' k\ . I CHURCH Lutheran Church U Boyd Hamm. 1'astor Bible achool 10:00, D. C. Mauney General Superintendent. services ior tne First Sunddy In Advent. Morning 11:00, The Holy Comman ton. Evening 7:00, sermon: The Giving of Self. Luther Leagues 6:00. Junior Children of .the Church 6:00. Scouts: Boys Monday 7:00, Qlrls Thursday 6:00. . Catechlsnf"^lass Saturday morning 10:00. SAINT LUKES: ? Bible school Sunday Morning at 10:00. James Lackey, Supt. First Baptist Church A. O. Sargeant. Pastor I ft *f * *- K?* ? f\< ? V r rtfta-Wrt las Sermon and Souk will continue through Thursday. Friday ami Sunday nights. 7:.10 o'clock. Dr. Zeno "Wall an<J. Horace Kasom of First Baptist church. Shelby, are leading In these special services. Come and worship with us. ' The Sunday School Worker's Sup . > ' per will bo held, Wednesday night, 7:'00 o'clock. Attention Choir: The' members of the choir will enjoy the fellowship, Wednesday night at fh# Sunday School Workers supper 7:00 o'clock sharp. Plate 25c. Attention Ushers: every, members of the Board of UBhers is urged to be present at the Wednesday Slight supper. The Board of Deacons will hold fts regular monthly meeting. Dec. 4th. Monday night, 8:00 o'clock In the Church Office. The Woman's Missionary Union will meet in the Berean class room COMMISSIONER'S 8ALE OF REAL ESTATE . Under and by virtue of an orilct ot the Superior Court of Cleveland County, made in the special proceed Jng entitled Velma Hutlstetler and husband, K. J. Huffstetler; Lenever II IVauvoo anH hllnh.. ...1 ii vmtwi . wuu iiuouuau, ruicov Weaver; I-eon Huffstetler and wiie Margaret Huffstetler, Kuth II. Payne and husband, Floyd Payne; and Leona H. Burton and husband, Bonny Burton, Plaintiffs, Vs., Fay Hurt etetler, Clara Huffstetler, and Johnny Huffstetler, Minor children . of John F. Huffstetler, Deceased, Defendants, the same being No. 2484 opon the special proceeding docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on the 22nd day of December, 1939, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at the courthouse door in Shelby, Nort hCarollna, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of land lying and being in No. 4 Township, Clevi^^d County, Nor th Carolina, adjoining the lands of Huffstetler and others. Beginning at a stake in the edge of the Kings Mountain and Cherry ville road, corner of Lot No. 4. and runs thence N. 17 W. 2.60 chains to a stake, corner of _ Lot No. 6; thence N. 87 1-2 W. 17 chains to a stake; thence 8. 8 W. 2.60 chains to a stake; thence 8. 85 1-2 B. 8.76 chains to a stake In line of l ot No. 4; thence at right angles in a northern direction 7# llnVe ,?take, corner of Lot No. 4; thence S. 87 1-2 9.25 chains to the beginning, stake in edge of road. (8%) Three and One-half acres. . . This 20th day of November, 1989. E. A. Harrill, Commissioner. ?adv dec 21 Paint With DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD Kings Mtn. Mfg. Co. Store NEW RED! /or Econoi ONE WAY 1 Round TripU the one-way coach far ROUND TR IOyf m for each mlU AY" Good tn Sle. ment of pre] ' . TK *ttJI maul ( pM| AIR-CONDITI Db>iimC?mnd Co* Insurm Safety Av , TtlVltbiCOl R. H. OralNMW,. Dtv. NEWS Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock. The Ann Hasseltine Circle-will have charge of the program. The Week of Prayer for Foreign Missions will be .ohserved by the W. M. 3. on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 2:30 o'clock. The meetings will be held at the Church, and all ladies who are Interested In the Misslonry Movement are urged to attend. Central Methodist Church H. