:; social j I Of INTE < phones 10 r a ( > ' VISITORS HONORED Mm. Grady King entertained at four table* of bridge on Saturday afternoon, complimenting her cousin, Mrs. ,D. G. Bell, of Morehead City, and Miss Nancy DaShields, of Smith field, Va., both of whom are visitors In Kings Mountain. i Lovely sumrper flowers adorned the rooms. *"" Mrs. Harry Warren made high score and Miss Dorothy Patterson, low, each receiving attractive trophies. Mrs. Bell and Miss DaShields were remembered with gift and Mrs. Horry Warren, bride of the past spring was presented a gift. A salad course with accessories) III I I fill SI I ill Mil' r-f? """e Guests included Mrs. D. G. Bell: | August PACTORP TO YOU Sale ?SPECIALS? For Thursday, Friday And Saturday Handy Pocket Tin, 1 doz. Hobarta Genuine Aspirin Tablets ~ 3c Full Pound Easy-To-Open Pack U. 8. P. Price's Epsom Salt .. -8c Zz or. Size Dell's Applicator Bottle ' . Tincture Iodine - U. S. P. 6c /a oz. Size 2 Pet. Solution H.W.D. Sheldon's Mercurachrome 9c Half Pint 8lze Windsor's Calamine Lotion 17c Pull Pint Original Parker's Fly Spray 19c I ? ? m-4 UaaLallU run r?iii a m Milk of Magnesia 17c Bottle of 200 Genuine F Hobart's Aspirin / Tablets /23c Full Plitf Water-White / Minerll Oil / 23c. Full Pint! Clark's U. / P. Tinctunp Greeiy Soap y / 29c Full Quart! Taste list?Colorless Lamson'l / Mineral Vil J- 43c CAH^f NOME TRIAL OFFER 2Sc Size Cars Noma Face Powder and 2So size of the regular $4.00 par ounce Cara Nome Perfume Both For ? 25c ___ ^ I Kings Mountain | |P Drug Co. The Rexall Store Phones 41?81 ^ Is i mighty important i arid our business into fi beat of everything to u , vice, you'll like it \ Blalock IW.M T3 MIMIIIIMIMiMMMIMIK LND PERSONAL HAPPE1S REST to 1 - - I ND 88 MRS. A. H. PATT] ft and Miss. Nancy DA&hielde, the honorees Mesdamea Harry Warrren, Troy Carpenter, A. L. Hill, Fred Finger, Fred Plonk, Paul Neialfr . Joe Thomson, Hugh Ormand; Masses Para Kate Ormand, Mildred JMoes, Dorothy Patterson, Helen Ha* Sara Allison and Pauleila Adair. HOSTESS AT BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Hugh Ormand was hosuse at six tables of bridge entertaining at the home of her mother on :ns! Thursday afternoon. Colorful summer flowers were ased in decoration. Mrs. Fred Plonk made high bco;c latin n. Tempting refreshments, co:.: V.'ug of a salad and a sweet course was served following the game. (Those present ,weje Meodamcs Haywood E. Lynch, R R. YnThoro, Tom Fulton, Fred Plonk, "W. T. Weir Carl Mauney, Grady King, Hajne rifipkmpr Toa VpIrIpt 'Pi>\ne cloud mcation sldp. For things yku forgot m do before leaking, litdp difficulties arismg sinc^pn be taken care < inajmoincntover Long DikanyT Long Omance is your link with home. Reassuring voice-visits with folks back home will help make your vacation what it should oe?carefree and lighthearted. ""YOU CAN TAIN A5OUT I a1fHr 100 milu far SS etU | . *00 mllar far M cioli v *00 aallca far $1*10 I ^ TbaM rata# apply en 3-minuto 9 1 Btation-to-SUtloncallapDieedaft1 rr T any night cr all day Bnndayp. ; Day rate* *r? comcvrhat higher. SOUTHERD BELLlELEPHOnt ADD TELEGRAPH COfflPfinS jW< . INCORPORATED ??? III llll I I | ATING-^ mutUwin a person's life arnffli yon with the very it. Why not try our ser/ 1 J*i/i lery & Market WeDdW ; ? r?--?? ? KPWM MOUNTAnf HCTAI4X T3H - 4 ? i > IINGS WOMEN I' " ' ,V 4 * PERSON, Editor < < > CRAIQ-WREN WEDOING SOLEMNIZED IN NEW YORK Slier City, Aug. 6.?lu a ceremony marked by simplicity and beauty the we'LJing of Miss Sarab Margaret \\ rcnn of Slier Cit? und William Ralph Cralrg Jr., of Kings Mountain, K. C.. was solemnized on Wednesday August 2, at six o'clock in the even* ing in the Ambrose chapel of Christ tTfSPflJt Methodist, at Park Avenue ! zucl 60th street in Now York City. | itev. Uordcu Chamberlain officiated, ' C.r,.itg the impressive rink service of the Methodist church. The vows were spoken before a small group Of relatives and friends assembled in the beau, it ally decorated chapel. by Mrs. Robert W. Martin of Trenton . N J, the former Miss Mary Wrenn | of Slier City, and by Misses Prances Shelton cf Siler City, pianist. Mrs. Martin