fr SOCIAL AND PERSONA! of INTE PHOl (WMIHMMMIMIHMIMil MEETING OF HOME ARTS CLUt Mrs. Lawrence Lovell was hostesi to members of the Home Rrts Clui and a number ot invited quests en tertainlng at the Woman's Club 01 last Wednesday afternoon. The club lounge was arranged with a profusion of white and pur pie iris, tulips. uarcisBUS and lov, bowls of pansies. The president. Mrs. Bright Rat _ P^?ided; During the business session Mrs R. X. Halrd was elected a membei to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs| J. H. Stewart. Mrs. JI. C. Sprinkle had ch&rgt of the program and discussed most interestingly "The Place of '.he Ma donnas In Art," illustrating her 'tail* with several pictures. A tempting salad course with ac cessorles und trawberry short cakt was served. on your favorite $1.50 per pou package. No additional charge. Illustration carries Hobby Box, wi jU carnation. Kings Mount PHONE Heai Hon. J High S Friday A , L t. * * ' Everyone is invite candidate for Goverr Ta l- A _ j irir. Drougnion wi P. M. this same even g?i * . . . \ .? The Kings Mjou the speaking. Every* qualification of this \ otina. A ?.."' A < *L ?.... Jtiia (tf - -: L HAPPENINGS :rest to SfES 10 R AND 88 MRS- A r\ MEETING OF U. O. C. ?Jj Mr?. Paul Nelaler and Mrs. O. C. ) U O'Fairell were hostesses to mem-1 1 hers ol' the United Daughters. of the n (VUi'ederafcy, ^.ltertaininyf at the , | home of the former on Friday afteri llOOtl. * ' | Lovely flowers were arranged | throughout the rooms. ' Mrs. Kruuk Summers, the president, presided. .During the business session, plans M -^-ero ra^-da frx !>.?> ? .h. . * " - '\' " 4 j r! H I M. Bro chool Aud . f ifternoon 3 t . *1 to hear this outstanding- si lor ill also speak in Shelby at th< ing. ntain School Band will plaj one is invited, so come and h prominent dti zen for the G< i Hi . u-' & i m i - "* Wi? . ":', v.- . ' '< ' fmdimtiw"' 11 W-#^jii | Memorial Day on May 10th. gnd alr' so for "the District U. D. C. meeting . I to be held on April 21, at Central I Methodist Church with luncheon served by one of the churtb circles i Mrs J. O. Plonk had charge o? t i the program, the topic for study be ir.g. Nashville. Tenn., One of The t South's Important Cities. Mrs. C. K. Nelsler and Mrs. Manly Morehead read papers ou the subject. > The hostesses served tempting re' freshments. Packagesailorned w itl^ihe F?>r?-I Art Plaque of hand painted shrubs acorns shells etc; Only 50c fvita. th Greeting; Card, on or some oilier nd decoration, adorns many Hoi lingsworth packages at no additional cost, th. Illustration carries LaFayette with layon. :ain Drug Co. 8 41?81 .45 P.M. I V , . * ' ' ' -' :atesman who is a ? ? < ? ; ' ' v *' ' ' ' * . t * s Court House at 8:15 ? < t 4 ? r one hour previous to ear for yourself the my jvcrnor of North Car- I; i - r- t. t.. : ; . . TH? KPfCW MQWWAPt HTOALD . X % I I VOMEN ' i. H. PATTERSON, Editor * BIRTHDAY DINNER < Mr. s. S. Weir celebrated his ? Seventy-third birthday last Sunday, April 28th,. at- hi*- very attuu-tlvc. J .heme uu South Railroad street. < A large crowd of relatives and t friends, of which there art; many, I were there. Vester and his wife. Bailie, are the most lovable and gra ' cious people thot it has ever been my pleasure to visit. and 1 jus> thought how much better the world .'.V, -as. f?var-MfJ.:!.-*?> j-t iiki" .mem rue> nave a large family conncotion and they .were there 1 troin several counties In this State anil ciuite a number from South Car- < olina. and all wore happy as they guthered around the '-Festive board" with the smell of country ' ham and friend chicken and all the t go~od things that you always find at 1 Vester's birthday dinner. * . i The eats were good, vety good, i but 1 thought that food was not the , only thing in life, and when I saw j how smiling and happy he and Sallie were. I thought that 'I had rather be like them and hear the laughter of children, grand-children, and great-grandchildren. with the little ones climbing upon my knees as the sun In the west slowly died out of. tjie sky, than to be a 'great man even a king, with their family hick J erings and strife. E. L. Campbell' BRIDE HONORED AT , CHERRYVILLE PARTY j Mrs. Myron Rliynef nee Miss gai'a Haminight.' was honored at a most , delightful party given Saturday ev- , ening by Mrs. John Phil 'Wilson, at -v her home in Cherryville. Beautiful spring flowers were used in decorations. ^ Bridge was played at four tables and other guests entertained -wlVh " Chinese Checkers. Miss Eva PlonTc ^ scored high and the guest-of-honor 1 was presented an. attractive gift. Ice cream, individual cakes, mints ' and nuts werfe' served at the conclusion of the game. . c Guests included Mesdames Myron 8 Rhyne, Claude. Hambright, Logan * Stowe, W. J. Fulkereon.. Charles 1 Oates, Elmer Logan, George Moss, ^ Chas. Oates, C. p. Ware, Misses Dor * cthy Patterson, Eva Plonk, Mary 2 Frances Hord. Ozelle Kiser, Marion 4 Patterson, Leone Patterson and 8a- 4 ra Lee HarrlU, all of Kings Moun- ? tain; Mrs. T. L. Ritchie of Gastonla, 4 Mesdames Delllnger and J. T. Allen j Misses Altonla Beam and Kate Whit J worth of Cherryvllle. 4 4 ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD ? 1 jj : ear! ? ughton itorium 1 THURSDAY, MAY t. 1M? SURPRIM BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. D. Gofortb was honoree at a most delightful surprise birthday party at her home on Monday night Mrs. Floyd Payne and Mrs. H. R. Partoii assisted by Mrs. Tinrmons rlord, of Shelby, were hostesses. Mrs. tiofonth was invited out to tinner Monday evening . and upon rer return home, found the home >11 of guests, singing "Happy lltrth lay To You." Mixed spring flowers were arranged in the living room and In :he dining room a color note of pink ; tud white was observed. The diluting table was spread ialdj an important lavu-aiU^-r ' and' -entered with a lovely birthday -ake surrounded by lighted pink la- | ers. Mrs. Goforth was presented a ihowerof lovely gifts. MONTHLY MEETING OF 1 k' Uifc J A& ww The Junior Woman's Club will told its regular, monthly meeting llottduy evening. May 6th, at eight 'cvick with Mrs. John Caveny uml Jrs. 1'uul McGinn is as hostesses. 'lite president. Mrs. Charles Gates s attending the Convention of Nor h Carolina Federation of Women's 'lubs iu Greensboro, N. C? this vcek and will .have some interestUK reports to make to the club aout her trip and flhe convention Cver.v member is expected to be ireseut. XTTEND CLUB MEETING N GREENSBORO Mrs. V. C. Gates, president of the lutiior Woman's Club lett Monday iglit for Greensboro and Mrs. E. W riffin- and" Mrs. 1?. G. Katlerree iVedneala. , Jo tktond Abe of Woman's Clubs annual coni ntion in progress there this week. Mrs. Griffin is attending the meet tig as State Safety Chairman a tin Jrs. Ratterree as representaive. Mrs. GrilTin >s schedule to introuee the National Chairman of Safe y. Mrs, T. V. -Moore, of Miami, Fla n a broadcast over Station WHIG n Friday morning lit 10:45. 1EETING OF SOCIAL CLUB Mrs. !>. C. Parson* entertained lembers of the Social Club at her ome on East King. street last 'hursday afternoon. Lovely spring lowers were arranged throughout he house. A delicious salad course with acessorles and a sweet course was erved by the hostess assisted by Irs. E. A. Harrill and Miss Sara .ee Harrill. Stop! iv LA1KA Men's all wool, three-b and Belted Back? One j Coi FRE I This Offi r WING SHIRTS ; Wing's Collars and Cuffi tionaOy guaranteed to 01 ; Shirt $1.65 value? ' SMS MYERi . V?intminminiinint i* Personals j P. D. Herndon Is a business visitor in Washington, I> C. this week. r | Mrs. S. A. Lee of Chester, S. C.. \is visiting her daughter, Mrs.. Kob (Cont'd on Editorial page) ? v ( For Quick Sale, Attractn Completely repainted ins Payment, Balance easy | sale.. See Hayrvood E. 1 ?? ?r' \? ...A More tumble space \ Hjj P for safe storage \ R of all your food v! 'k PJ , Hi i Store more yet in fc' tj E the Cellaret.. .the V TV big reserve com- tt'y partment and door / See NORGE be When you can per thev t"-o thing?' . p: capacity and. sale refrigeration .a'' urcd bv the sive, rcfripcrun t . , ' * * . "* ' ' *, l. ' " vt . ' i s ' - ' I ?? H J g |^jy S n > jbdbjJ B 'fore you buy ! rxrous Model Shouts is SR-t , exclu. Other models as low at d $il9.50 ain Furniture lany At Reasonable Prices icf^n ^ 9 i again] 3? is and Worsted. Plait 1 , - . 4 . ^ Suit !; ints k! ay Now! 4 \ OUP OF 50 WINGS ; ; 1 sizes and patterns | $L29 WO FOR $2.50 \ : i STORE \ ' ' 1 '/ .. . v'; .... .. -1 ..