadrtg In tho race? We've heard sever-, I speculations. but won't venture re ourselves, though we do think im should stand a swell chance. Eppie: Why all the hurry Sunday lie? She wouldn't mind If you, were ste. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under power of sale contained in rder. made .December 29. 1938, by j he Clerk of Superior Court and aproved by the Judge at the March erm. 1939. of the Superior Court of 'leveland County, N. ('., the underigned cotnmiss'.oner will offer for ale at public auction, to thk highest Idder. for cash, at the Courf House' loor, Shelby," Cleveland County", N. at 12 o'clock M or within legal lours, on Monday. July 24. 1S39. the 'otlowing described property: 1 -Lying In the CLy of Shelby. CleveQounty. N. C.. and BEGINNING fr an Ircn stake on the WmI edge *! South Lafayette Street at the lo'nt of the Intersection of aatd (treet a-lth the North edge of Wear Jraham Street, and runs thence with 7- ' j ? J. rsEH lit * 1 ?/ W" J sviuejl y^v/ m r* THESE NtTEU jkv\ ARE CONVENIENT V\\T^ TO All IES8IT ^ ACTIVITIES \ ^ uiuVlV^ \ 13 ? 5" ?hmm ***** w 23 01113 \ _ - ; * i.. ' \ >ver All The Time. > \ riT,MM,e> pckhaps ' CAN d wc MC THC J ^ / 1^^*^^-- **- <_ >? *'. .. * * k * , ' ' ' "] (he W?3t edge of South LaFayette Street In a Northerly direction (I feet to a stake. corner of Carolina Theatre property; thence a haw line Weet >09 foot to a atake oa the Baai ' i'kc of Trade Street; thence South with the Eaht edge of* Trade Street H feet to a stake on the North edge of Weat Graham Strict at the point Ot intersection <of Trade Street with West Graham Street;, thence In ap. Easterly' direction with the . North edge of Graham Street 200 feet to the beginningThe aforesaid property will be Wld suhjnot to any-and-all-prior en-|| rumoraiice*. This tho 2i?th day of Jun>*. Ray L,utz. Commissioner. J il '?" " [ WILL BE PC | Blalock Grocc > Phone 58 i, - ? i SINGLE^EDGE mm W. v z z fp zPZ -mm A P : -v , ;vJ v w | j- j*v'w'--<r/y For GEM and Ever-Ready RAZOR^^V ' i; SAVE I WITH A PLAN J i f SAVE | FOR A PURPOSE 3 V SAVE I FOR EARNINGS i M I SAVE I WITH SAFETY I !? ) * >1 -a s Our Savings Accounts elements of successful si Open an account with may be added at any til MONEY TO LOAN. HOME BUILDING ant A. H. Pattersor : * By ?mS Yfe*V?/ wltm /M| npoiiopt ' fjfv ITO I ? f//jfl ^ ?-. :,- -? ff (|1|- |fl^ . ... r-jwn*-: '? ' * I sjk'/r '*" r' ^ ' '*~ % ' ' HAVE YOUR SHOES READY frOR tHE 4TH We can fix them like new Call Us *Today POSTER'S ? SHOE SERVICE f ' - _ > .? ' Phone 154 Jor. ^Rl.VTINa I'HONH 167 , " mm Hi I m, f 1 ' B|W ^ I v HBHHHHBHHHHHHHHHfli , iwm" ? ill immJ-'iy ' " .4-J.M-jf" >UND HERE ? ;ry & Market . ' We Deliver . f?^ fTTik B WmTmfW VSLI E^v WsF ,* .. Wprnm^m. ?^ -iR - H* "* 3/fe Bi' v OOP II leSr SUCCESSFUL II r kiaI II " provide all four of these tving. - ' , . $1.00 or more. Savings ne. Funds Available Now! 1 LOAN ASSOCIATION i, Sec'y-Treasurer PERCY L. CROSBY *M. i . ip tU t?w ? llllt ??i < um^^mmmrnrnm ? . . ? \ If. CZAR- / r^r ; .v : I 9r ^ L yryW N ' * ji , .; ... .

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