' H?AO THS v*' .' ; '- ' " * < ;.- ? . ; ' ?> ^ HERALD i VOL. 28 NO. 31 V ^ .... - ' ? _ -*4 * ,. _ State And N I' \ . " / . " 7 .v Condensed Ii ?State News? Keuausville. Aug. 1.?Alter deliberating nearly two haul's, u Jury Satur day night convicted Sheprose It. Hoi land. 44 year oM grtat mill operator, of a charge of murdering his. three old step sotr to-collect a $1:000lifc insurance policy. Judge Clawacn Williams sentenced Holland to die on Sept. 8. The , defense filed notice of appea. I Raleigh. Aug I.?A . lone gunman tiekl up a liquor store here late Sat IMIJJ iHjm tUU JUI J?'W n iiai ..a. moneybag containing nearly $1,600. The robbery occurred within a half block of tthe police station. " Wilbur Bishop. assistant store rr auager. wan leaving the store with the day's receipts when the gunman poked a gun in bis ribs and took the money. : Fort Mill, S. C., Aug. 1.?Captain fclllott White 9r?rings, textile manu faoturer, writer and World War fly tng ace, is having a rallrcatl car fit tod for use as a private office here. It will be parked on a siding in a trove and will l>e kept In condition for moving at any time. Sanford, Aug. 1.?Tentative plan* arc being made tor the staging here on September 15. of a tofcacfco festival under the auspices of the Cham fcer of Commerce and ether . civic organisations. Present plans Include a parade, barbecue, Beeches, stunts. street dunce, ball game and other attrac> lions for the large number of vu>i tors who are expected to be present. Wrlghtsvllle Beach. Aug 1.?The <57th annual convention of the Ncrth Carolina Press Association wiU be held here Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Sightseeing, boat trips and other Tecreaticn features are on the program. WUdlngtcn. Aug. 1.?-Mayor Florello La Guardia of New York said litre yesterday that moving industry ' from the North to the South' with the premise of cbe?p labor -was "economic suicide." La Guardla, addressing the quarterly meeting of the T-aw. Enforce ment Officers 111 Association of tho Carolines. decried sectionalism in the United States. Selrna. Aug. 1?(Andrew McFatter, ten year old eon of Mr. and Mrs George W. McFatter, drowned yesterday while swimming with friends at the old Yelverton Bridge, fifteen tallies southwest of Selma. Coroner B. N. Booker said the drowning was accidental. Wadesboro, Aug. 1.?Charles Chap tnan, 40, textile machinist of Wades hero, was instantly killed yesterday tnarning at 1:30 o'clock about four miles from Billon S. C., when the car he was driving went out of control end turned over. With him were Caudle Tyson and John Alvln Bantels, also of Wadesboro. who are Jn a hospital at Lumherton though retorted not seriously Injured. MCQILL R1UNION The McGllI Reunion will be held at Bdthel August 10. The committee In charge Is expecting a large crowd and well tilled baaketa. Laughing Arou With IRVl A Six-Legged ( By IRVtt THERE wu a ship which had a x somewhat at a waff. It pliad 1 Uina, acquirad a ffood many small aaagor list ar tha eraw-roatar. Lat Eur af Una andoubtedly ware flc On ana wjrtffs of this popul ahraya (Lmaht H was sa imaaiai ptewv vSh on a daar day. Is I -It is," said tha captain; -Is slum glass. Ton wait hart a mot 8a wont to his stataroom aad way hndfc to km ha ihsehad a saw it lann (ha tans. & haadad'tta gitta&a agar" yon saa a mddtah waay Z?Sfiei2rS I , ? . . Kings -- - * , -i ational News I Brief Form i | ? National New*? Washington, Aug. 1.?Federal farm off.claU indicated today ths Government will withhold ansouncemeiit i f a loan program (or 1039 cot on as i long as domestic prces remain at or k>e?r current levels .?. . . [ Quotations c? the domestic spot I markets averaged 9.25 cents a'pound las' week-end or almost a cent above the rate at which loans were made on last year's crop. ..I - i * New York. Aug. 1?Death'3 hired "H1W- 'HUiE'M atwiiilh II III i si !. .i iiisi j. (or six oaafers states ? was so lit today authorities said a substitute probably would have to be (ouuJ to perform three executions cn his cat endarfor August. Bedfast a month. Rlllott is scheduled to execute twe nier. at the Massachusetts state prls on Wednesday and cne at Sing Sing later in toe mosth. Paris. Aug. 1.?France gained 743 I trained, aviators for her air corps i today with the arrival of two groups | of former Caech army fliers at Cal- ais and Routogne. Memphis, Tenn. Aug. 1.?Four year 1 old Robert Owes Tubb cf Aberdeen, Miss., died of rabies in a hospital here yesterday nine months after he Vt&s bitten bl a rabid dog. ' The attending physician said the child, son of Cecil Tubb. a postal clerk, was blttes last November. . Autl rabies vaccine was given nt f the time and no ill effects were, noted until last Thursday when he be came ill. Singapore. Aug. 1.?A British mill* s tairy comrauslque announced today j, that "certain troops" would be sent c to this empire key post from India. c The announcement said the move "which is of a precautionary nature . hac bees under consideration tor * seme time.' Observers noted also that Britain was redistributing seme of the ap . proximately 350.000 troops ir India to Egypt. Lexington. WW *1* * len. fugitive wealthy farmer of Cyn thlasa, Ky? was brought to the City Jail tcdny by a party of deputies and placed In custody without charge for temporary safekeeping. Sought since Saturday night as the slayer of George M. Dickey. 