t ' V- .. . - ... . School Hone For First S< Central Primary. First grade: Gene Mauney, Rob eft Bdens, Jimmy Cobb, Betty Cash, Juanita Gunnells*. Jeanene Hallanan. fatly Earrlah*, Patricia Prln ce, Claud Barrett*. Barry Dean Wfaort*, Barbara Dettmar. Second xrade:_?Klaanor Mvers, Sa rah Kalherlne Falls*, Joyce Falls. Iadk LIwaIvh Panh Tnmmv Thnmn. Iropuiar nay tiouse PHONE 184 TODAY - THURSDAY Puck Jones In "The California Trail" Pinky Tomlln - Toby Wing, In "With Love and Kisses' News ? Serial 10c FRIOAY and 8ATURDAY Tim McCoy In "Fighting Renegade' Also "The Gentlema From Arizona" All Star Cast In Technicolor Serial ? Cartoon . 10c and 15c * " ' > ' " ;" ' MONDAY and TUE8DAY Pat O'Brien, Rutb Terry In ^Slightly Honorable" Wirch of Time?Newt 10c and 15c * JBHBSS55S Thursday "BALA I . Nelson Eddy rnmmmm?mwm?mk Saturday ? 1 "THOU SHA1 I Charles Bickfor I "RIDE Hlft , Monday an "FOUR The Lane Sisten I: < Wednesday ? n "A CALL ON TH i Ann Southern? "WOLF OF > Edmund Lowe H mk D Iu . M X'WIIM I 1 ? HWtH|'*?on. Harold England*. Billy Allen*, ilarvey Biy Hamrick. Third grade: William Herndon, dlcrmafi Mauney. Margie Lou Dick-' ey, Charlotte Jenkins*. Peggy Joy-lackaon. Peggy Ann Mauney. ^.rfesorar^?' ? Central Grammar School. Graded: Colleen Kalis. Nellie Mae lOllbton. Alda Jean Davie, Frank Hummed*. . Grade ft: Donald Glaee. Bobby Jean Bridges. Thelma Ryals. Grade 8: Jack Prince, James Hern slcm, Kgrlo Myers. Margaret Cole, Nancy Qickey, Jacqueline Falls, Jean Hord. Mary Helen Hard, Pauline Murray. Frances Summers. Avis Mule Warllck. Grade 7: Houston Black. Betty dMvls. Virginia Summers. High School 8-A: Arthur T^e Jackson*. Glee Bridges*. 8-B, None; 8-C. None; 8-D. None. 9-A: Janette Mabry, Betty Moore, Margaret C. Ware . 9-B: Virginia Roberts. 9-C; George Lattimort?*, A. O. Sargeant*. James Thorneburg*. EuiTOIMl M ft til i? KkA: Billy Thomeburg*, Havhel McOlaln, JuahVfi jMuSwain*, "Betty I^ec Noisier, Nancy Nickels', Betty Patrick, Boris White'. 10-B: Roy Smith*. , 10-C: Bobby Allran. 11-A: Juanlta Hiidspetjh*. Violet Laughter*. H-B: Ladd ttamrlck, 'Jr. (leorge Thomasson, Gloria Cornwell. Eoline Keeter, Alice Betty Mauney. Mario Mo?f, Kay Moss, Mary Julia Pqllock, vlarolyn Prince, Patsy White. East 8ohool. , Third grade: Dorodhy Carpenter. jMPlluAL * THEATRE Kings Mountain's *5 >r Roll i c *??3 .v * . % 1 imester ? ? ? Shirley Moffltt, Normim nolln, Bobby Jean Spencer. t Fourth grade: Mary Medlln. Fifth grade: Nadino Spencer, Bet ' t> Carpenter. .Dolores Cunningham, ' Mary Frances Payne, Howard Tate. Sixth grade: Edna Cook. Be'rtla Sanders. y ____ ' * West 8chool ' First grade: Charlesana I/ogan, ' Dot McCarter* Ophelia Phillips. At 1 rnond Rice. Walter Griffin, Jake I Hold, Jr.*. Donald Patterson, Jlin 1 Ynrboro. ? Second grade: Billle Falls, Patsy t I^rl? Morrison. Iris Patterson*. A. O. Phillips, Myrtle ( Sanders. Ivan Weaver. t Third grade: Charles Blanton*. 1 Jack Matthews. Barbara Jean Mat- 1 thews, Barbara Jean Ware. Fourth grade: Jean Webb*, Beit- c lah Rhea. Myrtle Murray. Bernlce a Harrison*. a Fifth grade: Colene Martin. John- . ny Plonk, Bobby Ledbetter. _ . __ b Lions Play ; Two Games f Tonight Tlie strong Firestone basketball ' I team of the Gaston County League 11 .'opens the home schedule ot 'the I Lions Club tonight with a dou- ? I bjeliewdiar beginning nt 7:16 P. M. ' in the high school gymnasium. The v B teams w ill be first to mingle, *md the first stringers will get into ac- ( 'ion about an hour later. The Mountain Lions enter the w fray with a' nifty 31-23 victor yover h their Slielliy rivals under their belts. Crisp, who led the scoting at , Shelby last Saturday night, will be { in the second game at forward a- l; long with- Red Smart: Fulkerson f will play the pivot position, an"! j Gold. Humphreys., and Stowe will , supply the starting pair of guards < for the home team. The reserves for , bcth Firestone and the local Lions t are numerous and good, and the opening match promises to be fast ( and rurious. Tickets of admission" may be had < from members of the Lions Club. "< who are pulling for a good attend- 1 ance for the first showing of their I team's new uniforms and 1940 tactics on the home court. Admission ^ will be 25 cents and 15 cents for ^ children. DM*, Cma.,4 T T ** ? ** C* AV*,I AA | uvj ovuui u iiinn uvi t ive At Central Methodist Sunday Night , ,Dr. R. N. Halrd. -who begins his ministry at Boyce Memorial A. R. P Church uext Sunday.- has been Invited to preach the sermon at the annual Boy Scout Week union service , in Central Methodist Church Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. All Scouts and Scoutera will be given special seats of honor at this service. which inaugurates the citywide observance of the week set apart for emphasis upou the various aspects of Scouting in its relationship to community institutions. Rev. A. C Sargeant, president of the Kings Mountain Ministers As- ' ! sociation. will welcome Dr. Balrd, ( on hehalf of the oth^r churches of the town and Introduce him to the ( congregation. Boy Scouts are re- ' quested to wear their uniforms and to sit together by troops. and Friday ;laika" - ii -.Ilona Massey ? Double Feature r LT NOT KILL" c d?Owen Davis | c I COWBOY" Wayne H id Tuesday J] WIVES" *?Jeffrey Lynn I J Double Feature E PRESIDENT' William Garrigan I Q, fEW YORK" I % ? Rose Hobart . B rc x i E r V f" ' ' y '</ ' y;? > i'' ,;/? ' .riV' rvir :'>vi :ii?.'. Wiijiiii i ". . . i. rcfc. AHllatloM ikovU kf rVJWl ? ' ' 4EXT THURSDAY EVENING ANNUAL SCOUT MEETING The annuel Boy Scout meeting ind Banquet will be held at the {1g\h School Cafeteria Ttnrrsday Cvenlng, Feb. 15th. The Business den's Club and the Lions Clnb arc olning In sponsoring the Meeting. Cach of the sight troops are ezpectid to attend In a body aud with ach troop the troop committee and he fathers of Scouts. The., regular. Cnurt -Qf_-Hohflr rJr^1 ?e held In the auditorium that even ng at t:3d. The Court will quickly guts upon recruits and advanceaents. The presentation of awards, rill' be made at the banquet meet ug in connectloa with tnvesture eremonlett. Banquet Is at 7:00 but It who plan to attend are urged to ttend the Court of Honor meeting. Tbe speaker secured for the ocnslon la pr. James C. Klncald. 'resident of Newberry College. Dr. klncald Is popular as an after-diner speaker and has a reputation s a humorist. Brief talks will also e made by Hon. Bismarck Capps resident of the Piedmont Council, y R. M. Schiele. Executive of the !ouncll" and by Scouter Ralph Gardler. chairman of 'the Cleveland 'ounty District. Brief reports will be made on acivit'os during the past year and iew officers elected for this vear. Scout Sunday. Feb. 11th, will be bserved at the evening service of he Methodist church. The sermon . ill be preached by Dr. R. N. laird, new pastor of the A. R. P. Ihurch. This will be a Union Service in hich all churches of the communy are cooperating. During Scout Week. Feb. 8?. acivities are planned to give publiciy to Scouting. The week begins tolight with a National Radio Broadest at 10:30. An address will be de ivered by President F. R. Roose. elt, who is honorary president of Scouting. Scout troops plan to meet ind listen to tbe Broadcast in a >ody. Following Scout Week the anuual campaign will be conducted for Council funds. The amount expected