f RAMBLING SKETCHES. OF OAK GROVE NEWS (By Mrs. William Wright) +++++*+***+++-H-+++++ Jtev. bother Hawkins filled the j/ulpit Sunday morning and brought a very forceful mcastige which was enjoyed hy a^larKetyinjy^itallm^ His subject being "My Church ami .Me." The Dramatic Club of Beth-Ware iJ/gh School presented the play '"Susie Shoots The Work" nt tlio East End School in Kings MounQUICK RCSULTS ? LOW COST HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for flrat in?erticnhalf prica for subsequent Inaar /iff A in l>n ' ' ? Minimum charge 2Fc. . Do not ask for Information regarding "keyed" ada, as they are | strictly confidential. 5 If error la made, The Herald *3 responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer la responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify im ? mediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with I this newspaper. [ fcPRAY PAINTING of all kinds. : Reasonable Prices. Work Onavan- | ieed satisfactory. Phone 25G-M J. ' T. Malcolm. I tkEMEMBER ? On Saturday you get . one of onr delicious Banana Split j for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drug j ? Company. 9 WANTED to sell or trade Kings i r Mountain nouse ana lot for small country property. W\. Z. Yates.. Tilling street. 3-28-p SHOE 8HINE8 5c. Kings Mountain Shoe Shop. We call for and dellv: ?r. 1-18-tf. ' ? ' . > t . . FOR SALE OR TRADE at.ractlve home on Gold Street. Paved street * and side walk. 'Very Low Down payment and easy terms. See 'Haywood E. Lynch at Herald Office, Phone 167.. - tfc. FOR SALE ? Small supply Rhode Reds Hatching Eggs. 315 Wadt Road 3-2 lp 1 SBBK v -i Br-etter Service L?ower Prices L A?lways Ready L?et Us Serve f O?nly I ? f U?all 58 K?indly Try . 1 " ~ j Blalock's I Grocery & Market m I } We Deliver * ' ' .! I . . .1 ?? - MICKEY AND HIS A j? 1 WCKSS;>K>tfa[ .. 1 I tain Tuesday night, directed by Mr 8. L. Coon. Misses Dorothy and Delia Patterson and Miss Pauline Ware of this community are lending characters In the play. Mr., Raymond Blantuti was the Saturday night guest of his unclt Mr. Artdrew Lovelaco of Kings Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Loyolac 1 ad as i heir Sunday dinner guests t Mrs. John Led ford of.. Cherry villt and Mrs. W, P. Lovelace Aft :rnoot visitors included Mi', anil Mrs. J,, F . Leon harl and sous, of Lincolnton. Mr. And Mrs. Jasper Phllheck and children were visitors in the hmitf ot Mi-. Tommie Champion and faiul ly during the week-end. Mr. and Mr?. Horace McSwati ui'o spending several days in Mi' heme of the latter's parents. Mr and Mrs. Joe Vandyke of Moore* horo. *. '*j . \ i , .*'>! . Mr. and Mrs .1 \V. Wa person and children of Patterson fJrove were t visitors ill the home of Mr. and Mil 1 (')andle Bell and family Sunday. ?. -i ,.,..,.1011 "i Pell attended the funeral of Mr. Putnam's aunt. Mrs Rtdnnn Moid, held at Elizabeth Baptist church Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bell and chil dron weie Sunday visitors in the heme of Mr. Perry l^dford and family of Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Lovelace of Patterson Grove were Sunday guo.it of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bell anil family. .Miss Paunline Ware was the Sunday dinner guest of Miss Mabel Bell Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Phlfer of Pat t ergon prow were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Ware Sunday afternoon. Master Blaine Blunton of El Bethel spent the week end with his grandparentB. Mr. and Mrs. \V. C. Wanton. Mrs. M. T. Epley and daughters. Florence of Shelby spent Sunday af ternoon with Mrs. D. A. Stroup and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tyson Yarborough spent Tuesday at O.rauite Falls. V. T. Alexander of Hartsvllle, S. C.. has been visiting his brother, Mr Lutrer Alexander and family. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ware and dan ghters. Pauline, Virginia and Ar me tit?. Miss Mabel Bell and Mr. Pulp Ford accompanied Rev. Lutlt"er Hawkins home and spent the afternoon Sunday. 4. a .;..;. .5. .j. 4..