RAMBLING! SKETCHES OF *AK GROVE NEWS (By lira. William Wrigfc# Jtr. 3. S. Ware, who has boon a patient, In the Shell)) Hospital, re earned home Sunday and is.getting tiaiw,; nicely. . ' Messrs Talmadgc and Payne 'land-all spent the past week-end .atih Mr. ami Mrs. .1. It. Harmon ol "Sreenville, S. C. Mr and Mrs. Ionian Champion -- . lieir -Sunday diltper guests i and M 'a ore lit Port! and Ihitilfen. Misses Pauline Wure, Dorothy. Pat * arson and Sloali Wright attended M a . .Dramatic Festival held at Chap"?J Mill U'Diili ' Mr. .1 C. Ilayiw apt-ut the week iT?d j?i Ashevlllo. ? liui ..jj -aiva AitXiiAv -i: iit-.a-Jm ?iriSa , - :'h?ir Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mr-,. Moiiiuh Jxtvelace and sou, Culp | *jr. and Mrs. J \V. Wattersou and I OfeUdren. Kloisc, Mellia and Hilly, dt i ^tter&on (Jiove, and Miss Klese | Y*r&. Mrs. .1 N l/jvvlace of Iit'thauy , tkas been s|iending some time ill the toothy of her daughter, Mrs. Lee Stanton and family. Mr and Mrs. Morgan White and ' aaughiej*. 'Joyce, spent the .week-end Henrietta, N. C. Mi and M?V. Kveitetbe Lovelace ?l Matter-sou (.irovc were guests or ,3Sr and Mrs. J. O. Lovelace over 'lw weok-einl Mi. and Mrs. Alex- Randall spent' Monday afternoon In Kings Mouti\ . Misls Klese Ford daiightei of Mr. ?cd Mrs Kvorctte Kurd. 7th grade Moiutnt . of Hetl?-Ware elementary jUilpml. won lite medal toy the read-eg contest over this county held r'm. Shelby Friday evening. Cougratu:?tuvx* to you Klese. Mri Mae Itelk is spending someifm?? witji iter mother, Mrs. H. D.Catnpe or Kings Mountain who lia^ .??< i: critically 111 for the past while. .Master Carl Bell, small son of Mr. ** ! Mrs. Ktlgur Bell is ill with measles, t. . * Misses ' Pauline and Virginia Ware JHr and Mrs. William Wright and .*w,. Stokes accompaned Misses Ro, and Daisy Hawkins of iiustonlu > I .tuts- Sunday .evening and attended ^reaching lield at the Mission Bap-1 vdst Church. \ wnrjng <?f the danger that faravrs may. contract undulnnt fever handling. swine at farrowing ;ittie when lite fanner ltas cuts or iibrasfons on his hands lias keen is ?.?><! by. the American Foundation f*tr Aniujnl Health. ?rw*m V V ^SEgj^K mm SiliAiMiiifiUiiiil 2 Great New rise H HK flH STANDARD OIL ".IMP jj'.j ' V ~r ?rt fTli ii.,^ i li .11*1,1 y? Church News Lutheran Church Lk Boyd Ha mm. Pastor , Bible school 10:00, IX C. Mauney, General Slperlntendent. Services for the 3rd Sunday after taster. Morning 11:00, sermon: The Hecovered Radiance In Christ. ICvcniug 7:30, sermon: A fugitive at (leaven's Gate.' . ' Luther league District Meeting, Iloly Trinity, Gastonla, 3:00. Junior Children meet at 6:30. Boy Scouts Monday 7:00, iifrt Si outs Thursday ?6;00. Choir rehearsals: Senior Wed lies day 7:30, Young People Thursday 7:00. Confirmation Class instruction Sat urday Morning 10:00. SAINT DUKES j. T W xii 4; :.?V- j*. Bible school 10:00. James Lackey, Mipi-rintendent. j * Presbyterian Church hot. f ij. t'ainck, Pastoi 9:45 Sunday School, C. V. Thomas son. Superintendent. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon Subject: ''Otir Duty ot ('raise.'1 , 2:30 Sunday School at Dixon School House.. 5:00 Service at Margrace Community House. 6:30 Young Peoples' Vespers. 7:30 Evening Worship. Sermon Subject: "The Withered Hand." . . 7:00 P. M. Monday Boy Scouts.! Troop One.. Mr. Carl Davidson Scout master; Messrs Bill Thomson and Harry l'age, Asst. Scoutmasters. ' . . . ... V First Baptist Church i A. G. Sargeant? Pastor Sunday morning worship 11:00. Junior worship 11:00. Sunday School 9:40 Sunday eyjenln service 7:30. "" - 4 ? Boyce Memorial A. K. 1*. Church it. N. LSuird, Minister. 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School. J. I* Mt'(5ill. Superintendent. 11:00 A. M. Morning> Worship and Sermon.. 