J AS It GOES Vi iV11II uii i mi"iTnm < jhjflik'''A6ft 6t matrimony must not y aerougbt M ?ome people uy It JBt'VUtb rate, Bruce ,MqDeuiel and I W Cormor Elisabeth Harris bave do typed to see If two. can live as cheap * pm on? We're convinced that a "mar 'rMw? mrave" aa well as a heat wave 1hi* Kings Mountain. gut to learn that no longer *%fin igtrta have lips like Jean Craw. 'Wra'r 'on* day and like Hedy La Jslast's the next day. But of course lyfc I# tRi* only If they use the new H|?dl?|[ that up; be painted on tbe *essa "pQntti 'Is '.iawin'c. p" on SWraeUy. con be worn for approxlMalely a week with only one appV. iXjIion Borne of the flappers might 'yftWcU to get some liquid make-up. Xg^dy'fhelr personal features, then *Mal their Hps ito eult their own .5toe rather than thetr favorite movie HpuIcKdtesULTg ? LOW COIT i'*C: " MBIIALO.,. . ^CLASSIFIED | ADS S^ls 0 word for first Insertion; 'price for subsequent Inser ]F'llH^uW charge 25o. 9; Be not ask for Information re^VflaMftng "keyed" ads, at they aro AbtttdMyoonfidentui.. fvj If error la. made* The Herald la rWrsapowsWe for ehly one Incorrect tf V toMftfem. The oustomer If reepon(JIIW( "tdr subsequent Insertions. >?.Tiw Sdvortlser should Notify ImA Vmedjatety of any corrections need^ t, P^'Want add are alwaya cash In vfeftydnoe except to business men usMwdoncerns' having aocounts with (REMEMBER ? On Saturday you get ??s?e;or our delicious Banana Splttj i 'for' only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug I pampaoy. is \t-' I J t Oi . j . . 1 i1 ' mm OSS lu?0*Mfef<T*L8 "of V STORE * Iff AN AGKMENT. Thia special com /'Mtatfoa Couroe will aolve grout f* Ifffif problem for promotion ? esy mlilty valuable to Chain Store V MAMtijn h or anyone aspiring to f tnaaage a Retail Business. Short. and' inexpensive. Invest!. fcSpate W* training. U fills a great rMeqiV OaU or write P. L. Piercy, vflupI'U) entati vet International CorI>?rctoponden<ie Schools, 409 Emerson f &/ >., OoAtoola, N. C. ? (Continued Next Week) y*^2'Sn3 3ii K k -Jfl IbrfD^ ?H IE14M 5. / . 9Lfl pfr \ ,^TOM AND GEORGE * tXdfh: "Our colored church wai making a drive for funds, and UnoU UMitit refused saying he owed ev. rUtody in town now; the aolioltoi Need filth If he dMnt owe anything At' Ore \.ord, and what do you thinli A# 'skid/*? George: "I imagine h? slid fie did, hut tho Lord wasn't post him like the other creditor*." Wt ire pushing our wicker furniture fid porch chairs right now. Look yr oY~D. F. Hord Furniture Co. uy It For, Lass At Hord'a THE CLA1 e a [Hey, T(mmi < |< ^ATTH< j p I fovft L^AF C< W. 1 iFooNoeo * * 1 'i. 11 ' >. . . , - iia Logan | ( star's (ace. Some people are terribly (Setorbed about the changing of the date (or ThanksgHving? they aay that no one pereon should have the power to make such a chance. Well, yon know, some people have stayed tn the same rut (or so long that they can't conceive of a change like this. Then, too. It ha* been said* that .. a man never can be convinced that he is wrong. Who Is behind this movement, man or mouse? Perhaps If all of us would express thanks and appvcdsMon everyday- fot^ybat we accumulate or accompllah. we woS^d not have to worry as much ibout a spt-clal day of thanksgiving. Things I'd like to know: Whether there will be soother war soon ..... tf this year's football team HI ) _ _ ?_ _ _ . - - -? _ _ SU.I win win iui iiiauy |ani?? as iui yeur*6 team If Hitler will lMt al'tS^f^ lit' *W ii ' i *Sfc mfcdt l tla " ?fT*. . ! *' STIIfJF " planes wlU ever b? ?? numerous as ittlomobtlts If there will b? another Shakespeare If Editor Lynch will hare something I* common with Eddie Cantor...... K school teachers will ever set the salaries they deserve If the Jews will be recognised aa human beings. DIXON NEWS (By Charles E. Stewart) ' Rev. H. Ll Reaves, pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Qroyer will conduct a revival meeting at the Dixon School House, beginning Mon day evening, Aug. 28. Everybody la invited'. Mrs. Conrad Hughes spent the week-end with her- mother, Mrs. W. L. Dimlap of Ogdnr 8. C. iMrs. Buddy Sellers' and daughter, Elizabeth, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Detbert Jack ' son of the Park Yarn. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Whttsnant of Oa&tonla were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Stewart 8unday afternoon iMr. and Mrs. E. J. Chlldert and children of Smyrna spent several / ays lost week with Mr and Mrs. J. , W Farrle. Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Farrle of Kings Mountain spent the iveek end with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie tfsrrip. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd MoDanlel and baby of Orover were visitors of Mr. i and Mm. Whitney Wells Monday. , Mm. Harvey Jackson and chfldken , of Kings Mountain spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. E. Jackson. , Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Wells end, children and Mrs. A. L. Wells attend ea lae piport iivuuiuu, m\ ?uw? church Sunday. Miss Annie Male Sellers is visiting relative* near Kings Mountain. By Way Of Mention Mr. and Mm. Wright Harmon and Mr. Leo Beattte and daughter, Lola, attended the Seattle reunion at the home of W. 0- Beabtle. Sr., near Gastonia, Sunday, Aug. 13. Mtas Geneva Sheppard had as her guest Thursday night Mies Myrtle Reynolds of the Beth ware section. . Mrs. J. W. La than and Miss Ruby FlodAllng visited friend* In Geatonla Sunday. Mr. Eugene Patterson spent the past week end at the beach. Mtas Lela Webber had . aa her i guest* Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Bit s Pecdelton and Willie Joe of 8plndal* . PV- and Mrs. Howard Griffin and r Mr. Jame% Connor of 8heM>y and I Mtos Lela Webber of the City riaic tod MM* Webbers brothers, Messrs i Dorvtn and J. B. Webber of Char. i lotte Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Weedon hare i a* .their gueet this week the formers i mother, ,Mr?- C. F. Weedon of High Pftln* Mlasea Ida and Guwte Huffstetler havo returned from a trip to Tenneue and Kentucky. MCY KIDS jh ulcm vyfc cook I 1 & * jpbrM , I H I * ~ M ' hrmQurtL Q.-tt It DNMHtr to add miaertU to the dairy ration wh?a lnnni hay la fad? J A.?Legume hays, when grown on land not deficient in line, will uaually supply sufficient calcium ' for the average cow and an adequate supply of phoei horous can be secured from the grain ration (provided tt contains as much sa SO percent of feeds such as wheat bran, cottonseed meal and soybean meal. However, a good producing cow often draw* on the mineral reserve stored in her bones, especially during the early pert of the lactation period. For this.reason It is best to add to each 100 pounds of concentrate -ration, faux pounds of a mineral mixture composed of equal parts of ' finely ground limestone and steamed bone foal. This mixture, together with that carried in the hay and grain, will be sufficient. .bSevwfrftSWfcttCZ.. Wft $19,000 GENERAL RCPUNOINO BANnS BE IT ORDAINED by the Board oC Town Commissioners ot the Town of Kings Mountain: Section 1. That the Town ot Kings Mountain ' Issue Ma bonds, pursuant to the Municipal Finance Act,' aa amended, in an amount ' not exceeding $19,000 (or the purpose ot refin-ding a Hke amount of. the principal of valid subsisting. bonded . f*debtedneaa of the Town of Kings Mountain, which Indentedneaa was Incurred for necessary expenaee of said Town, and la evidenced by the following: $3,000 Local Improvement Booda dated November 1. 1919, due November 1, 1939. . $2,000 Local Improvement Bonds dated May 1, 1921.' due May 1; 1040. $2,000 Waiter end Sewer Extension Bonds dated January 1. 