" i -t "? v ' *. / - i ^ ' By GEORGE ~ were tour .p. ftvhni^ifnt nnn> ?m wan a gentleman the very nex eight. Ivaat Frldey night our Mountain per outfit moved against the rolllnt flrwn Wave of Oaatonla and the; watly morel. Peopl* who have wait 4 until the Oastonla game before ?nm meeting ' on Una Mountaineer are not satisfied, and saying wha they think ? that Kings Mcuntni has. a pretty good team, becsus Ac; played the Green Wave a goo< gjwue. Whed we recall the SO to notl fiwr games wfth Gestonla a ccupl years ago, we feel quite proud o this year's outfit. Seven to nothfai hm't ? bad game at . all. A letter frcm Clemaon tells u that Johnny Kezzlah, the lad ah we eemt down there to play fo-.t hell, played most of the game whe the third team varsity tangled wit IMPERIAL THEATRE PHONE 134 Kings Mountain's Popular Play House TODAY _ THURSDAY Tex Fletcher In "KfX'fiUN RHYTHM" also "CIPHER BUREAU" Buck Rogers No. 7?New* 10c Everyybody FRIDAY and SATURDAY Bob Steel la "RANGERS CODE" Victor McLaghlen in "LOST PATROL" f Oregon Trail No. 13 Donald Ruck , 10c and 15c MONDAY and TUESDAY "CAPT. FURY" Al?o ""EXTRA SPECIAL" "INSIDE THE MIAGINOT LINE" No>m you can see inside France's 12 mile underground Fortification where the French Army ia Flghtin Today. OONT MISS IT I 10c and 15c Thursday and F "STANLEY AN Spencer Tracj ?News Saturday"THE NI Three "PARENT Serial?Our Monday and Ti "ANDY HARDY G1 Mickey Roor News ? Coi Wednesday "LAW COM Bill Elliott"NANCY DREW & tl Bonka Gran' ! ' k ' pi HP.e:i II i|n i ' ' .- ' the Kreshnuu* ? so he nuit 1m pretty god. at that. PERFECT CURE-ALLS: Listening to. Skimp Stcwe utlk about tbe v.ar, and : hu uuitu'b be takes toward it all .... The mail we've been gelling from OS at school klls .... especially those from Oreensooro .. . Talking to To mPulton about poll1 tics .... (Tom should be at least a legislator) .... Listening to the press roll after a hiecttc day of char ; lug news .... Seeing the traffic on i Mountain 'Street again so light thai 1 you can cross without worrying a:>our getting run down .... The peac ( cfulness of" the country these days l! when the leaveshnve. changed . tc p6?-t's colors, the corn Is shocked up ;.iid casting shadows in the tnooni ' iiht. and the', air so crisp that-once k;iin w? tug at the covers of the I bet/, and leave our feet sticking oi-t . .'"If Th uiksgiving conies, can *::itta ('latis be far behind : Sunday night we walked up to the f corner jet the bank. looked up up i no street aud got the surprise ol It*- TW. elWAol UOO llAdfirtM) 1l4 tit i ur tiivvv ? ? --- ? < aitse of the new cent of Ur and t -Abltc gravels shone In the moonlight like jnow. and for a minute wc t'i< tight it must be the perfect stillness of a winter Sunday evening. In ( Tact. It locked sc much like a snow y scene that we Instinctively stuck our hands Into cur pockets, and shivered slightly. ? ?:? ? Radio Beams Used To 1 Process Tobacco i 1 Richmond, Va., Sept. 26.?(IPS).? ? It looks as though American industrial research has sccred again. This S time It's the use of short wave radio for drying tobacco by new process An engineer here has sncoesafuUy removed moisture from tobacco with the aLd of a 60.000 watt radio send ng unit shooting radio waves throe ' zh the leaves. Under the new method the tchao. co la moved from the warehouse * floor Into hogheads, which are put In , a heavy metal cyltndbr. which by use of steam 'becomes a vacuum. The radio waves are then shot thru the tobacco. White in the last 60 years the plopulntfon of the United States increased only 2.6 times, factory wages were increasing 11 times, factory jobs 3 times, and the value of th Pj-od's produced In the country's! tac toriee 11 times. Fierv Itchinn Skin Gets Quick Relief Nmm Ti aafmaul Imii IhkMnU* limin llitriw . Thora U mm (Imp la yat Inoxpaaalvo way ta a*m Mia Itching and tortu/a of Ecxama, Itcha 1*0 Toaa or Foot Ratboa aad many othor axtarnally cautod thin aruptlaini and that It to apoty Maann'a Emarald OR night and moralay and pupla who lyftar from tuch ambarrauiag or omlghHy (kin troublaa would bo who b Iff If Jutf ait any ftryt-claM drayylit for an original