'"i i . Mountain Lion: Firestone And - " " t ?:?' * Kings Mountain Units remain iodttteated after conquering the airting Kirestoiio quint 46-42. and ' ailing roughshod over the previous r unbeaten Belmont All-Stars 41-22 luring the past week. The Units R . am also won its contest with the ' > 'iiesloui' It's 22-18., , Hkiniji St owe -was tlV life-saver . .. i*v the ren-saw* contest with Ftrei to in Thursday night. KulkerSOT i?fl Gobi each scored four field goal- In the first half, and Crisp's ti ;ard let hint get .away with as in a-: tiv snowbirds in tlie second; hut It as .Stowe who rushed in with the ?>tii Hie winning baskets -in the "' - t elosijig minutes of the haM-fotlKllt ] ? i _ ? r(?r i- itf iV?iffli,r(y--i?iit 'tfiMi. sigh scorer for the evening. ' The I.Ions hit their stride tgainst Ihc All-Stars Monday night. The Belmont crew was held to two field ?uab? in the first half and complete l> out-Smarted n the second. The " od-heat'ed Lion . forward scored mere points thaq all the All-Stars to gather, and accounted for 7 field (goois in the second half, totaling M points all told, lie couldn't miss j thctu. long or short," Monday night; ^ and the whole Lions team was pass, tup them to him. Kulkerson is par- \ nvjlarly adept in slipping the ball to a basket-bound team-mate. The j All-Stars had a bad evening, but t,he ' Mountain- Lions were at their best.! Saturday .night, at 8:15 the locals ?Btart growling at what promises to 1 be their most Important rivals of rh?- current season, when they tan- j g'-? with the 'strong Ranlo team, win I tiers In the Qnston league for the I first half, 'in the K. M: H. S. gym. I Should Smart and Crisp fight ! their way through such competition a* they face In this tilt- they'll -find themselves tops in this section, and ahotild Stowe show up as well t in this encounter as in severttl previous ones, he'll probably be forced ft quit bragging about being ait "old man." , IMPERIAL , THEATRE Kings Mountain's Popular Play House PHONE 134 t . * TODAY, THURSDAY Double Feature Program John Wayne in "Sage Brush Trail" also "Two Thoroughbreds' Jimmy Lydon. Joan Brodel Serial ?; New* 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY The Beat Show This Year Tom Brown, Peggy Moran, In "Oh, Johnny How You Can Love" also Bob Steel In "Hidden Valley ' < 10c and 25c Serial ? Cartoon MOMOAY and. TUESDAY : , W ' James Stewart. tterlene iDetrlch, In "Destiny Rides Again" Comedy ? News 1^1 Thursday i "THE EARL Robert Montgome I Saturday ? I "TELEV William Henry I "RIDERS OF Monday an "BROTHER RA Priscilla Lane Wednesday ? I "WHAT Jackie Cooper "BRTISH INI Boris Karloff ? L DJ. fft . \ . . 1 ? / >| ' : Mi s Defeat Belmont Scoot Service Well Attended Approximately 150 dScouts and Scouters were on hand Sunday evening at. ?VSu at Central Methodist j^iurcU to greet Hev. R. N. Halrd, n w-'PasWjr of lloyce Memorial A. R 1'. Church for his first Kings Mountain address outside, of Boyce Memorial's tiuinil. and for his second second .Kings Mountain sermon, a*J long with the animal Boy > Scout Sunday serinon. A record breaking congregation was also on hand to -SI m Ak^ und to hear Rev. Itaird's message. Tlie service was opened with pray er by Rev. b. Boyd Hamin. pastor of the Lutheraii Church. alter whlc Rev. llaird was introduced to the ! congregation by Rev A. 0. Sargeant Pastor of First Baptist Church, as president of the Kings Mountain Ministerial Association. Rev. Baird used as the theme ox his sermoR. 'Mi? Ready.' Kxtolliug! tlie Boy Scout Program as one of the greatest benefactors to both boyhood and mank^tuty ho com pit ment^d both Scouts 'and Scout crd on the great work which they are doing. Rev. Baird told the record breaking congregation .that "Just us recieve punishment for breaking the 1 i laws'of man. we also receive pun-! [ islunent for breaking the laws of. God. Using many interesting illustrations to clarify himself, Rev. Baird declared that if a man kill another, mam?thus breaking a law of man. he is placed in prison, and that if a man jump from atop a tall I building, breaking.- a law of God, I death "is his punishment. -. . I Scout troops.. of Kings Mountain attended in bodys. with Scouters, Patrol leaders, and their respective l Scoutmasters accompanying hem. I l DIES I N COLORADO , 11. \V. Lowry. a kiusintui of Mrs. . R. Lawrence Mauney. passed away at. hts home In Denver. Colorado, ro cently Mr. Lowry had visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malmey sevaifil llfnna >> it<l Ixod n nnmhus vi ?? iimva nun iiuu a iiuiuuri uL friends in Kings Mountain who deeply regret to hear of his death. ' ?I N |V. .1111 J| H| I I V. . 1 Sfl IMMMiiyttil KTU SHAVES I A \ IXTIA COMFOfTI \ W "ni'-H.. ?" ? -!