<+ - ?' Church N w . . ; . Lutheran Church L Boyd HMni, Pastor , .iWWir school 10:00. D. C. Mauney ttasenl Superintendent. dlrrvices (or the 2nd Sunday after JhBtKT. Horning 11:00. sermon: Life's OnEoed Shepherd. K Boy Scouts Monday evening 7:00. rfciri Scouts Thursday afteruoan :4& A. M. Church School. B. S. jheeter. General Superintendent. II 00 A M. Morning Worship. Srnnoti "Getting the most out jf life." Jt.nti P. M. Young People's Service at the County Home. C J.i P. M. Epworth League meet* ' UK . Prayer Meeting and Mission it lid y. Wednesday, 7:"0 P. M. Hoy Scouts. Monday, 7;"0 1'. M. Presbyterian Church Jtev. P. D. Patrick. Pastot * A M. Sunday- School, C. F. 'Ttioojasson, Supt. 11:00 A. M. Morning Worship Communion Meditation and Cele/ ; 4r.u ou of the Lord's Supper. ? <5 P. M. Sunday School at Dix *i School house. J:"# P. M. Young People's Vespers 7.TO P. M. Evening Worship. Into feet: The Devil's Greatest WHY suffer from Colds? Tor _____ s?td symptoms 14k* 666 Alqutd-Tablets Salve - Nose Drop* Paint ,vith DUTCH BOY WHITE LEAD Kingi Mtn. Mfg. Co. Store Charter No. 54!>1 Report of Co First Natit if Kings Mountain in the State of IiOsb nil March 26th. 1940. Published troller of the Currency, under Sectio ASS ijowis and discounts (including .-29c fnftcd States Government ohllgatiox TOfigations of States and political s *MU?r bonds; notes, and debentures tirporate stocks, including stock of flash. balances with other banks, inc balance, and cash items in proces Sank premises owned $14,184.00, fun iRank premises owned are subject to Real estate owned other than bank Rther assets TOTAL. ASSETS LIABU Demand deposits of individuuls. par Tine deposits of indlvduai*. partner Deposits of U. S. Government (inclu Deposits of States and political sui ?ther deposits (certified and eashlet TOTAT* DEPOSITS Mortgages or other liens, $ None, or premises and $ None on other real 9ther liabilities TOTAL. LIABILITIES ....... . - CAPITAL fipital Stock> Common stock, total par $100.00 gurphts ... Undivided profits : Reserves (and retirement account f< IUI All l.:Ari I All Al.tUUiMH 40TAI, LIABILITIES and CAP1 MBMC fledged assets (am! securities loanei t'nitecf States Government obligation pledged to secure, deposits .aid ott bther assets pledge.! to secure depo eluding notes and Mils rediscountei neurit!** sold unci r repurchase ag TOTAL, Secured liabilities: Deposits secured be pledged assets puranant to requirements of law * ' TOTAL 9Var* jf North Carolina. County of C 1, Bt 8. Neill. cashier of the above the above statement is true to the b Sworn to and subscribed before w this 30th day of March, 1940. J. R. Davis. Notary Public. Jfy Com. Ex. 3-14-41 v - : .?S *, .:/? ' "': i ,s r"v "* *> '' !* ~ - . ; , r ews~ j. / . ?. J' J Opiate. Monday 7:00 P. M. Boy Scouts, Troop 1. Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs Harry Page and W. B. Thomson, Asst. Scoutmasters. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Practice of the choirs. First Baptist Church A. G. Sargeant. Paster Sunday morning worship 11:00. Junior worship 11:00. Sunday School 9:40 Sunday evenin service 7:30, Boy ce Memorial A. R. P. Church R. N. Baird, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School. J. L. 11:00 A M. Sermon aud Holy Communion. ? 11 P M U'iinihii'd MisulannfV Society. 3:30 P. M. Intermediate Christian (Union. : ' ,3:30 P. M. Junior Christian Union ??: 45 P. M. Young People's Christian Union. Round . Table Discussion on Luke 15:10-24. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Evening? Prayer Meeting. How are you standing up under the' stresses of Life. The Churches of this community offer you a Savior WHO is abllingly eagor to sustain you and give you a peace that | "jinsseth all understanding." Macedonia Baptist Church .1 v" SHrsdarlck. Pastor Sunday Sehoot at 9:45. Morning Worship hour ill'00. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Wednesday Eveulug Prayer meet lug 7:00. Saturday evening we will have > I song and praise service with a shor sermon to follow on the subject o Holiness. You are Invited to attend * all o these services. GRACE MtfiHODIST S. W. Johnson, Pastor " Sunday School 9:45 A. M., Franl Greene. Slperlntendent. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. Bpworth League 6:00 P. M. Evening preaching Service 7 P. M . Wednesday night prayer servie 7:00 p. m, Park-Grace Bible Church John L. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. Morning Worship 11 A. M. f:00 P. M. Evening Services. Reserve District No. Lliilit Inn of t ti A >iiiiiiiv/ii ui vuc anal Bank North Carolina, at the close of bus! In Response to cail made by Conn in 5211. U. S. Revised Statutes. ?bts . overdrafts) 1217,218.05 is. direct and guaranteed .. 84.985.9S ubdlvisions 170,174.76 44.525.0C Federal Reserve bank 4.050.00 dudiug reserve s of collection 34.1.699.50 niture and fixtures $4,250.00 18,434.00 i $ none liens not assumed by bank) premises 2.760.00 228.02 8916.065.26 L1TIES tnershlps, and corporations 437,054.57 ships, and corporations .. 242,614.42 ding postal savings) .......... 692.62 >dl visions .V......... 78,016.49 *" checks, etc:) 5.362.3C $763,740.40 . y.V > X -. . I ektate>,> . '* * .. 3.672.72 $787,418.12 ACCOUNTS '. 100,000.00 16.000.00 . 7.652.13 >r preferred stock) . 6.000.00 148.652.13 !TAL ACCOUNTS $910,065.25 ? i IRAN,DA d) (book value): s, direct and guaranteed, ler liabilities 45,268.55 sits and other liabilities (inrl An.l u nuu J ;reement) 20,177.20 $85,446.76 . 73.169.46 . ....... 878.159.46 1 D leveland, as: named bank, do solemnly swear that eat of my knowledge and belief. E?. S. NKILJj, Cashier. D. M. Haker, F. R. Summers. ' R. L. Maunoy, Directors. t !> . * "' ! * . $??. ' : *51 wi nm* mmm ?uwi r Utile MrriM. Wesley an Methodist ' M. R. Harvey, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Moraiag Service 11:09. W. Y. P. S. or Class meeting 6:15. C. Evening Service 7:99. K. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00. w< Second Baptist Church u Kev. C. C. Parker, Pastor u< Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. al v Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:50 p. m. each Sunda . ? nt Ja THE CHURCH OF OOO ^ ?, Roy L. Davis. Pastor wi Sunday School 10:00 A. M. I,? Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Ki Y. P. E. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:3u P M. Si fc Complete Course P In Home Hygeine Members of the Bonnie Mill Club so recently completed the course in tv Home Hygiene and care of the Sick. y | Mrs. Pride Ratterree was the in* '(p ft rue tor and the course was glv'Jn under the sponsorship of the Local Red Cross. ^ The chib members presented Mrs. Ratterree with a lovely pot plant j.' ur.d also took out u membership in the Red Cross as a token of appro elation The club is under the leadership ^ of Mrs. M. L. Hottser. One member of the club expresses her appreciation in tbe following rhyme: 1 ' . of OUR CLUU ?