SOCIAL ! Of INTI PHONES 10R . i ii 111111> 1111111 - - * NYA GIRL8 HONOR MI18. McQINNI8 The NYA girl* gave a part) flbi^rwd^y afternoon hjopx^rtngJ JdY?. Ethel Mediants and MStas Myrtle Reynolds. After the program oon. slating of devotional?, reading, conteat imitation of Prof. Quiss, and the Delmore, lemonade ?undb eakt were served. Among those attendlni besides the girls were Mrs. France# Owning and Miae Stand Foye ol Shelby. INJURED IN FALL Frlemla of Mrs. D. A. Fulton learn with regret that the waa seriously It Jnred in a fall at her home on West Mountain street Sunday, she is 1 patient ft' the City 'VhJ. train where the is betas treated fot a broken lag. ]^m V ' *' . f "w "* Jl HP^ ' '- W|^^^HBPBMi. - J SMHMSHMMi ... II 6 MINUTES OF COOL COMFORT WITH THE SENSATIONAL NEW Killing ^ jMjanrvnflltKMw AUyklAlMiA^MHr PERMANENT One woman tells another. The word iasbes from beauty shop to beauty shop, from city to city.- Wherever women talk about hair, they tell of the t charm and beauty of the new Kilting Koolerwavcl This wonderful new Koolerwave developed by Paul Rilling is cooler, faster, safer and more comfortable than any wave you've ever -known. Actually only six minute? oa the bead I Koolerwaves last longer. With Koolerwave,yourf twill be snore lovely?your hair more iustrou j. No dry or brittle cods. AU the hair needs it a little combing and coaxing to call all curls into place. l?i tbrillmg, U Asm m Rilling Koelerwav*. Vera's Beauty Shoppe PHONE 88.1R t'AIH US FOR A TEST CUWL $ / /. jRy ' V 'S // 49 \ jY I I I thai these rudderless souls end ICS, Students are men win tUtt tot common sense, deteri training! II you want to come j Security, then yow must get tin iCS. way**-? from textbook State Universities -? through to flt your own personal requii Hew eu the Caeilltieeof these w er cuH personally at the local INlflt NATIONAL COM Berm + . P. L. PIBRC Y, I 409 BamrSQn Ave, 1 u^rliF'wLw v <. * ??????? KMMIMIIIMMMMIIMMIII AND PERSONAL HAPPEN 1REST to 1 AND 88 MRS- A. H. PATT HONOR BRIDE 1 Mlsies Delcsese and Madge Mc- j ' Daniel entertained Friday evening at their home on King Street for Mra i ) Bruce McDaniel, who wrioi to her . recent marriage was. Miss Elisabeth 1 . Harris. I Bridge and Chinese Checkers were : ) enjoyed' during the evning. High ! 3tore for bridge was won by Mrs. I' James Herd, high score fee Cbiwose ( ! Checkers by Mra. Janus Harris and Mrs. Bruce McDaniel cut consolation i A dolielcus salad court i was served after which the bride yzit prtsen | i ted with a lovely gift. I Those present were Mrs Eruee t M.Daniel, Misses l^cnht Fulton. i Murgur. t C'ornweil, Maude Williams , 'PA'H MP m>*T. AHFl <!.% iJWl.U.l f Frances Ooforth. Nina Jackson and ,'e-nette Walker Bessemer City, ( yeSkjmcH James. Hord. James Har- 1 ris, Ciles Cornwell. Eugene McCarter 1 biot Robert McDaniel. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. K. A. Smith, Jr.. wan bO?UM 1 ttt two table* of bridge entertaining ' her club on Tuesdhy afternoon. A tempting tea and eandw eh* coi rso was served. Those Playing included MeeJames - I .add ifamrick, Amcld kiecr, Jim Siiillth, DcnulJ Blanton, Faul Neislcf Hunter Neisler, Joe Noisier and ' Haynd Blackmer. HOSTESS TO CLUB MEMBERS Mrs. Charles Dilling entertained hoe bridge club last week, with her sister, Mrs. Dixon of Kins-ton, who was ber house guest, as special guest. A delicious salad and' sweet course was served after the game. These making ,up two tables were Mrs. Dixon of Kins ton, Mesdames i Charles Williams. Arnold Riser, E. A. Smith, Percy Dilling, Faul Neis- , ler, Joe Neisler, andi Hayne Black* mer. fSAVEMel IICOtJWNs Paimolive, 3 for .............. 20c Small Super Suds (red box) 3 for 25c Small Super 8ude (blue box 3 for 25c Large Super 8ude (blue box 2 for 47c Octagon Soap (giant) 6 for .. 25c Octagon Soap (small) 10 for 23c B... J.. /I.u.