Df Kings Mountain is approximate^ ly $730. or $5.?0 per boy in Scouting. B. N. Barnes, B. S. Neill and Aubrey Mauney, attended the regular Piedmont Council meeting held Mon lay evening at Hotel Charles, Shelby. t. Plans were made for observance of Scout Week and for the advance ment of Scouting in tbe Council area.,. David P. Lockridge Dies At Blacksburg Blacksburg, S. C.f Jan. 31.?David Pressley Lockridge, 52. farmer ana extile worker, died at his home jn Lime street here Tuesday mornug at 12:05 o'clock. Mr. Lockridgo nad been in declining healt U " ^or I wo years. ' . r Funeral services Jwere conducted tiorn the Bladksburg Methodist :hurch Wednesday afternoon at 3 t'clock. The pastor, the Rev. L. A. Jarter, and the Key. J. O. lluggin, :f Cowpcns, former pastor ot the ihurch, were officiating mlniuters. Interment followed in Mountain /iew cemetery. Pallbearers were nepihowr, Moeks fames and Hoy Lockridge, Coleman Stroup, Ben Shortt and Boyd Me taniel. Floworbearers were Klsie Stroup, Omnia Shorn, Begonia Lockridge, .facte Lockridge, Pauline McDanlil and Virginia Stewart. Mr. Lockridge is survived by his rife, Mrs. Carrie Mullinax Lockldge; a sister, Mrs. Corrie Parker < Clover; and three brothers, W. !. Lockridge of Kings Mountain, N. !., J. P. I^ockridge of Great Falls, nd S. M. Lockridge of Siharon. CARD OF THANKS 11T- _.I.V 4 ? 41. 1 ? ? ? ? rv c winn iv i ft rvc iiub in ranking everyone who was- so kind > us during the recent Illness in t?e Shelby hospital. We are deepr grateful to our friends and we eslro that they may know we pin* Brely appreciate every kindness ex Hided. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flowers. CARD OF THANKS We take this method of thanking ir friends for their kindness durig the illness and following the -nth of our father. John Kelly (tomb. We are also. thankful for the rge floral offering. , The children. ' A lifebuoy that carries food, water ltd flares. font is only one-third the eight of an equal mass of ooM, id supports six persons is underdng tests st the Britlh admiralty, i . * ? mm.*. ih?. r~ JUST Pretty. Spring The snow Has ihaHmI ?n?l I realize that SPRING is j you will pay a visit to o NMaasaaamio l. ment and see these preti I TERNS. You'll find a g* ing styles for Miss, Junu I PRINTS, STRIPES & I SOLIDS I In Spring's latest crea I tions that will make I you forget the winter weather we've had recently. $2.98 Famous McKay I CLASSICS Beautifully tailored. I Distinctive Fashions $5.9J> I Stan I fsnrinc Mrul? SUITS?they're better tl r you will want to build y around a suit. We sugge* "little" suit of Shetland < colors or a "man-tailored jacket and softer lines in these suits today! $5.951< ? Introduci Spring Fitted or swagger ? slim ette you want for Spring Spirng's most luscious fa you will love best. A coat every Spring wardrobe. $5.95 to HEADQUARTERS for 1 nils Prnrlrs inrlti/linnr G4 |rwv m. UtVIUUlllg k/Xl BIE JUNIORS and OOL GINALS. ?Use Our Convenient Belk's REMEMBi .j Jt ^ . jj'" ' . ' ' ? ... - .. . ' "*. . ;3 . . ,p " "7 f-W..-T3 . ..y . '/; . .. 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" ? 1 $1.00 to $3.98 j Smart Spring 3 BAGS | The lovely casual and dress I A t* r* Iuugs you warn ior spring are here at a very special price! Pouches, Envelopes, and carryalls in stunning grained leathers, patent and calf. Many have top handles! $1.00 New SWEATERS In a gorgeous array of col ors and styles. Single and twin models? I | 97c to | \ /t?1 AA $1.95 j BEAUTIFUL NEW SPRING 2; HOSE -j 5 Colors. 30 Dozen just ar- I rived? I 79c pr. 9 fn? (1 CA m tvi fltUV Shoppe I it RELIC'S I

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