OMIMMMIMOIMItMIM SOCIAL AND PERSONA] oflNTE PH01S TRI LL CLUB MEET8 The Tri ll Club held iu regular meeting Friday night at the Club ,, v. house with a large number ot the members present. The birthdays for this month were MT^^'osler Fleming and Mrs. Buck AUran, who re cetved many pretly and useful xifts After the discussion Of business, WITH PATENT > > * . A tie to get lyrical about. A tie with the gleaming flash of patent leather contrasting boldly with the rich dullness of gabardine*' A tie with discreet stitching and dainty cutouts. In short, a tie you'll love! fi4t*Annr ofool oi?ok onA KfKAVll^ OfcVVI aivil i9U|V port and modified last. Only? .4 ? 2.00 Patent Leather Operas ?and at a price! You'll never believe that this sleek opera pump with its gay round toe comes at such a ridiculously low price. It has a giddy high heel, and it fits like a glove, but it's only? MYERS' > a. | Dept. btore MICKEY AND HIS M I Housa/ ^ -y ' - ' ' . .' v ' - ? v . 5&L " ' ' ' ' ? ~ r ? ? ? ' " . [* HAPPENINGS :rest to y IES 10-R AND 88 MRS- I Vtcsdamus Joe Foster, Foster, Flern Ing and Uewey Caldwell servid delicious refreshments of which the ( colors were red, white -and blue, rdh j l'? seuting iijjjjrge Washington's b^rj ttiuay. Visitor for the evening whs | .Nits. Jackson Sepaugh of Earl. AiV, members are urged to attend the next meeting. ; '"'MEETING OF 8TUDY CLUB Mrs. O. W. Myers was hostess to members of the Study ('tub and a hu, nig at her lionie 011 Piedmont Avenj t!?. Tuesday evening. -_ix 1?The rooms were arranged with t < ut flowers and blooming pot plants Mrs. Ludd liumrick hud charge of the program on "The Use of OccesI series in. the - Home." Mrs. N> F. I Met<111 talked on "The Arrangement I of Flowers and Correct Use of Pictures." Mrs. \V. T. Weir on ' Table Appointments", and Mrs. Ludd Ham rick ou "Minor Accessories." 'Miss Rachel McUlain played a piano soleI COllC ludilltr ill** ttroiffun. Tnmnfl??o . - ?*" "O ?. i ? ui|>k IIIH refreshments were served. HOSTESS TO SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. O. W. Myers was hostess to members of the Social Club and Invited guests entortalu'.ng at her heme Tuesday afternoon. .Snapdragons and other lovely cut flowers', were tastefully arranged In decoration. Mrs. ft. L. Mauneyinade high score In rook and was presented a blooming azalea. . A tempting salad and sweet coin se was served with The George Washington motif cleverly observed. Guests included Mesdames \V. K. Mauney, ft. ft. Mauney. W. A. Rlden llour, L. P. ftaker, H. T. Fulton. B. V Ormand. H, N. Moss, Arthur Hay L- C. Parson. I. B. Ooforth. A. H. Patterson. K A. Harrlll. Manly I Murehead and P. D. Patrick. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT j Mr. and Mrs. James Cox announce the arrival of a fine baby girl, Judith Rebecca, on Feb. 14th. \ ? i 1 WO R K - IT'S VY S F^OU IMERHAD^ij J A DAY when you felt tense, * Jumpy, Irritable? A NIGHT when you were wakeful and restless? Over-taxed nerves are likely to cause loss of friends, loss of sleep, loss of pleasure? time missed from work, family quarrels, physical and mental suffering. The next time you feel nervous, try the soothing effect of one or two Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets. Try Dr. Miles Effervescent Nervine Tablets for Sleeplessness due to Nervousness, Nervous Irritability, Nervous Headache, Excitability and Restlessness. Year money hack If you era not entirely satisfied. At rear Drag Bteee Small Package M# Large Package 71# Bcaeaker te aak fee 8OB. MILES ffrcw???W* NERVINE TABLETS A ' to* ttox L ??UEvt HAVF ^ vwt i?^cy rr cwr^fiM J :ie otcab sh> can believe all the awell thlnga i hear about SUNRISE DAIRY. iy have a fine, modern, ranltary , nt an* 1 aay their milk la the tao- , drink In the world. /?u^\ ; ( A/CH.r/tfSM I , \ GOLDEN I RJIfWjH \ ..fuvtfito TO / MaflttJ \wuft ooo(f/ ? I ' . y " \ - ' TOT KINO* MOUNTAIN TTEJU1 WOMEN k* H. PATTERSON, Editor HOSTESSES AT BRIDGE AND N. pOKSXC PARTIES \ Mr#. Lester Hoke and Mrs. M. H. Miser were hostesses at two lovely parties entertaining at tlie heme of the former, on Tuesday afternoon / ami W'ediiecilay afternoon. / The living room and dining rTSom Were tastefully arranged with bloom ilig pot plants. On Tuesday afternoon Mr*. B. S. I >feiU scored high, receiving un at-1 