BH 'ft .. _ .. .. . '3l:* : >' ' . .'.v >*.";v J BPtSfciftinfpn HoarHn ^Hl' vulpm reoeatHH^Nfil^pla had weleomed Bw!lri? ioCrawfordi ' L*k? S?4rTe?. The gueeta Mm fc">y ttnce Lhad fttai P rr - Bhatlon re- I thay ant III E4 Herat# la H Infini'rart I II iiivwii ma?* n tt Imertlons. Ifl Btukl notify Im- I I Bjerreotlona n#ed- I I B' bualness men 111 aooounta with I ^? MD ~ Some money In Sum> Hfe^tfa-IWaT. Owner, by paying fj?m *ir. aw* MeoUfyJag same, H'iai money 'at Bummitt'a Store. M FOR SALS on CherryvtUe Hit 29 to 49 acm% Jackaon nnVI MWnUyt Route 8. Hf ^fcal RestauWmfSd business, Bstfict investigaftnt opporiuniSmall r - iAi rfc ^ r r Bf?)y * %S1 ?V |??J ' ' ^^v py ^^hppv. ' ' K*? why do Aw eup to ate tho ?#le Irf the ^hwmmuk.'lte mif.. utai^la bbbwt^ twt? w?11 i unleee It yea beoauee li hot M eland anyWow H ovr flret Ifer an *#!?, their deb f-a thorn have Mr 'apjpB mum' ever 6% hot afoadlng apple H* V* M,FM that any E? Vr ? fwter then the Th* It *om_and fbrntP, HoiaJhunitnre Co. yp?y ft for Loaa At Hord'a , 11 jY l\ i MT1 H1CKCy.-**M- 11 BUlA60OD*0oy? J 'mr / .-x. M wf ?p & a- ,*Tk' '-'jk , ? * -* 'x ' ' J* |=iki_i^~ E HnKUi IB I i I i I foe the latter fuUO BvSiSa jSfrftSi ta m(h r jUf>- MNW Mornlawi of Hunter- H MRe, vw tbg guest of Mr. and Mrs. N iQlia IWt Stfnday. re Miss Margaret Ware has returned ,n borne after apendlng several days M with her grahdfd rents, Mr. add Mrs. R. H. George at the Waco Road. b< Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kee bad as theln guests Sunday, Mr. Kee's fath- ^ er and mo flier, Mr. and Mre. J. R. o! Kee oC the Bethlehem community. *! Mies Violet Sella of StatesvlUe It ?* vletting her sister, Mrs. Lester Bo land. Born to Mr. and Mrr. Dick RolUns a daugher, Barbara Kay.- Mrs. RolUna was before Marriage, Mlaa Perline Dover. Mr. W. B. Huakey and little eons. . Bobbie and Dean, visited relatives .. In York, S. C? Sunday afternoon. j Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Ramsey vis- m trt* tMmj*. ^ toraooa " jj jMr. and Mrs. Foster Flemmtng ol agent Friday night wtth Mr- and Ma gi Jackson Sepaugh. n, f Mr. - and Mrs. Andrew Wfctterson u of Orover agent Sunday afternoon ^ Mr. and Mm. J. H. Boheler. 81 Mlaa Louise Wallace, Mrs. Law. '] rfrnm T eilTrnil ?nl 11 Ml* mm H?f old Lee Terry, are visiting Mr. e, Ledford's father, Mr. Lee Ledford, In {, Tuluca, N. C. y '|Mr. and Mr*. P. P. (Dillard had u ? their guagts Sunday, Mrs. Dillard's s< lather and mother, Mr. and Mrs. J. m B. Bhyne of Dallas. t< f'ASITGOES By Virginia ] We thef people of Kings Mountain ft are a str&age lot. We go to the moon rc tains sad to the seashore in search n< of beauty and a good tinie. Little do p< we nealixg that we have both the It mountains and the sea right here aft ec home ? haly In miniature Conn, m What could be lovelier and more sat to lafying than ty sit, in the late after- to neon, looking across Lake Montonia as the eua descends and sends Its nays over the water and against the * rocks on the side of the pinnacle? * The citlcsna of Oast on ia and 8heU>y 0 -see the bgauty of It end are taking rdvontage of the good, times to be . had. No doe can blame thetn?we're jjj giad for them. But M's Just a pity p that we ^e too tarsfghted to see the things cl|ssst to us and to realise G what thole things could mean 1if us. " i; . . . .. . . w l: pomeoqp remnnaea me oc me xaci ^ that I MiMom mention any name# ^ 'la* my column. Not mentioning w name* la a good way to avoid trou- _ : We. However, tone people sHU like to see tUMr name* to print. It MTthing of .particular internal hap# ads. tell me add we'll make It inUPnews. from what I've beard, there la a irneeome. atmbephe*, prevattiftg at the IgoaMaln View Hotel. The board era have' decided to take thinga "tor Natter or for worae until death" Mr. Bill Craig has already Joinsd an* other rank, expecting to make hia home on