y .:' { ?>AD I : . THE HERALD VOL. 29 NO. S2 . . . "V ' .1 I I I ! I I II State And N i. vuouenscu 11 ?State NewsFour Oakb. July 18 ?Coroner K. N. Booker has listed h* "murder and aniclde" the death* yesterday here of Aaron Price. 21 year old kitlidU u County farmer, and hia 18 year old b-lde of uine month*. The cortuer said Price apparently slot his wife fatally and then sent a bullet through hit own heait, Thoy were found dead on a bed at their home by a neighbor. ' Now Bern, July 18.?BUI Barker of ?*???" jnn.1 'tVaij Ml/a i.*' dliwtt,d"ftrr n hair becoming a member of tbo eiew of the ill-fated submarine Boualls. Just before tbo Squalls made lib ?ou? illvA ?ff PAPtamnnth V W Rir. M.PV V>? ? ? -?w? p or .said, the training sab R-10 was etletad to trustee a fireman first class. Barite, said ha and --a mat*. Case? of Florida, were-the only oa?* of that rank. .Barker ?ab 4b* appotat eat. But before be could report to tba Squalls commasder, ha received a promotion to machinist's mate. Caa ey then went to tlje Squalls. He died with SI others when tho craft vaapk, after an induction valve ' tailed and part* -were flooded. * * Fayetteville, July IS.?Charles Em {it- McDonald, 16, of near Fayette* ide, drowned yesterday lu a mill pond. Friends aula ue weui swim ing Immediately after playing base ball, and they believed he was eeizea with cramps. HaleigU, July 16.?Under the new' relief law passed by congress, person* wuo uave been continuously on Wl'A projects tor tae last 16 months prill bo discharged lu North Caiunu*. State WrA Av.otuiis.iwvcr U. (j McGinuis estimated today the new law would effect S^UO persons on the WPA payrolls ut North Carolina >1 he persons dropped wll not be able to pet on Ue WPA waiting list tor f todays. Durtas this period they must be recertified a* la peed by tho runnc wemre uepartmesu. Newland. July 18.?A living example of "live at home" terming: J G. Phillips, II year old Iagaus farmer, told C. 9. Balrd, Avery coun ty Form Agent, that during bio e*tihe lifetime he had never bought n chicken, n aack of flour, or n pound of bacon, but had always provided them from his own farm so that he had then oh his table or available In his pantry at nay. time. -Mcrgantoa. July 80.?The body of an unidentified woman, about 20 . to 26 years old, wan found near a coun try n>ad in lower Burke oounty to* . .4?Y- under circumstances which led *" officers to be lleve she might have hofp a victim of foul play. Ralph Tallent, 16 year old farm boy, came upcn the body as be was walking on a narrow path leading Into the road Jn what is known locally as the George Hlldebrand school community shortly after mid night. i I , Laughing Aroui With IRVE .< - ~i m mtm m 'r w ir ^ r . V. A 1 >' Sv j . v\ vjunnery at Ke< By IRVIN OOME years ago a New York mil ventures had a falling out wit! The disagreement reached its clima . when they called, bringing revolver was removed to a hospital suffering the young ladies were taken to Jail . ; reasoned the prominence of the vi senSationsl trial. The newspapers became, for the time-being, eelebrit Upon their release they were v J I_a_ tr 1 iL. Ajal^ wwt tobn* extended baking pn ? - .' ,>lr"Jl1"1 "* Kings ? K _________ ,__ ational News ] i Brief Form j ?National Newa? San Francisco, July 18.?Defense lanveis were ready to resume cross \amlnatHcn of John L. Leech, form- * er Comittunist Party organizer In U-* Angeles, as the Harry Dridges deportation hearing entered its sec- < j ond week at the Angel Island lintm- ' I ;iatlon Station today. * Hridgea, AuHtratian-boru alien end < West Coast CIO director, is accused of belonging to an organisation advocating overthrow of the Govern- t nent by force. j j Washington, July IS.?The expand-], ing navy listed today lot wsrcrsft . ad auxiliaries oC all sixes as under | . construction, n record peacetime 1 lee! which by official estimates will 1 ' oat $1,000,000,000. The monthly "progress" report, ' However, Included shlpa on which 1 not a civet has been .driven. In such ruses. contracts have been let or the 1 (ft'natrucHon assigned td a^alvfyard ' nnd materials are being assembled. ' Pittsburg, July II.?Lions Club 1 nen ? 