77 year old police chief at CynMana, Allen telephoned Harriaos - County Sheriff Victor Roes from the home of a brother, Alvln Alien, in Jacksonville. Ky.. today and offered to surrender if guaranteed protectios. Bernvllle. Pa.. Aug. 1.?Small wl.lte butterflies descended suddenly upon this town- in such large numbers last ntght heusewtves had to sweep them off sidewalks and porches. L.iKe pnowiiaKes. tney nutiereo i through streets about dusk. Motor- ( lata rolled up car windows to keep them out and the entire citizenry i swatted and slapped until they die i persed about an hour and a half later ( MEN'S CLUB MEETS NEXT \ WEEK AT BETHLEHEM The Men's Club will have J their next outdoor supper next , Thursday evening, August 10th, at Bethlehem Baptist Church. ind the World N s. COBB Camel At That! IS. COBB captain who waa by way of being in tropical waters, this ship; and In dwellers that were not on the patsl ;rr: ~~1 as call them for ooareaienea, fleas. M. ous It(?a? a yaoai Itdy traveler * Marin* tho equator, i Just dying to see the aqua tor. 1 ur^Hne; but mj hnshawd says it la i fact, It la now risible through a I looked at the horiton aheadaccordUna that's the eqaator," said the ^.^.aaa-aaa^jy a* *eia as m SSelsna tea) ' . t * V'.'v v - '/ f. , ? V. Mout KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. Movemen Water & i ATTRACTIVE HOME Another attractive residence in he home of Attorney and Mrs. J. W itory brick realdence was built in live homes of The Beat Town In th Hosiery Plai In Operation W. K. Mauney, Jr., following ii he footsteps of bis pioneering grand ether, and his manufacturing fatb >r. making his a duaicross-bearer iniiounced to tbe Herald re>portei v!th obvious pride, that his hesierj tiant turned Out the first dozen o locks ever made in KiugB Mountali bsi week. Mr. Mauney was wrong k me respect, because he-didn't tbinl if tbe many dozen which the pioneei vomen turned out with their ham tnittlng, but he was right in tha le did turn out the first pair of man ifoctured socks. On an Inspection tour through th< u-slery mill.* lecated in the base ncnt 'of the Mauney Mill, the Herak tporttjr - bad the advantage of aee ug several pairs of socks made ii he few Kfllote* 1MUI' Bu mm here; and beard Mr. Manney explali be workings of tit* bssMml The establtahmont unnlel? ihlii, naohincs, 24 of which knit the tax our for ribbing them, and one "whicl lonspletes the toes. Mr. Mauney ex dafned that the assortment of color rhlch he had for samples were no eat color as the yarn looked, wltl he exception of the stripes. Ttai ? ? - ??-Z.A . JIabII 10CK8 may oe nnieu mnj tuwr umu ible, but the. stripe color Is fast. At the time of the Inspection, sev ;:al different machines were turnlni >ut several different kinds of socki Home were making mercerised col on socks, ma he from the cottoi /arn mill directly above it Other were turning out anklets with rubbe in the tops, while still others wer urning out snazzy rayons. One machine In the plant doe tothlng but make tops for the so: which are made on machines whlcl lo not make the topti as the sock ire made. These tops are cut, fit in o the machine, and the sock bull >n to It, Mr. Mauney explained tha tome of the machines could not b itted with the automatic devic which completes the process.' Th majority of the machines, bowevei ie complete the process, and som svhloh do not at present will b made to do so as scon as possible. Never being: able to imagine hot rubber could be placed into the to Df sex to make them self aupportln It was quite a thrill for the Herat reporter to see a machine doing il The rubber is made Into the yarc and the machine automatically p!a< es one strand of rubber to tw Htlands of yarn. When the top ha been made a certain length, the mi chines do a double clutch or somr homanlvoft nnH fiwln VUIUB VJ ? ? into the adding of the rest of it. Mr. Mauney explained that th machines make any kind of so: from low-priced cotton ones to tb expensive silk and raven ones. H explained that about 13 people wl be required to operate the mill i first, but than when all the mi chraea are made automatic, th number will be reluced to 10. P said that expert operators will t used, with only one person learn In to operate a machine at a time. H asked the Herald especially to mat this announcement since so man persons have asked to letfira. Tc many beginners would undoubted! cause many costly errors. With the addition of the hoslei Industry to the many other manufi turtng industries In Kinge Mounted Mr. ^fuaney becomes s. pioneer, sa adds much to the preeftge of* t) town, ns well ss supplying an out* for some of the surplus yarn whir the cotton mills turn eat ssteh yea itain f r JJfPW ; . ? TKUMOAY, AUG. 3. 