' VMtUn ila* to again drawing U n Bortam man are getting Mm* to the aid routing housewives we > Schilling to wodder whethei Shey Mwld do tall cleaning or wall H>til neat dprtag, and children ar? Keying fai dec We who to their favorlu pcbooi teacher. The very aUnoepbem HggfaU that tall to fhet approach g. Bat we are glad, for after au Maui we have winter, after wlntei pre have spring, and then we ar< Back to the good die summer time .v Manor people voice disapproval o< )BlO tall of the year, frtiey say thai * brings earth ce a ? trees heoom? Ben stores turn grey, and every. Ming appears to be dead. We agre: ghat there Is a feeling of loneliness Mtt to be lonely to not to be entire M gad. Those who fear death ar< probably those who dMIke autumn {Although trees appear to be dead gf IF no to it with man '* Mbrrls Bloom, the man who made i-M anract predictions o( what wouK intm on the battlefields and In 4he capttols of Europe In 1914-1S ?M puled ones more into the cry* W tall. This time he pndlett thai yUMf Hitler will ccknmk suicide UICK RESULTS -y LOW COST | HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for first insertion; f*"*' half price for subsequent Insertions. Minimum chhfge 25c. Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" add, as they are strictly oonfldenyal. ' If er^br is made.The Herald is responsible for only one incorrect jinsertlon. The customer lg responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Im'mediately of any corrections need> Want ads are always cash In advance except to business? men or concerns having accounts with J}.thls newspaper. REMEMBER ? Ou Saturday you gel one of our delicious Banana Spilth for only 10c. KlOgs Mountain Dru( .Company. . *' FUNDAMENTALS OF STORE , MANAGEMENT. This special com tolnatlon Course will solve your \ your problem ror promotion ? especlaily valuable to Chain Store * ' employees or anyone aspiring to ' manage a Retail Business. Short, I eon else, and Inexpensive. Investl{ gate this training.'It fills a great need. Call or write P. L>. Piercy. j Representative. International Cor( veapondence Schools, 409 Emerson Ave., Oastonla, N. C. (Continued Next Week) SB pi \ TOM AND GEORGE Tom: "George, a young fellow was aborting what waa sdppoeed to be a aauetache, and he aald he waa getting It en the tnetallment plan: How oould he get a mustache on the Installment plan?" George: That ta easy; a little DOWN and more each week." If you are in the mar. et for pillows, we have some that think there wae nothing but down i them after your head lit on them D. F. Hord Furniture Co. Buy tt For Lese At Hord'a THE CLAN* V*^3 ^ 'MMMHffWflllMMXMMt 1 * ' 9 v inia Logan > before tone. Not one of Mr. Bloom's : j mayor p reductions has ever gone i -wrong} We'ne wondering If M)r. f Bloom will lose hla reputation. or t If the world will lose a dictator. I "Tla strange that a yankee would > be named (Dixie, but that happens to ? be the situation In which Dixie Corn well ttuds herself. We tried to show he-i a bit of the South while she was I here, so perhaps she can Justify her >. name. How about It, Phyl? I Kings Mountain Is taking 1 aetatati State, trying to learn home. thing more about the English long, uoge. For approximately seventeen years I hare spoken English, but I . still can't speak It correctly. How. eter. there la no need to atop trying new, because .It looks as though A. mer. cans might be the only people who will be allowed to speak freely. So. until next summer. It's gootf-by now! | FOUR & ONE | "Well folks we're back again .... hoping W^$ater" BlthlM' ' JMW "JBfld 11, IMS. due June 1, 1940. (2 000 Public Impeovemeot Bonds dated November 1. 1930. due May 1, 1940. Section 2. That a tax au clent to pay the principal and lntereat ' of aald General Refunding Bondt ahall be annually levied and collected. Section t. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed1 with tae clerk and ia open to public an. speeMon. Section 4. That the holders of aald General Refunding Bonds shall be subrogated to all the rights and pow ers of the holders of the Indebtedness refunded thereby. -Section 6. That this ordinance shall take effect upon Its passage and shall not be sufbmlUed to the voters. ' The foregoing ordinance waa pase ed on the 21st day of August. 1939, and was first published on the 24tt day of August. 1939. Any action or proceeding queerior lng the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thlrtj after its first publication. CHA8. G. DILUNG Secretary of the Beard of Town Commissioners. - adv?Aug 31. , AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING $9,000 8EWER BONOS H K IT ORDAINKD by the Board ol Town CommWloners of the Town oi Kings Mountain: Section 1. That the Town of Kings Mountain issue its bonds, pqreuant to the Municipal Finance Act, as amended. In em amount not exceeding $5,000 for the purpose of constructing extensions to the existing scnltary sewer system of the Tohun. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to l>ay the principal and and interest of mid Sewer Bonds ahall be annually levied and collected. section s. mat a statement or tne lebt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and la open to pnblle Inspection. SeeUon 4, That this ordinance shall tako effect thirty days alter it* first publication unless In the meantime a petition for Its snbmsskxi to he voters la filed under said Act, ind that in such event it shall take street when approved by the voters >f the Town at an election aa prodded In said Act . The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 21st day of August, 1939, ind was first published on the 24th lay of August, 1939. Any action or proceeding question he the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty la ye after Its first publication. CHA8. Q. DILLING, ' Secretary of the Board of Town Commissioners. ., ?adv?Aug 21. , -: After Customer* I Our Want Ads Never Again! jf. 9 #jaID If, I I 111 l| 11 ^T| M ? H 'l%2jfai .'l^t '- - ' * r rA I "'V."* T ?? ** **' **fi *' "'; fr?jpt H " ? tie' vUc3*i I jizjjr BE IT ORDAINED by ths Boenl of Town ConrtnloMni of the Tows of KJnaa MouUata: Section 1. That U* Ton of Kings ! Mountain loan* lu bond*, punaut to the Municipal Finance Aot. aa amended, In an amount aot wowl Ins $6,000 for tha purpoee of refunding ? like amount of tha principal of valid subs latins bonded Indebtednees of the Toym of Kings Mountain. r which indebtedness wma authorised by a vote of mora than a majority of 1 the qualified voters thereto and is evidenced by, the followtng: 1 $2,000 School Bonds dated July 1. 1922. due July 1. 1940. $3,000 School Building Bonds dated May 1, 1925, doe May 1. 1949. ' Section 2. That a tax sufficient to -psry the principal and interest of aatd Refunding Schcol Bonds shall be annually levied and collected. Section 3. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and la open to public inspection. v Section 4. That the holders of said Refunding School Bonds ehall be Tmt&^afetn of I ere of the taokflers of the Indebted. num refunded thereby. Section B. That this ordinance shall take effect upon it* passage an-1 sh?H iyK be submit ted to the voters. The foregoing ordinance was passed on the list day of August, IBM, and was first pnbHahed on the 34tb day of August, 1919. Any action or proceeding question tug the validity of said ordinance meet be copmienced within thirty , days alter Its first publication. CHA8. O. BILLING. Secretary of the Board of Town 1 Commissioners. 1 ?adr?Aug. 81. t _ STATE Or NORTH CAROLINA. 