myjwptf ,n. . . _ .- Jy' | EYE OPENERS ! mm (TfiHife dhfhlMfCITSNM To* venne, U6CD 1 W WrtiWy WK? #fc* LMIMoOUCfO M 1Q!)? JEUBOPV PUflmo vTHf FWWCH C^Cj ttS mm m IwiBiii el the MmI amiir ZMjnysf^L^i a* ?rt?3?>? ' ji*'^4?* Hmm.?? ?n#Mj> mmI it ; That two wuh TtMtloa m il> r lotted ourselves, (spent In the drag t! end on the etreete), te over, ' and here we are back, tho why, only the Lord and Gene, the linotype man, r know*. . U We reeUy shouMht have xnleeed d |>oth weeke, tout we decided to give h *11 of you a reet from tMe pdfrie. e Thank* a whole lot for the many a *1 mleeed your columns" that -we're t . heard. I'm proud of the fact that I ti *ow boaet at leeet four regular read, era, and two who are rather medU 0 tocre 00 the subject. They reed It If .Virginia Logan happens to flip a f.Ule, Just to sorts compare. C Since we last peeped In on you, f soma thing* have happened. 'Feasor < ft endnote and BUI Craig have be. . -come hitched. We went down (or a few minutes to tee Mr. end Mrs. j Craig the otter sight, and found j . . f Pel motive, 3 for 20o Small Super Suda (red box) 8 for 88e Small Super Suds (blue box 8 for 25c Octagdq Soap (giant) 8 fpr .... 28c Octagon soap (small) 10 for .. 28c Octagon Powder (large) 0 for 2So Octagon Powder (small) 10 fer 28o Octagon Toilet, 4 fer 1go Octagon Cleanoer, Z for ....... So Octagon Oranulhtcd 2 for .... 18c Oryutal White froap, 8 fer .... 14c Hollywood Beauty Soap, 3 for .. 14o weir's store Park Yarn Mill ?7y f , Southern Rail ka ' C j P'V M 1 Ronnd Tr Via- luilwi I : fbrtliM % i 25*5! V i OmtWI I' ^ ? < hf I ^Hj^H^H^^HB|rNoD^^ "* ' ^ I S5oo^?wo ?by Bob Crosby: I ^ Ftltltm jyofgf 0 NOT AUjO* PIUSOMWt* TO I IV >N 1VWR. OWN OCFENM, I MCAUM THBV MtCHT I MW iNwmeive^ IWREB/ *fi*fUM? 1MBR OVH soua^ ^SS^S^nmVSuS^ CAWfMfitCO ' ICIfAHO M NW riWUIlO m *-TM om tm Plajm m vmld mokonhbo ir ?iMioetoMK?riMMr? offered against |H Hghtiag, whkl ww dM am ase M&elMi Mperior feel in tha UM Smn. AaMfim homes m Dm om fail for hem Just m happy as could be. (And ith a really nice fumlsMng Job.) %e Feasor and Ma mltaua haven't eturned yet, so we haven't seen beta. Hope to eooo. Skimp 8 tote, who baa taken leeone from Charlie Thomaeaon, and i almost a* good?aa the latter, to olng alright. "Oin" told yon. about 1m last week?how he introduced tllty Brtarhopper. Shucks, he has sore bkl to tame than that, because be other night he interviewed yours ruly. Hey, Hey. Bight n?fw Fm looking tor a good oe tor Skimp. "I talked to Clark Griffith." said Startle Tfcomaseon, "but I never did ina out -way jaae aaoat, play suntoytPee#*MUhr, I fhlnlc chartle'a lipping. if not, he would* found out. And -while we've talking about eke: Had a card from drum major ones Fortune who to returning rom Washington sometime tonight, nd he aaya he went around and ilked to Jake. Nothing, however, aout why Jake didn't play Sunday. Showing Jimmy Burns the letter 4th the man's picture on It which ime In here amfetly the ether day. asked- Jimmy it he thought he was 3at wall known. "Naw," , drawled tmmy. "If you want to get aometing to me. jntt pat my tlngerprlnta ? it." Which might not be a bad SCHOOL See that their shoes are hi first class condition be fore school begins. Let us help yon with your shoe problem. FOSTERS SHOE SERVICE igpiMi way -System bore Excursion RFOLK.VA. mbcr 1 and 2,1939 fc.00 BOUND 9 TRIP FABB Prlp Tickets on sals for all trains (except Trains