-rrimii im i n 11 iintiii i Patterson Grove Section eiMUMUMMMMIOMMt W evarybodlf?The only excuse I cw oTer for not writing this column is that I could act think pf anything to wrtte about. Wo enjoyed the contest In Here And There immensely, end will be {ooldtag forward to another one soon. Ncy this column wasn't supposed to toe a puzzle weqk before last, it $uet got mixed up and war printed .wtopg. Rumor haa it that the "Northern Lights" could be seen a couple of .weeks ago. We were not lucky enough to have seen them, but my informant said they were seen about 11:00 o'clock one night and were yldlble for a long time. Clad to eee a new column appear I In the paper. I dkm't believe the writers are new though. They sound aorta like the "Tattlem" (What ever became of K. M. and H. 8.T) Good luck to the writer or. writers of Four And One. eorttaa'"* rh 'h* ff>lk' "f ** Mtas' Lucille w.rre save a party last Thursday night, in honor of Mian Mary Frances Wane's blrtbdhy 'A largo number were present. After the aloee of the game* watermelon aea aerred. Announcements hare been made of the marriage of Mtse Rosa Vee ' Reign to Brecwtte O. Lorelaoe. Mrs. Lor ?lace is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bclem of this -community. Mr. Lorelaoe is the son of Mrs David Lovelace and the late! Mr. Lorelaoe of Oak Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ralpr Edwards of South Shelby were week end gneetii of hie parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. A' Edwardls of this community. Mrs. Darld Wright who haa been elck wag improving aoddrdlng to Jast reports. Visitors of Mr. and Mrs." - C. P. Vsts and) family Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware and children Cornelia and Kathrwn, Mr. and Mrs. , Oreeham Thomburg and Mr. and SItb. Jam oft Ware. ( Mfae Ollie Mae Seism spent Sun. <Jay with Miss Elma Ham rick. I Mr. and Mrs Bebee Sellers and - ? j rM hwJ^smCkQQSN ^y X/W V \f jL ^'ili^-<*j jgi ^nr^-?p" Southern Raii ^ /lss&\ ^ l # m mi J Round andM) retomli K ?. 1M9. | | !. ^'ml^ 1 V Blkcfa I I T|! A,k" B r mm Jffl ' Ch*rk I >") i< I : I ' 1 K *' TW, I |h|N( B|| 1 U Dvlif . > : I COM) JTmSINO ' i 1 /' ' . Hi i I *v * I ' -'v ' - J Y_ 1 1*# X. w. jpnttorson'n moved from thfc section reoeoUy. Mr. J. K. Oofortto wee thcd? from tide Motion who attended the birthday dkuwr given at Mr. and Mre. Ben Bridge# recently. Several from thM bommunlty went on the excursion to the MlUe Home at iTfcofhaovlUe SaturdayMrs. J. C. "Carroll of Bethlehem, section wan a visitors of Miss Ernie Mae McPanlei of Nebo Friday. Ruby Oraham waa the guest of. Sylvia Lee Burton Monday night. | Church New#: Patterson Grovo Baptist Church, Rev. J. W. Buttle, Pastor. Sunday School will be next Suit. ( day at 1:45. Preaching Immediately after. Penleya Chapel Methodist Church: Rev. Phillip's ha? resigned Ms poBllldn as pastor of this church and Joined the WeMeyan Methodist group' (lev. Wei km of Bessemer City will tslcc hi# place until Conference is held tat October^ By Way Of ? Meation ''CMShl