Hp | ; I i . SOCIAL i I Of INTE PHONES 10 R A H: '' / "i >. ,7. R08ENTH AL-PAR&ON8 WEDDING SOLEMNIZED Tile First Presbyterian Church was the scene of a beautiful and Impressive ceremony last Thursday evening at 8:00 when Miss Virginia Parsons became the - bride of lvanj Rosenthal of New York City. Kev. P. D. Patrick, the pastor, officiated. using the riug ceremony. The nuptial inusio was rendered by Mrs. X-K?Jdatiili,' orgnntsr, Mrs Paul Neisier, soloist, and ,Mlss Vir ftirila Canrpbetlof - Charlotte, - violin 1st. , The church was decorated with southern laurel and. Woudwardia pail in s, intensfiersPd} with nuinkvous white wrought Iron, seven branched, candelabra holding cathedral tapers 11..... ?.i18toci' t'haiicti"1 ii'irS" 1 J *Wtiit-' greenery, nd white Grecian urns hold1 lug Easter lilies. A lovely floral ar j . rangement of while lilies and gladioli was used as a background for the bridal party. The pewa for special guests were marked by bouquets of lilies tied with white satin ribbon. Pror to the eeremony, Mrs. McGfU played "My Heart at Thy Sweet \oiee" by Snint Saena. "Vols Celeste,' Miss Canipl>ell. . "Llebestraunl by Llabt and "Poeme by Fibltb. and "i.'Amour Tourjois L'Amour* by Frlml. The following selections were sung by Mrs. Nelsler: "I Love Thee by Grieg, and "Because," d'Hardelot The Wedding Morcli from Wngner*F C-pera "Lohengrin* was used for tli'd processional. and Mendelssohn's March for'the recessional. While.the ; . . vows were helncf spoken, "To a Wild Rose." MaqDoVell,' was rendered. The bride was given In mnrringoj by her father, Lacey Carey Parsons.! The bridegroom was accompanied bp. h!s brother. Leon. .Rosenthal, of New) York City, as best man. Miss Ruth i Hunter, of Charlotte, and aunt of the bride, was maid of honor. andthe bridesmaids were, Miss Helen i Hay, Miss Sara Hambright. Miss! Mary Prances Herd, .all of Klngl( 'Mountain, and Miss Louise Morrta of Charlotte. Ann Mobley Billing | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Charles Cash At Once For YOUR OLD COLD Rings, Watches, Pins . Teeth and Trinkets GEM JEWELRY CO. 193 Main St. ? < ' GASTON I A, N. C. T TTTT TTT TTTVTT i: ITS NO SECRET? i i v ;; The reason they buy Bo: 4 1 ' ' ' - it is refrigerated and it i ,, ..... ;; To try something unusua it '_ ' 5 ;; of Hollingsworth Candy ? soft but hard, firm and Kings Mount (\ The Rex ; Home of Southern Dai Hey! Hey! ! Fruit * * Washi 8 1 . USD PERSONAL HAPPEN REST to 1 ND 88 MRS. A. H. PATT UllliiiK of Kings Mountain was flow i p?" ffirl Wni' I i^ranil Uiinlap Ip un? ? O ' ? ??' "> V? WUU ?l WUI^I t W I >| DVII of Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Hunter o/ Charlotte, and cousin of the bride! was rlngbearer. I The list of ushers included JacdL. Parsons, brother of the bride, Char 11 les Hunter of Chaflotte, uncle'of tho! bride, James Creeno of Charlotte I ccusln of the bride, and Dr. William i Lawrence Mauney of Winston-Salem j < The bride wore an ivory duchess, satin gown. The molded bodice had] I a sweetheart ' Tfet'kflne T high puffed 1 titeves. and the full skirt flared i ftctn the hips, ending in a long train.|i The full length illusion veil was fast, i-ncd to a. tiara 'of orange blossoms ano her only ornament was a string' of pearls, gift of the bridegroom i .fii a uiTstte bouquet'tri UT r chlds and lilies of the valley. Miss Ruthh Hunter wore forget-mej not bine French Marquisette made' with empire waist, puffed sleeves1 banded In lace and sweetheart neck! l'ne. Inserts of self color In chantlllj i lace extended the' full length of the flared skirt. She carried a bouqueL of briarcliff roses and delphinium. ,The bridesmaids wore dresses fashioned on identical lines as the maid of honor. Misses Hay and Ham hrloht whiirimr nnriwinlrlp h)n<* and M:sses Morris and Hord wore arbu-' His pink. They carried bouquets of deep pink roses, fterliera and