6: :t0 p. M. Young People's Christinn Union. Ftpuiul Table Discussion 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship . and Sermon. '* 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Evening Prayer Meeting. Macedonia Baptist Church , .1 \t PrndorlrU Pastor Sunday Sellout at 9:45. Morning Worship hour 11-00. Sunday evening Service 7:00. Wednesday Evening Prayer meeting 7<00. Saturday evening we will have a song and praise service with a short sermon to follow on the subject of Holiness. You are i vlted to attend all of these services. (JKACE MFTHODIST 9, W. Johnson, Pastor Sunday' School 9:45. A. M. Frank Greene. Superintendent. 11: no A. M. Worship Service. 6:30 P. M. Epworth League. 7:30 P. M. Evening Worship. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday Prayer Ser vice. Park-Grace Bible Church John I,. Gregory. Pastor Sunday School 9:45 A. M. ' ' f' 1 ?'? J J >! ? ' - WW WORflf^l m \ I CARRY antiX ^^SP^VORRY INSURANCEregular ad in ThU Newtpaper r Gasolines! I ' INT OF NEW JERSEY [ j" . * - ".' 'I * ' "*' ', i 'r i'- ' MM MOPimW Ml ALP : - to .V. < * fc * | " . Si*re $??!# i,. 1 "^^8 Bam ' H. w kynyi .v/ sit? .# Spring i* here when motorist* dig ou' seeking the "open road," and tailor: "fitting-out" activities, preparing tleek ton. Here Skipper Ted Skinner begin* o Tony Clark, who motored down to tl * Morning Worship 11 A. M. ' 7:00 P. M. Evening Services. Each Saturday 7:00 P. M. Evange listie service. Wesleyan Methodist M. R. Harvey, Pastor Sunday School 9:45. Morning Service 11:00, W. Y. 1*. S. or Class meeting 6:15. Evening Service 7:00. Prayer Service Wednesday 7:00 Second Baptist Church Rev. C. C. Parker, Pastor Sunday School 9:45 each Sunday. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. n>. each Sunda *. THE CHURCH OF GOO Roy L. Davis, Pastor Sunday School 10:00 a. M. i Morning Service 11:00 A. M. Y. P. E. 6:00 P. M. Evening Service 7:30 P M. I ' | There were 676.141 cows in 27,-' | 948 herds on test in Dairy Herd hn i rovement Associations in the Unit td States last year, and North Carolina ranked eighth among the Sta tes in percentage of new herds ou test. JOHN AND BILL" "Hey, John, 1. Just want to thank i you for telling me about the excel,! lent service the Kings .Mountain ! Shoe Shop. Everything you told me | the Qther ?t\ was true and Then. | some. so I now am too. recommend!np (his shop to my friends." "You are welcome, Bill. I believe1 in leiting other folks know whet.. their business is appreciated." KINGS MOUNTAIN SHOE SHOP Phone 67-R We Deliver 11 r ( SPEED SUITS ME IN A RACING] I CAR?BUTI WANT My 1 CIGARETTE SLOW-BURNING. I I CAMELS BURN SLOWER I I GIVE ME THE EXTRAS' IN I I SMOK^N^ PLEASURE-AND I | EXTRA SMOKING FOR MY i V inrnrrTiY>f g,rr,f t" H Bsl. HuSJ BOB SWANSON Midget Auto Rating Champion In recent laboratory testa, CAMELS burned 25% slower than the average of the 15 other of the largest-selling brands tested ? slower than any of them. That means, on the average, a smoking plus equal to EXTRA jygfeuj SMOKES FOR EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, Skm-Bflrnbtff Cottitf Tthtcoi : . .vr -> THURSDAY. APRIL 11, 1*4* ' Tf* ' * -<;>< , 1 Of Spring ' 1 ' ' B| : c i HI 4 B jfl K^S tv<^H pni j the rood maps and lay their plana for t the country over begin their annual : water craft for the first jaunt of the scape-rations under the watchful eye of Mils ic boatyard in her new 1940 Chevrolet. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Yorth Carolina. Cleveland County. liooker T. lira teller and wife. Magnolia Mrntelter, Plaintiffs, Vs. Pauline Marion and husband. George Marion; Christine MvClure and husband. Vaiulerhnllr x?..ri...?, ..