'? - I SOCIAL A ] Of INTEl 4 > PHONES 10-R Al TEACHER8 HONORED . The new teachers of the Kings Mountain school*, were honorees al civo of tbe fuioet actal1 affairs of the early fall season when Mrs. L. M. Logan and Mb.? - Helen Logon entertained at a tea at the, WWmaiui ]Ctlub on Saturday after noon. Wtvea of school board mem-j bers and a number of icthere weerc _ Invited >o share hoaaite with the' teachers. iDahfllBS, marigolds. fever few zln | nlas and other lo>v>f?y full flew era were arranged In effective deeonukm throughout the rutins of the club In the dining room a color ?et? of yellow and/ wbtte prevailed. The The table was */pread with t* lul * w 'Ufi'lP lik.i""Mi" |)Ulldll dahlias, fever few and fern. Tbe guests were greeted by Mrs; James D. Smith and Introduced tc the receiving line by Mrs. Charles fhomasBon The receiving line stationed In the club lounge was cj6tn. posed of the following: Mrs. L. M T ?ildl?A .41k U?A . ncui ??*#? w?ar niiR w.c nwu [ dr/rsage of white roees; Ml?? Helen Logan In black net, with corsage ol p*?k roses; Mrs. Ollne Farthing,!' wife of Coach Farthing; Misses Milj fiiied Ixwranco, Dorothy Patterson DIXIE SPECIAL! DINAH LOU CHOCOLATE CAKE Tested Recipe now In sacks o Red Band Flour Blalock Grocery Wheat lea 2 for 25c and Six 7 Up Free With ooupon In this paper. HOLLINGSWOR Big Fresh shipment just ment of favorite package including: Brazil Nuts, Creams, Almonds, Thin ( 25c Try A B KINGS MOUNT/ Your Re Phones 41?81 ? - * ?' .?' ' ' f , Belk's Will K It has been t times to carry I The same pol buyers have coi paring for the 1 merchandise hai but was selectee very calm manr of our stores te Goods have I not been able to have been force not netted then This whole p has been wild s stances prices h However, we of the Belk org; of our stores a ] market to replei in proportion to \ * T< ' - . ' ^11 I K'Z\- . ' - \ ' * ' ' ' , j. ND PERSONAL HAPPE REST to *D 88 MRS. A. H. PAT * * ' Aaxlne Boggs, Dorothy Carson * am )it> Suggs, all of whom have Wei doled go the school faculty this yea i'rs. L. P. linker, Mrs. Glenn \Vhjt< itr?. A H Patterson, Mrs. B. N lames, Mrs. D. M Bridge*, Mr* ' uul Hendricks. Mrs. J. W. Croelaus ( Bennettsville, S. C. mvther of "Mr Icudrtcka, Mr a. \V. A. Craig Jr >tr.?. W. C. Cavney and Mrs. J. 1 fW.nia.sson. > .Mrs. C. B. Ugan and Mrs. J tone ; ,lrs O. C. O'Earrell and Miss Dais, " v.Hnr>.? i i Tempting an I attractive fees eyit :.'ike wak served bv Mrs. A. E. Yar ncugh. Mi*s Mabel Igjgan. Mis. L ' S'cwe and Mr*. W. P. Stiki* o luffln. Mints were servtd by Misi t'O'.iie OrifCn. Assisting In servtni he plates were Mrs. P. D. Herndcw diss Fanny Carpenter and Miss Ah >ie Barber. The same attractive co !? note observed1 in table and diin'Uy 100m decorations whs emphasized ?j he refr?--s. Several New Boxes Pecan Crisps, Lemon Chocolate, Mints? box ox Today UN DRUG CO. xall Store Prompt Deliveries eep Faith Wi * ?. . he policy of the Belk orgai large stocks of merchandise licy prevails at the present nbed the markets for four fall season, which is right i not been purchased at ad 1 carefully as to style and er during this period. Tod; eming with merchandise. tjeen too cheap. The manul make any money for sevei d to sell their goods at pri i a profit. icture, however, is change< peculation in merchandise, tave been advanced all out ! wish to state that it shall tnization not to advance o penny unless