delnbinium. The flover girl'was dnssed !n a dainty blue dress of French Mar(ii.lse.tte and carried, a nosegay cf sweetheart roses. The ring 'bearer wore a white sa hi suit and carried the ring on a st: tin pillow. Mrs. Parsons, mother of the bride ?v?re n rown of pervenehe blue lace and a shoulder corsage of orchids. Mrs O. F. Hunter. of Charlotte, grandmother of the bride, was gown ed In blue lace. Her flowers were or-j thids. ' , ' " , *-. ... There was no reception and aftei the ceremony. Mr. Rosenthal and his bride left for a southern trip includ-; Ing points of interest in Florida andj Cuba, after Which they will be <atj' home In New York City. F"or travel Ing, Mrs. Rosenthal wore a two piece suit of blue crepe with embroidered IfctiRe. She wore navy ('accessories and a shoulder bouquet of orchid?. The bride Is the only daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. I^acy Carey Parsons of Kings Mountain. She was graduated; from the Kings Mountain edt> j schools and Queens-Chi corn college,) Charlotte. In 1934. While there she took a part in extra curricula actlw Ities. being especially active in mu sit circles. She* Is a graduate piano pupil of the late Dr. J. R. Ninnies ++*+44t+t++4++4?t4? ?p 4 ? it Candy here is because ;; is Hollingsworth's. j " il take an Ice Cold Box \: * with you. It won't be 2: ? > delicious. *\ tain Drug Co. j[ all Store j'. ries Better Ice Cream I: * i ***+**+**++*+++4'+++4'+-H.++2 SPECIAL . . . of The able Daytime C 4c eac : for $Lsi > f v v?>K?r/jf '*>- ??r*.v , < ? ?.' ?? * ? ' . w\y B KING# MOUNTAIN HKRALA 1NGS fT V/iTIIVil ERSON, Editor \ n ii in mi. i. i ii i -. hi . ii Sue was a memlKi of Alpha huunb ua Mu, honorary music fraternity cud Alphu .Delia Theta, social tra urutiy. Mrs. Rosenthal also studiet italic Julliurd School of Music In New York City. She has been a mem b-r of the music faculty in t}?e Kiugi uOUiitu.h scooula for the last fiv<! years. Mrs. Koseuthal is oue of the must popular and vivacious memheri A the young society set In Kiugi Mountain. She, visits in Charlout frequently and has a wide, circle 01 Mends. Since her engagement was announced she has been "xleisively entertained. The bridegroom is the sou of Dr Morris Rosenthal, profrnincnt eye tur and throat, specialist of New Si >> r < ';ec "AttilMit thai, a member of the staff of Belle veau hospital. Mr. Rosenthal attend pti Harvard university and .Is a New York graduate of the University ol ifwonsin. He did graduate work at Columbia university and -attended Milliard school of MubIc. He in In mrnrtor in piano in New York City and Westchester County in New York. Guests attending tbe wedding frotii Chnrlvtte were: Mr. and Mrs. C. F Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hunter Miss Mory Hunter. Mr and Mrs Charier tin.'tor Dowd Boovy. Mr and Mrs. J. C. Greene. Mr and Mri J B. Morris* Ml"? Margaret Morrif^ M;ss !><>? Gri"-: e, Mr. and Mrs George St:til? Mr and Mra: Ber Whiting. .Mr and Mrs. Calvin Mor ris Mr. and M'S Robert Boovy, Miss Cora Boovy. Mr. ai.d Mrs. J. D Campbell. Mr. and Mrer.Ij W Meacl! pm. Miss Florence 1-erel}, Mr. anr Mrs. Carl MeEwen. Misses Betty and fie)en McEwen. Mr and Mrs. Jenkt Ellington. Mr. and Mrs. J ?>. Cheek M'ss .lean Davis. Mrs. Davis, and Mr [ in' Mrs. Arch Campbell. .?Nlikb rt-iit uKrHV ...ntihiau'c SneouNL&iJ A AAV "ifc lli?A<l'?*b^ uI?uUuUvw .iiiut iiab OfcOU UllUvJCUCtd tut lliu.iti.6c ?ma aCt ? , " . u.tufeUitr. Mai.uu c.i.*un?.ib ' - ?? ? ????jp Mr. Lumer Cannier V. tmie.