-.i ... W| U11U Kutlr B catcher, and the unknown heirs of Maggie B'rntcher and Ed Bratcher, Deceased, Defendant*. To 1>. /,. Newton, guardian ad litem ot the Known and Unknown parties named defendants, and their heirs. Known and Unknown of said Defendants: THE ABOVE NAMED PARTIES WILL' TAKE NOTICE that an ao lion entitled as above has been in.siiuiod in the Superior Court of. Cleveland County, . North Carolina, to sell certain lauds described in he complaint for partition, and ill [?aid action it s alleged that the de| iVudu'jits, Pauline Marion, Christine McClure and Ruth Hatcher, each, are entitled lo a 1-4 undivided interest in said property; that said property cannot be actually divided equally and it is necessary to sell same to make proper division, and .that the whereabouts of some of the defendants is unknown and the' plaintiffs desire to have their interest in said premises in severalty, ami it is further alleged that afte>diligent search and inquiry some o! f said defendants cannot he found either in Cleveland County, State of North Carolina, nor elsewhere, and for this reason, a guardian ud litem lor the known and.unknown heirs hns been, appointed, and that service of this summons upon the guar I) ' > I .1, . wrp k? IrlM IBmI-JMF t ' * ' ^fea m Saturd BUY I Plenty of Money to Come In Am ? Plans s/, . 'J , *' Home Bi J. E. Anthony, Pres. ; ? jS,* - * ,** ., - , ' 1 '*. ' : . V* * - , , _ I-.-'"' swMSSSK?i?| ed in this action and their heirs, ha# I been made and that service of this I summons upon the luardlnn ad litem for aatd known and unknown cotenants and for heirs Is had for the purpose of protecting said parties and their heirs' Interest in said property, and to the end that the pl4lntiffs may have their share In severalty as.provided by law; that the said parties above named, or others who claim an Interest In said lands, known and cnknown, are here by required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed in the office pf the Clerk of the Superlor Court of Cleveland County on or before the 5th day of May. 1340. for the relief demanded In said torn-j plaint will be granted. This 5th day or April. 1940. E. A. Houser, Jr., Clerk of Superior Court ...g- ? -- ail v?June May 2. How One Woman Loot 20 Pounds of FAT Lost Her Prominent Hips ' Lost Her Double Chin Lost Her Sluggishness (iaincd a More Shapely' Figure and the Increase in Physical Vigor and Vlvaeiousness Which So Often t'oines With Excess Fat Ueduction. Thousands of women are Retting fat and losing their appeal just because they do not know what to do. Why not bo smart ? do what thousands of women have done totret off pounds of unwanted fat. Take a half tcaspoonful of Kruschen in a glass of hot water first thing every morning to gently activate liver, bowels and kidneys?cut down your caloric intake?cat wisely and satisfyingly?there need never be a hungry momeitt! Keep this plan up for 30 days. Then weigh yourself and sec if you haven't lost pounds of ugly- fat. Just see if this doesn't prove to be I the surprise of your life and make you feel like,shouting the good news to other fat nennlo. And ~u a jar-of Kruschen that will last you for 4 weeks costs but little. If not joyfully satisfied?money back. MICKEY AND HIS 1 * SOIf SZL . , yrov^v v?M . , IW ^ an n PI mbh v ih" "a APRIL ST''J- J SE Opened lay, Marcl SHARES Loan for Building, Remodel / DlSC11S& Yrmr With Us lilding & Loj A. H. Pi : V - . , ryf.# *" ' .'. *'. * / . V' *., ? > *. " ?. - :.ay ii-Mtii/. -i >? ? %"*.? X V L~-' ' I 4 Jtuir/' HTS WEARING A HANDSOME. NEW "Pennies Frm Hesveif SPORT. SHIRT iftU. 4 REAL PENNY I FASTENERS ON EVERY SHIRT I I New pennies or* lucky . , . and I 1 here's a sport shirt that has. 4 of I them. No buttons?Instead .., real I I penny fasteners?a swell sport I I shirt that will make a hit with every I boy. Full cut Sixes 4 to 16. BELK'S ) I BOYS' SHOP I I ' ' JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 167 MA "" WSCRVBBUE MS.f DO MOO tWNK ^ RCKCHMX^ ft. FENCg, x I IQ.L SET ? c bets that I'll bo a fullback at est Point when I grow up an' I t 1 will too 'cause I keep in conion by drinkin' a full Quart-, of lSTEURIZRD MILK every day, rl believe me it's a swell bullderper! . - isi atmm' /?i ( rkh, fresh 1 wmum V golden i \ OttlVIPEOTO / \VOUR 000ft/ ' *' -v, i I Dire KVlEiiJ b 30th r 1>UW ling or Repairing. an Assn. itteraon, Sec'y & Treas. ? . .^...- - ? - . r'/y* > . : > ' . r .y

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