sang "Because" by D'Hardelct and ''O Promise Me by de Koven. The wedding march from Lohengrin ' was played as processional, and ! Mendelssohn's Wedding March as re cessions]. Miss shelton played softly during the ceremony, "traumerei'V by Schumann. I | me orrae was auenueu oy ner bis- ; j tc-r. Miss June Parker Wren, as maM of honor. Miss Wren wore a fall uv.del of black taffeta made with j sliirrod waistline and full skirt and trimmed In pleating and black veV- j vet. buttons. Her sailor hat was made j of stitched, black taffeta, to which a veil with white dots gave a clc ef- , feet. Other accessories were black and wli\e, and her shouider corsage was of gardenias. Daniel Krupin of New York City ' attended the bridegroom as best man. The bride was given In marrige, by her brother, Dr. James C. Wrenn of ( Slier City and New York. She waa attired in a most becoming costume woelen suit ef blackberry wine. The drees was made along fitted lines, with pleated skirt, sweetheart neck* line and close-fitting sleeves. The lapels of her matching .waist length Jacket were of natural Kolinsky fur. Her hat,, gloves and slippers were also of 'blackberry wine, and she were a corsage of Talisman roses at her shoulder. Mrs. Junius Wren, mother of the bride, wore a navy sheer crepe frock with navy and white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mrs. Oralg, elder daughter of the late Junius, and Margaret Parker Wren cX Slier City, is a native of H'gh Point. She was graduated from the Siter Cttv school and from Creenaboro 'College. Greensboro. For several years she has taught In the. high schools of North Carolina, in Leoksville, Pittsboro and during the itast year at Kings Mountain. Md'ny ^ social affairs have been given nn her honcr since the announcement of ber engagement In June. The groom Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Craig, Sr., of Gastonla. He represents the L.lfe Insurance Company of Virginia in Kings Moun tal. where the couple will be at home In an apartment at 603 Mountain street, after August 10. EVENING BRIDGE PARTY Mrs. Hugh Ormand was hostess at four tables of bridge on last Friday evening, honoring M'ss Nancy DaShields. house guest of Miss Sara Kate Ofmand. Mrs. Ormand entertained at the home of her mother. Mrs. R. S. Plonk, on Ck>M street. (Miss Margaret Smith scored high and MJss Helen Rtdenhour, low. Miss DaShlelds was presented a gift. A wlad and sweet course was sewed. . 1 '. Guests Included Mies Nancy DaShlelds, of Srlthfleld, Va? Mtsse* Sara Kate Ormand, .Doretliy Patter son Frances Plonk, Margaret Smith Helen Hay, Pauline Noisier, Mlldrei 1 Mom, .Mary Foust Plonk, Helon R1 I denhour; Mesdames Percy Dllling I n va_ii_ n TYr ?. ? ~? Iuomuii ntiiH, nurry warren, nun, Page, Heward Jackson and Ocorg Moss. CLUB ENTERTAINED AT 1 PICNIC SUPPER .. Mm. Harry Page entertained mer bene of bar bridge club And a feInvited guest a on Tuesday evenJn ht her home on Went Mounted street. A picnic eupper was served in tb tardea at 7 o'clock after whlc bridge was played with Miss Hel< Hay scoring high. Mine Nancy ? Shields, house gneet Of Idea Sai Kate Ocaaaad and MUs Hell Ha houee guest of Mies Helen, Ha were each presented gift*. Club members and guests prose included Miss Helen Hay. and cue Miss Nett Hay of Raleigh. Miss 8ai ate Omand and geet. Miss Naa< DeShields of SmlthHeM Va., Mia# Tdutteo HeUler, Margaret / +** witViJl nw Helen Rldeahoi M' PnvRa SkviwU SOOM ' ' I Sara Alllaos; Meatuses FTs* Pkn Hint "OCxine ma rjoman fall a. fT7? ?