El Bethel Be A large crowd was present Sun day for the dedication of the new ly constructed David Baptist church tors The church was dedicated !n < iwriw of- three services. The build iug was starued in October, 1038 and the first service was held in . September, 1930, The cburrtt was iiee froin hil del)' when it was dudmattxt Sunday. Following is the program which nan tarried out for (be LV-dicutiou ,4?w vices: LI:00 A. M M A. Muggins. I!ap-a?ft Stswot3!-.i"?jf Ralei^H, wns the ipoaker. ;'?:00 P. M. Dedication sermon was rrndefed by Rev. WakLrov, pastor I the Calvary Ituptlat church ot Shelby, in the absence of Dr. Zeno W?J, followed by L>edlcMor.v prayer by Rev. W. A. Klam, pastor ot dforer Baptist church. by Rev. J. R. Cantrell. President ot Bolting Springs Junior College. (Special music was enjoyed at all smrlcH. Pastor D. P. Putnam extended his appreciation to the members of the ?fcurcb and nearby ctaurcbes ' and friends who helped so generously to w??11, I) II . II. QUICK RESULTS ? LOW COCT HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2o a word for first Irwrrtler* half prioe for subsequent Inssrtlona. Minimum obarys ate. Do net ilk for Information ro| ainlifln "kanolt" ?Am ? ?/ ? ??f ? "" / '? strictly confidential. If error I* made. The Herald it responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion. The euetomer. la reeponalble for subsequent insertions. The advertieer should notify Immediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash In advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with thla newspaper. 1 FOR 8ALE ? 8 room hous, near school, on Parker Street. Call 253-R. 2-1-p LAND POSTED NOTICES for sale , at the Herald Office. Post your r land and preserve your same. ' 'REMEMBER ? On Saturdny you get one of our delicious Banana Spilt s for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug Company. FOR SALE CHEAP ? Nesco 5 burn er OH Stove. 106 Watterson St. feb 1 SHOE SHINE8 5c. Kings Mountain Shoe Shop. We call for and deliver. 1-18-tf. U8ED CAR .SALE r 1934 Standard Chevrolet Coach ? Good tirea, good paint. A very clean car special this week $239. 1934 Standard Chevrolet Coach ? Tires, paint, upholstery good. Smooth' valve In head motor. A real buy at $345.00 T9$4 Standard Chevrolet Town Sedan. ? Looks and rons like new. dills week only $864.04 1934 Chevrolet Pickup ? New paint Good condition, special t $278.00 1931 . Model A Ford?Reconditioned motor. New paint. Good ThW* $138.00 vrmrwtl opon MOM~ New paint, good condition and a real Buy at $362.00 SSO EOQ BUCK-EYE INCUBATOR ?oil bonier, good condition it. , i give-away price of $16.00 ? UNIVERSAL VACUUM CLEAN-. -.BR like new at a give-away price of $12.00 CLEVELAND MOTOR CO. Veer Chevrolet Dealer V ^ " ' ' ' FOR SALE ? A six room dwelling house, a four room-dwelling house and brick atore building on one lot. See Curtis H. Falls. York Road. Kings Mountain, N. C. CLANCY'S ? l-J r?1 /-r. J etc. WWWMMMbMB r r " '* ' . -.! ? " ' : -' ' ' :/; +;:-" \. : V-V .."i'v* '; j^a?y^' <2 ;.- L.I "' :' '' .* , -* > - - . ; ' * ith Ware News - inr.k<* the service possible. The Senior Class .of Bethware i High School enjoyed a weiner roast last Wednesday night at the home i of Mjss Charleen Harrelson. Num erous games and contests were , 1,1 tally enjoyed by all present. . | Airs. Margaret I/Ogan Is able to 1 bi up after several week's illness. ' I M'.ss Margie Black of Charlotte is. spending a few days here with >; Miss Florence Bridges. h red l'lonk is erecting a new home in this community. Mrs. Frank Ooforth is able to be UJ aft- r ""Wm-lng Irnm of | flu for several weeks. Aiisses Nell and ltuth Randall. | Steve (Icon and Hill living spent ? Sunday at Boone visiting riends. Ceroid Kaker was able to return to his work Monday after having; un appendix operation several ! weeks ago. . a. SH&myuk'nMJWj* -t-rpSrr. Ms. and Mrs. I^oyd Patterson Is confined to his home with ao attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. Beautt White and family of Bethlehem were Sunday guests of Mrs. K. F. White and tamllx. ? a ? ? - ? ? .nr. ana Mrs. H. G. Pheagin and ' children spent Saturday at ConnellySprings with ,Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pheagin. Robert Proctor had the misfortune to get kicked in the face by a mule last week. Mrs. LUllan Ledford Is now better after being 111 In bed for the past two weeks. Misses Kathleen McMurry, Sarah Barber and Bdna Reynolds, Roy MaMurry and J. W. Qantt, Jr., visit ' ed friends In Qastonla Sunday after I noon. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carroll and son. Manning, of Kings Creek, 8. C. have recently moved into the house, with Mrs. D H Bookont and children. Mr. and Mrs. Verge Dedmon and children of Ross Grove visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anthony over the week-end. (Miss Corine Gamble is spending part of this week in Shelby, going | especially to attend the cooking, eciiooI being held there this week. Z. F. Ci an ford left Wednesday to spend two weeks in Florida. Miss Irene Roberts of Shelby spent the week end here with hei parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Roberts C. C. and Bryant Whisnant are confined to their beds with a se vefe case of flu. I The Home Demonstration club ot ! this . community will hold it? ro?i. 3 -??" 'lar monthly meeting Saturday afi ernoon at the home of Mrs. Arthur Phlfer. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Eaker spent the week-end In Shelby visiting Mr and Mrs. Tom Ledford. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Gamble and two children moved frtftn this community last week to Sumter, 8. C., where Mr. Gamble has accepted a position as manager of one McCoy's Pilling stations. 12 District Poultry Short Courses Planned , ' A series of 12 district poultry short courses will be held through* cut North Carolina, starting Jan. 22 ond continuing throujgh February, It is announced by C. F. Parrlsh. Ex tension poultryman of State College. County agents are in charge of arrangements for the meetings, In cooperation with representatives of other agricultural agencies. ? FOR GOOD TH1 Just Ring Phor And We'll Send You A Blalock Phone 58 hi PS (come hcrc a )/ . / ^-7 minute ,plcascy/ Hcgrf ^ ~ \ yr jEy\ SB KINO* MOUNTAIN BBlllH , Notice of tal? Under Inwdn NORTH CAROLINA, C LBVBLAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court CommlMloner of Bank* of N. C. Kx-Rel. | Commercial Bank and Trust Co., E. L. Campbell. Assignee, PLAINTIFFS V*. J Smith Oatliinore and H. \V. Galllmetre, DEFENDANTS By virtue of two execution* dlrec ted to the undersigned, from the Su orlor Court of Cleveland Couuty In the above entitled action. 1 will, on Monday, February 12, 1940. at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door of said County .sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said ~Si; ecut Inns all the right, title and interest which the said H. W. Oalltmore, the defendant, has In the following described real estate: BEGINNING at a stake, old John Barber corner and runs with old Barber line S. (6 1-2 B. 2.00 Chains ha*- ?ISbf-aad h . ? . 4 ? -.' > . .\'V. TKPmpAT, JAW. ?, 1943. NOTICff ?F BALK Under and by virtue of the power or sale contained in a Deed of Trust given by Clyde Bennett and wife, Beetle Bennett, to Wiley !l. McCUn nle, Trustee, tor the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 9th day of July, 1937, and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County in Book 215, at page 305, to secure the Indebtedness and default having been made In the payment of same and at the request of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association. I, as substitute trustee, will sell for cash at the Courthouse door In Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, <% Monday, February 12. 1940,. at 10:00 A. M\ or within legal hours, the following described real esTate: BEGINNING at an Iron stake on the East side ' of Oriental Avenue, Onslow Bennett's corner and runs with his line S. 83 1-2 E.133 feet to a stake; thence.a new line N. 1 1-2 E. 53 feet to a stake; thence X 83 1-2 W. 135 feet to a stake 'I'sneSe* J. R. Pavts. Atty. ?-adr feb I. Used many years tor the relief of upset stomach, excess acidity, Indigestion. dysentery, colitis, and related stomach disorders. ; Separate prescration adults and children. THg OLD RELIABLE \ iK RPP| H .' ' I Kj j W? or* Immediately rfl stock off mod cart to I I ' popular now ChovroB I I car aad track In owl I prUod to SILL NO*! iletol Phone 49 0 ?3 ' * . . i - ? . Vrf . ^ ' vc . ' V <* - V, '.i ; **< .' ju,*. _ ..x I ' Jfcjli V /Wt M' ' V '?U wmmmrn I 15 FOR RENT ^?hT SPACE IN THIS PAPER ^ \^P. Will Arrange To Suit GOCD NEIGH80RS--PRKES TO myiplF FIT YOUR BUSINESS I Only 6 I More Days I TO LIST YOUR TAXES ?r>?*r?iri tir iiyn ti n mi n , , , _B All Taxes Must Be Listed During January . J List Now and Save Penalty ? See O.T.HAYES I County Tax Lister I At City HaU " I MNN^^llt^\ i Town 1 p ' i 1 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY M YOUR USD CAR FROM YOUR mok. roo*" M CHEVROLET DEALER NOWI llRO OVl YYlw ld#" ^ 1 1 Buy a reconditioned need car I 1 I 1 now, and am coetiy repairs on r iiodt h? I your old car. I 1 7 Sere further depreciation on I 1 * your old car. Trade up to a late , -jg. citff I 1 model ueed car now. iND )^Yfc* 1 Buy now?before prices rise? J and eare the difference. I A Save winter conditioning ezpenee I ^ on your old car. Tr Tf in t c All ueed cars are priced to sell fast 0 tatawMtMrrMn. I J to make room for more trade-ins. | Buy now and am. I I Kings Mountain, N. C. * ??i ?? 11 By PERCY L. CROSBY * - --rjuAjwjfc^P /Aw! howsmoulT] ^rSSc^fip"' 11asrj\THC j m^B^^Mm:'- a ,MJM