1 ' ' ' pp.w.r 'THIS N THAT ' ' ' By Alio* Burton . ratxerson Grove Section 41 Hello, everybody! It's been qu while, three weeks to be era slsee you have heard from me b here I am again and about >11 know i? that there's bean flu hei tin there, flu, flu, everywhere. \ have had our share of the' flu our house and that's why (in pa you have missed it) you havei keen seeing this column lately. He Js hoping that all of you who ha' had the flu are well on the road recovery and that the "flu" fit mo far away that it won't get bai soon! Even though 1 haven't sent tb column I have received the pap fast the same. I appreciate the E< tor's generosity. We have been hoping to see 1 George, and some of the other ci smna appear again. Now that tl i;nriBima8 season IB over, hut i Car we have been disappointed. Th paper Isn't tbe same without tl chattery columns. Sorta like a pi ?t,w.wb'?*bc? 9 ) hopc we f/nd, . ' J 1 * held at halqri Cfcajwi liilw the most people to come to deader school aad they came, ?u to win f prise. The contest ended Christmas ; and Mies Maggie Lee Carroll was M the winner. Mr. Theodore Huffst*lte ler, Supt. of the Sunday achocl, preseated her with a Testament aa a Cl| | # t prise. tMles Fa ye Huffstetler, daughter re or Mrs. J. F. Huffstetler, of Penleys ^ Chapel section, recently underwent at and appendix operation at the Mercy Hospital, Charlotte. She was at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. B. T. Bur re ton of Charlotte when she was taken to the hospital. Upon leaving to the hospital last Wednesduy she re )w turned to their home and remained until today (Monday) when they brought her home. Mrs. Burton. Is Miss iHuffstetler's slater Her frlehds will be glad to hear that she is getting along fine. The condition of Mrs. Johnny j Hamrlck who had a stroke on Dec. . 15th. remains about the same. Mrs. Thamer Wright and baby r0 were burled in the Patterson Qrove . cemetery Monday afternoon. Mrs. ^ Wright who was before marriage, I Miss Ruby Harrelson, la survived by and sisters, and other relatives. ..J In behalf of th?a community we extend our sympathy to the bereav n. Notice of 8ale Under Execution. 5" NORTH CAROLINA. C LEV ELAND COUNTY, to In The Superior Court tR Commissioner of Banks of N. C. ? Ex-Rel. 1 Commercial Bank and Trust Co:, E. L. Campbell, Assignee. PLAINTIFFS . Vs. I J Smith Gallimore and H. W. Galllmore, . I DEFENDANTS By virtue of two' executions dlrec ted to the undersigned, from the Su perior Court of Cleveland County In the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, February 12, 19^0, at 12:00 u nlock noon at the Courthouse door fc oi said County sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions all the right, title and ln5 terest which the said H. W. Galllmore, the defendant, has in the fol3 lowing described real estate: 1 BEGINNING at a stake, old John !* Barber corner and runs with old * Barber line S. 66 1-2 E. 2.00 chains to a P. CM thence another Barber line S. 44 E. 17:00 chains to S. and 1 P.; thence another Barber line S, 1 21 W. 11.90 chains to a stake on the 1 Blast side of road; thence 8 1-2 4.16 chains to center of Beason's Creek ile at ford; thence up the creek N. 87 iur E. 9.70 chains to a brake; thence nearly with the brake N. 10 IS. 8.00 chains to a persiraon; thence N. 13 v.- v \ / :' .v' . A ; ; iifi rflii'rfey iljffifcriii m? f i iitiit^iiTfiiTtiBfiiriii^ Mack warn. Calvdn Ware's corner; thane* with his line N. 1-1 W. i J.M chain* to s stake In oil road, Calvin Wars'* corner; la old Allison line; * thanes with oM rood 8. 71 1-S W. 7.M chain* to carve; thence N. /II 1-1 W. 1.18 chains - to a stake,-Kelly Dixon's corner; thence with- hjs line 8. 21 1-4 W. link* to center of aforesaid aandclay road thence With Dixon's line and said road 8. 48 E. 6.18 chain* to Dixon's corner In center of said rood; then?.Uh UJ- ?l - * "* * vw ?iiu uis iuie ?. 11 M W. 11.84 I chains to the Beginning, containing fifty (60) acres, saving and excepting, therefrom, 8 1-2 acres which has been allotted to H. W. Oallimore as a homestead, according to law, which said homestead is described as follows: Beginning at a stake the old John Barber corner and runs N. 11 1-2 E. 11.8* chains; thence N. 48 W. 5.28 chains; thence 8. 