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor The third Sunday the Church L<oyalty Crusade, which closes December 31, has.been set apart as Fellowship Sunday. Visitors welcome. hito A. M. Church School. B. S. Peeler, Sup*. , , 11:00 A. M. " Morning Worship. . -"*> fsUgateiR rj?ur>vhj''.1^, 7:00 P. M Evening Service. Sermon: "The Friend .Who Lifts.' Circles of the Woman's Mission Society will meet Monday after noon at :i o'clock, as follows: Circle No. 1 with Mrs. H. T. Fulton. Joint hostess: Mrs. M. L Hou nor. , . Circle No. 2 with Mrs. O. O. Jack con. Joint hostess: Mrs. William Howard. Circle No 3 with Mrs. A. D. Cobb. The theme for Prayer Meeting Wediy^di^ I f/enlng .at 7 oi'clock !s "Uevereuce ? Mark of Manhood." GRACE METHODIST J. V. Frederick. Pastor S. W. Johnson, Pastor 9:45 Sunday school. Frank Green, Supt. 11:00 Morning worship 0:30 Epworth League. . <i ;30 Evening worship. Park-Grace M. E. Church Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. NOTICE OF R?-8ALE~ Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In an order made L.. *J4 a ft ? ? ujr a. a. nuuser, ?jierK 01 tno court (or Cleveland County, iu the special proceeding Entitled "Albert Morris, Administration tor the Estate of W. A. Morris, Deceased, vs. | ul?o Hord, et al," I will resell on . the premi8oa ot the lots hereinafter described on Saturday, December 16. 1939, at ten o'clock, A. M., or within legal hours, the following de ccrtbed lota; FIRST TRACT: Lots No. 32, 83, 53 and 72 as shown on a plat or map made by E. (UCafmpbell <Jn September 12, 1939, and recorded in Plat Book No. 2 at page 93, In the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County. The bidding on said lots will begin as follows: Lot Number: 3 2 3192.50. 3 3 3187.00. 58 3275.00 U M67.60. SECON'P TRACT: Beginning at an iron stake at the corner of tittle Cllnkscales lot tn the Town of Kings Mountain and runs West 198 feet to an iron stake on the line of lot owned by the Odd Fellows; thence North 72 feet to an iron stake on Watson Allison's line; thence with his line 198 feet to an iron stake In Effie Cllnkscales line; thence with her lino 72 feet to the beginning, containing 16,258 square feet, more or less. The bidding will begin on this lot at 8185.00. | The terms of the sale will be one > third cash and the balance in six I and twelve months. This the 30th day of Nov., 1939. Albert Morris, Commissioner. J. R. Davis, Atty. ?dec 7. JCED FARES nical Travel PICKETS inr PER MILE " \% less. . than Joubla ea. 7 ' " IP TICKETS ?Return limif SI day*. Vina and Parlor Cam on pay m chary* tec apnea occupied. IF TICI?T? Modeled. Return lim^Cr-onOu. RMW and Rode* Oats ??