Lois Seattle fAr. sod Mrs. Ernest BobWtt tasd ss theJr guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs,, Will Crawford of Bethany, 8. C.,' and Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Crawford of this city. Mr. and Mra. L W. Weedon had as their guests Sunday Mr and Mrs' f J F. Derm Id and son, and Miss!. Mary Helen DermM of Henderson-' J vllle. '. I Mfee Marine Lynn of the 'Mar-; grace is spending this week with Miss Madge Mltchem. Mr. Eugene Tate spent the 'past; week end in the mountains. Mrs. J. J. Patterson and chfldVen 5 spent Sunday with Mr and Mra. J W Harris of the Brttleground section t Miss Pauline Short spent the week I end with friends in Bessemer City. | Miss Ruth Moore of Shelby Is I spending this week with Mr. and t Mrs. En fa Huffstetler. I v Miss Geneva Sheppard spent Wed neSday night with Miss Myrtle Rey a acids of the Bethw&re section. Mlafaes Pearl, Ruth, and Martha t Reynolds were among those going on the Thomasvllle Excursion Sat- (t urday. Mr. antfl Mrs. Wright Harmon had their guests Sunday evening Mr.1 ?nxl Mra. T. R. Fogleman of Char-' lotte and Mr. Leo Beattle of this city. |1 Miss Patricia Prince spent the < First part of the week with friends in Charlotte. Miss Jennie Hultantfer spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Paul 1 Hulleader of Chester,- 8. C. Mr. ahd Mrs. C. W. Hullender had. u their guests for the week end| 1 Mrs; Odell Long and children of n [Charlotte. 1 I o Mrs. Robert Hbrd, Mm. Harvey, R</berta and daughter. Mary Sue attended the Thomasville Excursion Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crawford had is their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Flnley MoCarter of Bethany, S. C. j Mr. and Mrs. Ben Long and Mr. ?nd Mrs. Brneet White were 8unday evening guests of friends In Iron Station. Mrs. Fred Bahington who has been staying with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. White for aome time has recently left. Mr. Ben Bridges has been spend. Ing. several 'days with relatives !n 3 as ton la. Master ptoMbie Whdte Spent several days in Cramerton last week. * The value of poultry and eggs pro dbced in the United States In 1938 was nearly a billion dollars, or abcut 12 percent of tha total farm Income. .way System bore Excursion RFOLK.VA. jmber 1 and 2,1939 }.00 BOUND TRIP FABE Trip Tickets oa sale (or all trains (except Trains No. 87 , September 1 and 2, Unal limit Monday - Night, September i rtr kora W.00 from ?H rtrtiooa oa 1 Rrihray Sfrtta la North a ad Sooth U ahotfa brio* I dure. * - C to Doaoflle, Va. . 6-*\V^feS.I ! * . iTc. U^thWlMwro, H. C *to, N. C ?o Colombia. S. C.' 4 ttonardlato (Utioaa. , ets Good la Coaches Only *?! 1 NeaBtep-OTers hi or Nl(h* Trio la hth Dlr.crt.a. 4 J Consult Ticket Agents ^ ?. H. OR4HAM t Marios IWmor Atr* Cewtena, R C. x I ' ' ' r j ... 5 HSBaaaiaasiaa^^ai ' Church News Presbyterian Church Bmr. P. D. Patrick, PMtor 9:46 A. M. Bunday School, C. I The macron, Bupt. 11:00 A. M. Moraine Worship. 