15,000 strong from eight na 1 ilons ? moved Into this flag-bedeck rd city today for their annual lntef national fun frolic and convention, t bringing with them eght real lions, [ a score of brass bands. several utatesmen and plenty of oep. ! ? . -? " |: Kansas City., July 18.?Theft at, 1 minpoiut of a police captain's auic- j . mobile sent Missouri highway pa ir trolmen into the search for Jack Rus !. sell, elusive Oklahcma fugitive sou- " l,ht throughout the Midwest for a- -r "laying and two kldnsplngs. > The Rtinmnn entered a garage at 3816 Main Street early this morning ' nnd ordered Huron Cow Nmwi ?.. ' "-fidanf, to charge the battery of a car later Identified by engine number as one stolen In Kenosha. Wis. Hollywood, July 1?.?Richard Lyon, four year ol dadopted sen of Ben Lyon and Be be Daniels of the films, buffered- a Cut Up In a automobile ae el dent. New Tort, July 18.?New York World's Fair officials agreed today to "consider" a demand by exhthltors and concessionaires for A reduction In tbe tAmission price from .75 to 50 cents, as a result of grow'n--' protests orer light attendance. While anxious to avoid any public Interpretation of price slashing as a confession that the fair was s failure, offlcats Indicated that cutting the admission charge might prov<? I beneficial ?' aa Illustrated by ' ' the ( doubling of business at fair parking r fleda where the fee was tut fso.n 59 to 25 .cents. Lorlngton, N. M.. July 18.?The j early Sunday morning killing of a white man placed three negroes In jail today, one accused of the slay- : lng, and caused sn exodus of the . town's small negro population. . Washington, July 18.?Revision of ' the Anti-Trust and Patent Laws was advocated today by the Federal Jfo- J nopoly Committee, which declared that "the survival of the system of ' private property depends upon tile ' re-stlmnlatton of economic activity." j nd the Work! M S. COBB . * i 1 1 1 > i gular Intervals S. COBB 1 . . 1 ilionaire of earied matrimonial ad- , i two young persona of the chorus, z at his apartments on ah evening , s with them. Shortly thereafter he from bullet wounds in his legs and . They were indicted end tried. By ctim the trial was what is called a were full of it and the defendants lea. ouehsafed an opportunity to capitalof The Shooting Show Girls" they Sty audience* thSwd^tTin "u mturod act proved a disappointment. m of thejta^soould dsaco^ erring ttHMI tn6CUV9l9 iml InmX DOW OX* my did rmry well, considering, lornton, the eld vauderille comedian. . ymi^thiak of the girls, ehT" Moui INGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Carolinians Dine n si governornoey In Richmond Wednesday eveuiug, July 12, eight) lv? former North Carolinians, in ludlug several itoui K.ngs Aloun sin and Cleveland County, entertaii d Uovel-nvr Clyde 1{. Hoey at a ban net at the Motel Jobu Alar shall it iichinond, Virginia. All those pre# u1 at tile banquet ale.uoa living it irg.niu. ? Governor Price cf Virginia wel emcd the audience o( assembler uroliniaus, white O. K. Cunuiughau .resided at the dinner. Qoveruoi 'iViry fi ni '! )) dwvd ? ?it (all of Westbrook Sanatorium. Mr. Leslie McGinn is, formerly o tings Mountain, aud Mr. Mark 1U.I ins. formerly . of Lawndate, concelv .a tbo Idea of honoring the Oorei n.r. Mr. Kollina a as chairman o he committee lu cnarge, with Mr McGinn,* also serving on the com nittee. Mrs. Plato T. ^Durham wai watrmgn of , the ladles committee dr. McOinnls will he remembered li Cinirft Mountain aa one of ih? nrrar sere of the October . 7 celebration khlch were held here for man; .tars. In a letter to The Herald, Mr, Mc Junis aald: "We born North Care inlans anu now residents of Vli ,.aia are proud of the "Old Nortl State" and particularly proud of ib :one?i and God-fearlug governor ion. Clyde R. Hoey, and feel auri i.