*! m aharpca lav apaaa aa.uya ORBD Slaaping Om vh? on Through Tralna oitf Highway Howards a *? . """ ^ - TRB KINGS MOUNTAIN HRRALJ Up'wortb League 0j30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Prayer,Meeting Friday 7:3C P. M Sunday School a:46 u at. fioyce Memorial Church Uitole School 10:00. J. L. McGUI General Superintendent. I morning worsnip at 11:60. Th< MinUter' for this service will b< I Rev. W. T. Simpson of Huntersvllle N. C. , Y P C U meets at C:46 P. M. | Evening service at 7:30 p. m with the seme pastor in charge. * Presbyterian Church Rev. P O. Ps'ririt. r?*.?tn' 0:45 A. M. Sunday school, C. P Thomasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Siermon subject: "An Eafcter Da} Every Week. 5:00 P. M. Service Margrace Com muntty House. 6:30 Young Peoples Vespers. 7:30 This congregation will wor. their rloning service of their meet ing. 29 Different Forage Crops Grown In State Farmers of North Carolina have their choice ,lf 29 different forage crops, says E. C. Blair, agronomist of the State College Txtenslon Service, although some of them are better adapted to certain soil types and conditions than others. 'We are extremely fortunate in th1$ respect,' Hlolr atateo, "but we are not taking full advantage of our opportunities.' Summer legumea include soybeans. cowpeas. annual lespedeza. reanuts, velvet beans, and kudzu. Perennial legumes are alfalfa, red clover, sweet clover, als'.ke clover and lespedeza sericea. Winter legumes include crimson clover, vetch Austrian winter peas, and bur clov Notice of Sal For 1931 Count) As required by law, I as will sell at the Court House mar i * - iTiunuay, uecemoer itn, 1 for unpaid 1938 taxes due "1 follow described real estate, descriptions of land and am and the township in which scribed in each case is the 1 taxpayer as shown on the t be added in each case the a interestto the taxes. This i day to day or to such time i the event said sale is not hi date specified. NO. 4 TOWNSHIP Geneva and Dewttt D. Anthony1?Loi 8 A. v 11.91 J. C. Arrowood?1 acre $7.61 Horace O. Barrett?Lot 119x125 Cansler street $4.62 J. L. Barrett?Lot 150x225 feet Walker and Gantt at# .... $12.91 F. L. Beam?2 lote 26x176 .. $1.11 Alice Anthony Bell ?15 aeree" $2.79 M. J. BeU?lots 2 A. $10.81 Bessie Bennett ? Lot 50x150 $i.9< J. D. Bennett Lot 110x400 .... $4.21 Wade Bennett ? 2 lota Yord Road ? W. Arthur Bennett ? Lot 70*210 $12.01 Will Boheler 2 lots 26*176 ....$1.41 W. M. goyce?Lot 66*160 .. $20.04 J. R. Bridge*?Lot 100*113 aide of McOtnnle $7.61 J. B. Bruae (Bat)?6 lota 26x160 Fhlnrlew at $1.84 R. L. Burton ? Lot 126x160 Corner Fultcn and Alexander 7.71 W. Delbert Byera?Lot \ A. 910.44 C. P. Carpenter?Lot 160x160 Plonk atreet $6 8' Jeasle L. Carpenter ? Tx>t 100x160 Wilson -.V* Baata4<He .... $17.(M W. II. Carpenter ? Lot 113x106 Phenix $16.3' J. H. Carroll ? Lot 100x220 &. aide of McOinnts ...... $10.21 Mra. Kate Carson ? 120 acres 19.64 C. JS- Coalrfon?Lot 50x200 a. aide of Waco Rd $3.14 B&rnest Conner ? Lot 110x160 Bat. tie gronad rl; Lot 117x116 BattU ground road $8.84 A J. Dies ? Lot 3 A 83.41 Mrs C. A Bakers-Lot 80x176 $1.34 n n * ?a ssaI-ja ?? ? W. VI . IATI 11VX14V |ZZ.3C Ctai? rails ? Ixrt % A. W. side ot Yord road $1.71 Curtis H. Falls ? Lot 2 A. .. |T.M Mrs. Bells MlUmr Ftnisr ? Lot TO* 1SS Cor. K1oc sad R R .... W.M F. B. ?b#st Bdtats ? Lot 7?tM7 Bast aids R. R. ........ Ittll R. B. Flstehsr ? Lot 76x900 draco . 97.71 Mrs. Aiuio Floyd ?Lot <0x171 MM Howard Foetsr ? Lot 100x175 Stows Strsst <6.87 Mrs. Mrrtls FawJSr ? Lot I t A. soar Parle dross school ' $4.70 J. P. rr^sdalo ? .tfUMfclTI W. s*di Church Strsst IMS ft. T. Fid ton?Lot <0*175 .... 111.04 M. r. ruHoa?Lot 1 1-a a. .. Iit.is Pulton P. D.?$0x990 . Oor. Kk* and Dmtac .... lit 24 - . ', v _ y 9 THURSDAY, NOV. SO, 1939. er. Small grains are oats. barley wheat, and rye. Perennial srassea are timothy, orchard green, redtop, and tall oat grans. Annual b ranees Include sorghums, (oxtail millet, Japanese millet, Johnson I &IUSO, nuuuu yntH, miu craograss. 1 Seven of these ? soybeans, vel' \ et beans, annual lespedeza, barley sweet clover, Austrian winner peas, 3 unci lespedeza sericea ? have been 1 introduced into the State during the '. present century, Blair said. "We are malting progress, but . not enough," be declare*). 'We are I rut growing enough forage for the , number of livestock we now have, j r.nd we should be growing enough I not only for these livestock, but tor '^jjjjrtat many more," frhe Extension specialist report i ni niui me airieage 01 nay id norm Carolina has risen from 613,000 in 1 1929 to 1,000,000 In 1939, and in. 1 | i t ease of about 60 percent. Lespe j Oreza *,m introduced Into tlio State ' in 1914 by T. \V. Broom, farm agt nt of Union County, and the 1939 ;tl 1,000, exceeded only by corn as the biggest crop in the State in ncrenge planted. When more of out' farmers pro ure forage crops, wo will have more lievstock and poultry, and a 1 < lisequentV-' better standard of living," Blair concluded. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for their sympathy and the beautiful flowers during the ill ness and. death of our beloved fath er and grandfather. W. A. Hawkins and family. Burley growers of North Carolina and the Nation will vote in a refer, endum on November 21 to decide If they want quotas placed on their next yea^s production. I n i r . ~7 le tveai estate 8 Unpaid r Taxes Sheriff of Cleveland County, door in Shelby, N. C., on 939, at 12:00 O'clock, Noon, the County of Cleveland the , shown by name of owner, ount of taxes due and unpaid it is located. The land deand own pd hv fV?? V*>v ax returns or list. There will mount of cost, penalty and sale may be continued from as may be provided by law in id or completed on the above Boyce Gault ? Lot 70*178 Deal and Ridge at. 82.85 Max Oantt ? Lot 76x230 .... 84.80 , C. J. Gault1?Lot 108x218 Parker 822.81 I Mrs. Florence Gladden Lot Waco Road .....777 81.96 r 8. A. Gofocth ? 13 acres; 28 1-3 I acres 814.48 I Sallle Groves?Lot 2 acres ' bear City Pump station .... 85.11 ! L. L. Gulton?Lot 76x150 Highway Ho. 20?north 87.87 .Mrs. Nora Heblb ? Lot 76x235 1 I East sWe R R. 814.08 C. B. Ham bright Est. ? Lot 5 75x100 811.80 j Mm C. C. Hambrfght?Lot 96x100 ' West stds of Gaston 86.10 . Mrs. Wash Harlowe ?27 acree 84.21 B. A. Harry?Lot 816.28 H. A. and M. L. Harry? ' 60 Acres 816.01 . Hudson Herndkn ? lot ...... 