-uay,*-fle twenty-e>gtu oi Jun uineieeu nunureu auu iniiy-blue Hicujuuud, Virginia 'ibe ab.Vc aiuiuuiiccuicac watt it cei.veu' wun coiuial interest iu King: .viuamaiu auu uuue as a surprise u lue many irieuub of ine couple. i be marriage wan solemnized a r.gn uodu ai Si. Pauls Episcopa Ci.urcft, Hichmcnd, Va., with i/he rec ioi, the Kigiit Hovertod Vincent C r rallies, otl io.allng. Ore bride baa lor sometime beer ai the bead of religious education a' me Fiiet Presbyterian Church, o tine place, and has made inauj 11 >ends during her Stay here. The bride-groom 1b a son of Mr dud Mrs. George Cansler and a young man of splendid traits of character ire holds a position with the Mar givce Mills. The young couple will make theii home in the Cooper Apartment or King street. CLUB MEETS 'ibe Friendly Club toad a welnei .oast on Saturday night at tbe hom< i t Kay McGlnnis. This club has Jus recently been organized but has i membership of nine. Those presen Saturday night were: Jean Webb Jeanne Grlfffn, Kay McGlnnis, Wal 1st Griffin, Mlohael McGlnnis, I^eno ra Plonk, Joe Rhyne, Dickey Webb iiarbara Jean Matthews. * <" ' ' ; . >. - . r . I Loom ? )resses h ' YiTCRSDAY. JVI-T (. MM VCETINO OF HOME ARTE CLUI Mrs. W. K. Crook entartalnk memtvers of the Home Art* Club an Invited guests at her nome on lat Wednesday aiternoon. Summer flow .!i were arranged throughout tb rfctn*. Mrs. O O. Jackson had charge o I all Interesting Droaram and wan a? aisleo b> Mih. W. K. Ulukely an Vr.i. Rr.lfelM Ratterree wro read a (tulcle concerning the lives of Kleai i'-i RoOsevelt, cur first lady, and he recent distinguished guest. Quee Kllr.ttbelh. One verae of "America eno of ICnglutid's National Anther was sung. The program was col tended by Miss Kliznbeth Plonk' sp'.Mul!d reading of several r Christopher Morley's poems. lee cream, cake and punch wa served JUNIOR WOMANS CLUB TO MEET All members of the Junior W< loan's debar- -dished to be at- th< Club Mou-s< Friday, (tomorrow) afl etnoon at 5:30. P'orr tn-re they wil p.o to the Anbrev Manney cabin a l^ike Mon.'onla for their reeuin ! meet inn A picnic supper will he ser eO. Memlv. it- who wb-h to no swim ' 'nvKg' pii ase l*iAiTss" naming suits. | TEA FOR VISITORS I Mrs. Charles Campbell enlerlah I eu in an intorimu tea on tusi rnuri day afternoon honoring Mrs. R. ( Wilson of K'ttie, Ga." uiiil Mrs. llo r land of ('rlstteld. Md, A number c friends of the hostess and guests't ht.ncr v.vre present. i ? CLINEJ JENKINS MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Anitouneeiitenl has b? en made c r ire nuii fiasre-.of Mrs. Florence Jet Knit ?;. K -tl . iUT.ii'.ii .iint Mr. *1 A. f'Jfite of. sh'lay. ih's rorSniiu , h..\;n- place at Yufk, S. C Wednesday, June 28. Personals ' Mrs. (.'. S, Pl'onk Is attending tb ' summer conference at Blue Kidge." I ' ?C*? ? Dr. and Mrs. J S Norman hav fceen recent guests of friends a Clearwater Beach, near Morganton, .Mrs Annie Mae Howie and Mis OlUe Hart sell are spending the wee! at Myrtle Beach. Mr| and Mrs. J. ,D. Hord, Mis Jean Herd and Mr. Halienger spen Tuesday at Spruce Pine. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Plonk sper Cherry Grove Beac 8.-.C.. where they were guests* < Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Neisler. I VCl* Wl'OV PjlttArO^n f\t Dfl WAOl Oh., hna been on a visit to his moil 4 er Mrs. Ira H. Patterson and othc , relatives. ? Mr. and Mrs. C. L Fulton, Mn ! T^Id'atie Everhnrt.pnd Miss Winnifre Fulton spent t!he FV>urth at Boom guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Watso . Mr. J. I>. Ashby and family c | Charlotte and Mt. Bob Dent of No folk, Va.. spent Sunday with Mri Banks Barber. r Mr. and Mrs. M M Almond an .hlldren of Charlotte spent the firt ' nhrt cf the week Mm. Almond's sii ' ter. Mrs. Eugene Matthews. Mrs. SnlHe Finger of Stanley, wh has recently been a patient in ' Charlotte Hospital, is now at tb home of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. 