Church N< Lutheran Church I i.. Boyd Maima. Bamor I Bil le School 10:00. D. C. Mnuney, I tleneral anoerhitenilfuit. I Services for the 2nd Sunday in Lent. ' Morning 11:00. sermon: The Pas- , sio-n of Our Lord Outside Judaism. Afternoon 4:00, Auxiliary Day. All Organisations meet for Devotional Service tn the Church. Boy Scouts meet Monday Evening ? . 7:00. Lenten Services Wednesday Even in* 7:15. Girl Scouts Thursday afternoon5:00. Classes In catechlgm Saturday M( rnlng 10:00. SAINT LUKBS: Ptble school 10:00. James lackey. , >-1* Central Methodist Church . e. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor 9:45 A. M. Ohurch School. It. S. Peeler, General Superintendent- s 31:00 A. M. - Morning Worship. Sermon: "The Stewardship Life.'" K-\. 5:30 P. M. Supper and Organiza1 lion Meeting for the Youth Division 0:30 P. M. Young Peoples' Choral Group. 7:00 P. M. Evening Service. Sermon: "God'** Outlook." Monday 7:00 P M. Boy Siouta. E 1. B. GoforOh, Scoutmaster. Wednesday 7:00 P. M Prayer | Meeting and Bible Study. a a 9 . n? i_ I 1 I V fl HffiBiTV V^B'VMfvI&J . ' Wm^B O H Jm m If v' . ^K > ' -r.>. '- ~. . ?* . ^^ ifc-Vv". v . . v /* ^Mfcriii.I- ' " iiti 'aii *i.-vui-5rjA-,. v^?.-J-?< . - ,;. ,*_* ., _ I'rcsoyierian L.nurcn Rev. P D Patrick. P?Ktn? I 0:45 Sunday School, C. F. Thorn- ( asKon, Superintendent. - , 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon fr subject: Joseph of Arimathaea. 2:30 Sunday Scttool at I)lxon School Housed. 5:00 Service at Margrace Community House. - .30 Young Peoples' Vespers. 7:30 Evenln Service: . Monday 7:00 Boy Scouts. Troop I Mtr. Carl Davidson. 8ctou?master; Mf |'9rs Harry Page and William. Thomsp|i. Assistant Scoutmasters. . ??? ' QUICK RESULT8 ? LOW C08T HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 7c a word for flrat Invertior* half price for subsequent Insertions. < Minimum charge 2Sc. Do not ask for informal.on regarding "keyed" ads, as they are strictly confidential. tf error Is made. The Herald is" .responsible for only one incorreot Insertion. The customer |g responsible for subsequent Insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needWant ads . are always cash in advanos exoept to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. LOST: Male Bird pup, age 4 months White -with brotwn spots. Finder -notify "Herald." FOR BALE ? The home of the late Mrs. T. C. Hardin on Parker 8t. Call 263-R. tab Up. 8TANOARD MAKE 8PINNETTE Piano. Strictly High Grade and used only nrw moomi. win aw i rWko tor leas than half price (or Wick sale. Write, P. O. Box 20S, Shelby. N. C- 2-lc tAND POSTED NOTICES tor Ml* at the Herald Offioe. Boat year hit tad preserve yonr Same. REMEMBER ? On Saturday yon get eae of ear CeBctoua Banana SpUU far only ISc. Kings Mountain Drug HOE SHINES 5c. Kings Mountain I - Shoe, Shop. We call tor and deliver. 14lt(. THE CLAN< army aov 0l5TAMCe Qf to* Columns uhpcr BARRA 6 . . .v " ' * . ' ' . Ti t ews? Wednesday 7:15 Prayer meeting, j Second Baptist Church Kev. i. C. Parker. Pastor Sunday School 9:43 each Sunday. J Preaching 11 a. w. and 7:80 p. m. ! each Sunda . P'. t .... ,.v\ . il GRACE METHODIST S. W. John son, J'a*lor 9:45 Sunday school. Frank Orewst Strpfs* ll: 90 Morning worship 6:30 Kp worth League. . < 7:39 Evening worship. Park-Grace M. E. Church John i.'. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. i .Mare^r.!l jj- yjh An 7:00 P. M. Evening g?rvlc??. Bach Bat urday 7.00 P. M Evange i llstlc aarvlce. i Wetleyan Methodist M. R. Htrrty, Pa a tor I Sunday Sotaool 9:46. Morning Service 11:00. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:16. Kveafng Service 7:00. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00. , ' .V. * I . ' ; - THE CHURCH OF OOD Roy L. Dnvla. Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. M. i ' Morning Service 11:00 a. M Y. P. E. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:30 P M. First Baptist Church A. CI. Sargeant.