81 1-2 E. 1.88 chains to center of paved highway; thunce with paveo highway S. 61 E. 3.00 chains; thence 8. 73 1-2 E. 8.00 chains; thence .8. 86 E. 2.00. chains; thence 8. 87 E. 60 links; thence a new line 8. 12 W. 12.81 chains to a stake in old 86 1-2 W. 7.00 chains to the Begin- j nlng, containing 8 1-2 acres, mot o , or less. , This the 10th day of Jan., 1040. J. R. Cltne, Sheriff of Cleveland Comity. - . ?ad v?fob 1 INDIGESTION S?Mtisaal Mmt he ls?t..ll.M and One Doit Piiea It ? ">* ?nl *?to of tMa plaaaant-tattlnt llttl. . black tabkt doWt bring foo lha faataat and tout eomplcia r?l)?f you Hot. aaporlaarod wod botil. back to ? and (at DOUBLE MONEY BACK. TMi Boll am tablet halpa tbo Hootch ditto food, makaa th. urMi atomach fluid, haroleat and leu you aat Iho nourlahlng food, you ooad. Tot heartburn. tick haadacha and uuacta ao often cauaad by areata atomach fluid, maklna you feel tour and alck all orar?JUST ONE DOSK of Ball-ana pru.ca apeedy raUaf. Sto eterywhero. Of course we call for your old hoes and deliver them back to you Like Brand New. 1'ry our service.. Just Phone 67-R Shoe Shine 5c KINGS MOUNTAIN SHOE SHOP The Old Reliable "r For the relief of upset stomach, excess acidity, indigestion, dysentery, colitis and similar stomach ailments. Separate prescription for adults and children. Sample One-Way Fares lew York $8.09 Vashinaton '** . - n.w iharlotte 50 Atlanta $2.90 Iroenvillo $1.05 aokaonvillo $6.20 Big EXTRA 8AVING8 , On Round Trip Tiokets CENTER SERVICE Phono $2 [INGS TO EAT ? ne Number 58 Anything You Want Grocery nr. rk-i! 1 we'll mrtp yt"-) 5 ti tvvd *j^fy '' JtfM^m i^/? * i, fllpkshbhh^h| yt ? i _ -i "zlvrc '-jflfx i i j ^ ' ' '' ' ^ ' ' ' v ' ^ ' >^rST**' 4JBOM&AY, UN. It, tM* TM?r nt by tWi? of the powei i of sale eoatalned ta a ordor m4* | br 1 A. Htutr, el?rk. of the Court for Cleveland County lm tint special proceeding entitled ' Albert Morris, administrator for the estate of W. A. Morris, deceased. rs. Minnie Hord et al, I will resell on tbe preen (see hereinafter described on Satur day, January 20, 1M0, at 10:00 A. | II., or within legal hours, the tol j i lowing lota: | Situated In the T?w? ?w? Mountain, North Carolina, and beinn note numbers 82 and SS aa shown on a plat or map made by E .1* Campbell, Surveyor for the W A. Morris estate on September 12, 1989. as will appear on record In the Register of Deeds Office fAr Cleveland County in Book of plats, No. 2, at page 93. -The old Parker hous es are located on said lots. The bidding on lot No.. 32 will begin at $211.7$ and lot No. 33 at $208.70. Terms of the sale, one-third (1-0) cash and balance In six (8) ana twlere (12) months. i Albert Morris, Commissioner. J R. Davis, Atty. ?adv?Jan It Have Your Eyas Examined, Glasses Pitted ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist - Eye Specialist' Will be in Kings Mountain Office cn Every Tuesday and Prlday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to I P. M \ ?I . 1 " I? Tremendous pu once of the 19' has brought in th . of used cars in * ' Tj " "Vfl ' . .. ' - . : .-'/" " v * ' ' *jiK ".. I ' / * '- > ? ?. H Ymht J CHEVROLET DEMI B NOW FEATURING GREATEST USED AND TRUCK VA OF THE YEAI CLEVEL Phone 49 ? . - ' R " . J" YOm time Morr.'/ J ^.c l, no snoot! tj ' IV v. ^r/;.i " /". '; '/ * ' . :' ;- * ; ' -/ xy-.' . :.v;. - : \ - ?? / ?? V - . . k> r"': ; ' " 1 " I??? I I I For quick roliof of ooMo, tako Mf Liquid, Salvo, Tabtota, Nooodrops * i !' . I*-' TO LIST Yi "V. v "* .[ * All Taxes Must Be L I List Now and I SeeO.T I County .1 I At Ci< blic accept- M lO Chevrolet II e finest stock !U m r J I 5 MASONS WHY YOU WRL I SAVI BY BUYING NOW I M r SAVE^H ER I s i < AND MO' 1 I; "? ^ l^^CO ir^y^SW'y' V : . ". % ftf i.-.- * '-. .-./V . - J" S-i 'is >* '. ^ p-- '^^h' bjj^^w ||y *,.. i . ft: ' ' hvf masons why vow shouu> , .' j mrr roumjmm cai now yoot |. | ( OUVMMT MAURI I 1 Your Oiorrolot < !? offer* | tkt Snoot oatoLla* of uood -J I cor* ond tho boot MhHO. .1 I 2 I with oooSdonoo. I $ J | 5 ??=sttss?s \ lot UMR YSUGK ?Woo*l ! flBH I ' MS! a KingsJJounWn^^J^^ ' pCRCV| jL ^CROSBY | "~~T~