> <. -T- <. {. A -T. {..;.f, GROVER NEWS (Mrs. A. Collins) Clrover, March I'd.?Mi's. B. F. Bird was leader ot' the W. M. ,U. monthly meeting Monday afterucon at the Baptist church. Mrs. B. A. Harry, president, conducted the devotional. Those taking part on the topic for study were: Mrs. W. 1. Beam. Mrs. WV A. Hoffman. Airs. .f. 1. Herndon, Mrs. V. G. Hardin, Mrs I' .1. Keeter. The Intermediate B. T, U. enjoyed a social lu the church basement Wednesdnx evening.' Many games and contests were enjoyed by a Inige number present. Mrs. R. D. Moss leaders, and Mrs. All veil Collins It. T. II. Directors, supervised the evening's entertainment. Delirious refreslimeiKs wer? served by the social committee. Miss ,lea?iette Hairy, Senior of \V. C. ,U. N. C.. with two coi..panion s. Misses Evelyn Howell of GasIonia. und Virginia Spruill of Plymouth. N. C.. spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Harry, Sr. i 'Mrs. 11. A. Harry was guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Smith 01 ifhelby. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Tate and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hawing of Ruthertordton, MJss Mary Frances Hambright of Limestone College, Gaffney, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hainbright. The P. T. A. held Us regular monthly meeting at the 8chool Auditorium Tuesday evening. The program wan rendered by Mrs. Claude Hovle. with Rev. W. A. Hoffman, IA aSCRtflSLE Mtf t?Q V00 frttNK T oTcSSS f?USECHR\X0N * TOtCE VsWEM I - U n^.WBgi IRL sez i bets that I'll be a fullback at ?t Point when I grow up an' I [ 1 will too 'cause I keep lu conon by drtnkln' a full quart of STRURIZBD MIIjK every day, I believe nae it'a a swell builder?er! m' I ( uch.nesh } mS?M V oolomn j \ otiivfpeo to / *, Vvouftooop y \ . . . ' riUB KINGS MOUNTAIN HERAIX TH1 Church N( ! ; , Lutheran Church u Boyd llamin. l'astor ' Bible school Io:o0, I). C. MauueJ*, J General Superintendent. ' 'I Services fm Putin Sunday. v -1 Morning 11 :t)P. sermon: The I,jfe J ' Giving Look, Con fidma lion Service, 'i AU.iTiioon f:on Auxiliary li:?y j } r ; vice, Baptismal Service for in-! Urucs. ' , , i ' Holy Week Services each Kven*, ' ii:?' through Friday ai 7:30; I j The Holy Communion Thursday !i J K vetting 1 on Is nii-el Monday evening * !* ??: > Girl Scouts Thursday afternoon t c SAINT LUKES.: t I .Bible school, 10:0i>. .Tames liaitici , ' Superintendent. ' ? V, f\V,A h " Church j II. Sprinkle, Jr., I'as or 'rf.'i A. XI. Church Schoo't. It. S. ] IN lyr. General Superintendent. 11:1111 A. M. Morlllltur Wiimlitn ? - I I Palm Sunday Sermon.: "Cheers, j ( j .Jeers. 11 iid Tears." by the pastor. I ( 6:15 I". M. Kpworth League meet- , ! "'U- 6 , G:45 I'. >1. Young People's Choral j I Group. 7:30 I1. M Evening Survive. Seri men: "Pent Twigd." I - Monday 7:30 P. M. Hoy SOUtg, "1. | It. (loforth. Scoutmaster. ^ Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer ' Meeting and Blb'? Study. " ? Presbyterian Church ' f Rev. P D. Patrick. Pastot ( i ! : 45 A. M. Sunday School. C. K. Thomas son. Supt. 1 11:00 Morning Service. Sermon: ( by the Pastor. Subject. "Everyone , o.< Yon." * a 2:30 P. M. Sunday school at Dixon School House. 5:00 P. M. Service at Margrace , Community HouS^.. *' (| 0:30 P. M. Young People's Vespers j 7:30 p. M. Evening Service. Be- ? ginning an . Evangelistic meeting, j Services each evening through the > wet k at 7:30. - e Tire public is cordially invited; to all services.. , 1 ' First Baptist Church A. G. Sergeant. Pastor Sunday morning the whole Sun- 1 day School bedy will assemble in lie auditorium of the church, for a Special Program. " How Home Mis- 1 . sions Came Home To Helen." under f the direction of Miss Surali Ham- 1 bi igltt. 0 Meriting Worship lt:0ft o'clock. v Puator's sermon subject: "('our- ' * age Inspired Courage." a Evening Service 7:30 o'clock. Af- 1 :er a special musical program the e crdlnaltce of Baptism will he ad- u ministered to the 23 candidates. t 1 Bovce Memorial 1 A. R. P. Church " R. N. Haird. Minister. f .10:00 A. M. Sabbath School. J. L. 0 McClll, Superintendent, 11:00 A. M. Divine VVorthlp. 2::l0 P. M. Junior Christian Union 6:4.1 P. M. intermediate Christian . Union. 6:4.1 p. M. Young People's Chris- I ti'an Union. 