\ ? or _ wumywi ? wnutr ? Octagon Powder (email) 10 for 23c Octagon Toilet, 4 for 19c Octagon Cleanaer 2 for 9c Octagon Granulated 2 tor .... 18c Crystal White 8oap 3 for 14c Plonk Bros. & Co. " t .not***4 ?>*' Fateful moment ? when a hip loses Its rudder! Then a great hulk drifts helplessly ? and unleaa aid rnmpa. tlinfc hip goes "on the rocks." There are men who drift 11 their lives. Is it surprising . I I up "on the rocks"? ?fashion their own "rudder*"? nination, and sound, essential into the Port uf Prosperity and t training you need. Get it "the 3 that have been adopted by 25 methods that are individualixttd *ements. For complete Inform** orld-wide Schools, write, phone, office listed belatr* tISPONDiNCI SCHOOLS nton, Pa. Mil Representative Gastonia, N. C tSfch?-. niiiiiiiirinrtkMaiifiiai iii - ' i < < INGS WOMEN I < ERSON, Editor < < ?????? , McGILL-COOKSIE MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED SATURDAY The marriage of MUs Ellzabetl Cooksey cf Llacksburg, S. C.. au< Mr. Earl Mi-Gill of Kings Mountain wan solemnized at the home of th< ride cn Saturday evening. Augus 23. at 6:30 o'clot-k. Rev. W. N. Long ?:* Clinton, S. C. former pastor o ;he bride officiated. The iinmedlatt tniii 11!t s of the , couple and a fev elfse friends witnessed the cere mcny. The vows were spoken In tl.e living room where an improvised altai was arranged, banked with - ems Ivy. t-h-mitlls and gladioli flanked bj i n,., n l.,w. trfVM ?/? ahv ul'u cttuuviHum, noiuini Li.'ll'&'lLWl i i M1?s Saru Ccuksev, sister of th< bride, wearing romance blue, fash Icned on quaint lines with shouldei i-csage of pink rises, played th< wedding While /^Ubeatrau^t wat played, the candles were lightet by Miss Martha Fiances Mef'.ill, sis !er of tlie bridegroom and Miss An Kusta Scott, of Blacksburg. S. C rach wearing becoming dresses ol Mack net with corsages of whitt ros< s. Prior to the ceremony. Mist Mary Elizabeth Meacham of Blacks burg sand , "I I.ove Yon Truly", ant O Promise Me" * Miss Meachatt wore a lovely dress of black crept with satin panels. Her flowers: wer< red roses. The Bridal Chorus from I/Ohengrlt was used as a processional and dur ini? the ceremony Traumerei wat softly played. The bride was attractively attiret In a modish early fall costume o pert brown, with brown accessorlei snd shoulder spray of talisman ros P3 audi valley lilies. The bride, a daughter of Mrs. R S. Cook.sey .of Blackxtburg, S. C. and the late Mr. Cooksey. is a younf woman of charm and pleasing per sorality. She is a graduate of Win tbrop College and for some time hai been a member of the Park Gract School faculty. Mr. McGIll is a son of Mr. am Mrs. T. P. McGIll of Kings Monn tain and holds a position with th Kings Mountain Cotton Oil Co. The couple left immediately afte lit? ceremony for &-wedding trip am are now at home at the resldenc of Miss Ella Harmon on King street " S . CANCE HOSTESSE8 Misses Betty Lee Neisler and Ra chel Smith were dance hostesses ei tertainlng at the Woman's Club 01 Tuesday evening. Guests included i number from Kings Mountain. Hick try an-J! elsewhere. Punch and cook Jes was served throughout the. even log. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kennedy o Shelby announce the birth of thei second son, John Lowery. on Wed nredSay nicht of last week. Mrs. Kei nt-dy wa? before marriage Miss Isa bel McOiit of Kings Mountain. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Hmyne Blackme spent tbe week end at Blowing Roc] Miss Anarab James was a recen guest of Miss Clara Mae Gantt. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. McCarter o Clover. 8. C.. visited relatives her oyer tbe week-end. Mrs. Mary {Davis of Spartanburg S. C., visited Mrs. R. A. Scott Sun With the new Fall Tr< school girl can expect t ly Coiffed, Unless She manent Wave, to prov for a smartly dressed next two week we are ?SPECIE Our $7.50 NESTLE A1 Our $5.00 EUGENE I Our $3.50 OIL RING! Ruth's Be Make Appointments Pel i thuhhat, acq >1. lm I day. * M*aa? Mary France* Qault ai Elisabeth Plonk have returned fro \ a visit to Wrlghtaville Beach I Misses Mary Frances and Sus ; Upon of Virginia have been vleltlr i their aunt, Mrs. Ben P. Beam. Mr. Bd I/onp of Oakland, Callfori la wu? a recent gueet at the home < M.