No. W September 1 and S, final limit g Monday Nifht, September If Fm as.os lr*m ?a Sillne ea Railway gj la ia4 Saetk dan Wni tea A C la Dae'lfiK Vs. wa A C la Mafca. M. C la, N. C la SaiMwrr, M. C W ta. N. C. la TayWrflN. H. C ,ACa Wlama N. C a A C a Haitb WliiSin, M. C* MtCa CMaafcs, AC rts Good to Coaches (My gaga Chsekad Wa Stop-Oven as Hlafci Trip ia?a(k MniHiaa " 7 .:; Donenlt Ticket Areata . ^AtAOeAHAM F&CII j S ; ; L lr?v>k. . ^ y jh ' j i g* t Vjftr i,.v mm nwi mopmtaw wmaim I Church Newt Presbyterian Church ' r. D. Patrick, Factor 5:45 A. M Sunday School, C. F, Thome?oo, Supt. 11:00 A. II. Moralap Worship. 7:15 P. M. Young Peoples Vespers. ' 5:00 P. M. Union Senrioo a t Baptist Church. Mpnday: 4:00 P. M. Woman's Auxiliary. 7:30 P. M. Boy Scouts. Troop 1. Mr Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster. Hai rjf Page and Bill HLomaon, Aast Scoutmasters. .-lihJflii Lutheran Church L?. Boyd Hamm, Paator Bible school 10:00, L. Arnold Klser. General Superintendent. The 13th Sunday after Trinity Services. Morning 11:00, 8ermon by Rev. W. A. Kieer. Evening Union Services at 5:00 at First Baptist Churoh. Central Methodhit Rev. c. W. Fog. Pastor B. N. Wsggmner, Supply Pastor. Sundsy School 5:45, B. 5. Peeler, Supt. i t Morning Serrlcee 11:00. VM a lh- A# a nrai nipiui unurcti Sunday School and Oenentl Assembly 9:46 to 11:30 o'clock. The Oeaecsl Officers oC the Sunday School will b? In charge oC the closing Qenesyg Peat or'a eermon eubject: "Baptist Life In a Modern Wort4." Union Service Sunday night 8:00 o'clock. Rev. P. D. Patrick will bring the message of the evening. Macedonia Baptist Church J. . Frederick, Pastor Sunday 8chool 9:46 a as. B. T. U. 6:46 p. m. . Evening Worship 7:00 p. m.. 7:00 p. m. Preaching 11:00. A, M. and 7P M. GRACE METHODIST 8. W. Johnson, Pastor 9:46 Sunday school. Frank Oreen, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship. 6:80 Epworth League. 7:80 Evening worship. Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:46 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epworth League 8:80 P. M. Evening Worship 7:80 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:80 P. M Second Bapttet Church Rev. C. C. Parker, Pastor Suhday School 9:48 each 8onday. ' Preaching 11 a. m, and 7r80 p. a. each Sun da . I FOUR ft. ONE i! T . ? ? If many people are aa curious &a we are about other people?they should read a gossip column ? so read one. Waaall here goes! K looks ae If Paul and a certain Oaetoula lad are having a silent struggle ? What about It Ool, Isn't Bp pie the one .and only now? What la that about an "old flame" never dying ....... what about it Boh, was it ever 1R? ...... We used to think Jom Rawlings would be lonely when Dot eoramea-vouse to echool, but he seems to have already found other Intreets The gnls about town haven* been so lively since Bill Davie has peon In the hoepita], but do not wmry dames, reports say he's crawling from behind the eight ball ........ We thought this Plonk-Pollock affair was as ateadty as they come?what happens ??? Mary Julia goes to New York and Scnoe Is seen with another gal! My Oh My!!?? ...... Rumor has it that Jones was running a little behind schedule Friday night... Preacher caught the train. By ,' the way, we thought that was a steady onse oo!!! Will Betty Patrick ever make up her mlndl between Shelby and Oaatoeda??? ...... This (Dixie Cornwall ia taking .the town by form thoae on the wind track hat include: Buddy Williams Junior Mote, Carl Finger and others Ask Betty Lee how the won 3 nicklee when she and Jackie dated Fred and Tommy. Hale bulletin turn come to you through the courtesy of the "Four and One Preaa." For farther details see next week's Herald. U RKVOIK. CARD OF THANKS We wish to than our many friends and neighbors tor the taring kindneon shown on in the recent Ulneoa and death of our My. Mr. and Jfm. Frank Pennington t ' ahd Famtty. . WAKE UP BUSINESS 7 By Adhrertking ln | / y . -s '-Ms > ? * * '. *Y: 1 ''l . J mw^nuT. acq, to, m? Notice Of Sale For Unpaid Toi t In pursuance of law I will a Town of Kings Mountain, N. Monday September 11, 1939, i - es, the following described lai scription of land and amount lands owned by the tax paye Mountain, N. C., April 1,1938 the amount, of cost and penalt the taxes. This sale may be-coi to such time as may be fixed event said sale is not had or c< specified. This the 10th day of i JUiehnih linaiiiiiSitoiiiienoii' mm.m I lot 137x400 feet, 1 lot 110x335 ft. 7 1-2 acre# (29.39 , U Barrett. Arthur,?1 lot 105x214 feet, M W. S. Cltjr St (15.70 Barrett, Horace ? 1 lot 112x125 ft., M Caneier Street (6 51 p Beam. E. L?2 lota 25x176 ft.< booght from N. B. Nolan >( Belt, M. J.?2 acres near u Waco RosA (17.(1 " Bennett, Clyde ? 1 lot 76x160 feet. M w. s. Cleveland Are.; 1 lot 76x160 i*.. b. ?. Cleveland At?., 1 lot 60 x 160 foot 161.11 M Bennett, Ctrl?1 lot 76x200 ft. bou- M ght from Margaret Bonnett $20.66 Bennett. Wade?2 acre* York Ni Road $6.61 Bennett, W. Arthur?1 lot 70x210 ft. p. 'Waco Road .. $7.72 Bridges, O. R.?1 lot 100x160 feet, p, 8. S. MvCHnnla St. $14.74 Bruce, J. B. Estate?6 lots 26x160 ft. Fairvlew at. $2.13 Pi Burton, R. L. ?1 lot 126 x 160 feet Fulton and Alexander 8t ..$12.80 P Carpenter Bros. Botato $8.24 ^ Carpenter, C P?1 lot.lOOx 160 feet $12.90 Carpenter, W. H.?1 lot 112x186 feet j? Phenlx 8t $60.64 Carroll, J. H ?1 lot 100x220 feet, S. R 8. McOlnnla St...... $17.29 Dicker, BeMle $18.68 R Baker, Mr*. C. A.?1 lot 60x176 rt .71 fleas, C. C ?1 lot 110x140 ft $43.99 Fletcher K B?1 lot 76x200 ft 81 Grace at $11.12 Gaffner. L V?1 lot 70x210 feet. & Waco Road $14.00 Grorea, Sallle?2 acre* $8.42 Si Goyton, U L?1 lot 76x160 feet, Cleveland A**. 89.41 * Q?forth, "S- .P. Estate $16.14 HuBrtetier, A. R. $18.66 ^ llablb, Mrs. Nora?1 lot 76x236 feet? E. S. R. R. Ave e^estesee* $27.36 I KlTM O T anil (Ian *? lot? until mil $3.53 Herd, Mrs O. W?1 lot 70x78 foot, E. 8. Railroad $16.83 ^ Hord, J. O. Estate?1 lot 115x200 ft. N W Cor Carpenter St.; 1 lot 70x70 ft.; 1 lot W. S Cherokee; 1 lot King and Carpenter at,; 1 lot 4Ox 100 ft. 8. 8. Ridge; 1 lot 40x100 ft ^ 8. S. Ridge; 1 lot 50x200 ft. Cor. Carpenter and Ridge at.; 1 lot 60 x 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge at.; 1 lot 60 x H 200 ft N. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot 60 x 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot 60 x Q 200 ft. N. 8. RMge 8t; 1 lot 60 x 216 ft. Cor. Oaaton' and Ridge 8t; . 1 lot 00x126 ft. E. 8. R R; 1 lot 40x70 ft, 8 8 Rldfe St.; 1 lot 40 x 100 ft 8 8. Ridge 8t; 1 lot 40x100 ft. 8 8 Ridge St.; 2 lot 70 x 116 A ft. 8. 8. Ridge St.; 1 l?t 70x116 ft. 1 lot 70x116 ft; 1 lot 70x115 ft; 1 A lot 70x116 ft.; 7 acres Todd Place; , 3 acres Rlngdon; 3 acres Oriental q Are.; 1 lot 100x260 ft. King and Piedmont Are.; 1 lot 50x88 ft B S ? Canaler St.; 1 lot 27x110 ft E, 8. R. R. Are.; 1 lot 126x160 ft. E. 8. * -Cherokee St.; 1 lot 178x200 ft 8 6 King St.; 1 lot 150X165 ft. N 8 b King St.; 1 Jot 126x175 ft. . 