Ji . uijip^apjj . .1 .jpui , ; Personals * t ContM Croai 3ocity pa 50) I ghtcTeat. ?^O ? . Mr. Wilton Wright of Washiagtoo, fr. C.. ia visiting his parents, Mr. and Str# Vance Wright and other rolafrres. Mj*. P. K. Finger left Sunday aft- j grr/tcn for Washington, D. C.. where ' ?* was ctflled on account of the |Sk\itto of Mr. O. B. Carpeate.v O Mrs. H R Part on and Mi34 SalLna Garten ??to leave late In the 1 i*oofc for a (visit to relative! In pfaynesvtllo. Mr. John KUm relumed 1 ait week from Boone, N. C., where he went I ht get bla credits to enter state Cot ' rge at Raleigh this full. t . ?o? ? . Mr. and Mr* Paul apant ens, OhAilM and Henry, who are f Cm&p Carolina. ?o? Ofr. Hunter Neisler. accompanied y Mr. and Mr*. Paul Noisier wilt I - tjbte his family for the week-end at' Cherry a rove Bench. ?o? If P an<4 lft*a T Autmr T1 f/v! r if ^ > > ?? KM. ? ? ?. UVT I / VWXPll, -?I . . fWUMam Jenkins aai Mrs. John OarTin, All Chester. 8. C. were guests f Mm. (Daisy Osujent last Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Mauney (s spending tt# week In Hendersonvllle where fte is ? guest of Dr. and Mm. H. Brent Schaffer, of Jackson; Miss. ??O? MUs Paulella Adair of Spartan^ Ibui*. 8. C., was a guest of Mr. and i Thursday - Main Floor 25c "SUSANNAH OF Shirley Temple Main Floor 25 Saturday ?. "RETURN OF' Warner Baxtc "MISSING I Richard Arle Starting New Serial: AU children under 12 y? 11 a. m. until f p. m. foi Monday Main Floor .VTTOUNG flj H?hry Fondy Coupon for Stareetheam Coupon mustYe presAt dh^jforJJrus^^ (Wednesday^BarAir MhinVlqlr 1 "THREE TE The Three M "THE MAN V Who is theMj Se di: . I Year Face Looks Bet I When You Shove W \Gille1ti J I OOR jaou dmo who want reall JL* good-looking, comfortabl shaves at big caving . . . here I the beet news in years. You ca stuive with a genuine Gillette Bind ?B ... precision made to fit your raze I enwy ... and pay only 10c for < I The new Thin Gillette is made o I easy-flexing steel hard enough t I out glms. What's more, it hm edge I of an entirely new kind that stan I up* lor one swell shave after as I ether. Bey a perk age of Thi Otftettee froas your dealer toda I end protect your lace from smar g burn caused by miafltr Madaq I ? 1 ? T1 Mro. W. K. Croolc during the weelc-1 Mid. Bill Dav^a is a patient In the City Hospital, Gas Ionia, where he under- ] went an opyraMcti fcr cppendicitlsj Sunday. Mr. atul Mra. Gordon Hughes, Jr., and Mra. Claud Ware spent the week end in Henvp. guests of Mr. and, Mrs. Clemoaaeo Boone. Miss Claudia Ware returned home Sunday after a two-week's visit at, ;.''0 home of her cousin, Mrs. Vana V/rape Of Seveirsville, Terin. ?o? V', . >!eslames C. E. Neialer, I... P. Ba ker and George P. Davis and Mr. j Jim Page, ape at Sunday In Asheville visiting Mr Davis. Miss Peggy Baker | aul Mrs. I. 3. McElroy. Mesdameh George Latthnore. Booth Gtllesp'a, and Hayne Blackiner onl "Tutsie" Gitlvpie are visiting Mrs. Huntar Nelaler and Patty Anne Noisier at Chorry Grove Beach, S C. i j Mead a mas H, T. Pulton, D. C., Mauney, C. E Noisier and W. S. Diiltng. Win- spend (the day> Friday in Gistonla, with Mrs. George Vf.! Patterson. Mrs. Robert Lee Honour of Siunmerville, S. C.. has arrived In Kings Mountain for her annual visit wit* M'ss Agnes Norris and Mrs. Mitns at the Norris House. Mrs. S. C. Ratterree is now at her home on West Mountain street after o prolonged stay at City Hospital, (iaztonia. where she was treated for a broken hip. , Mrs. Giles Cornwell and little son, and Friday ?Balcony 15c THE MOUNTIES" ; ? Randolph Scott c?Balcony 15c double Feature raE CISCO KID" sr tt- Lynn Bari )AUGHTERS"' ?n?Marian Marsh "nk!: Tracy's G-Men" tars/Of age admitted from ' 15/ents. t^d Tuesday fic?Balcony 15c R. LINCOLN" -Marjorie Weaver Beautyware Brush given. ;ed next Monday or Tuesve coupon to get Brush. i Day?Double Feature 5c?Balcony 10c XAS STEERS" esquiteers ITHO DARED" m Who Dared? rial KIE ter And Feek Setter LtM F?se?i \ I V H vhkhHN^k- - . ' VMttHP * I mSmmuSmk ^P1 m ? 1 vn^^^HgH Yfl D gjlftr^H a Mflj ^ > I'' Wwjty/\ k* He.*.. ^pF , juiwiiw IW* ' * < -? >" * 4. ' V *y '? " ' V ' fl ' 'r/Vft*' IB KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD. THl Oilee Henry, have returned home I front Greenville. 