Leaders C 1 ?: .. 9MH vw* ^9 S&C " S^S * & 3 - ^K'0>. \ J Photo bjr Jlorrt Htndlo, Shelby. N. C. PHYLLIS WARE 301 King Street Your Active Inte The Parents of I Small. FIVE of 1 do This Week is . Worth Three Ti] Awards Given To A Number of Beth-Ware t-H Girls The Itetli-Wnre 4-H Club hold Ha 'oRulur moot ins Thursday morning. Vb 15. in the Jltgli School auditor-j Ann. After t!"? club pledge and the WIS call, wo songs. "The 4-H Hymn mil. "JH.nUio in the Pines," were, sctigg Two Mioml>ora gave a conver ration on " Wild Idfe." Miss Sutton ind Mr. Thornton, our agents, gave t tallt about "How lo Help and Connerve our Minis." Merchants of. Kings Moun: gin gave . awards to 4-H girls making the best' rscorrt in the different * projects for i'.iITO. Helk's Department Store gave materia! for a dress to Euzelia Mc'Swain, who had the best record in /*0 thing; Keeter's Department IMPERIAL THEATRE Kings Mountain's Popular Play House PHONE 134 NOW PLAYING THURSDAY lluck Jones in "Ridin' For Justice" also Alan Marshall. Harbarn Read. In "Married and in Love Serial ? News 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ken Maynard In "Flaming Lead" alao Polly Anne Young In "Port of Hate' labial. "Green Hornet", Donald Duch 10c and 15c ' MONDAY and TUESDAY "Fat and Slim", Laurel and Hardy "A Chump at Oxford" In New*, Comedy, March of Time 10c and 15c - ?Coming Soon? THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE Dame" . Thursday "CONGO Ann Southern Saturday ? D "THE AR1 Roy! TOO BUS1 TL rv Tr\v\/? IXIIC UUI1C FREE CANDY Every kid will receive a i every tenth one receivin on this day. Monday ai "THE SHOP AROl James Stewart ? Wednesday ? "VILLAGE 1U Richard Cromi "EMERGEN ntiiii I,wiuiam m . . -, ' y .' >> ;?&'.' . .XA. ! ' :- : ; ' '. -' - / it: .v. mt -- . . .. .w- .^ . iMi 'ilMi ikift i I'm )n This V .V.' ' . > V r . " y i ai -^uk. photo l?y I lord Studio. Shelby. N. C. RACHAEL JOLLY Margrac* Mill rest In Your Baby's Behalf the Babies on this Week's Ht them would Send Your Baby going to have a Mighty In mes as much This Week Con Store gave material for a dress to Carrie Yarboro for the best canning record; Plonk Brothers Store gave material for a dress to Kuzciia McSwain for the best records: Phlfer Hardware Store gave a pyrex dish to Annie Pearl Wright for the best record in cooking: Bridge* and Ham tick Hanhvare store gave a waste basket to Priitt Dover (Mrs, Itobert Howelli for the best record in room Improvement. ri A it ruriu v{uustions Q.? Should sweet pot u to plants lx> treated . before planting In the field? A.?Where the soils are infected Avlth stem rot or -wilt organisms, the stems and roots should be dipped in a 20-20-50 Hord<\ux mixture or dusted with a mixture composed of 25 per cent monohydrated cop-, nor sulfate and 75 percent lime just j before planttni. .The scurf Infected roots and steins should be treated with ground sulphur immediately ( before transplanting. Treated plants must be transplanted In moist but not water logged soil. Q.?What Is the proper tempera-, tare for a brooder house? A ? For the first Aveek. ( after hicks are placed in the brooder, the temperature should be regulated to 98 degrees at the outer edge of the caopy and on a level with [ he chicks' heads. This temperature is lowered five degrees each week until the sixth week, but care should bo exercised to avoid, running the bvooder at a sub normal temperature. Where brick or rock brooders are used a room temperature of 70 to 75 degrees IS sufficient CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our many menus ana neignuors ior uie oeautiful floral ofTering and the kindness rendered us during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. Mrs. R. H. George and children Opportunity^? KnockaC^jffr\ ^ HEAP the ADS ? and Friday ~.H MAISIE" ? John Carroll ouble Feature [ZONA KID" Rogers f TO WORK" s Family FOR THE KIDS piece of candy Free, with I iK an extra large piece, I "J . ...I id Tuesday JND THE CORNER" Margaret Sullivan Double Feature iRN DANCE" veil ? Doris Dav CY SQUAD** Henry XIE | . v . V : x ' - ... , - ' ' * > -rl .. _S .v t _ -.AVAd!