8 8 King St; 1 lot 8 8 lltn St.; 1 lot 80x276 ft. 88 Ridge St; 1 lot 162 " x202 ft. N8 Oold St.; 1 lot 220x250 K fet Back of Oantt St.; 1 lot 308 x B 226 ft, PoMxm and Alexander St.; 1 lot 100x160 ft, W. 8. Canatar St.; B 1 lot 128x117 ft B. S. Piedmont TO.; 1 lot 100x260 ft .... 2045.00 Q Huflotickler, Clyde?1 lot 70x140 foot Caaalor Bt 29.82 Huffatieklor, Kr?. I. W ?1 lot 160 x C 210 foot ?..?'..? ?? ......210.94 Huliender, G. W.?1 lot 166x280 ft " Pulton St 212.96 JaoWMi; W. H?1 lot 62 1-2x124 ft. A Oanolor Bt. 211.12 I Jootina Carl and Cornelia?1 lot 76 I x 162 foot Parker and Wattorsoa Btroot 217.1711 Julian. Mrs. Lucy?1 lot 276 x ' 1006 ft. King Bt 28.0811 Lay. B.?1 lot 100x160 ft. Lobm, W. P ?1 lot 160x194 ft OOM I and Tracy at.; 1 1st 60x160 feet. I Lacker Ot; l Wi?*ieo ft,.ooM tfnd I mm at ; 2 Jots 26x142 ft . 2120.601 |,j" ' eifci, - A JJL. .. Of Property mi Taxes oil at the City Hall in the C., beginning 1:00 P. M. 'or unpaid 1938 Town Taxids. Name of owner, deof taxes are in each case r in the Town of Kings . There will be in each case y which must be added to ntinued" from day ttnt&y or according to law in the ompfeted on the date above ' August, 1939. BWrWHIW ? ||"WI.">- "I ?ww A.?t io\ iw % ft. 92.13 owery, 8. A?1 lot 90x200 ft 993.77 lathis. Mrs. Mary Kerr?1 lot 99 x lit ft 99.74 [shoo. Geo?1 lot 99 xllO feet. Caasler St. . 9919 teCorkle, T. O?1 lot 69x190 feet. York Roe* ;.... 413.36 cDantel. J. B. and Edna?1 lot 100 *206 ft. Waco Road <26.26 cDanlel, Robt. O.?1 lot 66x166 ft.. Fulton St. 924.39 cGJinla, WUey H ?1 lot 99x200 ft. King and JMUlng st <46.60 cLaughen, J. B.?1 lot 66x200 ft. King St 927.69 xnce, June?1 lot 100x100 feet, Grace St 912-61 c-rton, Ethel?1 lot 46x195 ft., Car. - 116.6* Mltchem. N. W.?3 1-2 acres ..614^ McClsry, Fred?1 lot 80x00 feet, i . King St ?1LM McCullough, Thomas ? 1 lot 169x17$ ft. Ridge St IIP.O* McCullough. Willie?1 lot 60x100 ft. Cansler St. Presaley, Darld?1 lot 40x125 ' feet W:A 100 feet MAI Rhode*. Margaret estate? 1 lot to k 100 ft. Ridge 0t II |S ' Rhodes Pill M ?1 lot 10x10 feet I Ridge St. ... :$0]PR Rlppy Pearl?1 lot 45x100 ft t?|tk Robinson, Bertha?1 lot 200x100 feet 1321 Thompson David?1 lot 15x115 feet Miil Wllltomf, Clarence ?1 lot 60x110 It. Tracy St . $1S B Wright, Curtla?1 lot 60x160 feet MfVlTown of Kings Mountain^ Chas. G. Dilling, fi Tax Collector. SIS THERE GOLD^ [ |;IN I^ELLAR? g ^ ; Yea, and in Your Attic Too! Turn Those Things Yon Don't Want Into .? Money with a Want Ad * ^ni> s* . < , " ' i > 4 Vm tH fetter. "Tt |B?tUr-lMkiig Slimfr. WKhlUt Nmt Millet/* B/aeb I N~ Kit* Of Shoeing Kde** On Mmti-FUmtnm Stool I BUmd Up Whtrm Tha Going I UTmmpk! . , /;;.' ,!-} , j . H*- . Hi." Hi HSV^&mH i . I AU1CK, easy, spick-and-span I x ibivti at rock-bottom coat. That'a what the new Thin Oillette Blade ... 4 lor 10c ... give* you .1 every time. Cutting odgea of a radiI cally different bbid protect your akin from a mart and burn caused by I mkflt blades. Your face looks better I .,. feels better... and you save reel money. Buy a package of Thin OiUettee born your dealer today. 14: H _5J t " ' ? i .i i > i iT i * SOLING k sl Makes old ^hoei exact- I % intiduww procewrf \IN SHOE SHOP I rs, Lot Us Pis?o T?k y ? ...v i ' JM '}'iM