' M??. General Motors Bail ' 3B ' * u 1.M fl S .; JH . .3 *^H -.- u ma^mmmHMj I /] i?? ~nTti '? " $$ ! * ' ' >3 v -^JLc. *ai p>?01 Ufa*.-Jmiwimt II. marhtnt wuil>th*iof this car! * Wh by Owmi faotow. In bohalf ^^tlw?M>a^^wiockwi> wbojhi^bwva hi lt?roaa?. jfct W?Bl? fcr AC l|wrtr ?Sl>dSvynii, , wtft ' 1 * >, v-. ' * 'v' /; 1 ' 1 '. .' 1 ' ' ?.?. IBMPSifiSrir"* ? \ Simple One-V Atlanta n^Wtojy :.-z::, :::::: : fit s IftSt to go] ?";?? m 4 , ( Wholesome M . ?; ' ' II The Family Ft i > . *. . ; " 1 ? * '/!AI nrii nirnnor . iiUhKINNr. , < i . : Yes, Golden Guernsey, the pure wholes i ^ j * .* is the right milk to select for the entin I It's good and it's good for daddy AND i 1 * < > :; well as for little brother or sister, S < , 1: your bottle today. Our friendly driver ! I glad to leave that Delicious Golden Gue I your door, each day. > d 4 ? 4 > . < ' 2 - : I Margrace D< ;; AonlB Kings Moji ' HMIIlB"" . ... TUB KINGS MOUNTAIN HUU """" . _* ds 25-Millionth Unit i i i l 1^' J^k fttafltftfl ft. ^o ^hphoto. Wt to ri^?^.^?ttM|(l,j|W|fritMW man*af tbTbovd, OmM Motors; PMBm^Titmi i1 ^t? aifrnl -* ! w 11 - O ft %#nA| ?. ? ? ?. ? I ldevromt employe, v.. o. moci? tkc prNi(Mnt? utntfii Motors; C. K. Wilton* mcvtivt viol pmidtnt? Qtntral Motor*, and Mr. Knudm. Tbo cor woo tokon ot ?? t? ntroto - -* nfrt |? t^t "March of Man and. Motors'^ eakbratToa it*(td Unit nJghtifi the MaaontoTvmpte. /ay rani N. C. Aged Do Not Have m.09 To Buy Dues To Obtain M.to Grants BO a2.90 North Carolina men and. womei 91-05 . over 50 yokrs of age were advise $6.20 this week by Nathan H. Yelton, d rector of public assistance, not t WINGS spend money in remittlngg dues t ) Tioketi any ol(j age paaBj0n association oi RVICE crating throughout the country on ^ chain-letter plan. "Old nge assistance payments t North Carolina cost nothing at a! to those who receive them and paj ment of a fee to any person or 01 I organisation for proffered aid in ol -:fyT?T?- ' tatning the grants is Just money ou ol somebody's pocket," Yelton sale J "It has come to -the notice of th J State-Welfare .Department's dlvlslo i a m t> oi public assistance that circular lc ?11 * ters are (being distributed in, som v cocntles telling "Dear Members" c % their acceptance into a pension o j ganization and thanking them fo + their remittances." the director sai m j Along with the acceptance notice * are aont five "membership registn MmMft tlon coupons" for distribution t . ' friends "anywhere ht any state" t ! aid in forwarding "this great r< ' newed surprise movement no' < sweeping the country with terrlfi ) force ? while politicians are ilstei * lng to foreign wars." was the a) 1 peal made in the letter accord in * to Yelton. ?5 ' Claiming the present Social 8< Y I enrity Act as the direct result t 1 its original effort and work an 3 promising to dbtaln for aasoclatioo , members monthly payments of 9S t; ine circular letter (alls to specif > directly the source ot the penslo \ \ funds to be available, he said. ' < ' Original application blanks malle 1 \ to the association were followed b ... < > demands for dues, Yeltcn said, poir Ditte milk :: inK out the closing agraph of th \ | letter which stated the orgaalsatlo > was "proceeding legally and ethici i family. ly in the devout hopo" that ; would not again he singled out a '? the target for unjust discrimim nother as : "on." <> "I sincerely hope the people < _ v ]) the tsate will not be taken in fc order <. any such scheme. We are eniargin ! our public assistance rolls and ral '... ;; Ing the grants as the money is i Will be < > vallable In accord with the Gove \ | nor's admonition to take care cf a > the needy old people possible whil msey at '? Still proceeding ib a cautious mai I [ mer to safeguard the State's final ' ? ces," Yelton sstd. 1 6EXTRAHELPS :: quickly roMovo DISTRESS of DOWT "take chancee" with unknown products to rslievs discomfort of your < > child's spasmodic croupy coughs caused * ' by colds. Use "ChlldmnVTlusterole! Musterola girea such QUICK relief because It's not "just an ordinary sahrs." - , , Rub it wall on your kiddie's chest, throat _ < > and back. It soothes and stimulates eur^ St ^a? mm < > face circulation and helps break up local ' congestion and pain. Its soothing vapors W ease breathing. 