School Music In Kings Mountain V. 1 1 w {By Carolyn Carlisle) CfCldren in our schools today are surrounded (by mu?6c to an extent never before equalled.' The aim of such a muglc program being to place each child In a musical environment and to bning him musical '' experiences out of which may grow | a iuii unuersianaing or trie art of music. The State cft North Carolina, having ndapte>1' The Music Hour Series' as a course cf study, has placed in I the hands of each child from the seccrnl through the seventh grade a b ok which ho may use as his own. ? ?. In the Primary grades emphasis is placed upon the proper use of the singing voice and participation' in a sieging group. Coincident with j th'd program of alnglng, the child'*, musical experience Is enriched also by rhythm plays, rhythm band' and by listening lesson through the med ium of the phonograph. i?. - vwav bands in the system?and a third in the making. Objetlvea in the intermediate crades have been to convert the child's earlier experiences Into conscious power through procedures wmch make him Increasingly aware of music aa something Inherent ? ty Interesting and beautiful, to ae. rare proper Interpretation of the one* and lovely tcee quality*, to develop in each the power of attentive, discriminating listening, a pre tentqee Cor the bdtter typo j of muwfc ? anrt meet important ? the aMUty to eight read. Otie need and Importance of this last objective has become more evident in the last few yearn , Elementary school glee clubs have bedn formed' at each school with 75 participating at Central, forty at East< and thirty five al Weet, 6nly those students ,ln the | Paint With "1 DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD Kings Mtn. Mfg. Co. Store t A A OST people who use Dr. T.filcs ** * Anti-Pain Pills say that one pill usually relieves their headaches. In the regular package, Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills cost one penny each. In the economy packages, one penny buys 1% pills. Why Don't You Try Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills? They taste good, act promptly, do not upset the stomach, contain no opiates or laxative medicines. i You may be miles away from a "drug store when you are suffer-ing from a Headache, Neuralgia, or Muscular Aches and Pains. Why not get a package of Dr. 1 Miles Anti-Pain Pills today and be prepared for emergencies? Regular Package, 23 Pills, 23< Economy Package, 125 Pills, fj.09 t WAVE YOU SEEN In New Unit I The Iron Fireman Unit Heatmaker is a modern room furnace for heating, humidilying and circulating the air in the room where installed. i Rurni Amtriffl'i thrift fuel ft ?coal. Pre?*ur?-circulation \ irma unrti remarkably , noiform temperature (rota loot to ceiling k?pa air A* metis*. j Holds no?|b coal for | full day's continooai opera<tion. Limit Controls built In. Room Temperature Control* may b? used. A beautiful, practical, ilclit betting plant, quickly installed singly or in multiples. Tl ONE OF KINGS i i fp'5 T ' " i d'i . ' jjj I (Central School Building is c School System. This build i mary. Grammar and High hlghrr grades are eligible. This ex- / pcrlence will prepare the child for. high school glee club work. As lias been customary for many. < years each school presents an oper-1 ? "tta sometime (during the school r year ? the proceeds of which are i t used for ibuying new school music I 1 material. Three phonographs and a over r??e hundred music appreciation j t reco/da have recently been purchas:-d for use In the claae rooms. g At .present, in the high school j there are two glee clubs. The girts < having an enrollment of sixty eight members, and the boys' thirty six. , No program of Music Education c would be complete without a band 1 The value of the one here In Kings Mountain speaks for Itself and has ' done more to create a worthwhile 1 musical environment and. a love for * good music than any other single * organization. c " t Organization And . ' Expenditures Of Kings Mountain School j Fcr the education, of the 1483 white children now enrolled in the ' K'ngs Mountain Schools there are three standard elementary and one accredited hCgh school. "There are j ' 43 white teachers, exclusive of the j 1 cuperinlendent, 40 State allotted. 1 1 paid by the County, State and Fed- i 1 real fundo for Vocational Home E- 1 ccncmles, ?rd two paid frcm 'local)' funds. There ore 3o0 colored pupAls now enrolled in the Davidson colored school. There are 10 colored teach- j y. a ? 7 elementary and 3 high school ? all allotted by the State. ! In the white school there is one full time teacher cf Vocational Home j Economics, one fcr Commerce, one ! for Fhyrfcnl Education, one for pi- j ano. one for Bible, and a special su- I pervisor of Vubllc School Music in ] addition to the allotted teachers for the von'ens other srchoot subjects. | Including school custodians, cafe- i I terla and oitlce help, the total em ployed by the school at the present i lime Is 62 plus a large number of students working on NYA. ,The total , expenditures for last school year <were as follows: For Current Expense: Stato Funds $13,913.00 County a/rd jDistrlot .. 13,953.00 For Capital Outlay .... 5,504.63 For Debt Service ...... 4,590.94 | 1 Total .. # $75,962.27 $3.500;00 of .the above amount was realized through a special building fund and $2,122.55 from fire insurance. i la addition to the above expenditures. the Olty of Kings Mountain retired school bonds in.the amount of $5,000.00 and- paid $5,490.00 interest, and the school district rellfred additional bonds in the amount of $1,000.00 and paid $450. Interest. mi Pirai nan'c I leatmaker ? 