-'Pastor Sunday Morning Worship 11:00. The pastor will continue with the' ihird sermon of the series on "The Foundation Stones of Pentecost." v Sunday School 0:40. Sunday Evening Service 7:00. , The slscussion on "Baptist Histjry Following the Perioa of Reformmoil," will tie continued. Teaahers' ' meeting Wednesday iitgnt ijau in the Scout Hut. tfUUibl' doys uiid Girls', '"Can We Give Under Two Flags?'" Fiud - the gnawer at the Junior Worship Service Sunday mdrUiug at 11:00. CAMELS I'umulo o.... i. Ii.Iah o Itmiat, 'PI,A 1 V.U111V.IO Ml V V IVI ' U O IJI.UOIC. ^ UC creature's long, yellow teeth can in- j llict one of too .ugliest 01 ?uuiius, | and there is scarcely a time when a camel wll 1101 seize an opportunity to tear its master's flesh. The Arabs treat their camels badly, and the creature's retort by showing' them- j selves the meanest domestic beasts: known, , . ? I Native owners freight them cam- j els with as much as 1400 pounds, ' and drive them as far as' eighty j miles within three days, it is con-1 sidered an act of fate -If the animal ] dies after such an ordeal; if the camel manages to live, it is paslured for a week to recuperate. Camels are fierce fighters among thmselves. They don't have horns or i claws, so they use their teeth. Seizing one of the legs of a rival, a fighting camel twists and tugs till either he or his opponent is down; the victor then falls upon the weak ei one and pommels blm with his feet till death comes. Man'8 temperature varies only a degree or two, whether he is in the torrid zone or at the North Pole; the camel's temperature may rise or fall as much as nine degrees within 24 hours on the Sahara Desert. The Home of That's what lots of our C We invite you to try our i will please you. Call Us T Blalock . Phone 68 ZY KIDS Follow M 'ANCCO f"0" A 5. IN SQUAD coueft OF A MSAvy ^2 _ nfeTQf J ^ ? KINO 8 MOUNTAIN HMRALC Friends Meet After 49 Years Mr. C*. O. Uuingaruer. town rouuoilman from Ward 1 and for 21 years a resident of Mooresvflle. was made qqito c happy Tuesday, when two of his boyhood friends dropped in to spend the day." Mr. Bumgarner is a native of Alexander county, but when quite a lad went over to Catawba county, where lie stayed a brief- spell. Ilut while he was in Catp.wha county ho formed some sitong friendships wttfh other boys i f tliat community.,among them be ilia M P. Harmon and It. 8. Thornburg. Tliey became separate;!., each uoltiK his. own way. At u hospital tu Charlotte during the Christmas holidays Mr. Huttigarner met a lady ? irnm iving* Mountain ana in convor rri? "frr'TflmMyVrf mentioned. When the good lady returned to Kings Mountain- she looked up Mr. Harmon and told hltn of meeting with a friend of his "boyhood Mr. Harmon got In touch with Mr. Thornburc. and on Tuesday the two men came up from Kings Moun tain and spent the day with Mr. rumgarner. They had not seen one another for 49 years. The conversation lasted throughout the day referring to their varied experiences since they parted in Catawba county. Moorcsvllle News-Leader. State of North Carolina,. County of Cleveland. In The Superior Court, Ishniel Lawson. Plaintiff. Vs. Mattie King Dawson. Defendant. NOTICE '/"lie defendant, Mattie King Dawson, will ttyke notice that an action entitled as above' has been commenced in the Superior Court for Clevo lund County, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce absolute. based upon statutory grounds ana mat said derendant will furth er take notice that she is required to appear in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court' for Cleveland County, North Carolina, within twenty days after the completion of the service of this summons by publication and answer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This the 5th day of February. 1!>40 E. A. Houser. Clerk of the Superior Court for Cleveland County, adv- iVb 2T>.?