Church N Lutheran Church L. Boyd Hamm, Pastor Bible school 10,00, D. C. Mauuey, Ocf? ial Superintendent. Services for Sunday after Ascension. . Meriting 11:06, sermou: The Cbrjgtian Heart. Afternoon 3:30, Lenoir ItUyue Col lege Singers. Worker's Council Tcesday Evening 7:30. Dry Scouts Monday. 7:30; Utrl .Scouts Thursday 5:00. SAINT LUKES: ? J'jble school 10:00. James Lackey, Superintendent. 0.45 Sunday school, C. K. Thomas son, Superintendent. )1:00 Morning Worship. "The Sucredness of the Home." 2:30 P. M. Sunday School at Dixon School. J. O. Darracott, Supt. C 30 P. M Young People's Vespers 5.00 P. M. Service at Mnrgrace Community House. Message by Mr. H E. Iverson of Atlanta. Oa. 7:80 P. M. Evening Service. QUICK RESULTS ? LOW C08T HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 2c a word for first in-.ertior; half price for subsequent Inssr- B tions. Minimum charge 26c. Do not a*k for Information regarding "keyed" ads, as they are ' strictly confidential. if error la made, The Herald la responsible for only one incorrect Insertion. The customer if responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser should notify Immediately of any corrections needWant ads are always cash in advance except to business men or concerns having accounts with this newspaper. * FOR RENT ? 1 throe-room apartment. Redecorated throughout, Apply 203 K. King St. FOR SALE: Cabbage and Tomato . iptants. Popular varieties.. .Payseur's Tourist Camp. Phone 235M FOR RENT ? Furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 11" City St. Telephone 177-M. Mrs. Mary Harmon. REMEMBER ?'On Saturday you got one of our delicious Rannna Splitj for only 10c. Kings Mountain Drin; Company. SHOE SHINES 5c. Kings Mountain Shoe Shop.- Wo call for and deliv cr. 1-18-tf. . FOR SALE CHEAP ? Good 1105 pound mule. See K. C. Humphries 208 Waco Uoad, or call 221 X. YOU CAN DEPEND 01 Because we have demon wives of Kings Miountai ty Groceries, Meats and Prices, plus prompt deli' ?Let Us S Blalock and 1 Mountain Street. THE C rf wcce YOU PLA> \ WITM OS jbC I -*. r WI | 1 ? 1 . ' ' rews? (Message by Mr. lverson. Monday '7:30 ;P. M. 'Boy Scouts. Troop I, Mr. Carl Davidson, Scoutmaster; Messrs Harry Pago and Bill Thomson, Asst. Scoutmasters. ' Central Methodist Church II. C. Sprinkle, Jr., Pastor S:45 A. M. Church School, B. S. Peeler, General. Superintendent. t 11:06-A. M Mniiahig Wurohlp and Celebration of the Lord's Supper. Communion Meditation by the Pastor.'. . : ' 6-30 P. M. Evening Set vice. Sermon by the Pastor. Monday 3:30. P. M. Woman's Society for Christian Service. Monday 7:30 I*. M. Boy Scouts. Tuesday 7:30 P. M. Jtoard of Stewards. Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting and Mission Study. a . " ? Boyce JVlemorial A. K. P. Church tt. N*. Iiainl, Minister.' 10:00 A. M. Sabbath School. J. I. McGill. General Superintendent. ll:oo A M. Morning Worship ft nil Sertuou. ? 3:00 P. M. District Conference of Young People at Plsgali Cliureh. 3:30 P. M. The Women's Missionary Society and .Junior Christian Union uiect. 7:15 P. M. Intermediate Christian Union. Miss Martha Frances McGill i Leader. 8:0u P. M. "livening AVorship and | " - I 7:2n P. M. Wednesday: Prayer: Meeting. . ' ! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday tnofliing worship "service ill:on. Pastor's sermon subject: ''A' bundant |jlvIivii" or a Full Life.' Sunday Seliool 3:40 A. M. Kveding Service 7:30. liaptismal Service. Continuation of study of Paul's Jo> Letter. i GKACE JVTETHODIST S. XV. .Johnson, Pastor Sunday School. 9:45. Frank Oreeti Superintendent. Worship Service 11:00 o'clock. Kp wort it League 6:30 P. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M Wednesday night prayer service 7:30 P. M. , LEMON JUICE RECIPE CHECKS RHEUMATIC PAIN QUICKLY if you suffer from rheumatic, arthritis or neuritis pain, try this sim i pie inexpensive home recipe thai thousands are using. Oct a package of Ku-Ex Compound today: Mix it willi a quart of water, add the juice of 4 lemons. It's easy. No trouble a' all and pleasant. You need only 2 tabu-spoonfuls two times a day. Often -within 48 hours ? sometimes jjVerhight splendid results are obtained. If the pains do not quickly 1 leave and if you do not feel better. Ku-Ex will cost you nothing to try as it ty soUl by your druggist under an absolute money-back truaran1 lee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recommended by U I KJ/*1Q MAILK1TAIK1 n D I I F. rO ? IM WSJ IVI 1 r?l II S?M WW Wl V us V f strated to the housen that we furnish QualiProduce at Reasonable very service. / Serve You? Grocery darket Phone 58 ;lancy kids BILly, will ) f JOLOICRS r* ,? J ' M v'-?