1 COUNTY OP CLEVELAND In The Superior Court Alice La.fl, Plaintiff, Vs. 1 Robbin Lall, Defendant. ! NOTICE The defendant above named, will take notice that an action entttled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cleveland County, North Carolina, wherelp the plaintiff seeks an absolute divorce from the defendant; that aald deI Cendant will alao take notice that he Is required to appear at the Clerk i or Court'e Office at the Courthoua tn I said Ocunty In Shelby, North Carolina, on the 4th day of September, I 1989, and ansuer or demur to the complaint now on. file in aald action u the Clerk's Office, or the plaintiff 'will apply to the Court for the relief demanded tn said. complaint. - This 10th day of Anguat, 1939. K. A. Houser, Jr., Clerk of Superior Court. ?adv?8-17?9-7 BBH Bk. ?GROCERIES ?MEATS -VEGETABLES -FRUITS ?PRODUCE OF THE BETTER KIND > At Reasonable Prices Plus prompt delivery Service Blalock IiUKCHJWKY & MiAKKEt I I Phone 68 I ' VbT| / ^ Tji \jf VAfc# ? ' '.jjj .M >M / T| / B MH ma AN ORMNANOC AWTHQftlStNfi i" Ujm WAT?a BONO? BX IT ORpAINBD by the Ntri oC Town Oowimt?ton?r? of tk* Town of Klsfi Monatala: Section 1. That the Town of Kings Mountain iMue IU bond*, imreannf to the Municipal Finance Act, no amended, fat an amount not exceeding $8,000 for the purpose of con ti acting extensions to the exletlng enter works system of the Town. Section $, That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and Interest of said Water Bonds shall be annuallr levied and collected. Section S. That a statement of the debt of the Town has been filed with the clerk and la open to public inspection. Section 4. That this ordinance shall take effect thirty dtoys after Ha first publication unless In the meantime a petition for Its submission to the voters Is filed under said Act, and that in such event It shall take effect when approved by tthe voters of the Town nt an' election as pro vtded In uM Act. , The foregoing ordinance was pass- ' iijauii qnh ga day of August, 1939. Any action or proceeding qnestlon ' log the vatkUty of said ordinance must be oomtnenoed within thirty days after Its first publication. ' / CHAS. O. DILL!NO, \ ' Secretary of the Board of Town | Commissioners. ' ?adr?Aug 3L MICKEY AND HIS I iaa.yoo UNI W or couttsi . M6.NOODO*f! ?A LtTfV* H^VIONEI and a no _ ... . :-n' ' ' : ' [r ' ,Ufe^V \ En I By P I I H I I H %/lnitBilH ~AL ' ' Under u4 by rlrtue of lb* aethocty In 4 Dn< Of Treat mM?M by Bertha Reed. wMow, Dwribir 16th. 1938. recorded la Book 100. at page Ml In the Office of tho Register of Deed# for Cterehmd County, and bosause of deftudt la the payment of he debt thereby aeon red and failure o perform the agreements thereto, ind pursuant to the demand of the >wner of the debt secured by eald Deed of Trust, the undersigned true;ee will offer for aale at phbllc auckm to the highest bidder for oaeh it the Courthooae door In Shelby, at 12 o'clock noon, on Mondby, Septemwr 18th, 1989, the following described real estates ~81tuated on the East side of Caaeer Street In the Town of King* Mountain, N. C., and BEGINNING it an Iron atake In the edge of said Dereler street 95 feet North from a :herry tree, Carolina Abie's oorner, ttul runs thenoe with said Chanter Street North 60 feet to an Iron atake hence Bast 107 feet to an Iron stake hence South 50 feet to an lion itake; thence West 107 feet to the wginnlng. mil nui MJ m IInil"I inn~ , A. H. Patterson. Trustee, -adr?5-17?0-7 ' nnn In 7 days and r?ll?vM W COLDS .Iquld, Tablets symptoms first Say lalve, Naas Drops Try "Rub-My-Tlam" - a Wonderful Liniment i I Ttwu> voowrSv I Si \se z: t your child to echool on the it fcjet Give him plenty of PAS* JRIZ.ED MILK to drink ? ?at t a quart a Say. He'll have few. ibeencea If you do beoauso pure, milk lq rich In the vitamins minerals that help build resist, i to Illness __ /Metw*\ g II AT A r 41 7 | jfMTll J I CRH^-v W* ? licit llltlt \ ? emit OHMrv * I+rZr \ hotks m SJ am ' '1 ^1 ERCY L rPHQBV rte%\ M f '' s- /-< '.*?* V^' ?*Atf:? ?