3. C., where they have been visiting the past two weeks. O 1 Miseea Elizabeth Plonk, Marion and Leone Patterson attended the | H recital given by Miss EcY.th Wall at the George Vanderbllt hotel In Ashe n vllle Tueedny night. j P Mra. R. F. Elant left Tuesday | , rtomlng for Wilmington. N. C.. to t be with her daughter Mrs. E. M. I t Smith who le recuperating from an ' ( appendix and kidney operation. , ?o? t Billy Gene Nelaler , left Monday < night for Harrlsburg, Penn., where s he will visit relatives and frhm there j t he will ?o to New York to attend I the World's Fair before returning home. . Mrs. Jce Thomson. Mrs. J. C. Nickels. Miss Nancy Nickels and their guests, Mr. J. R. Bell and Mrs. I O O. Bell of Morehead City were j luncheon guests of Mrs. B. R. Wllle-' -o- j Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brown and dau 1 ghter. Miss Martha Brown cf Bnvonla. Co . w ho were en-route to the New York World's Fair stopped fer a visit at the homo of Mr. and Mr;t. J. R. .Davls. Miss Ethel Roberts went to Ashevlllc Sunday tc visit Mrs. Nina Rcb! erts Wolfe who is a patient in a' j .Sanatorium at that place. Mrs. Wolfe' ' In showing marked Improvement and will return home In a few weeks' Mr. ana Mrs. Zeb B. Vance of Marlcn visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Elam last week. Mr. and .Mrs. Vance were enroute to Wilson where Mr. Vance has accepted the prlr.clpnlsbip of the Wilson High School. ?o? Mr. Carlyle "Isley and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Isley* of Burlington were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Plonk, for the past week-end. Mrs. Carlyle Isley who had been vis U.ng her parents for several days, returned heme with the party Sunday afternoon. Mr. ana Mrs. w. a- wwaaour, Mr -Cvud Mm. D. H. planner of Lincolnton. Mr and Mrs. Harold R. Hunnlcutt and son. Richard. Mrs. C. K. Neisler, Mrs. George P. pavis, Billy Gene Neisler and Billy Page returned last week from Cherry Grove Beach, S. C., where they- spent a week at the Hunter Neisler Cottage. Church News Presbyterian Church 1 Rev P n. Patrick, Pastor 9:45 A. M. Sunday School. C. P. Thomasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. Rer men by Rev. R. T. Baker cf Duncans Creek Presbyterian Church. 7:15 Young People's Vespers. 8:90 Union Service at the Central Methodist Church. Monday: Circle I 3:00 Mrs. J. H. Thomson. Circle II 3:30 Mrs. L. C. Parsons Circle III 3:30 Mrs. H. N. Moss. Circle V 7:30 Lake Montonla 7:30 Boy Scouts, Trcop I. (Mir. Cart Davidson, Scc^'maatoir; Messrs Harry Page and Bill Thomson. Asst. Scoutmasters. - 1 t Central Methodist Church K?v. E W. Fox. Pastor B. N. Wagganer, Supply Pastor. Sunday Schcd 9:45, B. S. Peeler, Supt. Morning Services 11:00. tiKACti METHODIST S. W. Johnson, Paster 9:45 Sunday school. nana ureen, supr. 11:00 Morning worship. 6:30 Epworth League. . I 7:30 Evening worship. . I Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Second Baptist Church Re*. C. C, Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:43 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n>. and 7:80 p. m. each Snnda \ I PERSONAL I MARY-Tlw NtwYc/foilO Pair is the greatest tcAudt I've tree Meal Spent a afbd week in New York sod staprdfat the Hotel St. George. BrogktaiN.Y. It* convenient to evwyWdg wd only 3) aioutce froW the ?. Roth and I paid only $175 dAy each Sot oar 2 breery doubllft>oAn their JO-etory Step rood CiulTcIre* overlooking the harbor, te fijoyed free: the ^p?a't> P?0.1' breath-taking sqSne Terrace. Yon ' wear ?m The Mr and yon mmu troy . at the Sc. Geotae. Ifyon'll wtfaet? Jam Kayat thehoeelhellaandyon a swett road ump free. . '' ,. fR**IXAY, AUG. 10, 1030 this 'n that ' By Alice Bur ion Patterson Grove Section ? ? ? ? < Recently 1 had tour people to ask to leave their names out of the aper. That brings my total "No Pub [city L?lst" to five. 1 don't know why hey don't want their names men. Icued but I'm Inclined to believe uey're Just putting on a false front. >uldn't that Just be their way of tsklng tor publicity? Seeing their '.araes in the Chatter part of this , solinnn is what they most object to, to Just to play safe (?) we'll stick o social items this week. A revival meeting began at Patter son Grove Sunday. Rev. suttleTTSsor of the church, has charge of the itrvices which are held each morn. ,.g at 10:30 and each night at 7:45. Mr. and Mrs.. Fred Greene of Oak Jfove had as their Saturday night guests, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Greene lud family of tho Phenlx Mill. Sun* la*, 3reene and family of Vale, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Neeley and laughter and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrtw Kecley an son of Fcft Mill, S. were visitors of relatives and friends. here, 8unday. Mr. Baiee Patterson of Hickory Clrove spent the week-end with relatives here. Friends of Mrs. Howard Ooforth ? vvill be sorry to hear that she has + been suffering with an ear ailment *? for several days. 51 M.ss Pearl Carroll of Bethany, S. C.. is a visitor In this community. Mr. J. K. Goforth recently spent ' the. weekend in Bessemer City. ; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Edwards of !! Shelby were guests of the Howard J Ocforth's Sunday. < > Miss Frances Thornburg entertain ' \ ed a number of friends at a birthday < pa rty Saturday afternoon in celebra- !! ticn of her 11th birthday anniver- ' sary. ?! __________ * FAIR FASHIONS y New York.?Trim uniforms of the J girl employees of the New York World's Fair are setting a new pace 1! in the world of fashion. Several of * J the smart New York shops are tea- j?;rm in Nnrth ?n