* , I" ' - ' ? ind Friday OF CH'CAGO" ry ? Edward Arnold ' >ouble Feature ISION SPY" ? Judith Barrett H BLACK RIVER*' a Starrett d Tuesday ' ,T AND A BABY" ? Wayne Morris Double Feature A LIFE" ? Betty Field HELLIGENCE" Margaret Lindsay xie | T. . . , : 'i t ' ill a: I-., fe ?' - ?h. Applications should be ru- 1 MORE ENTRA MERCHANTS 9S lv K '' ufl , 111 1 IMioto^by* Hord S tu JloT &f?e lbyT P?* C?' CLONINGER TWINS York Road King* Mountain can well be proud of this net of twins, and no doubt, their many friends are going to try to place them on top of next week's Honor Roll. Ann and Kenr. are the two years and nine months old children of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Clonlnger. They have blue eyes, blonde hair. Ann weighs. 34 pounds and Keun weighs 39 pounds. jl Photo by Hord Studio. Shelby. N. C. WILLIAM EUGENE LAYTON Wilton Street Not -all Of the good looks are confined to the young ladies entered In the .Derby. William is the two years old son of Mr. and Mrs. j. G. Layton. and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. VV. Paris, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Layton. all of Kings Mountain. He has blue eyes, blonde hair and weighs 32 pounds and a number .22 this week. More About Baby Derby Honor Roll (Cont'd from trout page) slows up at this important tune Is going to be outdistanced ? leaving your baby trailing in the dust?*au also ran." Tiie way is wide -pell for a nustlei to DIG RIGHT IN and win *11) special cash prize, honor and glory, 3200 and loving cup. Coupons and subscriptions can be gotten by those who will go after them It will pay you to put forth more determination this week ?- not next week. When the pessimistic bug bites you feed it Just a little more energy for thiB is a sure cure and you will experience a pleasant feeling. Don't let your baby down now. Remember, the special prize offer closes Saturday night. Make every hour count now and then t Many of (lie babies have not yet a subscription reported for them. Just think of il The parents of these babies have tfaem entered to win ? of course. Yet they have entirely overtooketf the.. opportunity for mile-getting offered in subscriptions, Surety, any baby in (be race, with parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends and acquaintances has at least a few of these people who would renew or become sub scribers to The Herald ? simply for the asking. We do not know if some of the folks area a bit reluctant to advance their babies through the subscription angle. They shouldn't feci that way, for in this wcrk you are advancing the future of the weekly newspaper ? the backbone of the nation. : We would like to see each baby represented this week with some subscriptions. We cannot believe that any baby In the race could be so lacking in backers that not a solitary person would help it with a subscription. Surely, pou parents are going to make ah effort these last few days of this week. Then, are hundreds of prospects for new and renewal subscribers. At least make an effort to get in a $15 'club' by Saturday night You mothers and dads must remember that baby cannot win the race without your active tbterest. You are Its campaign managers, and on teas you are willing to aeek the support of a number of people ' la Its behalf, your baby cannot hope to 'emerge the winner. Why net get busy right now and start the Job of patting your baby in the lead? J. ' ^ I I 'I NTS IN THE i POPULAR B/ IB ill JOYCE BI8ER Gold Street Thin young lady with the entranr Ing smile Is number 30 on this ^ '.'l.'a Unllni- Rnll '- " ^ D m me four year?- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Blscr, and the granddaughter of Mrs. N. F. Watterson. She has brown eyes, brown curly hair, and didn't give her weight. Remember, parents, there Is a $10 special prlzo offered this week. Photo by riord Studio. Shelby, N. C. LINDA MORRIS Waco Road This picture of health Is the one year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F O. Morris,- and the only living grand parent Is Mrs. Sallie Rollins of Gro ver. Linda has dark brown eyes Ihlack hair and weighs 19 rounds. There is only this week and next week remaining in the first period of the Baby Derby. Better speed up! East School 'nstalls New Boiler East End School is the proud possessor this week of a brand new bailer, she result of an explosion last Wednesday morning that kept the students of that school at home for four and one half days. Classes were dismissed last Wed nesday afternoon and were resumed yesterday morning. Installation of the new unit was completed .Tuesday. Superintendent of Schools, B. N. Barnes announced that the explosion whs of a minor nature, and that the only damage waa to the boiler itself. . > Agricultural Teachers Meet At McSwains TT.