tMbhthat Alice Burton ra . Patterson Grove Section it's a goqd thing that C'hrUiniati ^ doesn't coine vory often because 'we jusicouidii'i stand all the excite- , went. Ituat h, if youre all like yours ^ trul);. Ye kopvit the kind that got so 1m excited that- halff the time you do thing* as if jour thoughts were milcs away, ?doh ue catching yourself in about to serve hot wut*tr (or. coffee, jj In fact there Was so much work and (( excitement and so many "Sundays' l)) ill. the last two wOeks that I comfiletely lost track of time and faile 1 (l< to send In any of this chatter I'm Jg sure the paver didn't suffer from lack of It, though several asked Why ^ 'it didn't appear. All in all, this Christmas was for w many, one Of the mast enjoyable,ev- , j, er. We couldn't keep from thinking of those to wthoni Christ mas only ,n brought sadness. There were so nut- (T by accidents and so much sickness that 4t cast a shadow over the Christmas cheer. - I suppose quite a few lecelved new in-laws for Ohristmas. There Unit/.' loin a# ui n(U lv? ol ? ' - Botno were married during the boll I days and others kept thelr's secret 'til thru. Jiere's to all the newly- *' weds: '.* "To you I; extend my sincere congntiulntions. Quick Result*?Low Cast? L HERALD M Classified Ads * s ; -5. "* - ? , : 8* a word for first Insertion; ,, half price for subsequent Inser- Ul ties* Minimum charge 25c. tli Do net ask for Information 'J retarding "keyed" ads, as they x are Strictly Confidential. K If error is made, The Herald S| 1s responsible Tor only one Incorrect Insertion. The customer |(> Is responsible fop subsequent in- jlu ; sections. The /advertiser should w notify Immediately of Ihy corrections heeded. ' V \ W*rvt ads are afways cash In Jj: ( , i ady??nce except to'jp^iness men I or concerns, havinp , ..accounts g ^ with this newspaper. I \y ^ .asm i I. - ,P REMPMttEfl -i On fliirtliMty you got ' ?rto* <>t'' Viur ltailhiih Splits w c fur only l(V.1 KTiijis Mottuuiin Drug :,n KEYS MADE. LOCKS, VACUUM SO VOiutners, Small Ele. > Sept. 2gtfc 101 Ami ' i? ?? : M .FOR RENT ? I'uniiahod loorim. 1 lo ; Tcity Street in-J FOR RENT ? Heated Cooper Apart A! mettt. 207 E. King St. Rhone 131-R. 1,tJ . Ci : (Continued Next Week) K| TOM AND BBORGE a George: "Tom, vp*^ft?rchant the 1,1 other day aeked - V youngster why J" he; tied a tin can to the dog's tail ' and aeked vuhy he did It?' Tom: tl' "What did he HyP 'He eaid, replied b< George: 'that U where .1. always tie thgm; If you kpow of a better place I'll* tie it there next time. You can c look frim the North Pole to the Sopth Pole, from the Kaet Pole to the West Pole, and you'll not find ct better place to get your furniture le and house furnishings than here. D. F. Hord Furniture Co. J Buy It For Less At Hord*s le V . ' i ITHE CLAN in lie n r. i 1 ^ r ? . r * " * " * "' -J"* *" Z- * f a a ^ ^ ^ ^ / > ^ .! A> . ; 1 lay your ltfo be filled with Joy and Jubilation!" Special to all wtMn sent ma cardi -Thanks, a lot. It's nice to bo re em be red that way. A number pf folks have aald the) it down unexpectedly -while the round was covered with fee. Bui i far os 1 know there's been pnl> le hurt near here. Paul Ware, the K. Wure's son, fell and broke hit illar bone. Ilia friends hope he will i O. K. again 'soon. Mr. Kvans Ureen 'Is a patient In te City Hospital, Gastonia, follow g an appendix operation last week e is the third one of the Green boys lope he wont, mind being called a jy) to have an appendix operation irlng the last two years. In fact 3 Is On tre same room and his bed n the same position as the one cupted by Ih's brother, Grover, in te summer of 1937. Mr. Wesley Carroll Is in a serious mdiitlon at his home at the time ol ils-wvlllngr--" ? - --Mrs. J. W. Carroll has been suffer Lg with a back ailment since hristmas. ? RAMBLING 8KETCHE8 OF NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) Sunday school Sunday morn lug ai >:00 o'clock. 1'reaching 1 mined luteafter by the pastor, Kev. Lutliei aw kins, of Gastoaja. < Mr. Clyde McSwain returned tc euolr-Rhyne college at Hickory londay alter upending the holWuyt Ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Klam cSwain. Mr. Dow Putnam spent Tuesday lid Wednesday visiting relatives jar Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell carried ielr son, Arnold, to the Orthopedic ospital of Gastouia Tueeday for an -ray examination. Messrs Clyde McSwain and Ctflp ord .were Sunday night guests ol tokes Wright. Master Donald White of the Bethhem community and Moselle Lovece spent the past week With the titer..and family. Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Hell had as ielr Saturday -ctiiuev guests Mr. id Mrs. Elam MVS wain and son yds, and Mr* Culp Ford. Sunday night guests of Mr. and ids. Hot-ace Bell were Mr. and Airs all<_r Led-fcrtl and i.tmily. Mr. and Mrs. .1. o. Lovelace run iidivn spent sevoial days the ;; si ek visiting iu the )route m . Mr. d Mrs. K. D. Ledl'ord of Vale. N.C. Mrs. Alont'io 1 .ovelace and grai. light' fa, Kloise and Melba Viaticit. were Visitors itr the iioiiic ci p fcruKi/'s brother. Mr.' '1 it. Bell turuu>\ Mr. Lyr.ufn Champion and oh.ldn were week-end guests of Mr. and is. Everctte Fe d and .l-imily. . Ui.n.luA. ?? II - .....1 feiivroto Ul iut. uuu ATI to. am McSwaiu included Mr. and is. Friuik Wore and family, Mr. d Mrs. Monroe Lovelace and- Mi. il|> Ford. Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. ank Ware Tuesday were Mr. and rs. Marvin Wright and family and r. and Mrs. James S. Ware. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lovelace and lughters attended the funeral ol r. Owens held In Kings Mountain unday afternoon. Mr. Hubert Lovelace spent the eek-end in Gastonla visiting Rev uther Hawkins. , Miss Dorothy Patterson spent. Wed ;8day visiting her sister Miss Ocle atterson of Shelby. THANK YOU I wish to thank members of the merican Legion and other friend? i Kings Mountain for the many lessagea and remembrances thai i-lghtened and cheered me during ie holidays. I am happy to say mj :alth Is Improving. Eugene Mathis. eterans Hospital, olumbla, S. C. When large quantities of corn are lb-stored the side wails must be signed to withstand considerable it ward pressure and elai a decided yurnutorH fhniat sons "Pi Q UfAAttA* / .. ? . > i?- i* v ??i uw v i umj o *-*. n vn?ui Town election on said uale and that at the election in Tuesday after Dhe. first Monday a Muy, 1939, there shall be elected live trustee* for the Kings Miuntalu , I Graded School District, one for each d ward, as hereinbefore described, as i .ollows: . lu VVhrd Oone a trustee for the 3 K.ugs Mountain Graded School Die- c i U'ict shall be elected for a period of two years. In ward two a trustee for ( said School District shall be elected * , lor a period of four years, in Ward 1( [ three a trustee for said School DM* ^ i trie! shall be elected for a period ot ^ i four years, in Ward F*>ur a trustee ^ lor said School District snail be etec t) i ted for a period of six years, and ia a Ward Ktve a trustee shall be elected tor van SctrOM-Dfstrict for a ( . period ot six years and that bl-aunui ally theieafter a trustee or, trustee* shall bo elected to fill any vacancy t, which in Ik hi occur.Jtt aoyr warder ... for the term of any trustee which ? might have expired. Section 5. That to shall be the fAilOUtwitm Bnnwl mtmm ju lor (ho To wu of Kings Mountain to ^ declare at what place or places in each ward election* shall be toe!:! in * , said town for the officers above uain- t) | ed and enumerated aud said board g . iu it's discretion may provide for ^ the election of two or more wards to fl , be held in one ward but that sepa- j i ale voting places shall be bad for ^ ( each ward; that said Hoard shall t give due notice of the eetablishment ^ of said voting places toy publication (| , in some newspaper published in the ^ ! town for four weeks before each election or by posting a notice at five [ public places in said town, oue in v , each word. ^ Section 6. There shall be a new ^ registration of the voters In the ^ , l'iowu of Kings Mountain and that ()( . the Heard of Commissioners shall, at their first regular meeting in March. 19i>9, and bi-annually there- a. after, appoint a registrar for eatpjt L regular Town election, oue in eachj ^ i ward, and shall give notice of regis-1 J ration by posting a notice in?a pub-L j tie. place- iu each ward giving -iu suctr 1 U| 1 totice the name of the registrar and j lie time and place of or for registra f;. .oil. T'am HoUrd ' 16f Connnis.f.oners I ''' ' nail ainii?h said registrar with res f: -.tuition hooks and it shall he the [ :t \ of the. registlars so appointed : j,, iti- the year 19:19 (aiwi thereafter)1 *' or "four consecutive Saturday next! ff .