7:16 P. M Younj People* Vesper^ Monday 7: SO P. M. Boy Scouts Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster, Harr rag? and W. B. Thomson, A sals tan Scoutmaster*. Lutheran Church I*. Boyd Hamm. Pastor Bible school 10:00 L. Arnold Klae General Superintendent. Services for the 13th Sunday afte Trinity. Morning 11:00, The Holy Com tntnvon. Evening-7:30, sermon by the Paa Luther Leagues 6:30. Jqnlor Children of the Church 6:3( Boy Scouts. Troop 2, Monday ever lng 7.00. SAINT LUKES? Bible schocl 10:00, James Lacke) Superintendent. O B* ?-? ?wjw invnonii Church W. M. Boycc. Pastor Bible School at 10:00 O'clock, J. L McGlll. General Superintendent. ,Mc rnlng Worship at 11:00. The MMtor will preach on "REPRODUCBLE EXPERIENCES." On Sabbath Evening at 4: SO all luxlliarles or the church will meel n monthly session. The Mkt-week Services will be re turned next Wednesday Bvnlng "< r: 30. These services has not been itUi during the vacation season. Central Methodist Church E. W. Fox Pastor 9:46 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler, Superintendent. 11:00 The pastor sill preach and he subject will be "The Satisfying ,lfe." . 7:30 This service will be especlaly directed to our young people snoring school. The pastor's subject till be "Life's Open Doors.' The young people will lead tbel ong service. Please note change In hour for evening service. Special evangelistic services will tegin on Sept. 10th. First Baptist Church Rev. A. G. SargeanL Pastor. Beginning Sunday. Sept. 3, the Sun uy school and church will go back o their old schedule of: Sunday School 9:40-10,80. Church Hour 11:00-12:00 o'clock. Fester's sermon subject: "Baptist ,?fe In a Modern World." Sunday Evening Service 7:46. Board of Deacon* will hold their cgular monthly meeting . Monday Ight 8:00 o'clock In the church fflce. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Peator Sunday School 0:48 a- m. B. T. U. 6:48 p. m. Evening Worahlp 7:00 p. m. :00 p. mi. Preaching 11:00 A. M. and 7 P M. GRACE METHODIST 8, W. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 Sunday school. Frank Green, Snpt. 11:00 Morning worship. 6:30 Epworth League. 7:30 Evening worship. Park-Grace M. E. Church C.,P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Epwoith League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worahlp .7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. Parker, Paator Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. n>. and 7:30 p. m. ach Sunda . It is estimated that tor every in tease of $100 in the income redelved by families whose yearly lnome 4s $1,600 or less, from 20 to 10 percent of the increase would be pent for food. ' Imollve, t far 20c mall Super Suds (red box) 8 for ?< mall Super Suds (blue box 8 for 89< -arge Super Suds (blue box 2 for 47c 3ctapon Soap (plant) ? for .. 88c >otagon Soap (small) 10 for .. 28? Octa?on Powder (largo) S for . 8S< 3otanon Powder (small) 1(7.for ZU Octagon TaMst, 4 fWr 1tc >cia#on Cleanser 2 for to ^hl^^Mler^ 1* ''yd^al JffhHP |csp S far ..... Islljfwesd SilMf oap 8 for .. 