1939. -|" - i i ii ii > P By WILL ROGERS g d M EN do make up a lot of ex-*A cases to get sway from homt st nights. I reckon they wouldn't li? ' years old." about It so much if their wives o i would just not object to them for a staying out a night once in a whils ,. for an evening with some of the other guys. Well, they're belling out in Hollywood about a doctoi S that never could get away from home in '.he evenings without a |A lot of wwiot Rug ha m mar*J. t> eultr about not lying to his wife, p because he was afraid of wetting , caught. So one erening one let , him go right quick when he said, 11 "Pee got to get out on a mighty it Important case this erening, and i- Pll be out late. Emergency, yor i? know." J "What kind of a eaeeT" "I dont knew, only it's serious, _ and tksrVs seven well-known doeZ tors en the job already. There on * the spot new. Yon dont want ma * to be late, do you?" lerald e New Hoi s Reduced Kings Mountain water and Ugh easterners will enjoy reductions a mounting to approximately $5.00 . per year with the new rates tha wont into effect 011 July 1st. Th I natemonts received the first of thi ! month are figured- at the icdure< in'es The lowered rates represents 1 reduction of about 10 perceut on al clinrgs. The reduced rates mill tueai sayings to the smallest user as we] water. The person with the smal three room house will save in th satne proportion as the person wit! a larga building. Light and Water Commissioner I.add liamrick and W. K. Maune spent considerable time and stud figuring a reduced rate that woul upjiern an classes or customerf The Town Council desired to mak the reduction just as low as posal hie without cutting into the rcvenut of the Town. The water rate before the preaeh reridcticif had heen In effect slno July 1931 and the light rate sinci February 1936. The new mlntmums are: Water $1.15. Instead of $1.25 with 2.000 gal Ions of water Included. Lights, S& instead of $1.00 with 10 kilawatt Included. Other rates with the ex ception range which was not reduc ed, will be cut about 10 percent Kings Mountain already had one o the lowest range rates in the state The Town serves approximate^ 1.000 customers monthly and the 25< cut on each minimum will mean i savings of about $250 per month. Tax And License Must Be Paid It takes money to operate an; town, and Kings Mountain is not ai exception, so the town officials ar making every effort to collect a! taxes and privilege licenses. Taxes were due last October an Incenses were , due and payable Jut 1st. All real estate taxes that hav not been paid by August 15th wll mpf advertised and the extra cos TttldMk Legal. action wilt be taken t collect privilege license and ahtoim bite tags If not purchased by An guet 15th. One Town Official said, "We d not want to be hard on anyone, bu these bills must be paid, so that w can go on to other tmportaut bus ness. and we mean just exactly wha we say, they are going to be collet ted." A concerted drive has heen on fo i o/lmailma ?* '' ^mvviuiv uu*? i\j nmcci lue inuui' due the town. One day recently ove ?250 was" taken In on licenses. Quarnashees have been Issued a several place of employment wher cit'iens have shown no desire to c< oprrate. *'We need the help of the peopl and ask their co-operation. We hav a gocd town and It Is our desire t operate it economically and for th best Interest of all the taxpnyeri and to do this, these taxes and bill must be paid." said the spekesma for the Town. I>efrion Endorses Hotel And Elects Officers The Otis O. Oreen Post of th American Legion In their meotln Tuesday night elected officers wh will be Installed the first of Oetebe The members unanimously endorse the movement to have a new hoti erected In Kings Mountain. The mei bers offered the assistance of th entire Pest In anyway possible t help secure the much needed bulli Inr rne racmo^rn voteo to contriDut $2!> to the fund for the teaching < Bible In the King* Mountain Schoc A report was heard that the flai of Kings Mountain merchants hi been gone over and all put In fir class condition. This bolne the fir time the flags have been recond tioued since they were purchased lf30. 21 new flags. 