- ?.. . "* "V '* ; . 'i.? ' TKB KINDS MOUNTAIN HVRA2JD Veek's Bai || Photo, by liord Studio. Shelby. N. C. I MARY BAKER . Piedmont Avenue Will Insure Publishing the B; )nor Roll are expected to rep< Fly ing Along the road to Su< lportant Bearing on what F lpared with the last week of r morftabout ~~f BOY SCOUT BANQUET |v * r" -1.' ' 1 I (Colu'd from from page) , \11 the Court of Honor February 15th: j1 Tenderfoot Rank Ralph C. Thomas, 3; David Nelll, '' Millard A. Prince.3; B. S. Peeler,; 1 Jr.. 3; Henry Parks Neisler, 1; , Charles Nelsler. 1; Bobbie Hcrndon | ' 7:. Eugene Timing, 7; Eugene Press- ,* ley. 8; Lawrence Pressley, 8; Wll ' liam Mitcliem. 5. " Second Class Rank | John Houser. 2: Oscar Gladden, 5 " l Darwin Keller. 5; Win. Blackwell, 8; , Fred Kisee, 8; Opal Pruett, 8. j First Class Rank O. L. Jolley. 3: Harry Laughter 4; ' j David Mc Daniel. A. S. M.. 4; Den | Goforth, 6; CJias. Gofovth. 6: B. T. 'Wright. 6: A. G.,Susreant, Jr.. 6; Ed ' gar '.Deece. 6; Luther Godfrey. 7; ' Joe Hawkins. 7. . ' ' ' Merit Badges 1 Bill Page, 1. Pathfindinc: Chak. ' Moss. Jr., 1, Reptile Study; Wood < i Rawles. 1. Reptile Study; Billy Rud- 1 \ dock. 1, Scholarship; Eddie Smith. * 1. Fireinanship; Gus Gordon, 2. Fire ' manship; Hoyle Whitesides. 2. Fire 1 mansliip; Doris- Bennett, 2, Reading t and Scholarship; Wm. Medlin,. 2, I Put-lie Health; Flh.vd Quees, 2, Mus- I lie, Farm Layout. Animal Industry j and Gild Eagle Scout Palm. | Grady Queen, 2. Handicraft; EU' gene Mitchem, 2; First Aid to Animals; Miles Mauney, 2. Conserva[tioji; Ernest Mauney. 2. ConservaI Hon; Otis Falls, Jr., 2. Animal In dltstrv! Robt. Dettmnv 9 Fjrin I.nv out: Smyfe Williams. 3. Fireman-'j | ship: David MciDaJnel. A. S M.. 4, Pathfindinf) Gerald Wilson. 4, Flr? mapxhip; Chas. Wilson. 4. Civics, First Aid and Reading; J. TV Hawkins. 4. Civics; Roy Smith, 4, Safety ; Pphllc Health. Personal Health, I Pathflndng and Civics; Harvey Lau ' ghter. 4. Ftremanahip; Wilson I.Cd| ford, 4, Public Health. Plumbing, | Firat Aid. Civics and Carpentry. Ray Bridges, 4. Public Health, I Plumbing. First Aid. Civics. Carpen I try. .lames Hullender, 5. Safety; Gene Davis. 5. Swimming; James Ware, | 5. Aviation; Stoney Walker, 5, Hand icraf. Safety, Life Scout Rank; BilI ly Hullender, 5. Pathflndlnsc and Star Scout ?fUjikf J. T. McGlnnls, Ji* 15, Pathflnding; Coyt Payseur, 5; | Animal Industry. Thos. Smith, 6,' I Safety; A. G. Sargent, R. Firemanship; E. W. Griffin. 6 Firemanshtp; Olee Bridges, 6. Scholarship; Eugene Mathis, 6. Scholarship and Firemanshtp; Arthur Lee Jackson, 7. Handicraft, Star Scout Rank; John Henry Caldwell. 7, Handicraft Star Scout Rank; Buck Huffstetter, 8, Scholarship. Reading. CARD OF THANK8 .We wish to thank the people of Kings Mountain tor their acts of kindness to our loved one. Mrs. Vera Rawles, during her long III-, ness and for the sympathy shown us after her death. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenkins. Jacqueline, Wood. Jr., and Gloria , Rawles ? 6"EXTRA"HELPS quickly relieve DISTRESS of CHILDREN'S COU61S-COLDS DONT "take chances" with unknown' products to relieve discomfort of your : child's spasmodic croupy coughs caused by colds. Use "Children's" MuatamUt Musterole gives such QUICK relief beand bjek- It aoothea and stimulate* surface circulation and helps break up local congestion and pain. Its soothing vapors cage breathing. 