we are forced nigh stocks, and then we n > the purchase price. W. H. BELK, President P. R. Stallworth, Manager 4. ;.v"' . ; , < NINGS v; . WOMEN j TERSON, Editor ? > < > ) CfcLEBRATE8 BIRTHDAY J Mrs. Ai\tU Yaf'ttrougfr celebrated r her birthday anniversary last Sun-I p day /evening with a (buffet pupper.' The rooms were thrown ensuite andi.! beautiful! decorated -with rn-txed fal l 3| fl< *ers. The color note of pink and e | wutile was carried out on the refresh j pent plate and' decoration of ibej nu ! MEETING OF STUDY CLUB v A meeting of the Study Club was] helo on Tuesday evening when Mrs ! Carl Davidson entertained at taet borne in the Mauney Apartment. j e Colorful fall lowers made the rooms unusually attractive and to-, viting. . _ | Mrs. O. \V. Myers had charge- o> '".'the program the topic of which wai ? ' Auf.rv?"-' Mrs. W. T. Weir'and Mrs E W tiriffln assisted in the discussion of the subject which was. a J part of the course of study prepared j at the University at Chapel Hill Delicious refreshments consistir^ of a salad and sweet course waij served. . j Guests and members present In-1 eluded Mesttames Paul Mauney, J.' M. Rhea. Chas. Williams, W. T Weirf Chas. Campbell J B. Keeter., H. E Lynch Proctor Thompson, B. N Baines, Ladd Hamrlck M. A. Ware B. W. Griffin, N F McGiil, O W. My-| ere W K Crook Aubrey Clay, and Miss Maude Ava Herd. HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB MTg. Paul Nelaler was hostess tc the Friday Afternoon Bridge Club entertaining at her home pu Gas ton ( Street. . , | Dahlias, roses and other fall flo* ers were effectively arranged in dec orations. |1 Mrs. George Lattlmore scored high and Mrp. Troy Carpenter, second high. i' A salad andr sweet course was ser ved at the conclusion ot the game. ' Guests and membena present included .Mosdemee Grady King, Troy Cerpenter, Hayne Blackmer, W. K Crook, R. H. Webb George Lattimore, Frank Summers, J. E. Herndon, Fred Stallworth W. K. Mauney xJr? E. A. Smith and Coman Falls, i th The Public lization at all B. time, and our months preon us. This Ivanced prices, quality in a ay We have all I facturers havo ral years and ices that have i 1 today. There In some inof proportion. be the policy ne. item in one I to go on the rill price same ' ' \ , v > ' . ( I ' " "'c ; " I . a . ' ' < ' v . I - ' ' ; * '* ' ^ ' . ;f- c. '*: ' ' . 'v THURSDAY, tUEPTT tL IMS HOSTESS TO SOCIAL CLUB KKMSER8 ANO QUESTS Mr*, M. A. Ware moat dtollghtfullj entertained nMnben* of the Social { Clulb and invited guests at her home on Tuesday afternoon. Pretty fall flowers were artist leal ly arranged in the living room and dining room where four tables oi nx k were in play. Mrs. L. P. Baker won high score prate and NJns. \V. K Crook cut foi c( lUyC'Iatlon. ' ) > tempting salad and sweet cour se . was served by the hostess as-1 sit;ted by Mrs. E. W. Griffin and M'iss Ava Ware. Those playing Included Mesdamei L. P. Baker, Manly Morehead, W. j A. Hidenhour. Annie Dllllng B. M O:mand N. F. McGlll, A L. Hill/ O. O. Jackson. L> C Mauney; ' I, ( > Fit IS ii, W. K. Crook. U L Maunej O W Mvers. J. E. Anthony and J M Patterson.MEETING OF CHURCH CIRCLE T|ii> Evening Circle of the Wo.1 maiis MisKtonarv Society of the A R. F f'liurcli met at the home (4 Mr;'. \V. K. Crook on Monday even- 1 ina. Mis.