. i.I. i SOCIAL AND PERSON AI ? o/INTE - PHOK YEL.TON-CURRY ' The iqjirrlage of Miss Thelma Yel ton of Kings Mountain and B. N. Curry, Jr., of Gastonla took place Monday evening, Jan. 16th, in York. &. C. with Probate Judge E. Oettys, . .. officiating. Present for the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Turner of Qaatonia. rrbe bride is the attractive daugh Kings Mountain. Mr. Curry Is' a son of Mr. and Mrs B. N. Curry of Oastonla and is ?-on ected in business with his lather They are making their homo in Gas tenia. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barrett, a son, Jerry Mitchell, on Januu.y 28. | Kings Mi V"Vr- B( jj~ fo^^* I JM*"* - jj^M WL t-*'CWv"i^^fBBl to. *& \A vk 4wJ r.r>^ : REXAI $1-00 Full $|?t (plain or /i|T?j> for Commit 91X0 FuN Pint Sin Ron *?*f, H'for cart I 2Sc I2'? Sin Roioll lfo? 0*td* Cmrm Ik Yi n' Sin Roioll LfouM Cmrm Smlvi |0c Sin Roioll t, ftli'to Hmttm KAA tu AA II I W* im WT fv nvitll I Cilmemtmtm Vlmrmr+i ? 50c 6 at. Sii# R?i?K \ *?r?F / rtfi irli a?y^t A J LI I M jWtffom m wfcon you *r'"* tOU| WITH ^ I couroN > IISEEBEB J . ' ' ; .' \ t j . w ?. ^ ' ' '' ' * " ? ? I t HAPPENINGS .REST to \ !ES 10 R AND 88 MRS- A. .ATTEND FUNERAL IN A CHERRYVILLE / I u. *?- ^ " ail. auu mrB. LUHU rBIIS, Mil. t Horace Houaer and family Syere a- 1' mong those who went to Cherrr- ? vllle Sunday afternoon to attend fu<,_ neral services for Ml?* Etta Curtla, ~ aged educator. Miss Curtla. who was an acnt of p v-As. school for && or CO years. For twen- ? ty five years she was a member of c the faculty of Boiling Springs Junl or College, resigning a few year* ago on acl^nt of falling health. e f JUNIOR CLUB TO MEET A The Junior Woman's Club will 1 meet next Monday evening at eight o'clock at the Woman's Club build- c Ing. n . ' luntain Drug Co ,n Cream\ I \ fu|| <or*?tn*n. I full | ROTH IBU? \ E**nr * " fOR \ mouth ?< _ ,,i V_^ncufralit* ?K^Ktf00~^ js?? \ lr SM&*1 v r sp cic^ ^ \ f H:: iy.^g^^f?pouci T Ktenio I i Co X **?P?'r \ S ? w?*" t~? I \ 11 & 93 \ m .L REMEDIES ? ' compound) 7A. #<9C MM Tom I* ^ ^ ^ 7*e ? Mrrrfwral ^ I trdfrllf* I OMj (k Semmm 33? BU VPSr buy 7Sc til* Cera Noma Parfuma JBVS ?on and fat tbia'Mf traat oFar. ^NiVj lama jBK ^ option valua of coupon 1/10 of Ic, odaomabW oftar Fab. 2*. IMO l//JTT * / . ' ' \ stim kmm mquhtamn hmmm* c VOMEN j 11 H. PATTERSON, Editor 1 8 / meeting of home arts club ^ A most delightful meeting of the lome Arts Club was held at the I lome of Mrs. O. O. Jackson on Gold J Itreet Wednesday afternoon. ^^ -*Mrs. Bright Ratterree had charge || f the program, the topic of which as "Women CX The Bible". lira. Latterree read an interesting paper ^ rith modern women. Mrs. Luther lansler gave a beautiful talk on Women of the Bible" ^ Officers for the coming year were d lected as follows: President, Mrs. . Srtght Ratterree; Vice-President. ' Irs. John Gamble; Secretary, Mrs./ b 'roy Carpenter. ' -r. ( 1 Mib; H. C. Sprinkle a.id Mrs. Ja- "~ ob Cooper,, two recently elected tembers were present. s sgEESEE Thrifty people all over the nation will get these guaranteed RexaH Products et special LOW SAVINGS during this great Birthday Sale. You too, cen seve money? end leern how good Resell Products reelly sA ? ere. The best values go ^?' very fest so be here Shaving v A WH PRODUCT mM^^vecic pint Ml 31 Soluti