West Mountain Street. Theif, there's Mr. Hendrick'a, who will ftoon be Mring on Odd Streets hi more .than one sense of the work Kings Mountain haa plabc(dca good number ef sight-seeing people In New York CMty lately. Also, a few citizens have answered to the call "Oo weal. Young Man!". Martha lain Mapney sent me a card tram California the other day, and rid exporting $ oouplrf of cards postmarked New York from Misses Louise Morris add Mary Prances Hord. It aeetae tljiu they are to visit Mrs. Ivan Rosenthal J A fow^weeks ago my hope tof the hay fever! I TxtThb Quick IDS IffAffflM A Mf A * A {The newly a*al\itsfc?d SagtfoulrM department oC Compact Ootors? igfc Scheat QMI KUgS IfSWltttA C , has made considerable Mir >m ia (MMlao ewfa mom* s to the Information released ' by . L Campbell, director. t Since July 24. several visits have *a made to thai homes of the, stu< inta by the Instructor to determine e possibilities that the hire have ' starting a project pr projects and so to observe the farming prsctU e In the community. Opportunities r doing good work In both of these loses of the program are abundant id boys ami adult tanners appear siyJ^oopento la every tray poe ble to advance agriculture la their immunities. The N. r. K Chapter was organed August 1. 19381 and has made selt known to the faculty, ?tusnta and the members of the oomnlty. I LL. - - - ?. m A. m .. - a. ^g l cw ?un is gtaniiN W w ? roat help to tko school sad co? unity. Agricultural student* umb > be Interest** greatly In farm ib] and most of them possess the till and technique necessary to do jletjdAd work in tbtfe branch of the -ainlng program.. The equipment and material need* 1 by the department hie been prom wd. by the County 8upt. of Schools, [r. J. H. Grig*. Thte equipment Is > .be secured when the new high :bool building le completed , this tenth or the early part of Septem* jr. e e e Logan X iture wae that I might have three i adore of this column. Betieve It or >t. a great many more than three ople habe told mp about reading . My sincere appreciation Is extend I to them, and thanks for telHhg e. Sometimes it is rather difficult > think up this drivel, bat it is fan ' write it. While riding through town last oek, I noticed' that Chief LonewolC id settled once more on the corner I Railroad Avenue to sell his * herd a and hand-made rings. This time ie fish weren't biting very welt, N f moved on to search tor the hag, r hunting ground. IANT TYPEWRITER Hew Tork^the largest tppel i tlam tan Hia ?s ! d *? - ? aiLiti ./ I . M* WW WVIIU Hf vu OJUllinUVA .s: ords la latter# tfcrae fachaa tall. 1 /2wZ * Fto i\A ^ its lM B ' I - 1 I n II linnw I W^WPStgr 1 II II M||| |l I ' #S32!!^C[3 II ItBlII 1 J I \p^ ip * * r^r'vlj. galaM m, *-^r* >rm 'Affjf ' a*' ' hl<"1'1 *"* 1 ^rs&^issla district oC North Carolina Charlotte k Ohrieloa. At Uw No. >?, United M 'tales of America v. Certain Pa roe U ? rt Land tn tho Town of Kings Noun- g sin. County ct Cleveland. Mate at fa tterth Carolina, and Carrie B. Hord, R ind others. Notice ot Action by Pub- (< cation of Summons: To: Robert * 'alia and wife, or. If deceased, their a ie!rs, representatives, assigns, Kings u Mountain, N. C.; Ruth Hord Cratt ti ind husband, W. M. Cratt, Kings e Mountain, N. C., and all persona tl vnomsoever, who have, or claim to a ?wn any estates or Interests In the / ee or otherwise In and. to the prem- u lies described In the petition tiled In ? :hlt cause and dsecrlbed In this no- f, tlce and any and all heirs and de- u rlscee of the several parties above p named, whose names and addresses 0 ire unknown, and nil and singular, g llielr heirs, husbands, wives, devla- p ees. executors, administrators, rtp d resentstives. allnees, successors and o assigns, of each and every of them; t have, any right,, title, estate, equity. ? Interest or lien; and nil ocoupants, c lessees, users, holders