' ! By Afltce Burton Patterson Grove Section A large number attended the revival meeting at Patterned , a rove last week. Those who Joined the church by baptism were baptised at Mr. J. B. Patterson's pool Saturday morning. AH the school children and the teachers attended the morning services. Thursday a group ot the wcbool girls sang two special songs. Every day Just a few mlniites botore time for the service to begin the school bell was rung and the , - pupils who had been out foi* recess wont back to their rooms. Then they inarched single file Into the church . and were seated. Several comments wero made on. their good, behavior. Of course everybody is expected to behave la church but when a large lug one of my former school teach~im SIS "i i'^>k forward to your QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COST HBRALO CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for first insertion; half prloa for aubssqusnt Insertions. Minimum charge 28c. Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ade, as they are strictly confidential. If error la made. The Herald la responsible for only one Inoorreet Insertion. The customer (g responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser ehould notify Immediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash In advahce except to business msn or ooncerns having accounts with this newspaper. FARM FOR SALE on Cherryvllle road. 20 to 40 acfts. Jackson ' iWhlte, Kings Mountain, Route 8. ?8-17-pd. fTO MY PEACH CU8T0MERS Indian Cling Picketing / peaches now ripe..Nice For piekeMhg. Prire right. Not able to deliver. C. M. Foole. REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get one ot our delicious Banana Splits I for "only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FOR SALE ?Btgh and Grapes. Paysour*# Tourist Camp. auglO tiannnuea next weekj 1 Tom' "Our colored eltureh wa? Snaking a drive,for funds, and Unci# Riftui refused saying he owed ev? arybody in town now; the eollolto# nketf him if he didn't owe anything Jko the Lord, and what do you think Jm said,"7 George: "I imagine he aald he did, but the Lord wasnt push him lijke the .other oredK^orSL*1 VVe are pushing our wicker furnlturp and porch chairs right now. Look 'em over. D. F. Hord Furniture Co., Buy It For Less At Hord*e THE CL> ]'s^rrtRAmrl ,i I YA <gO0f IN fOR I A nm 7 r ^ V J J " Pl J ?" ML Ml V hEl :* WmBnJr71 i nnr wu r? timioh ?. discouraged UA?1t ?* wogdg^if anr?ae bothered to, /end t^ls any '< more. I don't. kpow who wrote the group of children ocn be quiet to- d grther, anywhere, congratulations B ere in order. , 8 1 wm flattered lact week by haw tl words: "Praise la not only gratify- N ing but the course of fresh energy" d but I do believe ther*re true. But 1 word* of good natured criticism are & better, tn this column writing bust- h ncsa. than no comment, because it at least lets one know that they are a bong read. <, f SOCIAL 1TRM8: * Mrs. Marlon Putnam nee Miss Ola Hnmrick of Waoo, spent last week with her mother and other' relatives ' in this section. 1 Mr and Mrs. Tom TttOfrtbur* and niece and Mr*. Laura Roberta of Georgia. spent last week visiting relatives here. a?.. ^-^|,Jq^r^w,greens for. werljr of Kings Mountain out noir orJ Belmont are visitors of friends and relative* here. e Mr. Buddy Shumaker of Charlotte Is a guest of Mr. Jake Thorn burg this week. Mr. Andrew Burton Is sick *t the tline of this writing. Crimson Clover Cuts Winter Dairy Costs Every farmer Is constantly on the search for methods of ioweting production costs while maintaining or Increasing yields. Dairy farmers can fnd one answer to their search rlgh here, especially those who have trou ble with winter production