40#. Approved by Good " ^ Housekeeping Bureau. ml BwS ; i ? ? c f * iU) THURSDAY, JAM. 96. WO. farm Familes Need To Grow Own Food Farm families probably will have a higher net income In 1940 than they had in 1939. says Miss Pauline Qordoti. home management special iat cf the State College Extension Service. But. unless they produce their own food the increased income will be overcome by higher costs of purchased materials,, she added. I 111 an outlook for farm family liv ??*> I" North Carolina, Miss Cordon said: "Total receipt* for marketing of farm products are expected to increase uue to improvement in induMtrial activities and in consr/Ser tncohies. income from government payments will probably be about tne same. Non-farin earnings of fam ily members may increase. with greater opportunities for employ* nitwit Hut. despite the improvement in economic conditions, a large percentage of the farm families of Nor 'ft .urvl'nn, Trfl'1, ftr fma'Jiu.Mlttfl with the problem of stretching incomes of leas than f&00 to orovldo for all their houaehould needs." Turuing to the subject of "The *Pamil.v'c Feed, the falxtenstou spcci a list declared: "Coats of producing food for household use increase less than do retail food prices, hence firm families can offset a rise In the com of their food by planning to produce a larger than uaual share of their total food supplies. Such plans, if made with nutritional as *ell as financial goals In mind, may also yield returns in the fotm of improved family diets and in bet tar health. "North Carolina dicta as a whole are tacking in certain important foods. The lack of milk is greatest, but there is also a lack of sufficient fruits, lean meats. poultry, eggs whole grains, and at' certain seasons, fresh vegetables. Farm families should make , every effort to pro ducc the essential foods needed for good nutrition of the family.' a . ^ a France had 2,500.000 foreigners at I- the beginning of the war. 0 mh MEM0:7b ^ Kir; 1 Let Hi ' 4,061 ENGINEERS (m?i wrnsmmammmamm - '"W w iH > g >f d n 0 n d mm ,e B9^l u It ^C^AO ~~7fioDo4 '' KTOBODV has to tell yoi B IN Dodge is one of the rac a. ever built. Its magnificent r geous interiors bespeak lux I,;. that are matchless at the I le But Dodge gives you some n. mere surface beauty and lux n. the priceless advantages of 1 ing?more comfort, more i new ideas, and, above all, Do dependability and economy! Is it any wonder, then, thai a great car show an amasic Dodge? Think of HI 4,061 e Dodge cars in the last 12 tx Men whose life work is enfi say Dodge gives most for your If you haven't inspected J 1940 Luxury Liner, come drive it. Find out firsthaz engineers buy Dodge! t OotaSar, 1MB, through Lttft mmUbU Ogmr?. Teas la tSa IMar kaaaefoMaal baa DODGE EN Ware c 24 N. Railroad Ave. . ",:,i ' ,t, . ' PiM'iwfPM if USED FURNITURE AT E . i ' For Good Used Furniture su living Room and Dining Rc . machines, Stoves and Rugs, Furniture. PRICES RIGHT. u/ u M-r I VT it. 1T1LVJ 108 Mountain St. Ki TA " v v. . 1 Per Cent Penalty on 1939 1 ?" gin February 1st. Pay now i Charles G. Dill ' . * . ?">. ? * ' Kings Mountain Tax wgngHi Subscribe to T, 'mm ??? NtW l/rtH wis 4GS MOUNTAIN } Show Yo eersBuyl > who Imow ear value) BOUGHT DQp| IMODod J Ik^i .?:--:-.jw.. >3] ^eZuxiayIme^^/S< i that the 1940 ^ \\ 00 t beautiful cars styling, it3 gor- B Br ___ ury and comfort lodge low price. B I mm thing more than ury. It gives you Dodge engineer- B 'oominese, more B dge's traditional : men who know g preference for NEW ngineers bought f\ " m?v tonthslt jfpL W- . now hearing ' "Coi STS "WAFEWDotJJWSMoiS ijg dodge $01C - ? Oldr Sui-Trl I Cw"H^M??