By' ??***** ! ^ I... i [ SOCIAL AND PEBSONAL Of INTI PHON1 GLEANER8 CLA88 < t?NTERTAINED ^ e Member* of (be Gleaner* Class of < the First Baptist Church Bchool i bold tbelr regular monthly meeting 1 at the borne of Mrs. Frank Cox with < I Mm. Richard Hord as Joint hostess!/ ^?,Mrs. Wray Klrby had charge Uf^i the devotional. Jt The guests enjoyed gumtii atiA 11 contests under the direction of Mivj I iuu s.r&#JUt SCfJ Roberts. j Decorations aud refreshments ] were In keeping with the Easter | season. i An attractive plate consisting of i congealed salad, sandwiches, cake < and coffee was served to Mesdames ; Arthur Allen, Charles Blalock, Isaac < ' . McOUl. Cletus Hlackwell. Elmer Lo- : gan, Earl Tate, Wray Klrby, Paul' Cole, W. M. Morehead. Eugene Rob- j erts Cllne Farthing, . Richard Hord, ' K and Frank Cox. / B Dr. and Mrs. O. C. Krelnhnder, o| Valparaiso, Indiana, and Mrs Caspet Coiner of Newton, N. C. were guests\ ? MY HOBBY BOX and other , < Si 50 per pound Hollingtworth packages come decorated With / beautiful flower, rabbit, and I card J/jo ?kf P???d 11 6? MONTREAT PACKAGE with decoration. This most popular atiortmcnt it adorned with multicolored cellophane Eatter I Crectingi $/.oo ih pm*4 Kings Mountain Drug Co. The Rexail Store Phones 41?81 x A 7 -4k... = It's the time of the yeai look their very best anc specials at a time when more. 4BJ EASTER % J; 2Permaneni I m We also offer our Toef from now until Easter, m jL Just IxH>k What You ' I Wave, Arch and Manfc H | I Vera'i j, | Beauty Sno ' m I I Phone 88-R ^Hr mmmmmmamm * HAPPENINGS iREST to ES 10-R AND 88 MRS* A >t Mr. and Mrs. S. X.' Mauncy Monlay. Dr. Kreinheder. now president !f Valparaiso University at Valpariso, Ind., was a school mate ' of Irs. Muuney at Concordia College 'onover, N. C. ^MTHDAY PARTY Misses Betty and Jean Evelyn [lash, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ihtvid Cash, entertained a number lolnt birthday party. J The Cash tome was attractively decorated In St. Patrick Day colors of green and ivhlte. The table being the center of uttruction with Its two birthday ^akes, one with seven candles on it and one with nine. The little girls Aere remembered with many lovely jiid useful gifts. . 1 HOSTESS TO BRIDGE CLUB Mrs. E. A. Smith. Jr.. was hostess lo members of her bridge club enter- ' taining at her home, Tuesday after- ( noon. . Jonquils and other colorful spring flowers were effectively arranged in the room where two. tattles or oriage were in play. A tempting salad course with acces rorles was served. Those playing included Mesdames Kred Plonk. Harry Page. R. H. Webb Joe Neisler, Hunter Neisler. Paul Neisler Hayne Blackm^r and ' the hostess. Personals Miss Dorothy Patterson spent the week-end with friends in Norwood.. Mr. James Raiterree Is home from college tor the spring holidays. Martin L. Harmon came home last Saturday for Easter holidays. 1?' ?o? Miss Elizabeth Plonk of Inter/ mont. Bristol. Va., arrived last nighty to spend Easter with home folks. ^ Misses Annie Laurie Summitt and Norma Crook were Charlotte visitors Monday. -*0- ' Mesdames Luther Anthony and Bruce Williams of Pisgah were guests Monday of Mrs. J. G. Hord. and Mrs Jacob Copper were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Scgers of Troy, N. C. Mrs. George Lattimore spent the Week-end in Smithfield. N. C.. where WHY coffer from Celda? | For 0^ 0^ Worn cold aymptoma take 646 ||i?U | Liquid-Tablets - Salve - Nose Drcpi OOK YOUR BEST I >r Easter r {hat everyone wants to I we offer very attractive you will appreciate them " i SPECIALS ts for Only $5 ?day Special every day * Get:?Shampoo, Finger uhe, all for only $1.00 r ;. r* > '. ? * . ' . ? * ji ,* " * . .#. ' '. .. ' / * t 1 ' " . " " v V ' .' \ . . ; MB Knm MOUNTAIN HMlAlJT I1;' . .1 i 'i WOMEN '? ; >.v _ . , H. PATTERSON, Editor she formerly lived. , ?o? Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick are at home after a ten3fay""?BcaUoii at l*alm Harbor, Fla. ?o? Mm. A. i>. Hill is visiting ber daughter and granddaughter in Hurling ton. ?o ? Mr*. Ranks Harbour Is belter and nr>t. . ?o? Mrs. Kugene McOarter Is at home after an opeiatlon at City Hospital. Gastotila. ?o? Mr. Hugh'Ware of Rock Hill visited his sister. Miss .Oarlyle Ware. Inst Saturday. Mrs. Frank W. MeCoinh of Bluemont. Vn.. was a 'recent liousejguest of Mrs. H. S. Neill. very wen. Rev. and Mrs. P. D. Patrick war called to Davidson Monday by th death of Mr. Patrick's aged aon Mrs. L. R. Smith. Rev. Mr. PatrW conducted the funeral. ___ / The foundation la being dug fc the Prank Roberts home to bo coi strncted right away. The residenc will be next door to Mir. L. C. Pa sons on Bast King street. I Mr. and Mrs.