(iiiHs the election, between the! lours of seven A. M. and seven .P. , ' .. lo open the registration books (1. ' i places as have becii dcsig- /;3 .uitcd b.v tile Board of Commission- ?r-.( v.ra and as fCdTOTUaevt slid "to regts- j)p icr therein the names of all persons (1; applying lor registration, who are at entitled to register and vote at the ;a election as 'specified In the advertisement by order of the Board of cj Commissioners. Any and all persons i,, apply for a registration shall "be required to take an oatih that he , or jr she lias been a citizen of North Car te ollna for one year and of said ward _ tor four months; provided however, that it shall not be required; or nec essary to have a new registration > -every two years and that after the j registration and' "election In May 1939, then a new registration shall , be had only when the Board of Com m lsslouers shall so order; that at the time of tthe appointment of the I registrar, as herein provided, the , Board of Commissioners shall appoint two citizens from each ward to act as Judges at the election or elections so called andf| advertised, H who, together witih the registrar, ' shall hold the elections In theit re| specttve wards or at such places designated by the Board of Commls slonars, aforesaid, under the laws and regulations applying to municipal elections and shall open the polls for said elections at . seven o'clock, A. M., and close them at six o'clock jP. M,on the day set for said ejections by ?he Board or Oommissloners mm hereinbefore specified i and said registrars and Judges of > elections. In each ward, dhall. upon ? the closing of the polls, count the I ballots and declare the results there ' of and certify the same to the Town Clerk and?or Board of Commto-J stoners and the Board of Commts> * v ' . ^ U*s,a Wis? Mama Who Kc wiutf I m . After the new members If the Board of Commissioners for I xe Town have been duly qualified ame day they are sworn In proceed e> elect one of their number as Myor of the Town of Kings Moonatn. North Carolina, whose term of fllce shall be for two years and aid mayor shall have the same pow re add duties as heretofore given j the mayor for the Town of Kings fountain and shall preside at all leetings of the -Board and shall ave the right to vote on any queslon which may oome before the toard in caee of a tie. Section 9. That the mayor shall soeive as compensation for his serices the sum of Twenty-five ($26.0) per month and the members of 10 Board each shall receive- Five ioliars ($5.00) for each regular lonlhly meeting attended -by them. Section 10. That, except aa herein ?t forth, provided and enumerated, 11 qualifications vtor voting; or boldly cf eleetions and ail other maters and thinge shall be held,' done nd ordered under and by the sttpuitions and limitations of the laws ow apply to municipal corporation.^ Section 11. Tlmt nny person's, ilc ring to run for Town Commission) p. or School Trustee, shall at least ve days before the ' election in hlch he or she desires to run, file Is or her' announcement in wilting . 1th the City Clerk and; pay a filing e to be set by the Town Coinmlsoners. not to. exceed. Five Dollars 5.90) and anyone not so filing and Vjng the fee shall not be eligible i mm In said election; that the >wV Clerk shall have all of tlivf.lhSa pripted for ~ each ward ' and! stipute eaine to the registrars id ?oil holders In each ward on the ' at day prior to the election. Section 12. All laws and clauses laws hi conflict herewith are here jr repealed. Section 13. That thte act tlhall b3 i full force and effect from and af>r It's ratification. primitive Methods Need Not Be Modem ADVERTISE HEREH - " ?l In yeilr ipdrt tlm? ,otmV|A?w. rr? >?i57t. Wimrtml CirHi>M c 12:00 o'clock M., January 11, 1939, tin following described real estate: Being a part of the Peter Seism land and bounded aa follows: ' i "BJBOINNING on a stone (formerly a pine)., the L. B. Seism corner on the J. Y. Elliott line, and runs with i the Elliott line 8. 2 Mi W. 26 1-3 poles to< a stake .in the said line in the road; thence' With the road 8. 87 W. 16 poles to a stake on the North. < edge of the road; thence with the road 8. 61 1-3 W. 24 poles to a stake hi the road in the old line; thence , with the old line N. 28% W. 9 poles I bo a stone, old corner; thence with | the old line 8. 