Student-Faculty R Basketball Games Held Appalachian State Tea chert College, way . VP yonder In the Mountains, la probably unaware of the fact, but It scored a triumph In Kings Mountain Tuesday night as four farmer stars from way up thar provided thrills and apllls ? and laughs galore In tbe,annual Student faculty game In the "local gym. Of course, Appalachian!!** did not get all the laughs ? they gave the fans most of the basketball. Wake Forest scored a* Professor Hendricks took his turn at bat. 80 did Queens when Lowrasce and Mor ris took their turn. But the big stuB went to Appalachian. thought that he was on the gridiron most of the time when he wasn't re fferlng ? which -be took turn-about doing, and blocked out the Studentforward whom he was guarding. Hie forward finally tried to tackle Mr. Farthing, but he couldn't phase hcrw ~ ULi TY oj National Sc % Beautiful selection ol I Spun and Crown Test I ed Rayons. Printed & Solid colors ? I 48c yd. Big table Rompei Cloth and Chambray Pretty Patterns ? I 121-2cyd. Lady Baltimore Print , 1 Extra good quality a % I this price. All colors 8 patters ? J 10c yd. I BIG TABLE I PRINTED ?Poplins ?Shantungs ?Broadcloths ?Challies ?Pongee / 25c yd. KEE DEPARTM VALUE FOR VALU1 i- ' Vr - v.* V . * ' : . ?*' ' ' ' '' ' ' ' T the hefty Mountaineer. Fulkerson, .who wee more than willing to let Farthing have the whistle pan of the time, looked: all cat of place bealde little Watterson, four-Coot high school lad who did the runnlng-under In the spree. Davidson was represented by Mof fett, who did some of the scoring for the faculty ? and he got aruund right well on the floor. In the gals mU-up.Mrs. Hendricks did right well at center ? with Low ranee probably splitting honors with both Carlisle and Morrle at guard. Anyway, It don't mrke much never mind who you pick. They were all stars? and most of them saw stars. Everything that happened isn't ex uctly clear. There, wei? Individual cheering faction* for the different stars ? for everybody from Bill Craig, who helped the men teachers to Virginia Allen and Dot McGlnnis, v. ho helped the women. And Miss | ('anion, the Music Teacher-water utrl also drew lots of cheers. And serving the women out i* the floor. Oh yeah, the scores were: Male. 2.' all (the tie wasn't played off.) 1'omale: Students 31. Kaculty 16. JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 SUBSCRIBE TO' THE HERALD ? id SAVE] swing Week I B FROM OUR I BIG AND 9 . ! k COMPLETE I I PIECE GOODS I W DEPARTMENT I I Victoria 80 Sq. Prints. Guaranteed fast colors ! All new Spring* pat- 1 terns. Buy, Sew And Save?*' pie yd. J r Big table Madras Shirt ings and Cotton Crash es. Assorted patterns. 29c values. Special ? , 15c yd. J 9 New shipment Silk 1 Remnants. Ix>vely I - Spring Patterns and Colors ?Sew and Save 29c yd. I [ENT STORE HB KIN OS MOUNTAIN OTRALD G ROVER NEWS __________ (Mrs. A. Collins) ? ? ? irrovsr, Feb. 28.?"Opem Houne" wub heiu bundwy front *:30 to 6:00 If. in. at tne borne of D. J. Keeter, in Urover, when many friends called to oner congratulations ou nis i ?2nd birthday. Lovely flowers were used throughout the home, r rlentla were Invited Into the dining room where cheese biscuits, dainty cukes were served and Mrs. B. A. Harry poured cotfec. bo a Is of white Qladlolls and narcissus and a color note of white and icreao were i used in the dining room. Mr. Keeter la chairman of the Board of Deacone of UroVer Baptist church and has been teacher of the Womuu's Uible Class, now in his' honor, "The ,D. J. Keetsr Bible j Class." for more than 40 years. the 3. 