&t the people of North Carolini nd Cleveland County can well *a: o bint, as lu the parable of tin Ten Talents, 'Well done, thou goot .nil faithful servant^Governor Hoey, in his speech, tolt he assembly that "North Caroltm 5 nob an economic problem, avet he the South may be considered thi 4o. 1 problem. In fact, North Caroll la is busy supporting forty four o he other forty eight states in th< nlon." In this way he referred t< he enormous anrcunt of federal tax s which North Carolina paya, rank ng fourth In taxes,, with only Nee fork, Pennsylvania and Ullnola payrig more. > A Mr. McOlnnis Informed the Herak hat Prof. Itobt. l>ee Durham. wh( /as born and reared In Kings Moui nib. came from Bnena Vista, Va 'lib his daughter, to assist In lienor i>g Governor Hoey at the dinner. Several Richmond papers devote< on Mderable space to stories and pic are* of tie event. Mayor Checks On Post Office During Washington Drip filavor -J. B. Thomasaon who r< urned last -week from a bnslnes rip to Wasting!on, D. C., report that he conferred with Cougresema \ I, nut winkle relative to the net Pout Office for King* Mountain. Ms [or Bulwlnklo called the procuremeu Department and they Informed hlr irat the plane and specification were 83 percon' completed, and the they would be finished shcrtlv. The itae Fourth Postmaster General *a railed and re stated that his offtc wae "about ready to go" and tba Kings Mountain would soon Oar their building started. n>e two pieces of property at th torner of Pledmdnt Avenue an Mountain Street have alreadr beei e cured. The Carpenter property ha d'eady been paid for and the Goi rmment has the deed, action Is b? ng taken lihmediately to secure th< ieed to the Hord property. This nil inks about 30 days and immediatel: thereafter bide will be advertised fo the construction of the buildin which t/111 cost including the prof Pity about 170,000.00. Little Lou Ann Logan Wins In Beauty Contest Friday night, July 14.. at the Yoi VI mv naiuoBce uicnuc iu piuwiug i\v.v little Miss I?u Ann Logan of th1 city won the North Carolina atat Junior beauty contest. The wlnnr was determined by a vo^e from a si lection of pictures. 'While at the state contest In Bk>Ing Rock, Lop Ann received a scree tost which la to be viewed by R. I "Bob" Thompson, movie talent scoi for National Cinema Productions, the screen test proses a success; Lc Ann will be sent to Hollywood wh aa all-expense-pald trip. Along wltr Mayor O. C. Robbli of Blowing Rock and "Miss Nor* CaioHna or 1PM." who was Mb Joyos Black af Burlington. "LHI Miss North Carolina of 193S" led U hall which was given in .honor of tl lucky winners and an of the heaa contestants at the May Tlew Man Hotel. ltain F / THURSDAY^ JULY 20, 1939 ATTRACTIVE HOME O ' v *' i I { I i r Th# it*r?ctlv? brick Homt ! Mr. i LocaT Negro Gets ' Neck Broken | I:o> McClinloa, local naaro recta i. j known as "Tocta"; remained In nj n u outturn ronuitlon at Shelby hospli nU after a fight In the 8helby Jail1 s Monday nielli. Details ot the brawl f III which several negroes part'clpated, remained a mystery. i- ilcClinton had been sentenced to ' v.b intiiitis about a month ago fori shoplifting a bottle of Bayrnm from ! 1 a local dime store. McCT.nton has! ?eeij a shine boy for local barber' . shops. : * I I . Dr. H. C. Thompson, attending phy I f i siclan, said that pressure bad been | removed from a broken vertebrae in j j McChnton s neck, leaving It some-, Auat easier, and that swelling had. s? tie away. However, the negro is i f still paralyzed from the neck down. ' ? being able to move only hla head. | Dr. Thompson said that he could o nothing but wait tc see if the | | nerve tissues of the spine would re1 generate. If tbey fall to do so, it will ~t .mean that the spinal cord has been severed. If this 1s tbe case. McClin; ton will remain paralysed. Body reT.stence would be considerably low'Hl and sny Infection might cause . If the nerve* regenerate, showing that the splngl cord has not I pen severed, McCllnton has a good hsnce to live, and will probably recover. While the negro remains in a se a rlous condition, officials are contlnu! log an investigation to determine the cause of his injury. It has been pretty definitely established that MoCliutin was injured in a brawl with other prisoners in he celt block. (Dr. Z. P. Mitchell, on the third floor when It happened, re( ! ( rted that he heard a scuffle, and B Inter a