\ and Mrs. W. J. McOill. Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Hayes and ch drep of Washington, D. C.. ba\ 1 been on a visit to relatives here. | Mrs. Henkle McGinnl* has bee j undergoing treatment at the Ruth* t fo.dkon Hospital. f Paul Neisler, Jr., left Tuesda s night to enter McCauley's School i r C'haUan -oMsi Tenn. a ^ Mrs. Bdwanl Lovell and little da' ',h!er, Marian Jane of Chnrlott r 'inve been guests cf relatives hei * .'<> so:no. time. r ?o? { ^Mi^andMr^Otii^FalUan^Mr '.Strough the mountains Of Wester North - Carolina. r ? _c_ Mrs Claude ithyne and Miss Ca I lyle Ware of the West ec-hool facull have returned from Tomaseee, S. C wii?:r*r laey nr.iu f'l m-0 approve ] Parker School Methods. The set f sli:ns wore held at the National 1 A. R. School at Tamassoe. ?P.? Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hartman < I^trndhle Yleitt*?) their daughte Mies Peggy Hartman of Kings Mou tom Sunday. ?O? ' Mrs Hunter Nelsler and little da .trhter, Patricia Ann. have rotume from Cherry Grove Beach, whet they spent the summer. ?0?) ^Irs. Alvin Yarbrough and soi t Fiddle, and Miss Abba Barber, spei 3 several diaye last week* In Lenior s . the guest of their sister, Mrs. R. 1 Hartley and Mr. Hartley. , Miss Jett Plonk who has bee ? spending the summer in Gaston! - has returned' to KingB Mountain I - take trp her work as teacher ?n Eaj s School. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Mauney an * daughter, Miss Martha Lau Maun* " returnedi last week from a visit i e California and other places of lnte eat. J ; -oMr. and Mr%. J. C. Lackey sr . Marshall Wolfe accompanied Ml ' Lillian Lackey to Burgaw, N. < where she is a member of tl school faculty. The party also vlel ~ od Wrlgbteville Beach while away s ' 0 a Mrs. R. IT. Webb and chlldw . who have been visiting In Ashevil - returnedi home and were acco . per.led' by Mrs. Webb's mother, Mr Canncm, of Concord, who has all been In Aeheville on a visit. '' Mrs, Booth Gillespie and youi r daughter "Tootsle," who have .bee guests of Mrs. Hunter Neisler, n Cherry Grove Beach for some tin - stopper in Kings Mountain ior a ie dry a" they were en route to the home at Allentown, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Taylor r Wilmar. California, accompanied I It their chikhren, Margaret an Dou las. visited Mr. and Mrs. W. W 8< t ther Tuesday. Mr. Taylor and M Souther served together In the U. Navy during the World War. f b In 1870 more than half of the gal fully employed people in the Unit* States wore farmers, but by 191 this proportion had fallen to a lltt J more than a fifth. k RE - SCHOOL Specials snd in hairdressing, no o have her hair attractiveHas Had The Proper Peride the right foundation head. Therefore, for the giving: LL PRICES? EUSTOCRAT For $5.00 i'or 5 $3.50 ETFor $3.00 Mity Shoppe Now^For Back-To-Schooi mhi ?73 1i' ' % > V <* ? "t ? " 4: . Gain In Sunday ; School > ti Attendance | < . The "Back to Sunday Sch.ol Move n l- mtnt" got under way with full swing 1 if lust Sunday. Nearly all Sunday 8 Scho.Is reporting had a considerable n Increase in attendance. Of those roll porting the. the First Baptist church * re led with an Increase of 42. and the > Central Methodist church ran a ? clase second with an increase of 41. * si The Grace Methodist church had an f ?r increase of 27, the Lutheran church 23, the Presbyterian church 16. and * the Second Baptist, 13. * _ The entfro month ofSeptember ^ has been set apart for new members a closing thp campaign the first Sun- " day in October with a rnlly and promotion day (n nil ohurvhee. It Is ' UopcJ to have every child enrolled b *'1 <n,r nigh Stln^ol )atnd' Grammar * School" in attendance in some Sunday School 'u Kings Mountain by 'bo f If at Sunday in October If yoo j ? Knr>v or any chill In King* Moun^ notify the Sunday School Superinten itmf of the Sunday School which he chil i would most likely wish to eo. r" Wo hope to Increase the enroll nicnt of all Sunday School? at loaet ^ ONE THOUSAND before the firs: Sunday in October. This can easily ?