1 m HD i BB I At Hrit fidwfd price it paya lo I I j b?T ike blade thai fit* your I I 1 Cew Raaor exactly and give* a I Ml I eaeoother, rioter lhave t The I ml I tkUk Cen> Blade take* a keener II I wedga^cday,hold? It lw|w. Cat I I ll ? I BE Finger. d| Mr. 8. L. Patterson, Misses Stella it .ili(i Madeline Patterson of Hack Uil. r-Juiid Miss Uutli FaituBon ot Lincolne .on were vatitors in Kings Mountain I suuda>. f| ' - -o? e Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Jackson had us >1 their gueata for the - week-end at n their cottage at Hat Cave. Mr. and a Mrs. Jei'se Kiaer of Chi Jte, Mr,| 11 end Mrs. M. H. Blser and Mia* Mere a dlth Joyce Blser of Kings Mountain " ?o? n Mr. 'Carlye laley of Burlington came Saturday to join Mrs. Isley, f .. kn Ko.-M ?? -* - -1 v uv iiu;n ucvii tin <111 exit'iiMt'u v;?ii| * at the- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Flonk. The couple return 9 <*d rome this week i. ^ Mrs XV. A. Thompson of Charlotte Mrs. Lee Harmon and Miss' Viraie Harmon attended the Mimosa Kestl last week. While ). there they were guests of Mr. and i Mrs. John Markas. T Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grubbs, Nancy f ' Gri i-bs and Mis, Willie XVcol*, j ridge of Lynchburg Va.. have been r v:siring Mrs. Banks Barber and otlf I- <r relatives in KiiejeXlouutainana jflifelUy. wummmmmmmmmmtmmm ' ' ? a? ' ' . '3 t Owing to the condition of his father. Mr lie'foy Mctilil, Mr. and Mrs, ^ W. J. McGiH are moving to their! , MICKEY AND HIS M. it ^?p???? It " C?fc ? t'Lt eJV?vvi '6 t Nonr \ ; et A v?rt?TJ NAjtvti) '">-t ^wfefvsrs^t- OR ttnvrv 8! '1 VT?H1^ vofH RN'H ,?r~ '^5^ tf"? big ...-h i' ' v'- M.bS ' * ? I , jTJ K'll lt ?_?_? J | THERE'S STILL MC ; Myers ? t I !iaven't room lo carry o^ ?d | makmg a Clean Sweep of ? | make room for my New n ? ready arriving. * | 60 Pairs Frilled B jj CURTAINS ; 33c | 600 yds Fast Color a | PRINTS J I in a beautiful range of .' t colors? I 5c yd. | Men's Vat Dyed Fancy | DRESS SHIRTS it 33c ; Ladies' Patent and Lin > < l en SANDALS Red, blue ?r?d mixed ? colors. $1.00 value ? 48c pr. Men's SUMMER SUITS ; Just 13 left. Keep cool in a Kivercool Suit ? l| $7.95 | Myers D( Your Friend farm eight milt* down the Kings ' Mountain-York highway. Mrs. McOill w li r?-t :ini in September and board in Mrs. Lima. MctHM's home during ihc 8ih<ol your. ; ? Mis, FMlJip 'Wit ley and P.ttlo iiuihhttr Math Wr?y <>t Wendell. N. t\. are e.ir-rts of Mrs. Wrilley's mother, Mrs Euyrnia Mallard. Little Fat anc Tony Mellow, who live n.t he Methodist Children's Home, at Wins ton-saJem ntv also guests. of Mrs. Ballard, their grandmother. ? ? * H B I I Don't Neglect Them I Nature Mmd the Iddneyp to do anarvdouo job. Their took to to hoop the Honing Mood trrom fro* 0I on cam* tonic Impurilin. Tho act of living?< itrri)?10 comuntly producing neo Mtur the kidneys aus nmc?? trow tho Mood It rood health ie to endur*. Whoa the kidney* tail iv function *a >J?turr intended, there it retention it waste that way raw body-whlo dirdoo One nay suffer ooggim hochache, la'IWrnl haadorhe, attache ul diastase a. ?eiunJ up nights. aneUinr. puffliww under the ty? -tee! tired, nervous, ad vers uu. Kresjuent, oeonty oe huminf Mtece way he turthel evident* vl krdaey of HMivr aw u 'MMCt. . The miiNuil Mid prr.pre treatmt t to dtarrlie KMiJicin# Ui hrip IW kMr? X , N EASTERI BROTHER SEZ:>wt tee s L.g change for the r : t * tsb'es' nealth when ute.S'jhrse Milk in the formur 'h .t the only food /ou>- fcaty icr wh.ch there ia no litute. H / ??//<wtf\ \o.M TMt'"Al ] \ SUMMfft THIUST / ' \ qwnchir y *j V / % RE BARGAINS AT f . ummer | | lparanrp a I l*1^ t x 1 ver merchandise so I am % all Summer .'Goods to. X Kail Line which is al- I One group odd sizes * l^adies Print Dresses. + $1.00 Values? * V ' 59c 1 Men's Sanforized t WASH PANTS | .Values to.$1.45 1 97c pr. 1 Boys' | SUMMER SUITS $ 2-piece, long and short pants? . 1-2 Price I ?*_____^^_ H* * Men's Sanforized, Her- * ring bone, stripe | WORK PANTS | 97c pr. I Men's Mesh Weave t SHIRTS t White, blue and green. | $1.29 i ept. Store:! lly Merchant J I >v-*i . . : . 1 ''4 - iirSlI ???* * ^???

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