and owners 0 ?f end claimants to say rights of b easement or prescription tn, over, C acmes, or through said lands, or any r part thereof; yon will please take j aotloe that lu acelon entitled as ? hove has bwh commenced la the#> District Court the United 8tateJ ( ror the WesttrnVDlstrtct of Nora p Carotins, at ChaAptte. N. C., tat b summons has bee A duly Issued Mat s of said Court, mi petition Jled u therein asking for Bhe oondemnMton a of the lands descrlokd in the safl pe- o tlllen and hereltlfter des#ibed, i .hat you, and each you araneses- p isry and proper paimes to 'Ma Just g md final dlaposltVon 4 this #actIon; |1 that said action has Btea#nstltutey the United States Attorney for tr he Western .District of North Can; i tna for the purpose of the . apprev d priation and condemnation by Judl- ti -Ul process for the publtc nse and a poigt; thence la * to#thi*ariB roctton, on a line forming U lata! # eagle a* 90 degrees with the fcsfl lenttonod coitrOe, distance of ilfl >?t to a point; thence la a wefl sndly direction, on a ltae form til a interior angle of 90 degrees with to last mentioned course; a dlM tnce of 190 feet to a pom In M isterly side of Piedmont AveatM it nee in a north war^^ directum long the easterly sld^ of Ptedmofl .venue, on a line forming an InteH it angle of 90 dogyoo with the lam lentionod course, M distance of 31fl ?et to the pola^r place of belli ing, the last apm forming at the slat of Its Intellect Ion with the flrM ourse an lawor angle of 90 dM reee, as shoffn by pint "Land pod used to heAcqulred through COM emnatfon proceedings as. a portM f the Po# office site at Kings Mom a in, Homx Carolina," blueprint ?f fhtth tm attscM btreto h^ rsf ?9uco giiqB IWTI neworr rth Jffe Improvements thereon ff| rpl Jafe dwelling honse; jron im ucfaffof you are hereby notified to e#ud appear at the office of the ffk of the United States District Pirt for the: Western District et Krth Carolina. In. the United Stated lonrthouse Building at Charlotte, piorth Carolina, not later than tad 10) day* from and After tbe com' letion of service of this summons y publication for four (4) rucce* lve weeks, and answer or demur to lie- petition or complaint filed by tbe bove named petitioner In the office t the said Clerk, and you are furtier notified that If yon fall to spear and answer or demur to this atd petition or complaint within >ie time specified the petitioner will pply to the Court for the relief delanded In s&ld petition; wltners the lononable E. T. Webb, Judge of the Irtrlct Court for the Western Dlsrict of North Carolina, this the 12th av of July, 1939, and tbe year oT ur Independence the-164tb. J. Y. crdon, Clerk. By: Fan Batnett, Deply Clerk. Attested. J. Y. Jordon, Jerk. By: . Fan Baynett, Deputy ierk. ?adr?aug 10. m - J ' that Umm rudderleaa took end L C. S. (tadeati are men who out of twiwMi aenae, deteAi trmining! If yow want to come SecnHtj, then yoa UMM ?Pt the ?C S. aatf^?r (nn textbooki State U^hreraitiea ? through x to fit your own pet?onml reqnin , tkm oa the ?adlit|ea of theee wo or call personally at the local o INTERNATIONAL CORRI Scran P. L. PIERCY, 14 409 Emerson Ave. B - > - ?? ?>if y ^ L rA)| | |C^ Irv AC ji ? . r i " ' ??' Xi^U&i, ! I > For the re?ef|of wJfLao^ *r ce? aridity, IfeHgeatlA. dyaeotory. col'Wa and ertnllar ajamach alloaMta 1 Separate preaclptio# tor adulta and cbiMran. l / EVERY DlY / Is Quality shfe Repairing at fibster's. We are Keap to^Seaaeyou,it shotTservice Phone 154 :>'fl w w?*g*** ><>?? $l*! * / m?m? ?when if yrert hriplwilfi |There mJ men who drift afl their UvJL Is it Mrprhla| upTon the locks"? aindfeon, Jhd~ sound, itinmyhi lato^eJwtof PwwpwUynj nuBts. For complete inform*, rid-wide Schools, write, phoas, ffiee lifted below. . , ESPONDENCK SCHOOLS ton, Pa. I >cal Representative Gastonla, N. C ^ . ^^RC\JL. CROSBY j ^ m* ' A * 5 " "1 -