pint TsskjL Milk of H lily naadi tkil ipacial. Uit tha MS 31 II ilk, gargla or antiseptic'. Milk of Magnolia . i oicoii acidity and itimulatat iluggith [ . A raal valua. ^ THESE ARE THOU PRODUCTS > Jtrevcers* Yearn Tablet h 100't REG. 50c SIZE f, pleiMirt way to got the min benefits of yeast. It tablet equals a spoon- ~m M I, cf yeast flakes. V# . A Jfcaatt ?RQPUCT ton's JUMBO Rec i ndy Package A Big value Valentine Heart Package. Delicious assortment 'A candy. A |Q\ . two pounds H THE REXAll STORE \\l Trfi//llllllu\\\\i iimwU\\vft 3^ 7hi/tAt3&l 0\ ASPIRI and full pint RUBBINC ALCOHOI A OOc VALUE R \\\ Every heme went* this biq g| \tt ?",r- fu" Plnt Peretest r ^Sal Vb Rubbinq (Alcohol Comi'ZjSr'M U\ pound end 100 depend- > Scv-j W able Puretest Aspirin et /. A IV 'ow Pr'e<- ( J these are i | ij fessg froducts V rmb. i, imc The hoMw Mnrtd a tempting c lad with accsaories and a aweet odrse. , * . c ro CELEBRATE BIRTHOAY e Mrs. Lee Harmon will celebrate | , ler 80th birthday next Thursday the f ith of February. She has been IW- , ng in Kings Mountain 64 years, hav L ng moved here Jan. 7, 1876. On be- \ Dg asked why her hair wasn't vhtte like othdr old people, she said s e ''never taken trouble to heart." e Personals ; Mr. and Mr*. Hunter Neisler anil 4r. and Mrs. Joe NelMer are spend ., :ig some time In Palm Harbor, Kla. l*he many friends of Mrs. N. H. Lelly will regret to hear of her 111- r ess aT"Tier,*'Rorne 'oh' Wallftr street?" "n Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney and / lr. and Mrs. Hilly Mauney left Sun <ay afternoon for a trip to F'orida. " Harry Kalla of Ashevllle was T uslness visitor In KIiirB Mountain /S Tuesday. ^ tl pt ?o? a Tommy Roberts, studeut of David on College, spent the past weekla. . . . ' ? - . a' . WHPW'VFW | ? KV1 il iH M hM ] A OZ.S1ZE H Kantirek Nose or Guard against discomfort of cold axtra value combination. Fine qu< tical and durable atomizer g service. THESE ARE TSSSsi PRO B5Z2B3E3GS Dr. Hall's On? p< Borate* EU I ? *? Tmle j \ It OZ. SIZE 27e b orbont. w## or ?AOQ9Wtj^ %v BOTH FOR |jggg&V '/////////y^wm***. t h%m m SOAP ; Hi -aflnSSVj I0e Sit* Bouqu.t R?m t /Dtaam #:< -f ? - M| ISc Six* Nurttry IvJ Camtlle Soap IILsSs rtwrrisT ' 2Sc n* of &-ssxo Pu< A opt rim Tablet m IH Jl*? Sfa#_ Pur.U.t CifMrto Hmppatl ~S======J Bmlaate, Adaltm 2Sc 1 ox. Sbo Purotoit I Hfinrf Caeiar Ml I ,' ,CU' ' 2Be 4 ox. ShoPuroto.l . . Olpeerlm aad Hat 2Sc 2% Solution Six# K Marewraehrama 35c Full Pint Six* Pur. 1 Hit eh Hazel K 25c It px. Six* Pur.t. |N Bpeam Salt Six# Carbomaiea Cam I ox Tubo Zinc P^VwYy Oxide Olatmemt lTi*?''' ?' "'j 100 N. P. Pink ////////// Cmaeara Hlmkla MUkof IM Magnesia ST ^ Taalik ft" , v ^ Pmmte \ g iu tb u. ' i ll J!' B a VmI riotutt ;f : ????? 1 ? Ray'? oth ; J Soap ^ Flakes A big vitu* l*r VJfk VNN konnrlvll. -mflr ks 7u Si* lGe ?'L. * '-' . ' <- . r? ' if/. 1:J. _ J. i.:-._.J v'/. ..