1 A<% A MATURM. *0* V jJL MMMt.SCM00ll.SMAU Jb MJwtw - - VkU limU 1M A* 9fV V niv vnu in v|f?i hmv?i Keeter*s Dept. Store Resident Size At Victory Gin Co., Dealers Pttona ttl, or mH P. D. Hamdon HE K1NOS MOUNTAIN HffRALP FOUNTAIN'S- FINE SCiK ' W .. V;' ' , ; B 3 fa >ne of the five that make ng is modern in every School Departments. Jentral P. T. Association ' K.M"?n?aln. Pwrent-Tearh T Asroclatkn was organised 'n the arly twenties. Mrs. E. ,W. Neal was he first president. There was an nrollmcnt of between forty and 'ICty people. The Association was [(filiated with the national organlzaion. flip years 1930-31 marked the bftlining of separate organizations at Cast ar.1 West schools. In 1936 the 'entral Parent - Teacher Assocla 'en voted to bold Its meetings at Ight so that the membership :cutd melude fathers as well aa mohers. One of the most outstanding activ ties of the P. T. A. was .the furnsbingef milk to underprivileged :hlldreh. The preset lunch rooms u* ported by the. P. T. A. grew oul >f this'. The Association alsi suppll d clcthes to needy children. For he last tfwo years the Central P. T. t has sponsored a pre-school clinic, vaerihatlcfj dlrtlc jfofeity programs, >r/l has l>cu?ht first aid equipment, or the school. At the first meeting this year Mr. F. Thomaseon and Mr. C. G. White were ofheted president and flee President of the Association. Dvov,2U0 people attended the Octoher meetl".*?. this year, which broke all attendance records for a P. T. A, meeting in Kings Mountain. Undei the leadership of President Charles Thoinosscn the Atocclat'.on h expec led to rccoutplish many things foi the betterment of the teachers. pni ints. children and sebrc'l. for tht years. THIS 'K THAT By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section1 Rev. "Will Elam cf Dover church lireached at Pattergon Grove Sunday tfteifnoon. a? the paster Rev. J. W. Suttle was ill. Sunday School will be next Sunday morning. Among those who visited Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. P. Ware Sunday wer* Mr. and Mrs, James Ware of Kings Mountain: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ware and Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ware a jr _ _ i ? m * r? nt i ? J air, una mrs. j u i^uampvcn am children of Oak Grove were guesl of the M L. Thorriburgs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D, Goforth recen ly visted the Grady Goforth3 o near Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie Burton o Charlotte were visitors of relative: in this section Sunday. Miss -Paulint Carroll also of Charlltte accompan ed them. Mtss Mildred Ledfcrd of Phenrt' Mill spcl't Sruday afternoon wltl Miss Kathleen Goforth. , Mr. and1 Mrs. Ralph Edwards am family are now making their homi with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. / Edwards. Miss Ruby Chapman was the dtn. tier guest of Miss Jenny Lee Bell Friday. Miss Eloise. Watteraon, student al Patterson Grove and Elsie Ford at. tor-tied the singing convention al Rev. Earl Armstrong's Tabernach In Gastonia last Sunday afternoon They sang a duet amd Mrs. Wright accompanied them at the piano. The EXTRA EXTRA COMfORTI V W - ~. _ . -. '\l - ,"*X-h- - iiL i-'"- ml. ' 1 fifti'i o THURSDAY. NOV. #. 1939 )OL BUILDINGS V - -* W*^~- r' < T * ''"v* ,z. gt. i |-<>' --i > i B'uilft'f -. .- | ' up the Kings Mountain respect and houses Priprogrum was broaden"t. The teachers of Patterson Grcve j prescind their pupils with candy I 1'tlttim-BPh MV.' l'Uey (IIKT ' IVUfVU'ttT" also had a grand time bobbing for apples, and playing other games. By Wav Of m W Mention tats Beattle Mr. and Mr?. L. W. Wcedon amd children aoent Sunday afternoon In the country. Mr. and Mrs. Holland Horn and Misses Irene Gladden and Faye Huff stetler spent Sunday afternoon vtaking friends in Gastonia. ' < Miss The!me Mesemear spent the week end with Mise Luc lie Gtaddett. Mrs. L. \\J. Wecdon and son, BUI afcd Miss Ida Huffstetler spent Mon day afternoon In Gaatonfa. M|r. .James I>a\ Mi sited )?rilend? here the first part of the week before returning to Charleston. Mr. and Mrs. Holland Hord Bpent Saturday might with, the latter's par ents. Mr, and. Mrs. A. R. Huffstetler. ii Jm i I.I SMART MONEY KNOWS WHERE TO /^J)r GO AFTER \ ?1 C&M . READING M/i THE ADS ~ IKI THIS NEWSPAPER. Have Your Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist - Eye Specialist Will be in Kings Mountain Office cn Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to 1 P. M. I Auc Ill/ w. ' ' '' Sati I 11 'W';. |-.| ' ! -I ?5 He^K''* r fl * '* tUj . V" v ?', /- 2"- J i'V :. " ' (tui . ? . -a , L.t. .*is: - ' "* , " ? . ' ' ' _ I [ t*SV TO SEE! BUY! ] it*' ....m.'ii.'i i.111 I 11 I i 11 i Yrt 11 iresn daily JW*??t your grocer* CrtO&Uitl BREAD ? > . . h UmwdtMi STREAMLINE wrappr , | 1938 TAXES ?sHizkf-UA\E NOT-PySEN?PAID WILL BE ?? SOLD DURING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER. PAY NOW AND AVOID LAND SALE COSTS. E. L. WEBB. Tax Collector ' i - > Jl.- . .. ... . y IT'S YOUR MOVEHere Are Money Savcrt | I GOES FARTHER AT A * \ tion Sale I A. Morris I Estate I lrday, Nov. 11 I 0:00 A. M. I Valuable Lots I I 1 erms I Mbert Morris, I Commissioner I i*i m mi _ A _ a t n .t . Lome >10 ine aucuob ?aie Whether You Plan To Buy Or Not |

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