? -?r. .w? H|ryvuuiv<iiia UpuI B' V iiion, Ever\>ne Jiopes for Mm a-1 speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Weedon and children spent Sunday, Jan. 21, with relatives In Laurens, S. C. Mr. M. L. McCuney of Jacksonville Florida, has been visiting his daughter, Mr"- J, W. Gladden and Mrs. Vlrgle Allman of this city and hie eon of Gaffney, 8. C. Miss Fale Huffstetler of Penley's Chapel visited Misses irene and Lu eille Gladden this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Huffstetler had as their guest# Sunday their j ?QH .MX -HowavA. ' ms wife of Shelby and Miss RuRth Moore of Shelby. Mrs. C- A. Sheppard returned home Tuesday - after spending the first part of the week with her son. Mr. Elmer Sheppard and wife of Shelby. Mr. Paul Alexander of near Lincotnton spent part of last week with his cousins. Messrs Charles - end James Alexander. QUICK RE8ULT8 ? LOW COOT HERALD CLASSIFIED | ADS 2o a word far first ln??rtlor* half pries fer subsequent insar- ? F--. . . . ? , THIS 'N THAT By Alice Burton Patterson Grove Section ? ? Mr. Warren Reynold* returned to his home Suuday after being in the Tinanltfll fir**- oln unhftnAI^*!- ? ? tinw. Minimum charge 36c. Do net ask for information re< gardlng "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. If error la mads. The Herald la responsible for only one Incorrect Insertion. The customer If responsible for subsequent Insertions. ' The advertiser should notify Im1 mediately of any corrections needWant adb are always cash In advance except to business men ' or oonoerne having aooounte with ' this newspaper. '-STANDARD MAKE SPINNETTE Piano. Strictly High Grade and used only few months. Will sacrifice for less than half price for quick sale. 2-lc ?| - FOR SALE ? .8 room boos, near school, on Parker Street. Call 253-R. 2-1-p t d LAND POSTED NOTICE* for sale at the Herald Office. Poat year lead aad pieoonre your game. REMEMBER ? On Saturday yougr' one of odr detldoue Banana Split, tor only l#o. Rings Mountain Drug flkxnpany. FOR BALE CHEAP ? Neeco I burn er Oil Store. 106 Watterson St fob 1 . . . I SHOE SHINE8 8c. Kings Mountain Shoe Shop. We call for and delirer. 1-18-tf. FOR RENT ?- Furnished room, v Steam Heat Hot Water. Moderate Rates. Call 106. JHpSfifififi I- TIME TO REPAIR f' ? , s Give your shoes that now - season look?with ! * our expert shoe repair service. It's always economical. FOSTERS SHOE SERVICE , Phone 154. We Deliver THE CL^ r 1?1 wcy; jptpee j yottf pm?n paiei \ jt/*r wippeo m i j 1 [? t1 EYE OPENERS Pgas is universally used for cooking and broiling, vet this same intense heat MARES REAL JCE for the only OUTDOOR ICE Skating 3 rink in . the world. arjev-st .fjKr%. w "i~ m THERE WERE J ZjSSi GENERALS ^ftT\ White many of ths titles were of n honorary nature, actually thousands of generalship# were issued by thfPederal government during . and shortly after the Civil war. All-ysar-'round ice skating is a new diversion for Californiant! Engineers tackled the job of making ice under the sun?and suc: : Jefferson Standard Reports Bigr Gains Harry E. Page, local representative of the Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company, of Greensboro, N. C.. has received the annual report of the Cotnpany'a operations la 1939, as presented by President Julian Price at the annual meeting of the stockholders and directors. Payments to policiyholderB and beneficiaries amounting to $9.350, 000; an increase In assets of approx imately $7,500000 which makes total asaetn $87,500,000, and continuation j of the highest net Interest on invested assets of any major insurance company were reported. beclartng 1930 to hare been the best year in the Company's 32-year history President Price said that the high lights of the past year "appear to be the rate of interest earn ed on our invested assets; the favorable mortality experience; ' and the satisfactory gains in insurance Issued and In insurance in force." "Our payments to policyholders and beneficiaries anvoMited to $?,353,000. This makes the total payment to policyholders and beneficiI aries, since the organisation of the company in 1907, the sum of fill. 835,000. 