14c y Bttlock'* Grocery f?.'* -...joae RiS?i In pursuance of law I will J Town of Kings Mountain, ] Monday September 11, 1939 es, the following described ! scription of land and arruou lands owned by the tax pa; r Mountain, N. C., April 1,19! - the amount of cost and peni . the taxes. This sale may be < jto such time as may be fixe 11 event said sale is not had or I specified. This the 10th day r Aderholdt. J. E.?1 lot 110x100 feet. f"n ij, luuLuou teyi'.i uu mv.lft'H' 7 1-2 acres 920.39 Barrett. Arthur,?1 lot 105x214 feet, W S. City 8t $15.70 ' Barrett, Horace ? 1 lot 112x125 ft.. I ? ? (i vansier street .. $5.51 Beam. K. L,.?2 lots 25x175 ft., bou?ht from N. B. Nolan 28 j Beli. M. J.?2 acres near Waco Road $17.81 Bennett, Clyde ? 1 lot 75x150 feet, w. 8. Cleveland Ave.; 1 lot 75x150 ft..' E. 8. Cleveland Ave., 1 lot 60 x 160 feet $51.11 Bennett. Carl?1 lot 76x200 ft. bought from Margaret Bennett $20.65 Bennett. Wade?2 acres York Road $6.61 > Bennett, W. Arthur?1 lot 70x210 ft. Waco Road $7.72 , Bridges, O. R.?1 lot 100x150 feet, 8. 8. MvGinnls St. ........ $id.74 Bruce, J. B. Estate?6 lots 25x150 ft. Falrvlew st $2.13 I Burton, R. L. ?1 lot 125 x 150 feet ,1 Fulton and Alexander St ..$12.80 Carpenter Brcs. Esta'e $8.2? ' Carpenter. C P?1 lot 160x 150 feet $12.90 I Carpenter. W. H.?1 lot 112xlS6 feet Phenix St $50.54 Carroll. J. H ? 1 lot 100x220 feet. 8. 6. McOlnnls St. $17.29 Dickey, Bessie $18.i>s Eaker, Mrs. C. A ?1 lot 60x175 rt .71 BSens, C. C.?1 lot 110x140 ft $43.99 Fletcher R B?1 lot 75x200 ft Grace st $11.12 f. V?1 l~? "J/wOIA t? I ?? ?# w ? ? * ?V V < lCVi| I I Waco Road $14.00 Groves, Sallle?2 acres $8.42 Guyton, L?. L.?1 lot 75x150 feet, Cleveland Ave. $9.41 Huffstetler, A. R $13.65 ftabib. Mrs. Nora?1 lot 75x235 feet,, E. 8. R. R. Ave . ....... $27.36 Hayes, O. T. and Geo. Ann?2 lota _ $3.53 Herd, Mrs O W.?1 lot 70x76 feet. E. 8. Railroad $16.83 Hord, J. G. Estate?1 lot 115x200 ft. N W Cor Carpenter St.; 1 lot 70x70 ft.; 1 lot W. 8 Cheiolcee; 1 lot King and Carpenter st,; 1 lot 40x 100 ft. 8. 8. Ridge; 1 lot 40x100 ft 8. 8. Ridge; 1 lot 50x200 ft, Cor. Carpenter and IUdge st.; 1 lot 50 x 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge st.: 1 lot 50 * 200 ft. S. 8. Rldgc St.; 1 let 50 x 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge 8t.; 1 lot 50 x 200 ft. N. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot 60 x 215 ft, Cor. Gaston and Ridge 8t; 1 lot 90x125 ft. E. S. R R; 1 lot 40x70 ft, 8 8 Rldfe St.; 1 lot 40 x 100 ft 8. 8. Ridge St; 1 let 40x100 ft. 8 8 Ridge St.; 1 lot 70 x 115 ft. 8. 8. Ridge St.; 1 lot 70x115 ft. 1 lot -70x115 ft.: 1 lot 70x115 ft; 1 lot 70X115 ft.; 7 acres Todd Place; f, anWAa ninaui/vn. * ???? a..I?4-i u otics niuguwu, o OUIVB \jk ivuuu Ave.; 1 lot 100x250 ft. King and Piedmont Ave.; 1 lot 50x88 rt E S Canaler St.; 1 lot 27x110 ft E. S. R. R. Ave.; 1 lot 125x150 ft. E. S. Cherokee St.; 1 lot 178x200 ft S S King St.; 1 lot 150*165 ft. N S King St.; 1 lot 125x175 ft. S S King St.; 1 lot S 8 Mtn St.; 1 lot 80x275 ft. SB Ridge St.; 1 lot 152 x202 ft. NS Gold St.; 1 lot 230x250 ' fet Rack of Gantt St; 1 lot 308 x 226 ft, Pulton and Alexander St.; 1 lot 100x160 ft, W. S. Cansler St.; 1 lot 128x117 ft. IB. 8. Piedmont Ave.; 1 lot 100x260 ft .... 