40f. Approved by Good Hwekeeptag Bureau. EftS - - . . ' .. ,. ? . 1 .- , ... .ii, .. ,c ., "*>; . ": - ,, .v - THURHDAY. rtB. it, 1M? by Derby * ? * s- ./ill .1"hoto by Honl Studio. Shelby, N. CJUDY JENKINS 301 King Street aby's Picture. Active Rep >rt at least one "club" $15 :cess ? toward the ultimat rize your Baby Will Wii rhe Derby. 'LAY AT BETHWARE "Aunt Susie Shoots the Works," mystery farce. in three acts, will >e presented at the Beth-Ware high cliool auditorium Saturday night, 'cbruary 741 h at 8 p. m. Admission 6c and 70c. This play is being directed by S. 1'oon and is produced by the High tchool Dramatic Club. ,Don't forget he date! Be sure to come and tell ill your friends to be on hand for an >veniug of fun whqn "Aunt Susie thoots The Works." VIORE ABOUT BABY DERBY . " ? .? r ' (Cont'd from front page) ?xpect them to manifest very much nterest in you. unless you are deep y interested In your own behalf. Prove to them you are worthy of heir support and encouragement. Vsk your friendB to ask for Baby Jerby coupons at the Baby Derby tores. Also ask for new and renewti subscriptions to The Herald. I'he Derby office will be open unil NINE o'clock Saturday night. HELP YpUR FAVORITE CANDI INUMIJ I SPOR Childrens SI Sizes 6* to 2 79c pi . Sport Oxfo Tan aiul WliU? ftfl Ties and Strap 97c pi Sizes 8^> to 2 CHILDREN'S CREP1 Oxfords $1.491 Sizes 12 to i I) Extra Sne< One rack $4.95, $3.95 WINTER SHC All Sizes $1.94 1 nnr i/'i 4 tStLL,i\. k REME1V Honor R < t,. Photo by- Hord Studio, Shelby, N. C. BARBARA GAULT Phenfx Mill orting Coupons and Herald worth of Subscriptions. One e goal of winning $200 and C n. Remember, Coupons and Si A CORRECTION The Herald wishes to call attention to, and correct an error which appeared in an add and in the columns of the Herald last week. The error was in the announcement of the Dixie Grill, and stated that Bill Craig was one of the proprietors of 'the grill. The name should have b'pen Grlgg. not Craig. Bill Craig is an insurance agent. [fie ^k An ascitiBC nor Idea ia radio out how much jrou know abo ^k sad uauaual placaa. Many oatui WJZ Friday 8: 1 niniii'i DQUARTERS T OXF< IOCS BELI Spo IQ Tan i p:V\. Side 1 Moccasins ? ' White. All i r.d' <61 times X" e ; ? El Spo AA to C. p cat w Tan and W E SOLt!i white Saddl Medium Hi ' Cork Soles. Whf'e Dresi ,r- $2 __________ :ial 5 and $2.95 One ra >ES >r. || || 5 DEPT~L IBER ? You Always Save A ! "jrj. vlj> " \ ' ; - " ' . ./. ' ' ? W?- ' " > * V* ". . ?V r'/: . OT ; ?t ol1"' Photo by Hord 8turtIo, Shclbv, N. O. MARY PUTNAM Church Street * j Subscriptions. Club is Really up. What YOU ibscriptions are INDIGESTION , - Sensational Relief from Indigestion end One Dote Prates It If. the (kit doi# of Ihli pteaasnt-tastlnc lltlle black tablet doesn't brine you the fa.ieat and moat enmnlete relief you hare eiperl cured aend tiottle bark to ui and set DOUBLE SIONKY BATH. This Ball-ana tablet helps the atotnarli dtsesi food* makes the eireet stomach nut.li harmless and lata Cast tlie nmirtahlns (oo.li you need. Fas heart n. sick headache and unlets so'ofirn caused by e??w stomach (hildemeklni mm feel sour and tick alt orer?JUST ONE HOSE of BeU ana proses peedy relief. SSe ererrabere. Entertainment Find |j \u\ 1 JHi at America's' atrange V^AfA^ /] .bis prlseal Listen tot "* \\ FOR "1 3RDS ' ? C'S SALLY ANN rt Uxtords I ind White Saddles ries ? Crepe Soles ? White, Tan, Tan and rfzes. * 1.94 pr. I DGEWOOD P I rt Oxfords I I Widths?Sizes 3 to 9 hite Saddles. Black and I es. Beige with Low or II *ls. Beige and Brown || n ? ? *. I v^repe ooies. j?rown and 9 Oxfords-? .98 pr. Special ck $2.98 and $3.98 SHOES .00 pr. STORE t BELK*S | " - .