3. Class Sunday. Mrs. B. A. Harry assistant teacher, paid tr*oute and honor to his faithful stewat dship, with him honor was accord ed to his faithful wife, Mrs. Keeter. At the same time recognition was made of ljie oldest living member of Grover church, Mrs. M. J. Allen, who recently celebrated her 85th | b'rthday. The children and grandchildren who celebrated with their father Sunday were as follows: Mrs. J. H. Jenkins of York. S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wharton uf Green wood. S. 0.; Mrs! Clifford Hamilton of Clayton; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pierce of Augusta. Ga.; and Harry Keeter of Qrover. The grandchildren present were: Misses Eolene and Jo Keeter of Kings Mountain; Miss Mary Jane Jenkins. of Winthrop College; "Becky*v Jenkins, l.andruin College! Ethel Keeter Jenkins. Jean and Anne Hamilton and Viola Keeter Pierce. One brother, T. S. Keeter of Grover, and wife, were present at the reunion. Dr. and Mrs. Oren Moss. and. two children of Cllffside visited his mother. Mi*. W| J. Moss Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, V. J. Hardin and Mrs. J. W. Priester visited relatives a few days last week in Donalds. S. Carolina. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. I^ee were callers In the home of Mrs. L. C. Ham rick. Mrs. Eliza Hardness of Sharon. S. C.. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Hardin this week and other relatives and friends. .Miss Mary Frances Hambright, student of Limestone College, spent week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hambright. Mrs. H. B. Covington spent Satur day In Charlotte with her aUter, Mrs. Paul Gibbe. Little Miss Peggv Keeter and Bob bv Keeter spent , the week-end with >be1r grandmother. Mrs. C. W. Rich *rdson in Kings Mountain. "DRIBBIN* AROUND with "By Qeorge" , The Mountaineer boys and girls played their last home gamo her* last Friday night, (with the except ion of tho Student-faculty tilt Tuee day P. M.) splitting the bill will Bessemer City. The boys won ant -l>e girls lost. This was the girls' second defea at the hands of the Bessemer Ocra) per team, and the boys second Tic tory over them. Summltt, as usual, ran all ove the place, shooting 10 to Bessemer) 28 points. Sargeant, Kings Moun tain's leading scorer, shot 8 of los ers 12 points. Harmon; the brunetti who plays a not-so-bad game botl on the court and off. fouled out o the tilt in the third period. Shufort and Hook both showed to right goo< advantage for the Bessemer team. The boys was a Mountaineer vie f/irv frrvm iho otnrf tho final arnri finding the locals ahead, 32 to 17 Ballard and Willis came la with 1 and 8 points respectively, to shan scoring honors. Neill, the fast titth Bessemer City lad. took honors It that direction, scoring 6 of the los ers 17 points. , Tonight (Thursday), the Moun talneers head for Cllffslde to plaj off the game that was snowed out i few weeks back. We predict a don hie victory. A report from Cassel, head of thi Western Conference Athletic Acth lties on Feb. 16 showed the Kingi Mountain girls to be In third placi out of 12 teams. They were one-hal a game behind Shelby. Standing a this time are unknown to this com er, but the Shelby girls have los two games since then, so the locali are probably ahead of them now. By Way Of Mention Lola Bsattle Mr. Robert Reynolds of the Oai tonla OOC Camp and Mr. Rober Putnam of Cherryvilie spent th | past weex-ena wnn me tormer's m llther Mrs. Welter Reynolds. I' Mlu Irene Gladden spent Sum da | night with Mr. and Mrs. Elvl ' . r. . ' . - v? . V , f' ; "i.. ' * . THURSDAY, FEB. St. 1M0. Brown of Qaatonla. Mm. Margaret Horn baa been very sick at her home. Everyone' 1 hopes tor her a speedy recovery. Friends of Mrs. W. A. Ih'orittrurg are sorry to learn that she <e In the hospital in 8helby critcally ill. Bvvery one hopes ior her A turn for the better. Miss Pearl Reynolds spent