costs dud to the dormancy of pasture grasses during the cold months. F. R. Faro ham, dairy specialist of the State College Extension Service recommend* the seeding of crimson clover on permanent pastures for year-round gracing even in the Pled raont and mountain section. Hie clo ver will provide succulent feed for, cattle at a time rwhen the growth of regular pasture grasses Is stopped by cold weather. He explained - that lack of pasture and forctd barn feeding of cows are, the two big factors which cause high sinter milk production costs. Now Is the proper time to make ready for seeding crimson clover.' Farrfhain skated. Where ,!permakient pastures have & fair growth at vege taiion. a good practice Is to* broad. I eelmsAi* elnvdr fldpd (UfAAtlv fft I .1101 VI IIUOVII V*v< wt ? - ? with JertiMxer on basic slag, spread tightly over the pasture. ^ From 16 to SO pounds of seed per acre la needed to supplement perma neat pastures, the specialist said. He expressed the opinion that Terr, few, if any, farmers tn North Caroil- J na tail to recognise the beneficlalre suits to the soil that always occur when such legume* as crimson clover are turned under, but that relatively few reaHze that crimson clover will prove successful-when seeded In permanent pastures, .r MICKEY AND HIS ft ttr WE \W9ttE5b NOU |( NOW \F SOWS MN UTOE WWH 0*1*6 fYSKVOO.vn VSU1E OF -muHSFOlNESS VOO MN C( wiVtoSf ^ 1-1 treat! ' . SlNCY kids v r1 H***! I *oesT) \ I Metre# nor V J (jAKe A CHANCE) I - # i B f J " I I* fl v: TOT KDNW MOUNTAIN HOTAU ?..?*. i MAKGRACE NEWS ] V> \1 i* s'i > <; ? v-y l- ' Mr*. Hitttw Rudht Mr. and MreJ. H. Boheler and ? hlldreii, Hales and Jaaloe, MUwee | eola and Janle Boheler motored' to i louth Carolina Saturday to celebratd t lie 74th birthday given In honor ot t Ir. A. J. Boheler. They were aooom t unfced |>y Meaera \\lllliajn Blade. 1 I'arry Fayseoux, R. A. Jolly and i liases Seltna Oantt and Es'.ele Bo- 1 eler. t Mr. and Mne. Tommie Smith had I n their guests Sunday Mr. Smith's at her and mother, Mr. and Mrs. \V. :. Smith; also Mr. and Mrs. Leon' rd Smith, all of Landrum, 8. C. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Barber spent luturriay night In Shelby with Mrs. larher's parents. ..Mr., and ..Mr*.. JMIUrd had as their tueMs Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Reves ainlaon and Mr. and Mrs Raymond rion'.nger and their families of High Shoals. N. C.; also Mr. and ttn* -irmrr-.I flUVvi..i,V , Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Faljs left 8un lay morning with Mr. Joe Lee Wood wi.rd for Now York' City to visit he World's Fair. Mr and Mrs. Chas Moss had as hetr guests over the week end Mr. tad Mrs. Lee Bedford of Tuluca. Mr. Hay GoCoith has returned lome from the hospital where he un lerwent an operation on hie eye. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jolly and ore. Clinton and Clarence. Jr.. and drs. R. P. Thomas have returned lome after spending the week end it Myrtle Beach. NOTICE 'ederal Works Agency, Public Buildngs Administration, Washington, D. 3., Aug. 4, 1939. Sealed proposals in lupllcate will be publicly opened In his office at 1 p. m., Standard Time, ?ept. 6, 1939 for construction cornicle of the U. 8.- P. O. at Kings fountain, N. C. Upon application, me set of drawings and specificsions will be supplied free to each , Joneral Contractor interested in ivbmittlng a proposal. - The above lnalwlngs and specifications MUST , >e returned to this office. Contractors requiring additional sets may obain them by purchase from this of. Ice at a cost of f5 per set, which . vlll not be returned. Checks offered is payment for drawings and specllcstions must be made payable to 1 he order of the Treasurer, U. 8. . r Have Votir Eyea Examined, Classes Pitted ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist - Bye Specialist Will be In Kings Mountain Office on Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to ? P. M. [A | sezL fruits and barriaa are a dallehealthful .daaaart whan served IUNRI8E HEAVY CREAM. En at palate pleasing combination rour morning cereal, too. It's a ' I TMf IDeAJ. J ^5?y rimmlo's friend Is a -wise gu; r Htir?