TV-; . - . ' v ip i " - fjiI SOCIAL , ? Of INTE PHONES 10-R J MENORICK-CRO&LAND JWEDDINQ SOLEMNIZED IN ISEffNET.TSVILLE. 8. C. , Wodnonday morning. August ft. In fhe Methodist church, in Dennett*(Killc, 8. C., Wins Helen Goggans (diwl.uid nrtd Paul Eugene Hendrlck, )hC Kings Mountain end M?rksrllle, _ 0R C-. were united in inarrlnge The program of nuptial rauelc wa? rend, guad hy MIhu Grace Mitchell. Neville |S-?iin<-tt Hang aeverul (selection*. Odim were J. Everett C roe land y?f Ijyviwm, ltarulotph KJrVpatrlck of fMtnitngtou. L>r. i. E. Croeland of jg'gL Msg; !?? ? Mm. j W. (Ton land. mother of 8>'' l?n u- The maid of honor wae mud mji-.. i > . 11. . . . f i a iiwahb r? ?w > ; ? V VI tJfl w VU*I The bride entered with her broth>m. Jack W. Cropland of Dallas. Ter?r?, by wtr>m she was nlven In mortage. The hrhfegroom entered with IT.ti brother, drey - Hendricks of T'V.krtvtlte. who served as best man The* ceremony was performed by lev. J. F. Clark, pastor of the bride.' ' ie bride wore a navy chltfotn enta-mblo (with a corsage of orchids kurt valley lilies. She is the only dan kbtor "of ,Mre. -Helen Goggans OroaIbnC and the late J. \V. Croeland. Since hor graduation ht Wlnthrop JrMloff?, she has taught In the high pchool at Kings Mountain Mr.Hendricks Is- a son of Mr. and; Mrs. W. P. Hendricks of MoCksville. j MTc In a graduate of Wake Forest col. tbge. and for four years has taught' fcadewoe bi tl^e high school at. Kings ^fountain, and also has trained. a paud that bits wou national recognition Afior the ceremony the bride and ?"4ogroom left tor a stay at Daytona Beach, Fla., after which they trill mako their home In Kings Mountain. . After the wedding Mrs. Crosland k??lobtained the wedding party and i?ut of town guests at a luncheon at at home. Among Kings Mountain people attend ing the wedding were. Misses flfor.el Falls, Gloria Cornwell, Betty top ffelaler and Fay Moee; Grady (WaUcrraon. George Thom&sson, Ben 1 Annoi , ; I p X . * I 8 -i ? 3 We are pleases ing completely 1 a modern, up-to D I ' Under the mana SPSS I H " wide experience dren's clothes. . . . : , Mrs. Goforth ! this Department ] anyone desiring B | MYERS j it,: H -r -' '" -'-. " .-Ts ^ <:; . * -r;v v.*''.' r^jH r AND PERSONAL HAPPEi REST to "'. 1 ? A LND 88 MRS. A* H. PA1T Goforth, Jr. Chas. A. Goforth Jr., the the eight selected to represent the Kings Mountain High School Band. Others attending were Mr. and Mrs. G A Bridges, Supt. and Mrs. B. N Barnes, Mrs. Ladd Hainrlck, Laddl Hamrick, Jr. Mrs. Panl Nelsler, Paul NeSeler, Jr. MMNE Boline and Jo .Kteter, D. K. Hord, Jr. Chaa Thomasson. Chas. Thomasson Jr.. Jones Fortune, Bobby AUraa and- Hal Olive, and i: Bpn boforth. Sr. i MEETING OP AMERICAN ^rr.TTOL. ~ i to members of the American Legion ; Auxiliary on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with fourteen members present. Summer flowers were arrange*) In the living room. | Mrs. A. O. Sargeant. Mrs. J. 8 Ware and Miss Vara Sargeant took part on the program the topic of which was Our Service Record. The hostess agisted by Miss Hudspeth and Miss Sargeant served delicious refreshments. Tfil-L CLUB ENJOYS MOTOR TRIP Ton members of the Trl-L Wo mans Club of the Margrace enjoyed a motor trip Sunday to the Great Smoky Mountains, the Indian Reser vr.tlon of Cherokeen county, and Oat llnburg, Tenn. The party left 8unday morning and returned late that evenIns. The club members making the trip were: Mesdames Chaa. Moee Arthur Hamrtok, Joe Foster, Harry Kimbell, Brackett Clyde Kee Grady Rhea, Dewey Caldwell, Bertha George "and John Jenkins. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sikes and grand daugbtet? Patsy Berry ot Houston, TTexaa; Mr. audi Mrs. Major Payne, of Atlanta, Ga. have returned home after a visit to Dr. and Mrs. Norman the latter a sister ot Mr. Slkfe. Dr. and Mrs. Dan Stewart ot Hickory and Miss Mary Heleri Stewart of Raleigh, were also guests at the Norman home Sunday. 1 nncem< J i to announce that our entin Etemodeled and equipped for t -date RESS SH( * ' - * * ' v ' ; * : v"" ' ' igement of MRS. R. D. GOFX in the buying and styling of -Vv . ^ \ m f . . " . * r . rill spend next week in New ' and will be glad to do pen this sendee. . ? DEPT. S Yonr Friendly Merchant 555S555S5iSS5i^55fi55SS555Bii55l55S55i THS KOKMB HMFNTAW SQB^kJUBl TINGS WOMEN ? PERSON, Editor ?... '' WAGON ER-H ENDRIX WEDDING The following from a Forest City newspaper will be of Interest here, , the bride's father having bean a former pastor of the Wesleyan Church at Kings Mountain where- the family redded for a number of years: A wedding of simplicity and quiet charm was that of Marian Ruth Hen ttrlz, of Forest CUty, to John Fttmore Wuroner. of Elon PWIu* Tfc? mony ?m performed at two o'clock Saturday, August IS, with Her. ArThe living room of the Headrix home was a scene of dignity and beauty. Against a background of white try trailed giving an artistic setting (or the service. A large, round mirror reflected the glow of the burning taper* and gave a oathdrat effect to the room. An tmprovle etl altar ot white RTH, who has had Women's and ,Chil' ^ *r ' 4 i . r . ' ' 1 York buying for tonal shopping for I 1 ^1 IB TORE I . -7 I l| TOP?DAT. ABft lT, tm. rile. Mt kM* pant tm yarn been a iiln oC Urn Cacnlty ?C th Huaterill* School pt Stokasdala. Mi W?(Mtt to (ke lM|kt%r of R?t. m Mi*. C. A. Handro* at Form* City Mr. wiaomr to tha bob of mr Kate Wagoner art* the late LenSe Wagoner of EVoo College. He to graduate of Ellon Collage and th University of North Carolina. (Thai el' Hill, and to a member of the lot Tan Kappa Fraternity. He haa ftfl the paat tour year* been principal c Htintsville school In Rocklnghai county. He to now principal of Fal I ntec high sdhjool. Farmer, N. fC I and they will make their home ther I After the ceremony the bride an groom left midst a shower of rid II and old shoe*.. for a honeymoon trl I! tbrugh the Smoky Mountain an I' Th? manj friends of th 11 couple 'wish them don tin uod hapj llneas. i . - It " ~ I LEDFORD-WARE Of Internet to Herald readers wl II be the aunooneemeut of the marrl I age of Idas Marie Taylor, of Greer i frmmrmj' mv; wa*wy' t5^o?r? i Pittsburg, the marriage taking plac I on May SO. Mr. Ledford to a son c I tho late W. C. Ledford and Mrs. Le ford at Kings Mountain. Mr. am i ?>*. uruiuiu *mvea m Kings Moui ! lain during the week-end where the were oalled on account of the crltt 1 ml lllneue and subsequent death c Mr. Ledford'e father. (. ?/ BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mz?. only Flails announc j the birth ot a son Tuesday morntm Aug. 15. Mrs. Fals and baby are li : the Shelby Hospital. Personals Miss Lots Fortune was the gues of home folks for the week end. fiirn. Ftoye Oatee is In Boone, N C., with ber father who is very ill. i Mrs. A. J. McOUl~hatt as her gues I her sister. Miss Ellen Long.of Gas ton la for the week-end. Mr. James Whlsnsnt of Blacks burg. 8. C., waa in town Monday t soe his aunt, Mra. 8. C. Ratterree. Misses Qussle and Ida Hnffstetle left Tuesday for a trip through Vtr gtnla, Tennessee and Kentucky. Mr- and Mrs. Price Patterson c Ravenel, 8. C., ere visiting re la tiro in Kings Mountain. . Mr. Byron Keeter la in Hey Tori City making selections for Keeter' Department Store. jMrs. V. C. Schley of Frederick* X rrs PARAMO V.VAH ? - ortant deps anything to interfere i SCRIPTION DEPART! mount with as. Kings Moun The Rex I. * Phoni I ? i mm I I. C. S. tadents ar? mea who I fcHywrn^w^ ?r ?aH pmaaaHf aft thi Weal oi MTIftNATIOMAL CORKI! \-~' Scvmnt P. L. PIEftCY, Lm 4WftMW?Am mmmmm * tor* tii a comt ?C Mi? o T * Xton tor a tow dajra tola vnk. , J, Mr.1 and Mi*. (toady King tod Wetmiiy aftamooa tor a trip tc L Pawley*a atom* Q V a Mr. Claudf Ortgg of Albemtole e stepped la Kings Mountain for h abort vlait Wedne#f Horgaaton wore tbe week end a Koeate of Mr. and Mm. J. H. Yelbon. !., Miss Sara L?oti? of Columbia, 8. G e sprat a tow daya with relative* in 4 Kings Mountain thl* week. p Mm. Vera Haw lea spent a few d days last week at Rutherfordton Hoa e plial where she underwent treat * . .Dr. y, c. KWenhPur of Holy Trtnity Lutheran church of Hickory will occupy the pulpit of St. Matthew* Lu II tberan Church Sunday. u BUI Darie has returned home from a (Cont'd) on back page) 1 . 1 W HAD ANY HEADACHES J LATELY? J HIP" fW TO WO AND I IP" x(f\ NERVINE/fffi n n MM * I \ 1 1 I NSyiw t A nurse writes that die suffered from frequent - headaches. Nothing stopped them until a friend recommended DR. MILES t NERVINE. She says Nerv. ins stops headaches before they get a good start Three generations hare k found DR. BOLES NERV0 DfE effective tpr Nervousness, Sleeplessness this to Nervous Irrttability, Nervous Indigestion, Headache, Travel Sickness. Get DR BOLES NERV. INE at your drug store. * LIQUID MB VINE * Lars* ML ?LMi Small ML Z3* IDFTKEVESCENT TABLETS It s BHI L wEfP^^KUmllSjLilu he^S ul i' UNT WITH US 1 modern drug store with irtments we never iBosr nth our unexcelled PRESENT, it is ihiji pom I * -I itain Drug Co. all Store es 41?81 * Fateful moment ? when m hip 1mm it* mdder! Then great hoik Mb helplcMlr - l^L ? ? all tkelr UtmC Ie it ierptidag I 9MMd?r?ckiff? I to tlw Part at Piraaparttjr I IPONDINCK SCHOOLS I . . ' . _ \ - . ' - ' ifSTORAGE CABINETS 1 I Flat, Wheel-Away Chest I with Roller^ Will easily I p I I":-* B eS '" * * ' 1 TWIN PLEX ECONOMY CHEST $1.45 /wW BEIGE* \ * \STORAOE CLOSET/ I S! n.* * ill' jr rr " ' ' ? / ;V' EKV W ': mip *!KJPSSrrWM H?W. Vk? Mik. Pwt rwlrtwf contort, . color Uforlor. I Top door lowon ? koMoo, I r ' ! I for rtorto? I Moofcoto. H.l7TTT |. I v a ibVRATQR IMtcllllfl mUA(1A#UAm * ? ' C ' % ? TWi NEW bm?Ufa! BEIGE r^T*ikma%nwAKOMfla fl ?w< pric? that win EXTRA HEAVY PUBH SUTTON Coblntff Door* SI Ida Up and Sawn $2.98 BELK'S DEPT. STORT Mi stare 'Hsodt KM*