-' F reel eve Black.. the loader iu.d charge of the Temperance ,.,-irta tA*a?VS? 0^?4Su 'IP! F M" 'I'.f P S fTflFr Tf ItvnifTif^ Arcor hoii-in. Vis* Black was assisted by j Mrs W E ltlak.dy Mr. M. A Wars and Mi** Pearl lllcks M< rubers present Included Mes. j donjes Orr Weir. L?ona McO.Ul. M A. W'arc W E Blakelv. John McGii: L F. Noal; Misses Freelove Tllnek j TM.il Hicks a lie* Janet Scogglns. Personals Supt. and Mrs. Claude Grigg ol Albemarle were visitors in Kings Mountain Wednesday. .' .] ?o? Mrs. VV. P. Stokes and baby o. Hut:'iu are guests of Mrs. Stokes mother, Mrs. M. L. Houser. Mrs. C. . H. Nelson, Jr., of Miam, Klcrida bas been a guest t of Mr and Mrs. J. E. Mauney for ten days. Mi., and M 1*8. Charles Spake O Sht Iby were visitors at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. W F. Hord! Sunday. ?-O ? . j Mrs. Carl. ,Davtdson was a guest tf. Mr8- Bright Harmon in Greenville, S. C. last week. - Charles Troy Carpenter left Monday to resume his studies at Clemson College. ?o? Ray Kiser, sen of Mr. and Mrs. A S. Kiser, left Monday for Raledgh where he entered State College. Misses Marjorie Rhea, Elizabeth Nelll, Hazel Falls and Sara Mae Falls left recently for Meredith' Co; lege. Raleigh. , Mr- Mrs. J. C. Smathers and Miss Fairy Grace Patterson of Char ic:to were visiters lu Kings Mountain Sunday. ' Mrs. M. J. Lynch of Goldsborc spent the past week end with hei son. Mr. - Haywood E. Lynch and family. Miss Martha Plonk, daughter o. Mr. and; Mrs. Rufus Plonk left Mon day for Greensboro to enter the Woman's College of the University khere she is a member cf the Senior Class. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tate had! at their dinner guests last Sunday ,Mr and Mrs. Floyd Tate, Mr. and) Mre Harley WaddOU, of Shelby and Mr and Mrs. C. M. Lewis of Gastonia Mr. and Mrs Tate were celebrating their seventh wedding anniversary. IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 134 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House NOW PLAYING-THUR8DAY Big Double Feature Program Dorothy Page In P ' ' i?? > Ringing cowgirl " liussel Gleason-SblTley Dean, kx "Undercover Agent' .. Buck Rogers No. 6 Everybody 10c FRIDAY and 8ATURDAY Your Favor1t? Western Star GEORGE O'BRIEN. In "The Fighting Gringo" .. His Latest and Best Allan' Lane-Linda Hays. !n "Conspiracy" Donald Duck In Toohnleolor Oregon Trail No. 12 10c and 15c Show Opens at 10:4S Saturday MONDAY and TUESDAY ANNE SHERRTDAN In "Winter Camivar The Hottest Thing That Ever MM Tho loo The Season's Gayest Picture 10c and 15c S==== - I 1 . 1 : - '* 1 ; -*vy 1 J ??? RECENT ARRIVALS AT Myers* Dress Shoppe i -It u ? ' WDi*: 1 - Ill?a- .j a< ?. j It is our desire to render a complete Ready-toWear Se irvice to the Ladies of Kings Mountain and vicinity and with this aim in VIEW, our dock is being constantly enlarged and improved. You will find here a complete line of -DRESSES-^ 1.98 to 16.95 BLOUSES Lovely tailored styles in Crepe and Satin 1.98 each OTHERS AT 97c SKIRTS o Plaids and plain colors in circular and pleated styles? 1.98 COSTUME JEWELRY Necklaces, Bracelets and Broaches Q7P dopII I/I V VUV11 COSTUME FLOWERS A complete assortment ti choose from ^ 25c and 50c KAYSER GLOVES J \ In Kid and Fabric Combinations 97c, 1.50, 1.98 KAYSER PAJAMAS t= Satin-striped and two color combinations 1.98 HANDKERCHIEFS A beautiful assortment of hand made linen Hand kerchiefs ? ' " k ' i 25c each Myers' Dress Shoppe 2nd Floor , Myers* Department Store 5,?" *4 "I*' ; - *.'