1923, due January 1, 1940. $3,000 Water and Sewer Bonds dated October 1, 1923. due October 1 1939. $2,000 Nblie Improvement Bondi dated February 1. 1926, due February $. 1940. $6,000 Water Bonds dated June 1 192$, due June 1. 1940. f. $2,000 PnbUc Improvement Bonds dated November 1, 1980, due May 1 1940. Section 2. That a tax eu dent t< [pay the principal and interest ol ' said General Refunding Bondt ah&l be annually levied and collected. Section 8. That a statement of the debt of the Town baa been filed aid ' tae clerk and ia open to public ? nflrHnn Section 4. That the holders of said General Refunding Bond* shall b? subrogated to all the rights and pons era of the holder* of the Indebted^ neas refunded thereby. Section 6. That this onfinanct shall take effect upon its passage and. shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was pais ed on the 21st day of August, 1229, and was first published on the 24tt day of August, 1929. Any action or proceeding queetka lng the validity of eiald ' ordinance must be commenced! within thlrtj dhye after lis first publication, CHAS. O. DIL2JNG Secretary of the Board of Town Commissioner*. - adv?Aug 31. ? ??? BLA LOCK'S SPECIALS I ?? M . a. .<<?. 24 LBS. MOTHERS BBS 5c SALT?2 PACKAGED I GINGER SNAP 1 1-3 LI Quart Miracle Whip SAI Full Line Blue Hor KJ I I V Im ? m lolalock broc P Phone 58 He Ate Out Of Chl| SL^fjA? rb;' ^i rij' ;] ^Sf;" '' gr.. 1 ' ' ' -.- J ' tVr -r J *< -> ?J '. > .>" ..v: .>n. ' *vn WA-ier: - rrvr - i hhw^UAT. Atw. 14. im---;AUTHORIZING '"SSfflS80 A I < BB IT ORDAIN KD by the Botri of | Tcwa Commiaetonera of the Town of 1 KJnga Mountain: Section 1. That the Town ot kings 1 Mountain teeue its bonds, pursuant I to the Municipal Finance Act, as t amended, in an amount not exceed- 1 ing $8,000 for the purpose ot refund'- ] lag a like amount ot the principal Of , valid subsisting bonded- Indebted- i {iters of the Town of Kings Mountain, which Indebtedness was authorised by a rote ot more than a majority ot I the qualified voters therein and la evidenced by the following: $S,000 School Bonds dated July 1, 1922. due July 1. 1940. $3,000 School Building Bonds datj, Mttj ?"? * taao_ Section 2. That a tax auOoient to puy the principal and Interest ot said Refunding School Bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been tiled with the clerk and la open to public Inspection. : Refunding School Bonds shall be subrogated to all the rights and powers of the holders of the lndebtednueee refunded thereby. Section 6. That this ordinance shall take effect upon its passage and shall not be submitted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance wan pass ed ob the 21st day of August, 1939, and was first pnbhshed on the 14th day of August, 1939. Any action or proceeding question Ing the validity of said ordinance meet he commenced within thirty days after Its first publication. CHAS. G. JMLLJNG, Secretary of the Board: of Town Commissioners, ?adv?Aug. 31. TRUSTEE'S BALE OF REAL E8TATE 1 Under and by virtue-of the authority In a Deed of Trait executed by Bertha Reed, widow, December 15th, 1933, recorded in Book ISO, at page 401 in the Office of the Register of 1 Deeds for Cleveland County, and be' cause of default In the payment of thp debt thereby secured and failure to perform the agreements therein and pursuant to the demand of the ' owner of the debt secured by said Deed of Trust, the undersigned trustee will offer for sale at ptfblic auc1 tion to the highest bidder for cash f at the Courthouse door In Shelby, at 1 12 o'clock noon, on Monday, September 13th, 1939, the following deecrtb. > ed real estates I Situated on the Bast aide of Cane i ' lar Street in the Town of Kings Mountain. N. a, and BEGINNING 1 at an Iron stake in the edge of eedd > OSceler .street 95 feet North from a ' cherry tree, Carolina Abie's corner, ' and runs thence with said Chnalsr Street North 50 feet to in Iron sUto thence East 107 test to an Iron stake ' thence South 50 feet to an iron i stake; thence West 107 feet to the beginning. ~ * i . i This 14th day of August, IMS. A. H. Patterson, Trustee, t ?atfr?H7?