16 new poles at and 4 new complete sets were r ported. If any cltlcen desires to pu chase one of the flags for the lawn or home they are Invited contact any member of the legion. P. O. Ratterree was elected to tl Post Commander succeeding W 1 Stone. Other officers elected wen First Vice Commander, Laney D? mar, Adjutant, W. F. Rhodes. Chai lain. W. K Blakely. Finance Office W.v W. Souther, Service Officer, < ] lit. Hayes. Athletic Officer. J.' Keeter, Publicity Director, Dr. O. ! Lewis and Sergeant at Aims, Ms vln ??forth. 1 I' r j I BUY R?-- v AT . HOME FIVE CENTS PER COPY tel Started 1"\Ve have fine schools, good churches. and an excellent town, so why shouldn't, we have a modern hotel in K.ngs Mountain,", asked Charles Tliomasson at the Mens Club supper las; Thursday evening. Mr. Thomast pen had been asked by the program - committee to make a talk on any 0 subject he desired and he stated that t j a new hotel w.ts the biggest need of c ' Kings Mountain. "Kings Mountain iss I at the Junction of two Important d { highways, it is served py the main a : lir.e of the Southern Kailroad and 28 [1 ! pat>ten?er busses stop here every 24 n hours, so Kings Mountain needs an* 11 j must hace u hotel," sold Mr Thoint-aSMfow. II j After Mr. Thomasson's inspiring e i address ctlier members were enl1e.? ti J on by President Arnold Riser who expressed themselves as being most s wholeheartedly in favor of the idea, y Among those called cn were Hay no y Blackmer. I^add Hanuiek. \V. K. d Mauney. Mayor J. B. Thomasson, I. and J. Ft'. Davis. Mr. Mauney said, a ' ! am financially interested in a ho! tel alreddy here, but I know tl is nota what we need or want, so I am .in favor of a new one." t President Riser referred the mat* 8 tc-r to the Public Affairs Committee, a composed of Aubrey Mauney. Glee Bridges and Haywood E. Lynch. At the suggestion of Aubrey Mauney I- Mr. Thomasson was made a member e of the committee. s It was recommended that this committee meet with a committee - ftcm the Lions Club to make plans . and secure information. Tb? census f of opinion of the entire membership ' was "To go ahead, we need the hof i tel. so let's take the necessary atepa c to get it" >. 11 The only other business transacted was the approval by the club members of a 4100 donation to the fund to teach Bible in the Rings Mountain Schools. LIONS CLUB ENDORSE >, MOVEMENT The Lions Club at their Directors . met ting held Monday night endorsed Y and pledged the support of their en. > Pre membership to aid in every way e possible the movement to secure a ll new hotel for Rings Mountain. Lions Howard Jackson. W. F. Logan, and A Teas..Fulton, were appointed as a y committee to meet jointly with the e committee from the Men's Club. >1 JIONT COMMITTEE MEETS 1 The Hotel Committee from the 0 Men's and Lions Club met Jointly *' Tuesday night in the Kings Moun1 tain Herald ofilce. Charles Thomasson was elected Chairman and Hay? wood E. Lynch, Secretary of the two ' committees. Chairman Tkomuao* 0 asked If any member of either com. '* mittee was opposed in any v/ay to 1 the building of a new hotel in Kings Mountain, and every man expressed himself as being 100 per cent for the r undertaking. Members of the com. y mittee stated that every person who r had expressed themselves were very much in favor of the movement. Mr. Thomasson said. "The people e of Kings Mountain want a new hotel, '* and K is our job to find out the best v> h \ of going about to get It. The p first thing we need is information so e I am going to appoint committees to 0 contact hotel men who will be glad p to help us." 8 Ttm Fulton and W. F. Logan were lg named to contact the hotel man in n Concord. Glee Bridges and Aubrey Mauney were appointed to see Clarence Kuester, Secretary of the ChArlotte Chamber of Commerce. Cbarlea Thomasson is to see the hotel man. In Rock Hill, S. C. Haywood Lynch and Howard Jackson were selected 0 to get all the information possible a? bout traffic through Kings Mountain 0 ana other data that wohld 'nterest r. a hotel man in locating here, d Tom Fulton was instructed to find f out what inducements the Town 11 Council would offer in the way of ,e tax exemptions. ? The above committees are to perform their respective duties and report next Tuesday night at the sece ond meeting which will be held in the Herald office. >1. I* ^ _ ' id a ? ,Ir (Opinion* Exproeeed In This Cetuna* to Are Not Nseesaartly tho View* off Thlo Newspaper.) ie What write* whose bills Is becomp. tug an Important issue at the Capitol , these days. >t- Congress Is getting Jealous of Jts p. prerogatives. This Is especially so r, since the New Deal Brain Trusters B. lost the Congrestlonal rubber staaap. B. That stamp has been missing slace P. last November's election. The Near r- Dealers can't find the stamp sa> ^ Ootdfd em Bdltorlal page) M ' : J!