- *. " V !'W - 1 |y I \ "i." ' 5f-1 1 ' ?' URqPAY, APO. I*. INt WARE-CULBRETH MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED / The following marriage announcement baa been issued: i< Mr. and Mrs Thomaa Smith Culbrdtb announce the marriage of their daughter Grace Lucile Richardson ..to Mr. Lucius Lamar Ware on Saturday, Auguat the fifth nineteen hundred and thirty nine Abbeville, South Carolina. At Home 762 East Main St., Laurens, S. C. The above announcement has been received with cordial interest In Kings Mountain, home town of the bride-groom. ,Mr. Ware lived Cor mauy years at Rock Hill and in 'more recent years at Laurens, S. C. ' The bride has been a member of the Rock Hill school faculty. RETURN FROM NEW YORK Mr. and Mrs. William Ralph Craig returned Tuesday from New York City where they were married last week and where they spent their honeymoon. The couple are at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. J. R. Davis, and will later occupy an apartment Tf'w h re* BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Blankenship of Augusta, Oa., announce the birth of m.An.. Aumtol RtV* n t tt 6Ulit uu oaiuiuajr nugum wih, w? the University Hospital. Mrs. Blankon ship is the former Miss Louise Gault, daughter of Mr. rind Mrs. C. I. Gault, of this city. Personal* Mr. John Weir of Monroe Is visiting relatives in Kings Mountain. ?o? Mr. Edgar Cooper is in New York visiting the World's Fair. . ?o? Mr. Harold Plonk is attending the World's Fair in New York. ?o? Mrs. B. M. Ormand lias b |n on an extended stay at Lake Junaluska. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Milliard Black were recent guests of Mr. an3" Mrs. Van Wraipe in Sevierwille, Tenn. ?o? Miss Nancy DeShields of Smithfield. Va., baa been a guest of Miss Sara Kate Ormand. Q l' Miss Madeline Patterson of Rock Hill was a guest of Miss C&rlyle Ware for a few days this week. ?o? Miss Betty Schaffer of Jackson, Miss., is a guest of Misses Frances and Virginia Summers. Mr. J. R. Bel! and Mrs. D. G. Bell of Moreheod City are guests of relatives in Kings Mountain Mrs. Harry Hendricks of Beaufort has been a guest of relatives in Kings Mountain tor several days. ? Miss Helen Rhodes has entered the Carolina Business School In Charlotte. ?o? Mr. and Mrs, Earl Tate spent thf past week end in Gatlinburg, Tenn. uud othor points of Interest. Mr. Jim Mercer of the Home Stor< force id\jspending his vacation witl home folks at Winnsboro, S. C. Miss Carlyle Ware returned hom< Monday from Laurens, 6. C., when she had made an extended visit. Mrs. W. L Mlms of the Norrli House is visiting relatives ' -v V rap*- ry;-.v>- ;e- ?sr**^r.yj i ?!'^^ Sonny Smith. ar* on a trip tc New J- R Dftrle thi? week *1 V stay with btr par- V*rting h r Runt' Mr" C' * fMaU>teuta at Charlottesville, Va. ?0? . j Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hern don anfk ncxib left Monday night for a trip ta Mr. and Mrs. J. R. DeLoach of {view York City and other place# of Earl, were guests of Mr. and Mra. Cont'd on back page) ' . I , S I ' 1AJOK LIKE THIS FOR A ( SMALL SUM All the glamour in the world j^vt in Hollywood ? there's \oil to he said yf RUTH'S Waves! Their soft line?sculpture# cub:?r^rhpyw a t.ipv mm?mmm pert ringlet/will workywonders for you. Try us and see! I F -- We'd Dove Tc Create A Style For You! Ruth's Beauty Shop 1 rev these-Bav5Jsfl shoulo think) M I 4^?\ THEY WOULD . *AjQfl X V I^H )|*V WONDERS |p*N VxXaB Millions of users feel that they get quicker, j/ore pleas-*" I ant, more effective relief from ALKA-SEI.TZJOt than from B . old-fashioned unpalatable preparations. /That's why H ** ALKA-SELTZEE is moreVin demand tfmn almost any H ; other single item in the aterage drug /ore. , H i We recommend ALKA-SILTZER fa#the relief of I " Gas on Stomach, Sour Sjomach, lJMadache, Colds, mMorning After," Muscular Pains, ?nd as a Gargle . H " in Minor Throat Irritations. # We really mean it. \ i Use ALKA-SELTZER for feny of all of these discom forts. Your money back if it nils Jo relieve. B . In addition to an akalgJuc (Acetyl-Salicylate of Sodu). enchlglflls of ALKA-SELTZER nrri|9^k contails Jukalizers which help to correctJhose everyday ailments lffi V due to Tlyper-Acidity. In 30# and 60# packages at your drug store. t ?=;? ?""""ll IjwSlfcuKj' j JIf SAVE | II FOR A PURPOSE | oJZ/PEN I I I I cjju tQ If save ]| U^i??Ul II * FOR EARNINGS CHIIllH II 1 . t i n J - SAVE || I B v WITH SAFETY || j j Our Savings Accounts provide all four of these dements of successful saving. t Open an account with $1.00 or more. thVbfi B may be added at any time. { I ^ i i? ii. ... , i i ~ MONEY TO LOAN. Fmdi ATaBaM?M?*1 } r HOME BUILDING and LOAN ASSOCIATION i J ? flu J A _ .... M , . . ' 1 i ' A. H. Patterson. SecV-Treasurer i