'We have increased our contingency fund from $1,100,000 to $1,300,000. This is a safety fund tp take care of 'contingencies, depreciation on real estite. and Investment fluctuation. "Finally, we have increased our surplus $500,000, giving us a capital and surplus of $6,000,000. "The results of the last year could hot have been accomplished without the loyal co-operation of ev ery member of the home office staff our branch offices and our agents in the field." I 'I WOMEN Win admiration with an alluringly, lovaly oomplaxion. Now beauty "secret" tells how. Inexpensive. Easy to maks. (Writs Anna, Box 411, Charlotte, North Carolina. lNCY KiDS > ffc | /^~mT ? J ' lT6A^N'H LJ j|^Y| [Tmat'IU ra <J! ' .' v -'a? -i.:v .-A ;? ? pwcw itpwrAtfr HiftAtp 1 ?by Bob Crosby SOME < ' MOVIE STARS SENO Ti iciO r\Arr *r /> ??iuir? uuwo 11/ 1 TRAINING SCHOOL,. I ?. A COMPANIONSHIP T I \ COURSE COSTS *150. S^SMTjIHa m^^D ^ cceded?with the result that thousands of ice-ska ting an- 'lasts ars flocking to the new rink, the "Tropical lea Gardens" in Wastwood Village, California. Odd as H may sound?the same fuel. gas unlversally accepted for cooking, water heating, house heating and refrigeration, is used for power tr the ice-malting process. NOTICE or SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of Trust given by Clyde Bennett and wife, Bessie Bennett, to Wiley H. McGlnnls, Trustee, for, the Kiags Mountain Building and Loan Association on the 9th day of July, 1937, and registered in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County In Book 01K aft- nana *i A" Ia aaaitva fUa 4m. ?AU| a V WVW| IV DV*Xs?SS*s VI?V ?? debtedness and default bavins been made in tbe payment of same and at tbe request of the Kings Mountain Building and Loan Association. I. as substitute trustee, will sell for casta at the Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, <% Monday, February 18. 1940,. at 10:00 A. M., or within fegal' hours, the following describod real estate: ' BEGINNING at an Iron stake on the Blast side of Oriental Avenue, Onslow Bennett's corner and runs with his line 8. 86 1-2 E.165 feet to a stake; thence a new line N. 1 1-2 E. 56 feet to a stake; thence N 86 1-2 W. 165 feet to a stake on said avenue; thence wlUi it 8. 1 1-2 W. 56 feet to the Beginning. containing 9,240 square feet, more or less, and being the same lot con veyed by Walter Whltaker and wife to Clyde Bennett by deed, dated 12th August, 1935, as will appear on record in the Register of Deeds Office for Cleveland County. J. C. Lackey. Substitute Trustee. J. R. Davis, Atty. ?adr fob 9. REGARDLESS OF You-are assured of pr when you order your Grc us. Let us worry about tli us and well deliver right Blalock Phone 58 ' ' . r x t t biro on the hand's worth tw r^Aw! i oio S | ^ norresist a jJ y - l^y *."* ' '* '... ' jfc'."* '; , " - ' ; v. "' 1 * .? ' ,: : . . '; & ,. .: / ... ', :: PP 1J.J, |II! IW*.W" .. J' !. 1IV mUHADAY. PRB. 1. 1940. '' Notice of Solo Under Execution NORTH CAROLINA. CLEVELAND COUNTY. In The Superior Court Commissioner ot Banks of N. C. Ex-Rel. Commercial Bank and Trust Co., E. L. Campbell, Assignee, PLAINTIFFS Vs. , I Smith UalUmore and II. \V. Galllmore, DEFENDANTS By virtue of two executions direc ted to the undersigued, from the Su 1-erior Court of Cleveland County in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, February 12, 1940, at 12:00 o'clock noon at the Courthouse door of said County sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said executions all the right, title and Interest which the said. H. W. Qalllmore, the defendant, has in the fol&?