\e eleven agriculture teachers in the Cleveland County School 8yi tem met Tuesday aftpmoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther R. MoSwaln on the 8helby Highway. The Teachers 'discussed Hotne Beau tlfication, and other phases of land scaping. Mr, T. -H. Stafford, of Ashevllle, Supervisor of Agricultural Teachers for Western North Caroli na was present and lead in the discussion. President Cantrell of Boiling Springs Junior College Was also present. Following the meeting Mrs. McSwain and daughter served refreshments. ON THE TREASURE TRAIL OF PIRATES A series of exoltlng stories relating the a<fventurea of famous buccaneers who sailed the 8panlsh Main. One of many Illustrated features In THE AMERICAN WEEKLY distributed every 8unday with the BALTIMORE AMERICAN On sale at all newstands EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor for the last will and testament of Vers Rawles, all pereons having claims against the estate of Vera Rawles, deceased, will please file same with the undersigned on or before February 16th, 1941, or Mb Is notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, All persons indebted to her estate will please make Immediate payment ' > ?i 'This the 14th day of February, - > 11, . - ' .MhNS'-1 ' t C. F. Tbomaaeou, Executor. J. R. Davie, Atty. ' ?adv?mar JO. "< ** E ' ' . ? - > - ; ; ?;.?< ; . '*! ( ?j . ' - '4 > ' ' ' ' HERALD AND ' I BY DERBY , I El I I 1 J I ' r K4 CLYDE HUPPSTETLER Rout* On* , Clydle missed thin week's Honor Roll but his parents could make a real effort this week and placo him on the next Honor Roll. He 's the five vears old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Huffstetler. and the grandson of Vrs. .1. W. Ross of Cherryvllle. He has brown eyes, brown hair and weighs BO pounds. 10 one-year subscriptions is 2800 miles. ' I Jimmy's . -f '' Jl~ Photo by "Hord studio. Shelby. N. C. PAUL MORRIS SHORT Route Two Another handsome youngster In ' the Derby is Paul, the two years and three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Short, route 2, and the grandson of Mr. W. C. Morris. Kings Creek. S. S. He has blue eyes blonde hair and weighs 39 pounds. Paul could climb high on the Honor Roll if his supporters would put in the proper effort. 7pLAY AT BETH WARE The Beth-Ware Dramatic Club has announced that it will present a three-act mystery farce '"Aunt Susie Shoots The Works" at BethWare high school auditorium on Feb. 24. at 8:00 p. m. The play Is nbcut Aunt. Susie who Inherits a ' large estate including a sausage j works. The first night spent in the ! house proves to be a mysterious one There are two black face characters who are a scream. There are eleven people in the cast. For an evening of fun be sure to come. The admls sion is 10c and 20c. Home B. & L. Stockholders fTo Meet - . Stockholders of the Home Build jlhg and Loan Association will have , their annual meeting next... Thursday , at 7:30 In the court room ot the [City Hall, according to A. H. Patter [son, Secretary and Treasurer. All [ 'stockholders are invited to he present, and hear the report of the past . year's business, which was one of the best in the history ot the Association. ! " ? School h ~ . Drop in at the PIT after the "Pic"?Eat a Barbeci Milk Shake. i < | (X>LD DRINKS ?: jt?. r,r.VK?^53V3HIHHHi * ' > V* I I" lijl. *' ^ * J0 1," ?IW DOCTOR ) EXPCCTED TODAY Dr. Philip Padgett, who la going jo make Kings Mountain hia home a expected to arrive either today or tomorrow and open hia office for general practice in the Professional Bui^ng. Dr. Padgett comes here ? from,' Bryson City* where " He ha? been engaged in Ptiblic Health vork. I>r. Padgett has a brother who practices In Shelby. , . ' k Gastonia, Feb. 12.?An automobile >vertorned on a curve near here yesterday, killing 1 James William and. Wl!burn.^Ojyyjs. Gaetonia textile mill workers, and injuring four Jthcr persons. The injured were Clifford Owens, kivibon Ktolr anil cnllar hnnA! 11. la. Woody, a WPA timekeeper, broken ba<fk; and Mart HMpitalnger and Yates Owens. who were leas rerioue l> hurt. |r , |f0; Poochow, Feb. 12.?Seven survlv- ' or* struggled Into Foochow today with a story of the sudden death v of 300 men., women and children when a 100-ton coaatal steamer waa blown to ,)>lts after striking a mine at the mouth of the Mln river. ADDING FLAVOR TO EVERYDAY DI8HE8 An informative article by a famous household authority, giving recipes and hints to make 'dishes more tasty Look for this feature in the February 25th Issue of THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed witfr the BALTIMORE AMERICAN ^^^^1 Cause Discomfort bULUO AAA from the misery of colds, take 6M %F Liquid, Salve, Tablets, Nose drops ? 1 #^\ V XajbuveiKU v\ JBL Svuncc at] \^J Relieve yourself of the tiresome job of home laundering .. . it's just as j cheap and lots easier . just to send it to the Kings Mountain Laundry Give us a trial . . . you'll .be pleased with our work Just Call 270 J * : KINGS MOUNTAIN LAUNDRY * * . *. 4 * ' *" ' ?"* ". * " ' ?# ? ? * lids . . the game?Listen to y 4 L le?Try our Delicious ? SANDW'CHES i it Barbecue f " .* ' 1 ' . . * \it

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