>-7 . ' . ; - > - 1 l^kTS -ONHUMAOV ! WK8* SS! rsrtw JT FLOUR 65c I IS. Package 19c i AD DRESSING 37c I ae School Supplies ery & Market! We Deliver | I - 'J ' ' ! 1 >pto*s Hand. >^i_ .' .;,, ' vij3 . : -T? . ; or MUK >1: Under Mid by virtue of the power * gala. contained M e Deed of Tenet liven by Vance Wright and. wife Lucllo Wright, to Wiley H. JtoOInnts. Trustee tor the Kings Mountain Building and loan AeeoolaUon, on the JOth day ot May, 1837, and reentered in the Reenter ot Deeds Office for Cleveland County, In Book' Sib. pace 258, to secure the Indebtedness therein mentioned) and default hav. InR been made In payment of tame and at the request of the Kings Mountain BnlUHag and Loan Aeeo. elation, I. aa substitute trustee, will sell for cash at the Courthouse door In Shelby, Cleveland County, North CaioHna, on Monday, September 18, 193V, at 10 o'clock A. M. or within legal houre, the following described real estate: , Beginning at corner of the C. 8. Ktbler lot on Piedmont Street and runs Sooth with aald street 50 feet: thence West 160 feet to a etake; thence North 80 Pest to a stake; thence Mat 180 feat to the begin t|i"g center and being the same land conveyed tp Jake Ratney by C. ? - - *-? ? - ? __ " *.^(n^tfpirefcr'?w 1900. recorded to Book Mi l P?C? 288 hi tho office of Battster of Deeds (tor CUrelanO Oounty. Hits tho l?th Ooy of August. 1.929. J. C. lacker. Substitute Trustee. J. ft P*rl?, Atty ?odT 8.17-9-7 V, . M 81,209 malaria Cases reported In the U. S^ln.lAMI: DON'T DELAY! ?*{*& START TOOAV with . vUU 6?C CKscka Malaria In seven days. jiii ?3 SOUBnt/" H tiM}n ?a del js??1 tiliuvw ad Jon 11 .?. .. iUeJ> H liiLnl a c?.'*riw i)i!.ti--' J i . '"* " ^ #^^*11 'hGBI l - H IT ^ ' .; \ 7 si By lift* WjA*KASJ <252?^ lAlNY/A tfor ItfNOUCH StfA*. IwrHCHC U)fTH U(U(PIN'M 0? Ul/jr lccoucn f *rr X7V 1 we HON7W f , 1 fTACCOA^.n gS i^zisL/ u :w .>_ . -. . . -; ; .. . STATB or NORTH CAROLINA, "* COUNTY or CLffiVffiLAND FT I la Hm Superior Court tC Alice IaB, Plaintiff, v* : . RobMn L*ll, Defendant. r .. NOTICB The defendant above named, will take notice that an action . entitled aa above baa been commented la the Btmertor Court oC Olereland County, North Carolina, wherein the plaintiff aeeka an afooota|te dSrorpe v . j from the defendant; that eald defendant wlH nlao take notice that be la required to appear at the Clerk or Court> Office at the Oburthoua In said County In Shelby, North Carolina, on the 4th day of September, 1939, and aneuer or demur to the complaint now on file In eald action In the Clerk's Office, or the plaintiff . I w:U apply to the Court for the relief demanded In' laid complaint. This 19th day of August, 1939. ft. A. Houeer, Jr., Cleric of Superior Oourt. ?adv?8-17?9-7 1 ."TV* .Dm . ?m*? n'iVUi Have Your Kyee ffxamined, Qleeeee Fitted ? yrDR. D. M. MORRISON m v Optometrist . lye Spool allot Wfll lN to Kfnfa Mountain Office on Ivory Tueoday an! Friday afternoons. Houro 1 * to ii^wiiiiiiiiiiirr?rl; 3-sismsez:on always trust a glass of r PA8TIURIZED MILK to at to your aummor lunohoo o vo you extra energy on hot Its a cooling, refreshing drink licious food In itself. * i M oyiu. . rj^V H| \?a?S?/ i a ..I =! I ** f1 m? imu Mi tMNtMHI .vxVT^ nutiitm 5>* V- ACTIVITIES \ 1 1 I .MO*** \ K I MlfcCtfc* \ " OTMIK Ollt(AT \V**!l--"^ HOmS M u CNMt , I l ycY t CRosay j^i . *" > ^ ' *- . . " I (

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