W'My. jgafelfcwt ? wr,?:> it m o a?i 1 A tempting salad and sweet bourse was served with the George Washington motif observed. Guests included Mesdames \V. E. , lll.ikely, W. K. Crook. O. O." Jackson/ D. F.lanton, Pride Ralterree. Ill III, Yarhoro. Harry Page. George^ Houser, Charles Thomasson, Harold Crawford. J. B. Keeier. Arnold KIsor. I.add Hamrick, Charles '?Villiams 'red Plotik. B. 8. Neill. Pete Gamble. Troy Carpenter. Jesse Stewart, Padgett. Bill Howard. Paul Mauney .iesse Riser and E. W. Griffin. On Wedneadhy n^fternootv, Mr|i Hayne Blaokiner. scored high In 1 ridge- and Mrs. Manly Morehead in took, each receiving, attractive trophies!" i The George Washington motif was again observed in the delicious refreshments served. Guests included ' Mesdames Manly Morehead, 15. M Ormand. W. A. I itideuliour, 11. T. Fulton, itunter | Ware. George Moss. A. II. Patterson Hunter Netsleiv O. \V Myers, W. K \liiuney, Hilly Miuiney, Jac ob Cooper. Pari Mauney.; Ed Smith. Jim ilcrndon, H. S. Hlackincr, L. D. Shu-/ tcrcl. If. H. Webb, Paul Noisier, I.( R. Ooforth and Curry; Misses-Ella V Harmon and May Plonk. ,SHC%VER FOR BRIDE v Mrs. James Clonlnger and Mrs. IllU'ard Black were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower honoring Mrs Wtlburn Black, a recent bride. The | party was given at the Margrace Club House which was tastefully , <4fCorated lor the occasion. ^ The bride was presented a number of lovely gifts. A tempt ling salad course, heart shaped sandwiches and coffee was servod. Guests Included Mesdantes Wiliurn Black. Grady McCarter, Pat Tlgnor, Gratt Flowers. Hershey Flowers. C. S. Black. Dewey Falls, Oliver Falls, Holland Dixon, . Jack Kennedy. J. E. Rhea, James Logan, J. B. Self, Lloyd Patterson, John Jenkins. Paul Sanders, Sam Howell Martin Frederick; Misses Ber.tha Saunders, Geneva Owens, Aileen Black, Betty Clonlnger, Hazell Clc.t | iger. Dutch Cloninger and ljoulse Falls. , BIBLE CLA88 ENTERTAINED The Daughters of Wesley Bible class of Central Methodist church met at the home of Mrs. E. W. Griffin on the evening of February 8th, with Mrs. Hunter Ware and .Mrs. Griffin as Joint hostesses. A business meeting was held at which officers for the next six months were elected as follows: Mrs. Henry McGlnnl?, president; Mrs. , I. B. Goforth, vice-president; Mrs. E. W. Griffin, teacher, Mrs. W. M. Gaiitt, assistant teacher; Miss Ethel Roberts, treasurer; Mrs. W. H. IJow aid, secretary. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed during which Valentine games were played. Twenty three members were present. r A delightful salad and sweet course was served. MEETING OF GLEANER8 CLASS. A most delightful meeting of the Gleaners class of the First Baptist Sunday School was held at the home of Mrs. Eugene Roberts on loot Colttfllow ' iwdv umui (uivpi UUUU Willi iTXtO. i Roberts and Mrs. Ray Klrby as bos- I teases. t ... \ Mrs. C. C. Oates conducted the devotional and Mrs. Elmer Logan, class president, presided over the business session. ,Mrs. Paul Cole had charge of games and contests which provided amusement. The hostesses served delicious refreshments . consisting of salad, sandwiches, cherry tarts and tea. The George Washington motif was observed in decorations and favors Members present included Moslames D. M. Bridges, Manly More iiead. Frank Cox, Richard Hord, Cle tus Blackwell. Paul Cole, Elmer Logan, Earl Tate, Cllne Farthing, Gilbert Hord, Shelley Gibson, C. C. Oates, Ray Kirby, and Eugene Roberts. Mrs. Brat ton Herndon a form er member of the class, was a guest. jD THURSDAY, PBB 21, 1940 MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mn. Richard Saunders of K1dk? Mountain announce the marriage of their daughter, Vera, to WilUirn Black, on November 18 1930. York. S. C. Mr. Black 's a son of Mrs. J. B. Self and the late Harley M. Black of this city. They will make their home on Wilson street. U. D. C. TO MEET The regular monthly meeting of the l'nited Daughters of the Confed j eraey will be held at the home of Mrs W. A. Mauney ou Railroad avenue. Friday afternoon at 3:30. Mrs Mauney and Mrs. Frank Summers' will be hostesses. Personals rM ?s. Irene Holland of Charlottei wan a gbest of Miss Fairy Grace j Patterson for the week-end. j ?o? tJ&iukJ&i&SSib* Jkiid. wax a m> tor in king* Mountatii Tuesday. ^rT~ ?0? ?|; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Flonk of Coll? ;,rd were- guests Of Mr. and Mrs (?./, S. Piouk during the weck-elid. ?' ( S*^11 ? 0? * Caplain O. C. O'Farrel is visiting ' his brother, who is ill at his - home ' in Athens, Ga. ' 1 -a- J Mrs JesBie Riser of Charlotte has . been visiting her relatives in Kings \ Mountain for several days. ?o? Mr. Kugene McStv.V.ti. a student. ?t lloono, was a guest of home folks for the, week-end. Miss Margaret Herman of Duke ' Hospital nursing staff was a hous-' gu'est of Mrs. .Carl Matir.oy for the week-end. * >"" ? ' 1' Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Alexander and ; boys visited Mr. Alexander's sister Mis. C D. Tate of Mottroe, who Is' in the Monroe hospieal, recently. ??? Dr. and Mrs. A. S. Cover of Strai burg. Va., are house guests of Mrs. Aubrey Mauuey. Dr. anil Mrs. Cover ( Xpert to be here for two weeks. I ' /Messrs Lee Neal and Landrum Ffutnam of Patterson Springs commupity were recent' business visy; fors in town. ?o? The many friends of Mrs. Paul McUiuuis will tie glad to learn she is much better after suffering with i severe throat infection. ??? \ ( Mr. C. E. Neisler and son, Billy fiene Noisier, spent ihe week end In ' Palm Harbor. Fin., with Mr. Nets-; ler's mother. They returned b^. >lane Tuesday. Fred Wright, Jr., Appalachian Col. lose student, spent the past weekend at home. He was accompanied by Garner Clark, a collegemajp/ rom Virginia. Smb .1. More I ' B?etter Service L?awer Prices A?Iways Ready f L?et Us Serve I O?nly I C?all 58 . K?indly Try ? < i' . I Blalock's Grocery & Market We Deliver MHr" I .1 Prospects Brighten For Good Crop Year looking at the 1940 agricultural picture in North Carolina from a production standpoint, prospects for crops are good, says E. C. Hlair agronomist of the State College Ex tension Service. For one thing, farmers have sown 130,000 acres' in winter legumes, a far greater acreage than ever he-1 fore. If these legumes are allowed | o grow and gather nitrogen until j April and are turned under and fol i lowed by co.rri, an increase of 10 j bushels of corn to the acre, or < n I total of should result. Also Tar Heel crowd's had Ml.- j mto acres In lespcdeza last year. As < lerpedeZa usually occupies tne land ( for. two.years, the chances arc that i only half this acreage will he used 1 for another crop this y ear. If plant- | ed' t;i corn, the land should produce ^ form-wly. l(oughly. -h's would iim an ! sti increase of 4.10.000 acres, or 4.?.j r.on.noo bushels of corn. HUilr said there is-another reason j ivhy crops in the Pled an m! should j to good this year. The -weather was [ unusually faVornhle for plowKe dur inn the fail of 1939. and co:.' juout ly, nearly all land intended f<- corn i-otton. and cowpeas was plowed he Tore the end of December This means that the soil has been subloctod to freezing and thawing, which will thoroughly pulverize itbefore spring. BVTDi tUitlttl laiml HWTUI EXTRA COMFORT I 0{|JI , ) Myers* Dr< / Cordially invites you to ing of their Spring C i i DRESSE and C The selections that they leady been highly acclai approved by many purch , ' * DRESSES SUITS CHA T<? Myer's Dn Second Floor IV I" - - " miii.imiiiin n. ..',w The freeaes and thaws also wJT /ielp to kill destructive Insert*, which gradually have been Browing more abundant during the last .' two or three years of tnlld winter*.. Also, organic matter plowed . ii>J# the soil last fall hao tioa >? ?? io decay. nnd more ef It will be usable bv 1940 crops than would hanc been the Case had plowing bcea de WHY suffer from Colds? nom cold symptoms take 066 Liquid.Tablets - Salve - Nose T>ropw +4v4+444t4m44+++44++4??V SPECIALS This Week-End ..i.4hAiri.T tn-n 1 r1 mm 1 ?? * - ? M * SI.15 Jar Daggett & Ramsclls Cleansing CREAM for 69c * Deauliful Nu-Vu One day ALARM CLOCKS $2.00 value for 1.49 ' Wonder Package STATIONERY 75 sheets and envelopes for only 23c Kings Mountain Drug Co. We fill any Doctors* Prescription Phones 41 and 81 i ess Shoppe attend the Daily Show1 . : ! Collection OF S. SI JITS OATS are displaying has almed and enthusiastically , i ;?'V . 4 \ lasers. * * 1.94 to 14.95 7.95 to 16.95 2.95 to 19.95 ?ss Shoppe *' " - * .-" V? lyers' Department Store * ' ~ V; -&M

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