bottta of Mooao'a tmnrnld Oil aad rofuaa to accapt aaythlng oho. If h inch a highly concantratod prapoatlan that a (mall bottta laitt a long tlrwa aad farfbormaro K tMc claan. powarfuf, panofratlng oil that ha I at oramota naallng talk to giro yoa full (atItfa ctloa you can havo your moffay rafuadad. BRONCHIAL ASTHMA! __ 'w* % Spand a fow cant, today at aay good drug flora far a bottla of fucklay'i (Caaadlol) !5 Mlxtura, trtpla acting. Taka a couplo of doaaa lutt ba/ora badtlmo and (loop roundly. You'll " Mad Ruck lay*, gluaa daflnlto quick rallaf from that choking, gaaplag ttrugglo far braath. Ono llttlo alp and fha ordinary cough b "on Hi way". Contlnuo for a fow dayt and toon you'll boar IHtla mora from that tough old hang-on cough that nothing mmi to hofp. ? Satlifactton guarantood or mo nay back, bo g laro you got luckloy't Caaadlol Mlxtura. 'riday?10c, 15c, 25c D LIVINGSTONE" r ? Richard Greene ?Comedy? -10c, 15c, 25c GHT RIDERS" Mesquiteers " S ON TRIAL" Gang Comedy iesday?10c, 15, 25c BTS SPRING FEVER" icy?Lewis Stone nedy ? Cartoon r?10c and 15c ES TO TEXAS" -Dorothy Faye le HIDDEN STAIRCASE' rille?John Litel rial? XIE X 3-' - HMffit'.V ' _ I In 11 lt?'.1 I diliHL - ' - :S ' ; - . , . - ' Tin KINO* MOUNTAIN HNRALX Church News Lutheran Church t. Box I llanuu. Pastor Bible school 10:00, D. C. Mnuney . General Superintendent. Services for the-17th Sunday attei Trinity: Morning 11:00 sermon: Seeing Jesus. Evening 7:00, sermon: Hearing Jesus. .. (Note change of hour from 7:30 to 7:00 fcr Evening Service.) Luther Leagues meet 6:00 Sunday P. M. Junior Children of .the Qhurcn meet 6:00 P. M. Sunday. Boy Scouts, Trcop 2, Monday Ev ' ening 7:00. O rl Scouts Thursday Evening 5:30 At the fpot ct the Crosa all men are on same level. Every one is Invited to wcrshtp with us.. SAINT LUKES: ? I Bible school 10:00 A. M.. James Lack ey. C.eneral Superintendent. Presbyterian Church Rev. P O. Patrick. Pmrtee 1 LU JtUlfUJ) BUIIMH HALL 11 UAI | C P. Thomasstn. Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship. 0:45 Young Peoples' Vesper hern 7:30 Evening Worship. Monday 7:30 P. M. Boy Soonls Troop I. Mr. Cnrl Dsvldspn. Scoutmuster; Messrs Harry Page and Bit Thomson. - Asat. Scoutmasters. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Mid Week Prayer Service at .Margrace Comnuinlty Houde. Boyce Memorial Church W. M. Boyee. Pastor Pi.ble School at 10:00 o'clock. J L. McGtll, General Snpt. - Morning Worship at 11:00. Th Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wll bo celebrated. The pastor will lea in an appropriate Communtcn Medi tatlon. This first Sabbath of the new qua ter Is Auxiliary Day. All organizations cf the Church will meet a j 4:30. There will be no Eventhg Ser vice Mid-Wee)i Service on Wednesdn Evening at 7:30. First Baptist Church A. G. Sargeant, Pastor i 11:00 Morning Worship. 9:40 Susday School. 11:00 Junior Worship. The totaJ present last Sunday morning wat 54. Our. aim Is to get all of our boys and girls in a Worship Service. A song service will open the Sunday Evening hour, beglnnning a7:30 o'clock. The W. M. U. will hold It's regirtar monthly meeting. 3 o'clock, Monday nfternoon at the church All Officers and Teachers of th( sun lay scnooi ar? expected to d? present at the supper, Wednesday night October 4th. The Sunday School Officers anc Teachers for the new church yeai will be elected by the church Sun dsy mcrnlng at the 11:00 o'clocl hour. Central Methodist Church E. W. Fox Pastor 9:45 Sunday school, B. S. Peeler Supt. 11:00 Morning worship and Sacrauien? of Lord's Supper. 7:30 The young people will lead 'he singing audi the paator wil preach with special Reference to "Childhood and You>h Week." On Thursday night the fourth and final quarterly conference for ,th? yeat will foe held! with Rev. C.J H Moser presiding. GRACE METHODIST 8. W. Johnson, Pastor ; 9:45 Sunday school. Frank Oreea, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship. 6:80 Efeworth League. 