~ be done with the full reoperation of all Churches In this movement. >t REV. E. W. FOX ABLE TO r. FILL PULPIT AGAIN n a TliC congregation of Central Meth od<st Church and the many friends u of Rev. E. W. Eox were overjoyed m last Sunday by the presence of Mr. '* Pox at church. Mr. Kox, who has been 111 for the I'.'tst several weeks i? back at the B'l pnrstiiage and in fine condition a11 gain after being confined to a hospl- '8 tal ro:m and a long period of convnlescence during which his pulpit p was filled by Rev. Waggoner, supply minister from Duke University. 'n Mr. Waggoner left Sunday for a visit his family in Arkansas before to resuming his studies at Duke. Mr. Waggoner, who was very popular' during his stay here, left many ? friends who wish for him the best of ? id luck. 5 ;y C to Phenix Booster Club c r" Goes On Vacation c "All work and no play makes Jack m - k J PRESCRIPT >n ^ We have a complete line o the minute and we hold dence. May we have Your ig at = KINGS MOUNT) We Fill Any Docto of * w' And Give Fr< g>u Ir. ^wmmm 8. a. >, GOLDEN G1 I Mil I^ur?^JjVholeKome^Iin Family should drink dail MARGRA( Phone 18 riSSHHSSHIWf* c'u'.l Icy, dertVtf th? PbnM looster Club recently, no they kM hfrnwl'tn off U> a abort vacation at k? an View Beach, . Norfolk, V*. 't,-? m ven pcri'.aa made the t*to thing- a "private" car from Kings 1 iiutain registering at the Nanaoaft lotel, and1 proceeded to enjoy tbemelves for a couple a?? and so maagi Ights. While at the bersCJi the partg a sight seeing boat trip, benldks wlmming and enjoying other recrntionul activities. The Booster Club, one of several employee ,organlzti>4ons. In King* fountain, has become a leader la ctlvities which pave the way far otter understanding between emilcyer. and employee. C. C. White, superintendent of. tbw 'henlx Mills artd president of thm tiufc accompanied the group. latfl >. V. Hainrii k, an official of the mlQ, no his son. Badd, Jr.. also made tM rip. | - - - - ? ? - -- i Don't Neglect Tl.rml Vstare aWwt tl? sMrr?? t*<?t marvtlotM >ob. Their tank w to twp tae flowlnf Mood atrrtm free of ?n cum* d - 'Ww^uyy^biuiiriitf mum tha kidn-v* ...... .. the ttood |( mmi Mtk ? to ? *ln? lW Sldwyt fail to fuiKttcu Natur* talaadad. Iktra to t. Uoltori 4 uraato that may cava* body-wide dto j^rciXr.u^v.ord^ fatting up nighla, awclllng, puffina* under the t>M It I tired, iimww, at worn oat. rrrquant. acaaty or burning eat aea? may ba furthrr rvtoton ot hidnry m bladder diet urbane*. Tha raaogalaad and proper taaataM* to a diuri tic mi dlcina to help tha kidnaar fat rid ot axeaaa polaonoua lody waata Itoa Oaaa a filla. Thay hare kad laara than forty yaari of puNic approval, in endoraad tha aouatry ovar. laatot ca Oran'i. Bold at all drug atoraa. almolive, 3 for 20e .mall Super Suda (red box) 3 for 2Cd mall Super Sud? (blue box 3 for ?9e arge Super Suda (blue box 2 fbr 47c , Ictagon Soap (giant) 6 for .. 2Se ictagon Soap (email) 10 for .. 23c ictcgon Pcwder (large) 6 for . 2Sc ictagon Powder (amall) 10 for 23o Ittagon Toilet, 4 for 19c ictagon Cleanaer 2 for 9o Ictagon Chipa 2 for 18c Ictagon Granulated 2 for .... lie rysutl White Soap 3 for 14c Summitt's Nu-Way IONS . . f Modern Medicines up to your Doctor's Confi8? UN DRUG CO. rs' Prescription , Delivery . 11 ? LJERNSEY LK I f 1 tJCHTS 7 MO V \J ) s3^' / H at every member of the S y. Let us leave y pur's I * I :e dairy] Kings Mountain, N. C. j T* '-J

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