& & .r HEG1NN1NO at a stake, old John Barber corner and runs with old Barber line S. 66 1-2 E. 2.00 chains to a P. O.; thence another Barber line 8. 44 E. 17:00 chains to 8. and P.; thence another Barber line S. 21 W. 11.90 chains to a stake on the East side of road; thence 8 1-2 4.15 chains to center of Reason's Creek at ford; thence up the creek N. 87 E. 9.70 chains to a brake; thence nearly with the brake N. 10 E. 3.00 chains to a perslmon; thence N. 13 W. *2.00 chains to center of eandday road. Kings Mountain to Shelby; thence with said roaad S. 78 W 9.30 chains In said road; thence with said r6ad S. 66 W. 3.62 chains to center ot said road opposite a black gum. Calvin Ware's corner; th?mce with hie line N. 9 1-2 W. :'..54 chains to a stake in old road, Calvin Ware's corner;. In old Allison line; thence with old rond 8. 78 1-2 W. 7.52 chains to curve; thence N. 81 1-2 W. 2.16 chains to a stake. Kelly Dixon's corner; thence with his line 8. 22 1-4 W. links to center of aforesaid sandclay road thence with Dixon's line and sstd road S. 48 E. 5.28 chaina to Dixon's corner in center ot said road; then* ce with his line S. 11 1-4 W. 11.84 chains to the Beginning, containing fifty (50) acres, saving and excepting, therefrom, 8 1-2 acres which haa been allotted to H. W. Gallimore as a homestead. according to law, which said homestead is described as follows: Beginning *t a stake the old John' Barber corner and runs N. 11 1-2 E." 11.84 chains; hence N. 48 W. 5.28 chains; thence 8. 81 1.-2 E. 1.88 chains to center of paved highway; thence with paved highway 8. 81 B. 2.00 chains; thence 8. 78 1-2 B. 3.00 chains; thence I a. 86 K. 8.00 chains; thence 8. . 87 B. 50 links; thence a new line 8. 12 W. 12.81 chains to a stake tn old. line on Bast side of road; thence N 88 1-2 W. 7.00 chains to tbe Beginning, containing 8 1-2 acres, more or less. This the 18th day of Jan., 1940. J. R. CUne, Sheriff of Cleveland County. ?adv?feb 1 Have Your Byes Examined, Qlassea Pitted - -By? DR. D. M. MORRISON ODtometriat . Eve Saeclalist Will be In KJnte Mountain Office en Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Hours 1 P. M. to P. M. THE WEATHER ompt delivery service iceries and Meats from i? bad weather, just call to your kitchen table. Grocery - We Deliver mmJ ! o In the cage t? ^ALL I Dto WA5" 1 K /y J ?* |A J /, ' ' / '?/'*'}> **. 7 ' - KU?', :' 5 - ;f-iv . 'v. : v i ;fi '? 11 ?? PflinC c"~ Paint With : 1 UULUU AAA DUTCH BOY quick relief UUb WHITE LEAD I "uK."^ QUO Kinga Mta. Mfg. Co. Liquid, Salve, Tablets. Nosedropa R'lKIBI Iv iLSn H??H tocf^ in dUl lligWy Hfk? wm <riwf ? ?OA. . V?<'el ' <# IM4I. M lowMiiat. tfflm IKSMOCSOHVICU ^ PAIATKA * MOilUBAMA W HE jjyiMB hm*t sr wtusiutQ m, ' AHmH - II.IAUOWOAU ^AtijXnJ * I ^UMH OArtONA MAO) -CAM I^W ' *!J.*"TA I tAMIOtO AUOUMA I V bi Mvwtn w??? fAiM I?ACH A - ' ? koAnfurrtu wakiu? M < wmniwn OOOOtAS ^ [It^H ntnoi IKK <nq A lfl^M In HCXANAKXH. MO HJBkI 1st rHOxvuu. tinn ^ XTtTTT^A^ -oa.HU. <" Hii'lJurH A Washington a c * IV* CKATtAHOOOAiINK f"*$J0O ^Bi|l -GiW?. uu- ^fl MIACMOB IATM Ha VMUONGk *.VA lOUllVlllt. ?r MhbmhhB^ H^^mOUVA HUAIIi. OHIO ^ [ |50 \ r ' 1 ' .*-'d Congratulations! t* t ' ?. r* . ? " V'.*. >51 Plonk Motor Go. . % ?. V '.~'n ON YOUR NEW HOME ,f.'K 4 . .J We are happ^l to have furnished the Brick for ' " I your New Building. ? * ? r_?? D *-i. r1. uaiiucy unth V/U. ELMER LUMBER CO. Local Representative . . " ' -1 $ 'a J For Permanency and Beauty Build With Brick . and Be Sure to Select GAFFNEY BttlCK. * . " > ' * ' J I .-- ' J . !" ; ': ?&{<,?{- ptQBHIp - "" HPpii .- . . ? , ' . - ' '. . .-'a ????^?????, By PERCY L. CROSBY ?O?T??0HT .. V TMI MUMI Mf W*P*?f ? tvNOIC* T? /^M\vil) sJL*. "v, 'I *1

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