* Although our club Is new Pi . We're seldom ever blue; Because we like It very much 80 . I'm sure you'd like it too. ill At first we sing a song. f" v Then send grace up to the "throne' , The minutes are read and roll Is 8C I called, te For this. It doesn't take long. 111 f We then have a talk on Hygiene This teaches u* to be very clean; Not only that, but straighten our back. By showing us which way to lean. { Ten cents a week is our dees. , This soon may buy needy some * shoes. It is put to good use. we assure ' To comfort and cheer in case of 0 blues. So lets get some more members, Anr get us some timbers, To build us a new club bouse. Build It up anr ron't be limber. Well, well girls what so you say eLts get some more members today If In ofnr.ol J-i i ?? mmvoi. uu iiceu iur ueiay, j We should get to work right away. REVIVAL 8ERVICE Revival services will be held at Oak View Baptist church aoril 1C through 23rd. Rev. Arthur E. Barkley, the artist evangelist, will do the preaching. The public is cordially invited to attend these services. There will be an all-day service , at Oak View Baptist Church the | second Sunday in April. The public is iuvited to come out and enjoy I the day In song and music. Alsd ; I speakers for the afternoon service Come and bring well filled baskets 1 and let enjoy the day together, f CARD OF THANK8 i | We wish to express oar apprecUp" [ tion of the kindness and sympathy shown us by our many friends dur ing the recent illness and death of our beloved wife and mother. J. P. Pressley and famtly. > . Raleigh. April 3.?Judson C. Jo?- , i es. associated with the office of the > comptroller of the currency, has succeeded R. J. Powell, resigned, as receiver of the Commercial National Bank of Raleigh. . w ' i I. n=?=n if*" 11 /"N i l STAR STMfi WM^amgaawl ? ? day night wUh +* nasi a, -Mr. 1. A. l/orelace of Kings Mountain. '* Miss "felolse Watterson Qf Patter on Grove waa the Sunday night sup per guest ot her aunt, the writer, k Mr. J. 8. Warn was rushed to the 1 Hospital in 8helby Wednesday alt'. eruoon where he underwent a very 9 serious operation tor- appendicitis and is getting along nicely (oliowing t the operation. ? Mrs. R. S. Thornburg has been ' setiously ill (or the past lew days with pneumonia. Mr. Kdgar Bell is ill with pneu ruonia. s Mr. Lyman Chamnlr has been se I'ously 111 suffering from a throat J iufectlon. Master Lentan Stioup has been t sick with a severe cold for tlie past , week. Miss Annie Pearl Wright has been confined to her room for a few days. ; - "? i Nearly 50 percent of the 839 fatal accidents on highways of this; WM?T, awul i. tm. * ? ItAltBLINO KKTOHCa or OAK GROVE NEWS (Ay Mr*. William Wright) Dr. J. O. Ware of Washington, D . was the guest of hfe brother, Mr C. Ware and family during th< eek-end. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Davis | utcolnton were visitors in thi me of the letter's parents, Mr id Mrs. Charlie Pryor recently. Miss Ruth Ch&mpion spent Wed i.-d.?y night with her aunt, Mrs taper Phllbeck and family. ,Missrb Pauline snd Virginia Wan ere visitors in the home of Mrs jo Reattle and Mr. Beat tie of Wac? -iday nightMr. and Mrs. Sam Lovelace ol telby were Sunday guests of thi riner's mother, Mrs. Kolaud Gib us. -town* ountain spent Thursday visiting ir brother, Mr. Leonard Pattersoi id Mrs. Patterson. Mrs. J. Bun Patterson of Patter it Grove and granddaughter, Bel Lou Williams of Shelby, weri inter guests of the former's daugl r. Mrs. Horace Hell and famtl) utrsday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F.. Stroup ol lasant Hill were Sunday guests their son. Mr. I). A. Stroup and mily. Mrs. J. O. Loveluee and children >anlta and Kenneth, are spending veral days in the home of Mr.und rs. K. B. Ledford in Vale, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Champion and LUghter. Mrs. Z. A. Kills, visited r. Lester Canipe in the SUnatoriuu Charlotte Friday. Mr. Canipe wai >le to return to his home 'u i/ln Uterson Grove 'section with them Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conrad am in of Charlotte were visitors H le home of Mr. Charlie Bell ant tnlly over the week etid. Miss Mary Sue Pryor of Pattet >n Grove was the guest of her sis r. Mrs. Jasper Phllbeck Tuesda; Rht. Mr. Riaymond Blanton spent ,Sur MICKEY AND HIS 1 ^iCKC^,YOGAS W ) WD*f hoivu? acrif cr W* ^ w "fvn? ^ V ^rT ' . , " kj* ^V/^jcS Bk. ^^H(' JQl^nM mSK^ffjm \9 F y ? , % . ... . . - v ' ' '*. . ' ft%: ' . v Satun BUY . Plenty of Money t Come In An '".V ' ni. ^ _ nans Home B V 1 /" y : J. E. Anthony, Pres. BH&yo- .. \ * ' ' ,r * . " ' - - ,\r* . ^ \i . * scute last year occurred on straight t tit retches. ? * ! GETTING VP NIGHTS STmftS And Other Functional Symptoms of KIDNEY WEAKNESSES Taks KIDANS new and tslisvs ouHering I and discomforts ol Backacbo and Loo Pains Frequent. Scanty and Burning Passage? Unnatural Odor?Loss oi Energy? Head| aches. Diulness. Nervousness?caused by . functional Kidney and Bladder Disorders. 1 KIDANS work naturally. They aid ktrt1 neys and bladder to function normally. efficiently. They keep the blood stream 4 more free from waste matter, acids, poisons. ? They relieve present distress and thus ward oft more serious kidney ills which may foll low. They are Efficient, Safe, Reliable. 4 Many thousands report entire satisfaction. Taken according to directions. KIDANS 1 brings desired results or the trial is FREE I l MONEY BACK GUARANTEE! Deposit ?l ?e with your druggist for two boxes of KIDANS. Use our box. If not entirely sntl??~' ? TS. return other 'n-r> se-l your sionr> a. kidans y Kidnc- RCIk, , u I) Id hy Adv. i- KINGS MOUNTAIN DRUG CO. - MA tUKXCHRVXr R-njNCE WHEN c I * jl^* J URL SEZ he bets that I'll be a fullback at Vest Point when 1 grow up an' I .et I will too 'cause I keep in con* Mtioat by drtnkin' a full quart of 'ASTEU IlIZED MIL>K every day, ind- believe me it's a swell builder* pper! __ S&uiw\ I mtu rmp&u 1 ftiftj?M V Sj'aoioiN I I BB V?sr/ I . APRIL ?Sf :t .J' I ss Opened lay, Marcl SHARES A T ?.? ? d I-I v uvon ivi jliuiiuui^) l^cntuun * . . ,v t , ! " . * ; d Discuss Your WifA Lfc uilding & Loi A. H. Ft * W'" -, . .'-Je | '.:'S i j IM A the first trmt l'r* tear fee" gettm it. What WILL the think.* JOHN j yHt FVMMMP94V ^ / or*. Year mother !ism only ahent JANE: 0/nune?the telephone/ Why | didn't I think / that? ' JOHN: IT*, should you think -whan yon have a mental giant like me around? JANE: // um simply grand talking uith Mother. She mid it was the best birthday present the erer rreeivtd. Wasn't it lucky you thought of the telephone i JOHN: Lucky, nothing?it's thfgeniut in met LONG DISTANCE RATES ARE LOW! By using Sution to-Sution service ay night after even or a* any time \ on Sunday, you can talk about . . * 100 ihiles for 35 cents v 200 miles for 65 cents 500 miles for $1.15 Person-lo-Perto? rates art alto lowest at those timet Soviinn BellTeupmoe flllD TELEGRAPH COIilPRItS .MCoapoaATi. I. fmmmrnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm . I JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 I RIES / ii 30th NOW m * 7+^ W W ing or Repairing. "I V. |p;!? \ fff I Pv -'^; | . N V m Assn. t '-V V' " * ' -V? * tteraon, See'y & Treas. ^ ' ,:U "' ' ^ 'v;''" ::'' ' ' /