- Barl Tate had I their gyests during the past wed end, Mr. and Mrs. 0. I* Morgan < Greenville, S. C.> and Mrs. Ituase Kelter of Kingston, N. T. Mrs. K? ter will be remembered In Kln| Mountain as Miss Reba Wilson. 1 w ' ?o? _ - Mrs. Hubert Davidson who under went a major operation last week hi the City Hospital. Gastonia, is getting along nledjy. ?o? Mr. and Mrs. Dee Harmon andI'atsy. visited Mrs. Hubert Pavid>011 Monday night, who is a patient in CitV Hospital. Gastonia.?o? Mr. and Mrs. James llrooks and Miss Pay Short of Charlotte vfere' attests of Mr. and Mrs. Den Short last Sunday. ; .. ?o ? Rev. Ooyt Hunt??r is able to sit up now aftet1 a very, serious illness. Rev. Hunter's friends wish for him a speedy recovery. . ?d? Mr. Fred Stallworth has as his house guest. His brother, a student vat the Citadel, who is home for the J term exams. ^ ^Johnnie Elam. soil of Mr. and Mrs .Pick Elam. has returned to Raleigh where he is a student at State CoJ^ ^itc. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunnleutt and small son. Richard, have gone to Palm Harbor. Fla., for a visit and pleasure trip. ^ - o? Captain O.. C. O'Farrell will spend the EJaster week-end In Washington. P. f\. as a guest of his daughter Miss Kathryn O'Farrell. J Friends of Mrs. O. C. O'Farrell will be interested to know that she, Is re I?l V.?? fA11/v...iM efficient service hoy rendered in fighting the firi which occurred in my home Tues day evening. Carlyle Ware. RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE AGAIN . E. J. MEINHARDI, widely knowi Expert of Chicago, will personally be in Charlotte, N. C., at thef Char lotte Hotel, Monday and Tuesday March 25th and 26th, from 10 A. M to 4 P. M. and 6 P. M. to 8 P. M daily. Mlt. MKINHARDI saya: The Melt hardi Shield is a tremendous iin provement well known for produi itrg immediate results. It prevent the Rupture from protruding In 1< days on thu. average ? regar^les of size or locntfon of Rupture ant no matter how hard von work o strain. It uas no leg straps or cum berscmc arrangements. 'No Sut gory ?>i rnjection Treattnents used. Mr. MeinhArdi Jtas been comin here for 1"> years. Caution: If neglected ? Rijptur' may cause weakness. backache .constipation. nervousness, stomac! pains, etc.. or sudden death fron strangulation. Men having large Ruptures whicl Shave returned after Surgical Opera lions or Injection Treatments ar ?lso invited. When all others fallsee MEINHARDI. He will be plea: ed to demonstrate to you prlvatel without charge. (Only men invited. White only. I _ . 1 Its J fA?? V1 j V ? CHOOSE YOUR CC * Bl.tji A profusic ^ ?%) 8*ia^es? *n< f ^ white, bla< * / Vy^1 nations. GAY, DRESSY MOI k LH. ?- ? ^l 'atest? ? jIWL ?Pen *Med ti T??mp Pprt-hole i * jw? distinctive *r tor pumps MYER I \\ 'i*'. - f " ^ . let , Myers' Dress ; Help You With Your EASTER SHOP * You giay select from a complc ,i and Dresses for Ladies, Mis; 3 Dressc ,c | in sizes 9 to 20 and al |j $1.94 to $ Coats and 4 Juniors and Lad $4.95 t(L$l If you need ACCESSORI (ilnve< 59c to $ In the new Spring shades of Blue, Navy, Black, White. Hand B< ? Navy, Black, Medium Blue, Patent or Leather. 97c Hats , A large Selectii 97c to $: Complete your Easter Costun I Lovely i J 97c pai Myers' Dress ) SECOND FIXK t . MYERS' The very newest mftni/p with vnur ~ liant colors, flatte 'Wfytj | ly styled patterns M every bit as impc Easter bonnet. Y< LfV*l 0ut *n ^as^er W 9 these attractive hi *e^A fr 1 j LOR / >n of bright, vibrant spring :luding blue, luggage tan, ck and many smart combii ,1t * ? ?? A ELS most thrilling versions . . . i sandals, hi-cut oxfords, )erforations, step-in styles, pumps, including specta- |p S' DEPT. S MAIN FLOOR '* : -.h ' v - v - - . .? . .. ; V\-_'/' . ..j v ' ' ?"V ' . . . I ' ' -V ^ " 4 , ' ' * 4 % ? ' . . . ' _> - . ^ ' Shoppe Last Minute PING ?te line of Coats ses, and Children. j !S 1 half-sizes >9.95 Suits ' ies ?.. ? -J ES we have . 5 1.94 Rose, Gold, Dusty " .... V . r , ags Red, British Tan, / ,7 v *i.! . ' .'/V ?n at 2.95 lie with Kayser's lose ir Shoppe )R fo r in footwear to harEaster clothes. Bril ring designs, smartmake these shoe* rtant as your new ju'II be a real standparade with any of todels. . ^ j , H 1 /tSl i # f /. I fvM yy\ / A y^V I W I *.\ Jr / V I II ^K\ F F I aj % TORE