49% W. 14 poles to a stake hi the road: thence with the i old toad N. 12 E. 46 poles to a stake ; in the old road. the old corner: thence w*h the old line 8. 85 B. , 46 Vi pole* to the Beginning. con- , tain log Tea end One-Fourth (10 1-4) acne#, more.or lees. i auwr pert of the' Peter Sciam land ' and RBOINNLNO on * fetame. Wright* , corner and rone wMt hit Hne 8. 8? : E. 39 potea to e atone; thence N. 93 i W. 614 pole# to ?, atone and pointers, i Bellinger's comer; thence with falo Hne 8. 84 E. 66 pole# to a stake and pointers In Loog Branch; thence down sold branch as H meanders 42Mi poles to a stake In J. Y. Elliott's line; thence with his line Ni 8514 W. 25 poles to a atone, his corner;'thence N. 88 W. 43 1-2 poles to a small dogwood; thence S. 3 W. 314 polee to a stone. Gardner's corner; thence with bis Hne N. 87 W. 73 pole# to a stone pile, his corner; thence with his line N. 2214 "E- 38 1-2 poles to the Beginning,. containing Twenty. Seven end Five Eighth (27 frJB) acres, more or loss." TM? property is sold subject to . oil t rCr liens. This, the . 10th day of December, lasa* D. Z. Newton, Trustee. ?adv?jan 4 V NOTICE The annual mooting of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Kings Mountain will be held In the Director's room on Tuesday, .Tanuary 10th, 1939, at 2 p. m. #a relieves Itr tr It . colds first day, ' Headaches Liquid Tab and Fever let4, Salve due to Cblda >n Nose . Drops 30 minute* rry "Rub-My-Tism, * a blinding light. And that light Is not really sight but' sensation. Any of the five senses whan stimuli la ted artificially will produce the sensation (or which that sense is responsible. Thus, when a blow to the eye injures the nerves of the Ieye it sends to the brain a met dhga ofulght Since there is really IIV." bo thing thero to im, It roacta in a By^ mk Lq H,AFTER?! Km m kO|2Sr&< A . f _ i JtMtoi > i ' hn ? NOTICE or SALE Under and by "virtua ot the mw of, sale woliliwd (Mt dtti of trust given by C C. Wallace and wife, law rie Wallace, to Wiley H. McGinn la, trustee, tor the Kings Mountain Building and Leu? Association, on May 7, .1937, a? wilt appear on record in the Register of Deeds Offloa for Cleveland County in Book 215 at page 251 to secure the indebtedness therein mentioned, and default having been made in the payment of same and at the request of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association, I, J. C. Lackey, substitute trustee, will eell for cash at the Cpurthouee door iu Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, on Monday, January 16, 1939, ot ten ?, o'clock, A. M. or ylthln legal hour*, ibe following described reel estates Situated In the Town of G rover, N. C., and beginning at a stake. C. P. Hambright's corner on Stonewall SI fbot and running thence with atild Street 8. 28 E. 126 feet to a stake, S. R. Anthony's corner; thsooe with S. R. Anthony's line N. 62% E- 160 feet to stake. S B. Anthony's oorner on C. P. Hambright's line; thence with C. P. Hambright's llou N. 28 W. 126. feet to a stake, C. F. HamHambrlght'a line 8 62% W. 160 feet to the beginning, oontatnlng 18,760 square feet, more or less and being the same lot which was conveyed to C. C. Wallace and wife by deed dated Docember 16th, 1921, and now on * record in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County. , This. 14th day of December, 1938. J. C. Lackey, Substitute Trustee. J. R. Davis, Abtyj?adv?12-16-1-4 ' U/ ' . Relieve Their DISTRESS This Easy, Quick Way! < To bring speedy relief from the discomfort of chest colds, muscular rheumatic aches and pains due to colds?you need more than "just a salve"?use a stimulating ' countat-irrUant" like good old warming, soothing Musterole. It penetrates the surface skin breaking up local congestion and pain resulting frpm colds. Even better than a mustard plaster? Musterole has been ysed by millions fop over 30 years. Recommended by. many doctors and nurses. In three strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 4(X; Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau. All druggists. INBOX ~ We have some good late model Used Cars that have been recently traded in on the new 1939 Foitd V-8 See Ois now for a good Used Oar or a brand new Ford vV-8 with Hydrau lie brakes. ' Plonk Motor Co. Authorized Ford Dealer ..... ... f * M.- b#41. ** > ' ". PERCY L. CROSBY *?. ~ nriVnii'. L * W* I. : I * - /.>..: . ^\ . -...-. H^Hfc ' -- V...^Vi&^