1945.00 Huffatlckler. Clyde?1 lot 70x140 feet Canaler St 19.82 i Huffatlckler, Mr?, J. W ?1 lot 160 x 210 feet ,.810.94 Hdliender. C. W.?1 lot 166x260 ft. Pulton at. 112.96 Jaokaion, W. H?1 lot 62 1-2x124 ft., Oanaler St. 811.12 Jenklna, Carl and Cornelia?1 lot 75 x 152 feet Parker and Watterdoa , 217.11 Julian,- Mn( Lacy?1 lot 376"x , 1<#M> ft. King St 18.08 Lay. J. B.~1 lot 100x190 ft. Grace St |12 M U*nn. #. F.?1 lot 109x194 ft OoM Sfetl l&TSL'S IW'it; S mi 9*M ft . 8120*9 ^ * .v, e Of Property nm Taxes sell at the City Hall in the N. C., beginning 1:00 P. M. , for unpaid 1938 Town Taxlands. Name of owner, dent of taxes are in each case yer in the Town of Kings 38. There will be in each case alty which must be added to continued from day to day or d according to law in the completed on the date above of August, 1939. r 1 1 I H|I 160 ft. .. 12.13 Matbls. Mrs. Mary Kerr?1 lot 88 x 187 ft 38.74 Melton, Geo.?1 lot 88 xl60 feet. Cansler St 89.15 McCorkle, T. O.?1 let 59x150 feet. York Road 813.36 McDaniet. J. B. and Edna?1 lot 100 x205 ft. Waco Road 825.25 McDaniet. Robt. G.?1 lot 65x165 ft.. j r uuon bt 124.39 J McGmnls, Wiley H.?1 lot 98x200 ft, i King and pilling St 145.60 McLaughen. J. E.?1 lot 56x200 ft. King St (27.68 Nance, June?1 lot 100x100 feet, Grace 8t $12.61 Purton, Ethel?1 lot 45x195 ft.. Carpeater St.' ' . ... $52.39 Petlerson, Miss M^e?1 lot 93x139 ft Piedmont Ave.; 1 lo;. 50x93 ft. rear $63.11 Payeour. D. C\? 1 lot 100x200 feet,! Church St. ..$24.36 Peterson, David?1 lot 50x^00 feet ?\, *. $8.33 Plonk. J. O. and J. G. Hord estate, HoTd's part: 1 lot 1000x75 ft. West Of R. R $7.01 Putnam, E. W.?1 lot 75x310 feet. Church st. $22.34 , Ramsey, E, M.?1 lot 50x150 feet, Hoixl Survey $1.20 Roper, Jasper H.?1 lot 75x150 feet* Highway No. 20 $4.84 Ross. K.?1 lot 60x150 ft ... $1.40 Slsk. Z. F? 1 lot 76x237 feet. McQlnnl* St $13.93 Sparrow Mrs. Sallle?1 lot 60x150 feet Waco Road $21.75 Sparrow, T. C.?1 lot 75x150 feet. Waco Road $16.9f Walker. Jim?1 lot 75x150 feet. Northern Suburb ;.. $10.53, Wallace. W. A.?1 lot 50x E. 8. Piedmont Ave $29.36 Whlstnant. J. q.?1 lot 100x175 feet E. S. Fairvew $2.11 White. Albert?1 lot 70x150 ft. Ramaeur St $20.09 I White, W. K.?1 lot 180x160 ft. Fulton St * $20.04 Willis, G W.?1 lot 128x150 feet 0*8 ton St. $11.58 Wright. J. A.?1 lot 126x110 Ft. Wado Road $7.12 Wright, Vance ? 1 lot 50x150 feet, Piedmont Ave $11.30 llord Estate $1.40 Hullender. J D?1 lot 66x225 feet, Waco Road $14.86 Griffin, W. 8.?1 lot 75x160 ft., McGlnnls St $9.35 Adams, Joe Bill?1 lot 150x235 feet, Ridge St.; 1 lot 55x130 ft. Ridge Street $28.76 Al.ison, Watson?1 lot 50x180 ft Ridge St $9.13 Airoerscn. Annie?1 lot 60x100 feet $9.52 Hennlck, Sara ?1 lot 50x125 feet, Parker St. $5.72 Elanton, John LEstate?1 lot 174 x 250 ft. Ridge St.; 1 lot 75 x 3t>0 ft , $13.86 Flordenrs. Corine?1 lot 50x100 feet, Watterson St $6.61 Rrr.wn RIIav A?1 Int -WW MVV *VVV| King at . $4.92 Brown. Roy?1 lot 50x76 feet Ridge and Cansler St $13.09 Carroll, Jim?1 lot 120x110 ft. Tracy 8t.; Hot 60x110 ft., 1 lot 120x200 Fet $25.43 Caldwell. John, Ketate?1 lot 60xl$0 feet t;.. $1$.10 A SCHOOL DAYS i I And our Business is kee class condition. We mak< us. We know we will plet I KINGS MOUNTi j] ' Invisible Mfag I I -- RtttOIUrib vrY Wrt* Ooerle?