7: JO P. M. Evenlug Worship. f 7: HO P. M. Wednesday, ' Prayor f Meeting. The home is the mold in which 0 the child's nature is cast. The cliur ch and the home are Cod-founded It is paramount that you vitally link your home with some 'church 4 In the community. Macedonia Baptist Church J. V. Frederick, Pastor J. V. Frederick, Pastor Sunday School at 9:46. conducting devotional. S. A. Crisp and Alfred Collins sang a duet. After business session. the hostesses, Mrs. R. D. Moss, Mrs. 'V. J. Hardin. Mrs. Walter Turner and? Miss Inez Davis, served refresh-1 ments. : | 2 Great New ^ PXCM/W1 at/Aim AH I gg- atacm/IAA m p ^ ***C?" ^ WG# t*' STANDARD OIL COMPA invited to attend ail of here ?' ! x ices. 3ASE8ALL PRACTICE JTARTED Com h ,\ K. Smart of Kings Montr u i ti lligli Sihool announced yeslcr iay that ouseball practice hud begun Or tile Mountaineers, "with light v,t kouts In tite 'gv innasiunt. Smart tanned Itis optimism. but la'.d that lie hoped for "the best. Sev a. ai* nr. it" I i'I U i'/leTT '17?' t (le* quad. iin lading Burton and .lames tennetr cateller and second base-f lien. Charlie I'.allaiiL pilelcr. and j lames t'.ibson. "fsii i?ucket" outfield i r. Twen: two Isns have been prao- t icing regularly in the gymuashim or the pas' week Uniform-f hays oe.n Iks in tl ,and as soon as the iveather . Iteeomes .sultnble. . Mr. ; ttuart will have the boys out on the leld 'and lining real work% i;i:stn rioNs 1 We. the inembers of,.the Woman's illssionai > ' Society of Central Moth dist Church King* Mountain. ..V. C\ vish to pay a loving tribute to the hetnory of one of our dear .fiends, dl'8. Annie. Hilling, who left us Do-1 ember 20. 1939. Ill tile passing of Mrs. Uilltilg we lave lost a loyal friend and u faithul niembi i ol our society. We shall Hiss her in the work of our church lid society. ? We extend our deepest s? njpathy o her family and commend them 0 the loving care of 1-Jjnt who loves is all. Resolved that copies .of this "be ;ent the family, Kings Mountain lerald. North Carolina Christian Vdvocate. and a copy be spread upm -the minutes. . Mrs. .1. U. Davis Mrs. C. L. Kulton Mrs. J O. Plonk, ('limit : j EMON JUICE RECIPE CHECKS j RHEUMATIC PAIN QUICKLY If you suffer from rheumatic, arliritis or neuritis pain. try this sim ! de inexpensive home recipe ' that I housands are using. Get a package 1 Itu-Ex Compound today. Mix it rlth d iiuart of water, add the juice if 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble at ill ami pleasant. You need only 2 ablespoonsful two times a day. Oftn within 48 hours ? sometimes voinight ? splendid results are ob uiued. If the pains do not :sso] EXTRA ^ NY OF NEW JERSEY For Only 10^ Now ~T7 Lets than M? - ' a dose cn E< ?THREE MOKE To Suggest A Nan "DIXIE ERIE '^awrmrmisnry Contest Closes Satui I _ ___ JOB PRINTING?P It's the time of the year that look their very best and we o specials at a time when you m more. --EASTER SPEC! 2 Permanents fi We also offer our Tuesday Si from now until Easter. Just Look What You Get:Wave, Arch and Manicuhe, al Vera s Beauty Shoppe Phone 88-R Kings Moui Needs a La And The Best Town in The SI ate in having one that is equ class work. The way to keep Kinorc Mnnnfnin i?s hv nnlroni ? | too late after the Laundry is lack of business, so the time laundry is now, while it is a f Why not try Your Home To week, just phone 270 and a d explain the different services Kings Mountai * I Phone 270 ? , * ? . v 8 a : ^IS , ' ve Your Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted ?By? i. d. m. morrison itometrist . Eye Specialist be in Kings Mountain Office yery Tuesday and Friday 100ns. Hours 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. days? it' For 'I'ho i r leaf I'lckct " ' '% yS day Niffhl ' i v *. J v ' ? " > . \ ''.*.^3 hone 1?7 . " > . -v, ; V.-.l our 15 est Easter everyone wants to iffer very attractive rill appreciate them 1ALS orOnly $5 fecial every clay -Shampoo, Finger I for only $1.00 ' 1 4 itain undry Late is very fortun? lipped to do first that Laundry in zing it. It will be f/vv/ia/I < a nlnco fai* I UI LVU IV VIVOW ? V? to support your * . ?oing institution, wn Laundry, this river will call and offered. n Laundry * v i ^1P(P!(|PPP^ ' ? . v" . 1 t, ' f>