7:30 Evening worship. * Park-Grace M. E. Church C. P. Self, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. * WW. 1 ?TT. _ t_ I _ 14 .AA a w a murumg wurnQip ii.uu a. na* Epworth League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M. Prayer Meeting Friday 7:30 P. M Wesley an Methodist M. R. Harvey. \Paetor i Sunday Sohool 9:45. Morning Service 11:00. W. T. P.8. or Olaee meeting. 5:11 Evening Servine 7:80 ; Prayer Service Wednesday 7:30. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick. Paster , Sunday School 9:45 a ?a. B. T. II. 5:45 P. m. Evening Worship 7:44 p. m. T:0# p. Presetlng 11:00 A. U. ud IT U. Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. ParkOr, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:99 g. sa. each 8enda:'. ' / AJUen Witn Bit News Ft-? ' *. * .V ; , ^ ' " 1TulToflfti_ II,, II 1Mt iTHUMpAT, 0BPT- >9. IN* A vl a, f--* (a E th ' rj al to M II! R?v.*?r^. HARvey^* ?', Paator of Wealoyan Methodist chur v< ch who will begin a aariea of avanga. ^ llvtlc services Sunday In his ohurch t( Rev. Mr. Harvay extends a cord la g< i ivitatlon to the public to attend tneaa aervlcea. . .;Y v. Your N< v " ' v. : * '' > AB^ JBk JBfcJI v .. -. . ?? v . . ' ' .-. f! \.,' - y v ? ' n 1 * . . ' Adverti - * V; .-; I ' I 1' V ? YJSkgS : jKl 1 v'r.4Ut ," . mmmmm?mrnmmmmmmmm?mmmm I / Mountaineers r ,ose Opener 7-0 Kings Mountain's - ' Mountaineer! I it a football game but won a moral ctcry last Friday night by holding' ' isuaia's rolling Green Wave to si veu to nothing score. i The Mountaineers held the Oastoii' i (la through three hedtic yuailters I slam-banging, yielding only in i e last few minutes of ithe last pe-| 3d. when continued! runs around e south mid of thf> mountain fin ' j brought victory to the home am. I 1 teuuett, kcal tackle, held Kings J ountaln'j inferior line together by ' uiit force of character to stop fhej s reen Wave time after time, doing ' est of the work himself. Dickey ' ^.eran guard, played swell foot- 1 til. piling the well balanced Gasnia lads Into heaps on line plung?. Morrison and Gibson were un- I mbtedty the backfleld star of the < ning, despite the fact bat passes pi* nrai iff *1*9 mnsrm w pt the ooe In which the receive! s headed. am NEW REDUC for Economic WAvn 11 OMS WAT Round Trip 10% thsono-way coach faxes. 1 ROUND TRIP Oylfc mb fa* MCh mil* taf A l T*" Oood In 81ooplnc Rfl * MU m?nt of pcopor c ROUND TRIP jyt BPB foxMohmlUtron Ay' Oood in SUopinj Di A MILE o| propM ? i AIR-CONDITION Dining Caxa and Coachi Insure Safety Avoid TRAVEL in COMIM cwspapei Are YOU a subscriber? All the news of Kings Mour trt as1 i-i (ivu|)ie tn rungs wiouniain C out each Thursday mornini per year?'75c for half yeai tiling: ' *. . "* Well equii^ed printing plai printing in artistic and fire - short notice. Give us you your interest in home enter money at home. ising*. " * - " > - - . . . '.V . The only way live merchant iL.:_ ?i JI? ^? vi wcu uiuviuuiuise. uur i everybody. Try a display 01 issue. I .*? i ' . . * Mountain P JSr3?'* " * ; ,. _ - . * * .'j"* ' " ^ " * i ' ? ..? VACATION DAYS a" ov,r Ambitious men and women every vhore have taken up the serious business of preparing for the fu-. ure. "What will YOU be doing a year from nowT Plugging away at the same .old |ob at the sumo old salary, or, tpeeding along tho high road to mccess? hcrcaso your chances of winning >> studying at home the I. C. 8 vay. (Thousands of others have. Let us show you how NOW! INTERNATIONAL CORRESflOMOENCE SCHOOLS P. L PIERCY, Representative Gaston la, N. C. ED FARES al Travel CKETS K- '* ' PER MILE 1. ltlf .. than doubt* Rotum limit 60 day*. TICKET! eled. Return limit 90 day*, i and Parlor Cam on pay*, hargoa lor apaoa oooupiad. TICKET! ilad. Ratum llml. C r*an(hr. i and Parlor Cars ? ? ? nargoa lor apaoa oe^u^.a. , fED 81aaping Can ff i on Through Trains ^ Highway Hazards OUT by TRAIN ( -a " . r *. - ' r* . a 'tain gathered for the ach week and sent Subscription $1.50 . < C : - ? * v*. ' ' " . : f nt to turn out your it class manner on r printing?it.shows prise, and keegb your ? 1 ... . . .. .> ' ' -'** . :! '' .V' '? . , ?.A- . . *. . <: ; " , ...I s let the buyers know rates are the same to want ad in our n?rt r ^ ' ,r*: ' ?X: .. . Herald ! ? ; i . * ' I > ' I irirwrAiiiainiiaiMlir m "ititiiiriitenin i'-ift r