\ lot 116x150 feet. * W??. 8t, ;....918.4t Ostlowajr. Job* ? 1-2 acfo 9IMS Greenlee, John. Estate?1 lot 90x150 feet. Canaler St ..91.12 Holland. John?lxtot $5x160 fe. .St. ..t.. $11.19 Jackson, J. L.?1 lot 300x176 leet. Ridge Street $6.22 Kibler, Charlie?1 lot R R ave $8.42 | Kitler, Luther?1 lot $8.62 1 Lewis, Gertrude?1-2 acre .... 91.40 Lewis, Rogers-^-1-2 acre; 1-4 acre ....." 913.82 Londsay, John?1 lot ......... $7,94 Means.. W. F. and J. W ?1 lot 143 * x 142 ft. Ridge st............ $12 63 Meeks. Tom?1 lot 60x160 feet, Watteraon st '.. 915.52 Mltchem. N. W? 3 1-2 acres ..97.48 MoClarv. Fred?1 lot 80x90 feet. King St. 91193 McCulloiigh, Thomas ? 1 lot 169x175 ft. Ridge 8t. 919 08 McCullough. Willie?% lot 60x100- ft. Cansier St. 93.52 Pressley. David?1 lot 40x125 feet . 99.61 Peid Mppg-C-" .Ira M T. 100 f66ti ? e s a* W'Wl* * Rhodes. Margaret estate?1 lot 70 s 100 ft. Ridge st. $8.85 Dk?w9?- mil ** * *- ** ?uv-ucb rut i*l.?l ioi 9VXBU IWl Ridge St $9 86 Rlppy Pearl?1 lot 45x200 ft . $9 46 Robinson. Bertha?1 tot 200x100 feet ........ $3.27 Thompson David?1 lot 25x125 feet . $6.91 Williams. Clarence ?1 lot 50x110 ft. Tracy St $12.4% Wright. Cnrtls?1 lot 60x150 feet ........ $1.17 Town of Kings Mountain, Chas. G. Dilling, Tax Collector. Paint With DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD Kings Mtnv Mfg. Co. Store Used many years for the relief of upset stomach, excess acidity, indigestion, dysentery, colitis and related stomach disorders. Separate prescription adults and children. THE OLD RELIABLE Have Your Eyes Examined, -g" """" Glasses Fitted . g -By? DR. D. M. MORRISON . _ Optometrist . Eye Specialist Will be In Kings Mountain Office on Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. Ml to P. M. O, CALM "THOSE | I BY USING I NERVES, DOCTOR BE SWEET-U MILES' sERENB/BnervinE ? * % Can you afford to bo NERVOUS? Perhaps you could afford those attacks of Nerves If you ware the only one affected. Tense nerves make you a nuisance to everyone with whom you come in contact. No one likes you when you are Jumpy, Irritable and nervous. NcKiF I lllk I DR. MILES NERVINE has I been recognized u effective for mere then M years by sufferer* from Blmle?m, Nervous If- | I rttablMty, Nervous Headache. I Weifoii Indigestion. Travel i . LIQUID NERVINE I Luge ML ?LM, Small ML 29* I EFFERVESCENT TABLETS Luge pkg. 79*. gul pkg. ? I At yen* drag store I lre shoe days k ping your shoes in first I i old ones like new. Try I we you. UN SHOE SHfl Tompt, Friendly ServR M ir i rnceo a I AML. 9 tan I I

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