the past week end with Miss Avrlce Ea Ker of the Country. Mr. Warren Reynolds spent the first part of the week with friends in Greensboro, N. C. and family of Kings Mountain. Mr. J. S. Bridges of Gastonia spent the week end with his cousins.' Mr. Charles and James Alexander. llMPFPIAI I I"11 W1U"L Kings Mountain's Popular Play House PHONE 134 TODAY ? THURSDAY Tom Tyler in "Fued Of The Trail" also Constance Moore, Sidney Blackmer in "Framed' Newa?Serial 10c FRIDAY and SATURDAY ueorge u unen in "The Border Patrolman" also Bobby Breen in "Escape to Paradise* Cartoon ? Serial 10d and 15c MONDAY and TUE8DAY . Big Super Special "The Hunchback of Notre Pame" Starring Charles Laughton -Maureen O'Hara 10c and 25c COMING SOON 'CJhartie McCarthy, \ 1 I ? t i '$% < , -Jv>. k;- 4 . ' ' ' s jbf * i '> WARE and I I MOTOR CO. BEFORE SEE T i Learn why Engineer* * eay Dodge Give*'Moot for the Money! ? _ 9 X TOW new-car bayers can lN have the most valuable 1 advice in the world?without even asking for hi It's the simple bat significant p fact that 4,061 engineers , bought Dodge cere in the iemt 12 month*, t Think of itf Mechanical s angineers, structural engi- J r neers, electrical engineers,! > ?men who know car value I ? ?not only praise Dodge, I f . Hnf fuaw TVvdflra trv nraf_ 1 erence to other cart. ' .1 r And people who want I a smart car, and a lux- I urioua Car, are just aa I enthusiastic. They rave about Dodge's new ^ DODGE ENGINE) , t * % Ware at 0 r M a-.- ! ' : ... i .' V ?-TT y JP'K...' ~' - ? ";'r- T^T' * " 7~ . . err -.r-^r-T 'r-^'TPW^ : - i '! % i . ' i *v v<^/^?V"'.v^-'-v-'' ^ '* - ~ ' ? ' -- -ql PAY YOUR COUNTY TAXES J At City Hall EACH THURSDAY FROM 9:00 to 4:00 All Number Four Township Tax Books will be at City Hall Every Thursday. .-WBU* j. _v*l* j ~ .. jm^_^__^___L_^_^|_1__il;_a -_'_^ ^ ,? ._ . c . ' '*'... J * ' * ' /. f. MICKEY AND HIS MA T j *1 f\tCK?\VOO?E * ) ft >00SCR\8aLE ?AKf DO VOUlWNK.^ I StfSSSSS J^CWWKoJl i 1 TPf v r _> " WREN ? I GURL SEZ:- ' Li&fp' ' iT^l | ?*lc bc'K 'hat I'll be a fullback .t, Y&j/I 1/ West Point when I grow up an.' t Volrd I 1 uf/ ' 01 ' w'" 100 "vause 1 keep in CO& rilt'.cn by drinkln' a full quai'Sr <t' t xJ PASTEURIZED MlbK every daj. and believe me it's a swell buBdrtr? upper! RBHBWDT^BW ( *<*. i \ W GOLDEN J F7/U4JIU) |jn:V<f,uMJ rlJIJ \ delivered id / \your door / I - , ' ? ' <0 H fl H: " ^K: H feu 8 EjIbmbshhI Bfcjpp HnmI hrh^^H W %> Jt j ii * ':v%9S l- -.: A:-.v:-<^i<vv: ' . ... : >- %. W9k ?p40 Dodge L??T User t-door Sedan 1815, delivered In Detroit* 'ALLS invites you! YOU BUY ANY CAR HE 1940 DODGE! windstreamed beauty, its WL gorgeous interiors, its countless new ideas. ^HHttHllH|||P|^H Why not come in and let us demonstrate this mag- ^^HaftMMVPVNV^^^^Km ^^^^ eTdTTrftJI k I.T m # ? F nmcemnewixuxury L.tnerr YouU wonder bow Dodge can sell such a big, luxurione car for just a few dollars mora than smell cars! comfort zone *"rJ?Ti.aSSr.a'.!e!.'t!-fT" 5 . iSJf* *?? ?**" I Ms)- !LA=L3fQB f WM # |V I NEW FULL-FLOATING RIDE1 Wheel. m* in, I movtd backward, aaats forward ao that now B ST I all paaaif?r? rid# In tha buoyant "Comfoa Zona" between tha axle*I I esse SEWS MS DSEO-CM StrmtSI Tremendoue da..... M"<am<^. l"(i and I maod for tha tMO Dodge haa brought maor magnlSan4 D,Por- I cent trade-lne of late-model Dodgea and Plymouth, " ***** B,dget ** I*. Tbaaa cam muat be atom than good or their ownera M raw to aalt I wouldn't ba buying the aamc make, agalnl A won 7 derful opportunity to aara with ttfmtyt All elho , popularmakee and rnodela,too,at real bargain price. 3UNC COSTS YOU NOTHING EXTRA .j C_JI? r>_ _i IU JUtlO 1VMUIU lt/U. 24 N. Railroad Avenue . . V- cl % jl < ' O \ v' . y ? ' ;-?SI Jj

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