thud a* one negro was thrown. He also said that he heard a an argument before the tight. * McCllnton told Dr. Thompson that ' another negro hud thrown him over I ait, shoulder Into the cell bar* n ulONS CLUB MEETS The regular semi-monthly meeting ct the Lions Club will be held litis evening at 7:00 o'clock at the Mountain View House. Rev. W. M. Itoyce, pastor of the A. R. P. Church will speak to the men on "Religious e | Education In the Public 8chools." II iCE CREAM SUPPER a r* Tliere will be an Ice cream supper !. on the Old Mill Lawn Saturday night ] ? July 22, sponsored by the Friendship Club. Public Is Invited. y r . " 15 ? M r Will Rogers' c* Humorous Story )' By WILL ROGERS k is ""THERE'S nothing a kid enjoys e ranch more than giving its dad .. a kind of n let-down. If the kid can make the old man look like thirty centa, why it's a atftceaaful da*. Mary came in to her dad'a study w and handed him a sheet of paper. n '? "8es, I dnwed the whole family th of wallows/*, she says, is "Bot yon most be cuekoo," the iA old man says. "There are no swal* llW M ttllj .VoolM " "Cowihe net," she saw. "Don't ' yew know that the swaliows have ty all gene sowth for the winter T" * n." ' -' - v , ,* , . . v - * * . I c " iV ' l ib leraia F KINGS MOUNTAIN" _~~~ !|M I g I nd Mrs. O. F. Hord on G:>ston street. Band Will Drill {Friday ~ i The weekly King* Mountain Band Concert, which is conducted each KrUiay, ba* ix ' ii chunked to a drill .it the Ball Park, and the Mats has ivunited to 7:00 P. M. Instead of' ;i 6:30. the usual time. I In announcing this, officials said that they wanted to give the people i of Kings Mountain an opportunity to -.tee the Best Band in the State' do- > Ing some of the several new formations which they have been working rn since the last band tjrill Another feature of the drill ' will '? the ro-uiti< n of all former mein- | tors of the baud who are able to at- , . tid. All bovs au<l girls who were | in the Kings Mountain band before ( giaduating from High School ate t - ked to be present. Special teats , will be reserved for these. Officials of the band said that they ; tore satisfied with attendance last j Pilday. Several cars from out oC: ..wn were counted presenr. There were also three out-of-state autos: One each ftotn South Carolina. Oecr r:o. and' Texas. ? ( Kings Mountain Has Quiet Week-End ] Kings Mountain Police loo's, an at- ' tt'osi-vucat'on ever the week-end, having little trouble with either .iiuiiks. brawl*, or et cetera. The iygest excitement of the week came Xu.urday night about 8:30, wheft Virgil C'hilders, negro, became dissatisfied with the exterior features cf David Mitchell, also colored, and decided to change them. Chllders used a kuife to do part of the work, cutting Mitchell's hanu md making an ugly, but not dangeron a wound. Ne t getting complete satisfaction from this, he went for his gun to compelte the job. The but 1-t either travelled tco slowly. or Mitchell traveled too speedily, for w! en the scrap was over, nnd poltce in the scene, Mitchell was foUnd to have a bullet cut on his shoulder. Hotli wounds were treated by a local doctor. Little else happened. Chief Burns stating that 1t was ''one of the quietest week-rnads for scmetlme.- with "> ioh fewer public drunks than usual." v * . Aged Citizen Passes Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon for Asbury Owens. t*0 year I i. well known fanner cf Cleveland County. Mr. Owens lived with his } n-ln-law, Albert Warltc, between K ngs Mountain and Cherryvllle. Mr. Owens Is survived by two sons John and Oeore, and four daughters, Mrs. Maggie Lewis, who lives on the kl<vh n-aw lira Alhnrf Wo fl IrV i V I l\ lli^un |?J, id ? u. O v |?v>. v. ith whom he lived. Mltly, and Manad. , Interment was In Mountain Rest cemetery. Merchants Association Meets Friday Night The Kings Mountain Merchants AsaOclatlon. Inc., .will have an Important meeting Friday night tn the City Hall at 8:30. The time waa set at 8:80 ao that the meeting would not Interfere with the Band concert earlier In the evening. Mrs. C. L. T/owder, secretary of :he Oastonia Merchants Association will be present and address to local organisation. 