86.82 j iDr. Hlghsmith ? lot Lake property 83.16 I Mrs. G. W. Hord?Lot 80x76 80x75 Eastslde R R st .... 88.61 . Miss Elllabeth Howell ? 52 acres 814.01 A Q w P I i*uHiFWwrp?-LA)I 89x20# Lackey at 67.88 I Mrs. J. F. HuifstetJer?3 acres 16.71 I Sflm H. iHucetetler?Lot 3 A... |9.63 Clyde Huffstetler 16 acres \ Lot. 70x140 613.16 . Mrs. J. W. Huffetetler ?Lot 160x i 340 N. side of Waco rd. $0 43 I James W. Mullen der? Lot 2.8 Acres 611.29 I W. R. Hollander ? 3 acres No. 4 Township 68.03 ; W. H. Jackson ?Lot 30 1-2x124 ! K. side of Caneler gt........ 63.81 ' OaH R. and. Oottveila Jenkins?Lot 76x182 Parker and Watt arson sts 68.78 I Mrs. Roth JohnstonLot Lake property 62.72 ! Mrs. fl. 8. Kester?39 acres .. 621.76 8. 8. Keeter and Lot 26x100 617JS T. T. Keeter and wile Lot 98x128 $9.18 . Mrs WUMe W. Klser? Lot 26x189 Church st ...... $2.28 W. Q. Lancaster?Lot 26x196 ..$148 J I *???? UIKV K (7.14 I W 11 wiliiidi?t mcr*m ...... WJ1' I Mm. hut* Lob??lot UxlM |lil .. i. Ul.. I HUM II.IIJ '''V'-fe--' >W- ? / T. D. Long?10 aoree M X Mrs. Qeo. B. LortU?Lot 100x160 Piedmont $1.01 Oscar McCartar?Lot 85x116 N. aide of Octd fl2.9? T. O. McCorkle?lot 69x160 $7.21 John. B. and Hdna McDanM?Lot 100x206 S. aide Waco rd .. $13.21 J. D. Mc Dan lei?48 acres .. $38.81 Rcbt. O. MetDaniel?Lot 05 x 166 8. side of Fulton . $13.6! Wylle H. McGlnnls?Lot 98x200 . Cor. King and DUllag .... $28.1: J B. McLaughem.? lot 56x200 $14.4( D. C. Mcdwaln? Lot $2.4! Mrs. Mary Kerr Mathie?Lot 88x 187 1.2 E. sUe Watterson $20.32 1 B. M. Morris? 8 acres $8.41 Mrs. Sallle Morris?11 1-2 A. $12.62 June C> .Nance? | LaU4?0xl00 Grace st ...... $7.63 C. Ls Navey?Lot 76x371 ... $5.11 D. H. Owens?Lot 100x120 ' $9.19 Ethel Part on?1.04 100x325 .. $26.84 Miss May Patthrecn?Lot 93x139 Bast side of Piedmont ...... .$31.70 D. C. Payaeur?Lot 100x200 Church at. .. $13.61 Uaa Peacock?Lot 2 A.......... $4.41 to-v^h'-iag? ? . vrvu-~ ??-? 2-V-: w K. Kings Mtn $5.68 Ren 1). Phlfep?:44 acres .. $12 60 .1 O plon kand Drv J. G. llord Eat? ta>t $4.42 Minnie. Pruitt? Lot 1-4 acre Church at .... $3.60 M. C. Pruitt?Lot 50x150 .. $13.58 Mrs. Jcsle Queen?13 acres $10.42 B. M. Ramsey?2 Lota Hord survey ........ $1.58 John W. Rhodes? Tot 70x210 Waco read ....',$4 50 G G. Rollins?27 acres . 8.23 Jasper IT. Roper?Lot 50x150 $9.04 O. L. Sappenfielrt? Lot Lake property $2.28 Miss Maggie Shcrt?Lot 1-2 acre S. aide old Cherokee id $5.46 Wade H. Short?Lot 185x210 $6.05 Auther Sides?41 acres ...... $14.18 Mrs. Mary D. Smith? Lot 100x117 Mill property ..,$1.48 W. W. Souther?Let 25x160 No. 20 Highway .$16,15 Mrs. Sallle Sparrow? T-ot 60x150 N. side.waco road $11.58 T. S. Sparrow?Lot 75x150 N. side Waco rood ...... $10.05 J. L. Swain and Curtis Wright ? 1 Lot ........ $1.48 B. F. Timmoms?Lot 70x210 $4.46 J. P. Vandyke?50 acrea $6.41 Earnest Vtck?Lot 60x160 .. $3.97 Jim Walker?Lot 76x150 Northern suburbs $7.47 Decatur Wallace?Lot 2-3 A. ..$1.88 W. A. Wallace?Lots East oftde Piedmont (16.19 Hunter Ware?3 acres $4.46 Jchn F. Ware?10 acres .... $10.89 B. S. Wellmani?87 acres $18.76 V. C. Whetstlne?Lot 75x178 Grace street $12.31 Albert White ?Lot 70x160 Ramseur Street .... $11.62 W. K. White?Lot 180x190 .. $15.12 O. W. Willis?Lot 128x150 East side of Gaston ........ $6.24 O. O. Wright?Lot 60x115 No. 20 Highway $6.20 J. A. Wright ? Lot 126x110 Waco Read $4.81 VoilMk eA ? ?w ?? ?Bav?1A* 00x150 Pietaont ., 17.36 Home Mort. Co.?Lot. 150x100 W. aide 'Oriental are'..... . $7.84 COLORED NO. 4 TOWN8HIP Cary Ackereom?;Lot 2 near Park Grace school .... $1.68 Annie Anderson?Lot 60x100 .. $5.83 John L. BUnton Batata? Lot 174x250 $7.71 Wash BWock?Lot 26x126 .... $3.82 Cortne Borders?Lot 66x100 W. Side Watteraon gt $3.73 Maggie Bratcher?Lot .4 A $2.61 Mary Prances Brown?Lot 60x200 Baat Carpenter $8.82 Win. Brown?Lot 66x160 B. Side Watteraon Grfer Bryant?Lot 50x300 8. aide Canaler $2.06 Maggie Bryant?16 acres $2.66 John Caldwell Estate?Lot 60x180 8. aide Kits ...... $8.83 JAmee Carroll?Let 120x110 ..$13.29 "9rm Qlac QAlka-S ? And Th*y Say /( Do tha member* of YOUR faml If not, perhaps If It because yoi a thorough triad. All over the world people whc enthusiastic in Ha praise. If Alka-Sehaer is as good as we i Idne oabinet; if it it net, It won't ? the purchase price to any new ui Your family may need Alka-Sel you think. Our guarantee of as JL*t* ^ HUB . Jerry C. Caaaell?6S acre* .. 911-29 Spencer Chrry Bet?Lot# .... 91.99 R. J. Davideoev?Lot 90xl<7 N. ?Ue Kins el 946.99 Carry BUii Bat lx>t 115x160 Kln? at .. (6 21 Katharine VSekridge ? Lot 90x100 $7.00 John GaIlo>way ? Lot 1-2 acre W. aldo Watterson gt IS.21 Pink Henry Bst.-pLot 2 A. .. fl.Si HUbert He melon?Lot 1 A. I Battleground Road 99.41 I Sum my Johnson Est 1 102 acres 917.71 Chas. Kibbler?Lot ..., 9911 Luther Kibbler-Lot $9.99 , Gertrude Lewis?Let 1-4 .... 91.49 ' Roger Lewis?Lot 1-2 a 99.07 Earnest McDonald?Lot 3 a. 94.99 1 W. F. and J. W. Means?Lot 149* 142 9 side Ridge 97.19 1 Tod Meeks?Lot 60x130 W. Side Watterson ,..97.79 Meek Mitchem?Lot 1 IjCt 56x66 Grover 91.69 N. W. Mltehem?Ix>t 1-2 a. ".. 15.31 1 Leroy Perkins?Lot _ . $8.19 1 David Preoslep?Ix>t 93.19 ?" Let 50x100 ;.. .93.40 1 j Margaret Rhode Est? * | Lot 70x100 Ridge ...A... WOO 1 Will M. Rhodes Lot 00x80 94.24 Pearl Rippy?L?jt 45x200 >.... 95.60 Mag^e Robet'.B?21% . ... $7.23 i. Bertha Robinson ?Lot '200x100 92.69 Odessa Shields?lot 5QxlG0 .. .96.39 Oliver Smith ?Lot 50x164 $2.71 David1 Thompson?lot 25x125 '95.19 Harvey Thompocn?lot 50x150 ' 95.99 Hord Waters?lot 100x200 91.49 Curtis Wright?lot 66x150 .... 93.8T E>. L. Webb, Tax Collector, of Cleveland County. ' READ THE AD$ Along With the News | Quick! Easy! SpickAnd-Span Shaves I With This New Y2& V At M> Prk?l [ 4 HHHH PHmMt K XTOU cat CM coudbrtaMa, X good-looking ihav* after I another with the Thin Qillette Blade. And at only 10c for ftrar, you (ivt real money! Mada with edgaa of naw kind ... different and bettor . . . Ttta QiUattae protect your akitkftom I the amart and irritation cauaad by misfit blades. Buy ? Mcksee sjs. f? Itud I eltzerWJI tWnhaSmtM *?? lly say this? i haw navir given Alb-MtM ? have used Alka-Saltaae asw isy it is, you want it in your medast you a pamay. We will refund wr who ia net enldtoly satisfied. taw sooner and more often then ts use in aU^oodMone Beted b*>

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