- " i\: '.' ' - .? ' . ' v -a . .t ._ L TIM PHOa MOUNTAIN HMULO NOTICE OP SUMMONS SV PUBLICATION North Carolina, Cleveland County. Booker T. Bratcher. and wife, Magnolia Bratcher, Plaintiffs, Va. Pauline Marlon and husband, George Marion-; Christine McClure *ud husband, Vanderbuilt McClure, and ( mm I B rwr .i f i i I I fl ELb U^^^U|^fflH|Jtlji(j|jU k I ??> ^ ci^K* I ' i Oil iqi IU ?u?? i Jiff Kutli Bratcher. and the unkuuwn heirs of Maggie Bratclier and Ed Bratcher, I>ewased, Defeudautfe. To L). 54. Newton, guardian a:l litem of the Known and Unknown parties named defendants, and their lieire. Known and Unknown _ul__aaid J>efendants: j THE ABOVE NAM BP PAKTIKb TAKE NOTH*H that an' action entitled -is ah,ore It as tjeett institued in the Superior Court or Cleveland County, North Carolina, to sell certain lands described in I ilte complaint for |>artiti??? and iuj 'tftJJ" fendajitb. l'aullne Marion, Chriatine MeClure and Ruth Hatcher, eaeh, are entitled to a 1-4 undivided interest in said property; that said property cannot be actually, divided equally and it is necessary to sell name to make proper division, and that the whereabouts of some ot fin' defendants is unknown and the plaintiffs desire to have their inter < 81 in aw id premises in severalty, ami it is further ulleged (Hat after diligent search and inquiry some of said defendants cannot be found either in Cleveland County, State of North Carolina, nor elsewhere, and for this reason, a guardian ad litem tor the known and unknown heirs I lias been appointed, and that service of this summons upon the guardian ad litem for the known and unknown co-tenants, defendants named in this action and their heirs, has been made, and that service of this . summons upon the guardian ad Vit! ein for. said known anil unknown cotenants and for heirs is had for the purpose pf protecting said parties and their heirs' interest jn said property. and to the. end that the plaineialt.v as provided by, law; that the tiff;! may have their share in sevsaid parties above named, or others who claim an interest in said lands, known and cnktiown, are here Have Your Eyes Examined, Classes Fitted ?By? DR. D. M. MORRISON Optometrist . Eye Specialist Will be in Kings Mountain Office cr> Every Tuesday and Friday afternoons Hours 1 P. M. to 6 P. M. v , THURSDAY. MAT ?. 1MB Y" ty required to appear and answer i cr demur to the complaint filed la the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cleveland County on of before the 6th day of May, l94v, for the relief demanded in said complalui will be granted. - This 5th day of April, 194"). E. A. Houser, Jr., Clerk of Superior Court of Cleveland County N. C. ~adv?June May 2. Don't Miss This Nov , Serial Story "The Golden Stranger." gripping story of love and hidden treasure; begins on May '12th In THE AMERICAN WEEKLY the big magazine distributed with THE BALTIMORE AMERICAN On Sale at All. Newsstands W. B. PAYSEUR # Landscape Gardner Shrubbery of all Kinds Lincolnton, N. C. Box 365 1 ! r- t Who s EVE You can have V-8 par -and gas econon An 85 h.p. Ford gave 2< gallon in the annual 08 Vosemitc road test, opt This was best mileage o equipped cars in this clas i You can have eas> with big-car room Everyone knows how eas a Ford. But no one could hi inside, how big this Ft room, seat-room, knee-r what a thrillinglv soft, ! ride it gives! You can have low co and enjoy real fine-c You shift gears on a Ford acting type finger-tip shift cars. You get a semi-cer giving lower pedal press speeds, also typical of co: say nothing of the big brakes ever used on a low Ford Dealer's ready and v ( See him now! YOU CAM HJ FORD ?and that's 1 I Df n ATI M~?*KSIVr J ?of?e! what7 JDO YOV WANr / I r V^Mfe TO 6??^^ || /Ak > ## d^3^i 1* * \ #j ? '. . ^ 1 I - '-iter ?i- " " - n ivft Tiitfftfttfm-r * * . ' " - ' i * . > |1prOuWA^*\ \ u?Ww**.ifc^&^^|^jMfiK5??j?j???? < y |?^M ' M . MsK, ?a|* st upkeep- j? % ar features! P>< with the easyused on costly ? -cost car." Your j filling to trade I i V-8 I* vhat you'll want wl Z MO TO i b: OOP VP 1I J 0UNKER) J jH|U J i - i /) ^ t* V f.- * ' " , f? ' m ^ ' .'2QB this local institution for (hr (rviullv d<>ni>nHakU - i step into the office and ie is compl? tely paid for. details of our prompt, lervice. . . ING & LOAN IATION >n, Sec'y-Treas. * '* ' ' ? ' V _ * " t have ING! "V. i y . ' ' i . H ten you try it! \ -- - - - ?m R CO. Jy PERCY L. CROSBY* liawT . >? TH? M.CIUM H1WIMMII IYWM?m , *y 4r \r| X. ;; \ V\.\ N'^