|D ' v 6 "EXTRA" HELPS quickly relieve DISTRESS of CHILDREN'S COUGHS "COLDS DON'T "take chances" with unknown products to relieve discomfort of your child's spasmodic croupy coughs cm used by colds. Uae "Children's" VIusterole! MUsterols gives such QUICK relief because it's not "just an ordinary salve." Rub it well on your kiddie's chest, throat and bagEJteoothss and stimulates surface circulation and helps break up local uaigllfin sad pain. Its soothing vuxm sees hriartdng, 404. Approved by Good Good Ea~ Customers call our store. service and we know we 'oday. Grocery - We Deliver le. Rk ^^7 yy J^B C ik ^ 1 ;-?a ^^Bjj^^B ^^^BkB 'j 1VX->- SH^i ^ ' -V A. ..' '' ' :'J-* ' - lift'^il'-v' "rv^''- ' ' {E ?-<'^4 ' * ?'-v?- *XJ? - r K- '* V ? THURSDAY. FBB. IS. 1M?. NOTICE OF 8ALE I Under and by virtue ol the power of sate contained in an order made by E. A, He user, Clerk of the Court for Cleveland County in the special proceedings entitled "Albert Morris Adlnintstrutor. for the estate, of \V. A. Morris, deceased, vs. Minnie Hord. el al. i will resell the lots hereinafter described on the premises in the Town, of Kings Mountain, N on Saturday, l-'ebruary 24thi 1940. a*, in A.M.. the" following described lots: . Lota' Nos. 32 and :;:t situated in the Town of Kings Mountain, N C.. as shown' on a plat or tuup mado by E. I.. Campbell. Surveyor, on Seplenitu r 12th. 19.!9. as will appear J on record :n Hook of Plats \o. 2, at j nnge 915 in the Register of Deeds < Office for Cleveland County. The old j Paiker houses are located on said i lotn. , \ The blddinj; on lot No 32 will be- I im X"j' r.r "vt'T 9227.37. The terms of the sale are one- | third rash and balance In sis and twelve months. This the 6th (lav of February.] 1940. Albert Morris. Commissioner J. R. Davis. Atty ?adv feb 15. 67-R Is the Number to call for Quality Shoe Repairing at reasonable prices. We ; Deliver, too. KINGS MOUNTAIN SHOE SHOP /feS I I ^yfjvACjj / :^| M M mfl /4 I 9 BIASONS WHY YOU I I SHOULD SUV TOUI USSD I I I CAD HON VOUt CHIV- M I OUT D1ALIDI I H ;. i'^^Bm ' n^H S Tfaa finest selection I of ueed core end the H I ~ beet need car values In town. fl O Yon can buy booH H your Chevrolet dewie*H I with confidence. If hstrWOMditMWM If ? Lowest prices cool II ~ menaarate wla 1/ *'aHty 5 dealer aCaade'fhrefl M . ' '. > . ' ' ' ' * ' CLEVEL Phone 49 ? JfXj** wltiiiM'S*flrffo*'rj%p\~t?w?jy/v.52^v> i\ ttRin'JbK T^RJ ?< ^ f VM RBA n> >-'. ^ Ri ^w^^rT p^r *. v _ '' * ,k * * ' * * ' * ' *.? _* 4 v-sr* ,vj ? , NO ONE likes to lie awake; yet every night thousands* toss and tumble, count sheep, worry and fret, because they can't get to sleep. Next day many feel dull, logy, headachey and irritable. i Hr *KU ovor ' lanmaiAl^^" *T" 'il 1 i|?nl*pi i ?? don't you do as many other people do when Nerve* threaten to spoil their rest, work, enjoyment, and good temper ? try n. U:L. C?f ^ kl . T_LI _?. va. * ? biitiuKcni ncmnc laoiexx Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets arc a combination of mild sedatives proven useful for generations as an aid in quieting jumpy, ov6r-strained nerves. Your druggist will be glad to sell you Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets in convenient small or " economical large packages. Why not get a package CSft-. and be prepared when over-taxed nerves threaten to \V1 g fg interfere with your work or spoil your pleasure. JlPVfl h[ Large Package - 1? Small Package ? Subscribe to The Herald OT CHEVROLET IWXSUSh Pfri*+?4fr I TOU Will SA / *Affr^ I" ""- NOW' / |ll% . B' ^Qn y H In order to make M I Buy >ow be- Sit* deprectk- "? ** Cuiei" tap. t I tore pricee rtot tloo ?o jrow old v th* Tr*d* *p /^J?\ iideiUl !- pe^lr* on AND MOTOR CO. Kings Mountain, N. C. By PERCY L. CROSBY BBbBIMK g/B. nrMr? * ? ???sci, . fcYi ' -.' W.-- ' . - ';' ;-. ^' :v:^j;v ,, ' . .: . - . 'V . >/ Vj- . . ??