8INQINQ CONVCNTION The Singing Convention will meet Sunday gt Macedonia Baptist ohnrota The public la cordially invited. . u vT7' - \- . , . . v' > ... ,?> ;, " y ' i > . -t_ -I- ^ 1 . _ i . ; ? ; . . * . ? J7 : . UY AT # HOME FIVE CENTS PER COPY Local Citizen Passes At Rinp Old Age Joseph M Wood, 84 years old, tl.eti alter a lingering- illucau Tue*uay afternoon. The 4eath cauie at S ? ?ioeK ai the lu me of lint uaugluti, Mrs. Kamtie Keener, route 2. Mr Wood' was born iu fa Id well county but bad made big. home la v'l> vt luiui am! UusU n counting lor the majority of his life. Kor a nutn? . r pf years he wag overact.-! at the Margrace Mill After hia retirement pl-out five years he had made h;? I. ...? with h's daughter ' , He was a wld< wer, his wife having preceded him In death by a lit* do more than a year. Survivors Include: five sona. Peri y of Melay. Va., Robert o* Waco. Muck of King* Mountain. Horace of Kannapolls and Klnley of Atlanta, ('.a two daughters, Mrs. Keene. ?nd Mrs. C. L Ballard of Charlotte; i.nl a number of grandchildren. funeral service Will be held tbli r?ft*rm>-rt at S'O'Hdok at' the Mo Mlensville Baptist Church In Gaatoa county. The eervicee will be conduoie.i by the Rev. J. N. 8now. former lystor of the church. Iiurlal will be in the church come rcry iroiae on iftie wot. I'own Council Meets The Town Council in their /.gular <omi'-luomhl> meeting Monday night toted io hire .lohu Eck, certified. Public Accountant of Gastonta to iituke the annual audit. Tre fee to be [.aid Mr. Eck Is not to exceed $250 nnd may be smaller 1f the time retulred to make the complete audit Is iot too lcng. ... The meeting lasted about three ' ours with all members present. Most ot tbe time was taken tn the I'lscusston of tbe water and light rate reduc.itns. Councllmen W. K. Mauney and Ladd Hamrlck who am ire. water and light commissioners fi'.tcussed rates they had studied, but no definite action was taken, but it U understood that the reduced rate* will apply on July accounta. A request from Haywood R. Lynch for a sewer line to be pot on >rft?ntat Avenne was referred to Commissioners Mauney and Hamrlck. Red Cross Workers Enjoy Dutch Treat The directors and officers of th? local Red Cross organisation, with their wires and husbands enjoyed a Dutch ateak supper at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Hnrry Page, oo Tuesday evening. Plans for the affair v ere made hy Mesdames C. K. Noisier. Pride Ratterree, Pete Gamble and Harry Page and the crowd did! lust Ice to the ont-of-do6r supper, con s'stlng of steaks with all the trim uiiuko. Mr. Olee Rridgos wa* named aft chairman of Red Cross Roll Call for ih? coming year, with Rev. L. Royd 'f.imm. na^or rf the Lutheran churcn. as his assistant. HSV. E. W. FOX IMPROVING Friends of Rev. K. \V. Fox who Is a patient In Mercy Hospital. CharIcite. will be Interested to know that he Is Improving and will be carried to the home of his son-in-law. Dr Rbvne. In Statetrvllle, the latter part of the week where he will remain for sometime y . ; ' . ; . ty^^UME^^ESTON t Opinions Expressed In Thla Column Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) K the Administration's new $3,88.000.000 iending-sponding program fails to get Congressional approval before adjournment. It will be because the st'fr in the castd Idn't let the supporting cast In on th? rehear sals. The supporting cast here ls'tha Congress. ' What happened Is that the Administration had the program quietly drafted by Brain Trusters Corcoran end Cohen, and neither of them consulted Congressional leaders. In fact, the Congressional group was not even Informed the bill was being wrt tten. So It was that the newspapermen covering the White House ksesC all the details of the new program be fore Vice-President Garner, Speaker Bankhead or House Majority Leader Rayburn knew such a program existed. Bo welt did the drafters Corcoran and Cohen think of their program 1 for spending nearly four billion mora {Cont'd on Editorial peg** ' ' - > ' "t ?- ,* * * ' . ' /iC*'

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