\ r^MOlttDOlK'NAU) .??J \mo-nesteuysAK J . l,AROU?0 H?e ?j / ? ' .^c Wj^f^tk?^KLr . . . ? * j? . ^ 4 * r * ripsHP'P*'11111' . - 1 ' - 11 X THURSDAY. AIIO. It. lltf. " '~r~ Mlrfngi tU s?sc*V?t1oas vfllaM C l_ ? furnished' to Contractors who jjll hi A-ra consistently failed to submit mfOMli. Ob* set upon request, end 1 rhen considered in the Interests of . sj^H >e Government, will be furnished, a the discretion of the Commission- > <r, to BulWers" Exchangee, Cham- Ov >ers of Commerce or other organt- m? I ations who wilt guarantee to make M hem available for any Sub-Contrac or or material firm Interested, and I o quantity surveyors, but this prlv- M m nge will be withdrawn if the sets are m' tot returned after they have accom- A| rfishcd their purpose. W. E. Rey- ? ioMs, Commissioner of Public Buildnge, Federal Works Agency. 8-10-17. flowiu blood otfoom fro# of on txcto of ' fifln aaattar I ha kldaoya moat raraova from EJ ?ha blood It nod With io to aodur*. H I WW tko kidaoya tail to fuaetloa so HHO f| Nature latoodod, tkere lo rotoatloa ol EnI^^B mJk e?W that stay mat body-wide die- mV|B - -{sagB?i" its nm frfa f&Afl ES^s^rsSara |1 pO atMdMelaMl aatl nrn fiat iMalaooiiS a Isrt^nia^w hwQ ass wDwf ti^gtmwlo I* o diuretic knodldno to bolp tbo kldnrye W got rid of new tmmmtm body eraato. ll.aH we Ooaa'i PilU. Tboy hava bad atora |HH thn foety yaara of pwbtlc appravst, Ars 11HI IP??'? SoM at all dnif torn. flPffl IiIiHSCBIIIM Mi ISELLIN Entire Stock of Dry Goods Must be I Owner will open a New Business of a I PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED I STOCK. Come and G< -" Children's I LADIEJ DRESSES I 80 Squi Each 15? and up | On i DOUBLE BLANKETS 70x80?On Sale? $1.00 pr. MEN'S WASH PANTS $1.00 Values?On Sale?? 70c pr. LADIES HOUSE SLIPPERS Size 8 Only? mat i dc pair LADIES' COTTON HOSE 2 pairs 15c PRINTS Men's < Yard wide, fast colors. S Values up to 20c Non wilt On Sale at 10c Yard On ON SALE North Piedmont Avenue f X] r1 Aw, ecHfeer ( w -* \T#eM AND sex ( \ ~ \ UtlQRCSJ D^ r^pK: . g^' .y ' "tZl^Ul!jl8jHIP?^*r'itt ^ * ^-*?' '^ jji^l'^k^i ^finn I." ' ytt"- . L n h U um a.iiiin 111 J . j''^' - < w^:4% ' ** . ' tcribe To The Herald -? ( . : GOES FAITHEI IT A ^ < 1 mBERT/^J Mf / c'l'e\rMciijkJf / < 1ACKSIHVIUE |L fSk rvivS^ r THESE R0Tas I K \ ARE CONVENIENT I m \ n tttftiiftv I VA 1 ^||V1 \ n OTMIR (MUill 1 1 | \A lh^*?.ir J Honu m is ana ' i-i? GOUT!] Sold by Sept. 1st., at which time a new I different nature. M IN ORDER TO MOVE) THE ENTIRE I et Your Share | 3' DRESSES I Other 1 ' lire Prints I LADIES' DRESSES E Sale 50c I On Sale 05c and 80c BOYS' KNICKERS 1 $1.00 Values?On Sale? 60c pr. I " Men's Large Size I OVERALLS and WORK PANTS 44, 44, 4*. 50?ON SALE? '| yuc&$i.uu CHILDREN'S BLOOMERS 5c pair - MEN'S . : ATHLETIC UNION SUITS 25c pair Golden Dawn I GINGHAMS AND ) HIRTS I PLAY CLOTH % collar. $1 val. I Values up to 20c Yard. Sale 75c I On Sale at 10c Yard <' TILL SOLD! I SMITH ... : ' ; J Kings Mountain, N. C. By PERCY L. CROSBY - 1,1 " 1 * 1??W*UW?IHW)IM?|,M,>IU 1 Yen! ah'maym cer ^ I 1 ) MC CLQTHtS SWIPt*, HUH?t u.1 /'" . - ? rrJr . ?*:? r *>- ? ? _ vl f 'wSWHt ?i- . jVaimIMmC-o - . ?? ? ?* *?.*jA'v*. .?> f f* c ' * 'fl v.*

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