\i.. 1 -._ > ad In Kings Mountain, 1 Charles Thomasson, student of a )ak Ridge, apent the past weeknd with his parents here. / -V -o- \fi Mrs. J. P. Evans and little daughAjl' er, Sandra, of Gastonia, are ' guestss^F f Mrs. Grady King for a few daysjj Mr. l^eroy McGill of the Bethany > ectlon has been very sick for sev- f ral days. s Miss Ruby Ilurrage who has been 11 at her home on (laston street, h s Improving. > Miss Paulciia Adair of Burlington fan a visitor in Kings Mountain dur ng the week-end. f Mr. Fred Staliworth was a bustless visitor in Charlotte Tuesday n<f\V eJnescia>\ ' r 11 nrr ~ ?o? . Mr. William Plonk is in St. l?uis >n a buying trip for Plonk Brothers nd Company. ? _o_ Mr. Harold Cogging of the Kings fountain Furniture Co. was a buslies? visitor of High Point where he ttended the furniture market.Tiie friends of Mr. Onither Me HBnHViVWPPI A ATf .1 -V | \ I i m w ^ w J a B atuHon and rafl id Throat Atomizer It with this REG. $1.11 ility, prac- BOTH FOR ... Ion, |kCI(. |M DUCTS gaSSs >und roil Cll . , 75c I lb. Sir* Ratall OttOn Tbemfrlcml CM tr, &Cc 7% ci. Six* RiUt'k Vlclrl I.Vralr HZtv DENTA 35c Site Retail Milk of aMmgmemtm Timik # , 50c Site Klenxo Cocoanut Oil Nk?M|ioc 50c 16 ox. Site Harmony -.Mm0 Mmm 25c Six* Rilar'x 35c Six* Stag BrutMctt Shmrlmg 1'remm 25c S!x? Stag (clgaratta Mmmedor lor Mm mmMmrnmmmmmmmmmmm /. r#//JL'w M0 W JM MMMUafeMiiyMl SPECIALS RU aa ~_ Rotbury Houiahc | rolira lor Mmhher Clo.i 15c I ox. Defend __ Imlmmt Sgrlm emhe 3 Imr t?IC I *<< *0- Monimi * Mmhhmr she, MEDICINES 25c Six. Monlm* Bmhg font* I Qn 1SPC MEDICII I5c Shi (Plain oi lorloo 19a Bmmdmgmm Raiatfet, I doc. 17C SmmUmrg Mm > 20e Six. ?"?S yd .? Water 19c AShaalra WU Pur.t.tt . . 17C STATl C.ic.d. ,H? 29c C*r* UM s . 60c CiKtd* Lin 19C Papai 4ACEUTICALS BRU< dQn 25c Kl.nxo !? ?* Tooth Mrmtk 1 Kl.nxo Lather Bra* 10n - 25c Kl.nxo Hand Uruth ASK US HOW YOU CAN 1 m,rro afe Aluminumf?2 h?/?9cp~* of 50 -fiu^asar Halibut 6?t ttio vitamin aid? you n??d and Plilfl I tav* money. a) *1 I Nam* ?... Mm I <|fa*t r Hi f JTrf tT Vfi y . ? ***# C?*m?Iwwlwrf? WPPiP|PPWr??^^^^!?^sffW!PBSl( ^ p I ' . - ' ' v ?- * * .' . Daniel "Will be glad to learn thai to ? much better and is able to to ato gain after his serious Illness. '^Mr^aiid Mrs. M. A. Ware. Mlsr \ ean Ware and Moffat* Ware. Jr^ ) 0ft Tuesday morning for Miss** / "lortda. Nee ?o? Franklin Ware, member of MMI 1111 ? ? * > dviiviii luvuuy nun uevu ill raw or a few days during suspension #1 chool due to bad weather. Miss Irene Gallant has return*# otne after A five weeks' <stap . oc tshevllle, Swannanoa and BkiA fountain. . . 0 I P. I), iferndon returned last *?#tr rent' High Point where he atieaMI (Cont'd on back page> ~wssr The ?t?rn?rh ahtuld dige?t two poendi m 00 daily WUen you Mt heavy, ? ?# thh foot It qr ?h?n jtfHi are neriwii, bnrVd m chew ptmrly? yuUT !? -teach uften |?tm mm. 1** MKh lulA Tour food doUMi'l dl|m ?4 fa* h?*e taa, heartburn. tuMt, pa*? m mm tfisMrfc. You (wl tour, dirk and up*H am mm I Kir tors day never Ukr a laiatira far n?k Biln It U danferou* and fool I ah. It tahna mm itie black tablets railed Bell am for IntdMdk to nuke th# race** ttmaarh kuida banalaae. w0m diatreas la no time and put jnei bark am year feet Relief t? ao qukk U Ifc amaatnc and ama tig ' pro* at tu Ark for BeU-ana fec laHRMHi "* WPmhMimUll "MS & ' - W& 59c ' 39c l needs becrfcr 26c* need j 33c . 39c mom j 19c 4g helps 29c e*ie i'y'e) 19c ' ? , bber needs ;? i9c li 12c iii?f 69c 19c ME CHEST NEEDS ' Mere.) R?dymtd< Qg lie i for pftlM 17c 3 for 49e I i. Rrjicid 1 _; Mf?r * " ONERY VALUES tfa?o*frv 29? n r mr JEmbcMjbc# 5H BARGAINS 19e h mI* 49C 17c . I ~ nJ11 jjj Li I Kul .' J " ' *;' ' '**- " .*::*>' ' ' ' * . / ' :J& .. .

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